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Moving 2 Columns of Information to 1 Column Using ExcelSchool Counselors need these directions to use with NoteCounselor at the beginning

of the school year when importing student names. Counselors can get a list of students in the school from the Power School secretary then follow the directions to change the file for NoteCounselor. 1. Your information is in column A and column B 2. Click in column C1

3. Click on the Formulas tab at the top-Click on Insert Function

4. Select category to be Text Select function to be Concatenate-Press OK

5. Text 1 box- type A1 Text 2 box-type for a space 6. Press OK

Text 3 box type B1

7. The C1 box has a black box around it and the information that was in A1 and B1 is now in C1. Click on the black square on the right bottom corner of the C1 box. Click and drag down. This fills in all your needed information into C1.

8. Now highlight column C1 and copy your information so you can paste it where it needs to go.

Credit goes to Jennifer Harrison for showing me how to do this.

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