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Daily routines (activitats quotidianes)


llevar-se / alar-se



to wake up

to get up

to shave

to make-up

rentar-se la cara

banyar-se / prendre un bany


rentar-se els cabells

to wash one's face

to have a bath

to have a shower to take a shower

to wash the hair

rentar-se les dents

entinar-se respatllar-se els cabells

p vestir-se esmorzar

to brush one's teeth

to comb one's hair to brush one's hair

to dress

to have breakfast

agafar lautobs

anar a lescola

anar a treballar

fer esport (jugar a...)

to take de bus

to go to school

to go to work

to play sport

quedar-se a casa

dinar (14.00) / sopar (21.00)

quedar amb els amics/xerrar/divertirse

fer els deures / estudiar

to stay at home

to have lunch/ to have dinner

stay with friends/ to chat/ to have fun

To do homework/ to study

llegir el peridic


mirar la televisi

anar-sen a dormir / al llit dormir somniar

to read the paper

to dance

to watch TV

to go to bed to sleep to dream

He wakes up at half past nine. Later. Then. Then he gets up. Later he has breakfast. He takes/has a shower. He reds the newspaper and has breakfast. He gets dressed and whistles. A half pass eleven he takes the bus. A twelve oclock he arrives/gets to work. From twelve oclock he teaches English. At half pass two he has lunch. He teaches from for to half past nine. A ten oclock he drinks beer with his colleagues at the bar. He comes back home/to his house, at half past eleven. From twelve to one he corrects exercises/his students exercises. At half past one he goes to bed.

Ell es desperta a dos quarts de deu. Una mica ms tard. Aleshores. Aleshores saixeca. Ms tard ha esmorzat. Es pren un bany. Ell llegeix el diari i esmorza. Es vesteix xiulant. A dos quart de dotze agafa el bus. A les dotze arriba a la feina. Cap a les dotze ensenya angls. A dos quarts de tres dina. Ell ensenya fins a dos quarts de deu. A les deu pren una cervesa amb els amics en un bar. Torna a casa/a la seva casa, a dos quarts de dotze. De dotze a una corregeix els exercicis dels seus alumnes. A dos quarts de dues sen va al llit. les/1.Elementary/1.10.Daily_routine.pdf nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=routines

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