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PULSE: Full Irregular Thready Faint

RESPIRATION: Regular/Irregular Shallow Fast or slow Labored Apnele

Level Of Consciousness: A- Alert (normal) D- Drowsy (can be aroused) S- Stuporous C- Comatous(in coma) 1 mm = 2 mm = 3 mm = 4 mm = 5 mm =

Pupillary Reflex: 6 mm = 7 mm = 8 mm = 9 mm = 10 mm =

PUPILLARY REACTION: PEARL- Pupils Equal And React to Light RB Reacting Brisky RS Reacting Sluggish or Slow DNR Dilating and Non-Reactive CNR Constricted and Non-Reactive EYE OPENING: Spontaneous 4 To Speech 3 To Pain 2 To Response 1 GLASCOW COMA SCALE RESPONSES MOTOR: VERBAL: Obeys Command 6 Oriented to time, place & person - 5 Localizes Pain 5 Confused - 4 Flexion Abnormal 3 Inappropriate - 3 Extension Abnormal 2 Incomprehensive sounds - 2 No Response 1 No response 1 FIRST: CASE: MIDDLE: AGE: SEX: HOSP. #: SERVICE: ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: VALENCIA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL 8709 VALENCIA CITY



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