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Hello God are you there?

Every once in a while , when I see people(deeply religious people), get all bent out of shape about one or the other rule according to their religion that someone has broken, I sit back and think about whether god actually exists or not? If he does then does he laugh at our perception of him? I am not an atheist. I do believe in god. I do, but probably not in the way you do. Sometimes I even have frequent conversations with him. Not in a schizophrenic sort of way. Although He rarely listens. I have no illusions that He sits there waiting for our conversations. He is a very busy person, being omnipresent and all that. Other times I think He is a psychopath who sits up there and laugh down at us while eating popcorn! Most people think I dont believe in God maybe because I never go, well almost never go to a temple voluntarily. I dont pray to Him much. I dont ask him for things. I dont barter or straight out try to bribe Him about things I wish were different. For me he is not a person or a supreme being. When I really think about what I believe in. I think of a universal energy source that exists well universally of course! Its always been a flaw of human nature to give everything humanoid characteristics. For instance take our depiction of Gods, or the I believe God would rather I sat in a field of daisies and fill my senses with the awesome beauty He's created while I contemplate inner peace. He'd rather I actually live the Ten Commandments than sit in a stuffy church and listen to some guy tell me how to live them. Hed rather I actually try to live the life of a good person than chant verses that tell us how to be a good person in a temple. I think there is a big difference between being religious and being spiritual. Maybe you can be both, I don't know. I only know that a lot of people wear religion like a name tag, and they reduce it to bumper stickers. But spirituality is different. It comes from the heart and soul.

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