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Casa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário

Eixo Prioritário 2 – Adaptabilidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida

Tipologia 2.2 – Cursos de educação Formação de Adultos

Instalação e Manutenção de Sistemas Informáticos

The Visit

On the eleventh of November, two thousand and eight, a group of

“trainees” of the Adult Education and Training Course – Installation and
Maintenance of Computer Systems from Casa Nossa Senhora of Rosário,
Figueira da Foz, went, by train, to visit the RTP1’s (Portuguese Radio and
Television - One) facilities in Coimbra. This was made with the intent of
showing them how things work and the importance of rádio and television in
the reception and broadcast of information.

Sansão Coelho, the director of RTP, guided the “trainees” throughout

the visit. He also answered some questions made by them.

In the end all the “trainees” had a good impression of the content of
the visit. It was a new and extraordinary experience.

For the looks of it, they are ready for another one.

Made By:

Carlos Jacinto

Maria dos Anjos

Manuela Castela

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