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I don't know this America. This ship of utter fools, of candy-bribed children. I don't know this Wisconsin.

The judges that eliminate the need for an electorate, teachers that are bellering hogs who squeal for every morsel in the cupboard, and the vote-fraud union thuggery. When did reaching for work overalls, steel-toe boots, or a uniform change, devolving into slapping the "snooze" button, or rolling out of bed just to stick your palm up and whimper? Ultra-lib and useless Tammy? Seriously? The utter-failure, lying, narcissist, petty, vindictive, Benghazi-treasonous, bankrupting, radical leftist Obama? Madness. Mooch fever. Leecher's disease. Obamacare, not hammered on by the Romney campaign, is going to happen now. The end of the greatest medical care and research on the planet. Ask Staten Island about government 'help'. How many Supreme Court Justices will be replaced with radical leftists? Benghazi, whitewashed by the fifth-column media, forgotten by too-polite Romney, will go un-punished; those treasonous deaths un-avenged and un-atoned for. Chris Christie should have all his red ties shredded, deep-fried, and served to him. Financial collapse is assured. Greece. Zimbabwe. Utter ruin. What will the leeches do when the blood runs out? The handful of precincts that elect presidents, while the rest of the country is ignored, is an outrage, that they are routinely defrauded by libs is seditious. Voting corruption and theft of votes, served up and lobbed to the Democrats by a judge's gavel... [I have to watch what I write.] I am sick unto nausea of Madison liberals, of my liberal friends, of this stupid state that now only consists of Milwaukee union thugs and Madison judges to tell us all how to live our lives. A brief, shining, Walker moment, gave me false hope, but we've slipped back to 'Idiocracy' and worse.

I can't just buy guns and lots of ammo, they have the judges and cops and jails on their side. So, where is there to go, Vicki? New Zealand? Costa Rica? Ecuador? Belize? There's no one to sell my business to, as I watch Madison ruined by Chicago's gang plague-rats, in a country where the majority of mothers are single, with a hand out or in my pockets. I have not been this hopeless in my life for a brighter future, for individual liberty, for America as an experiment. It failed me tonight, a night that should have been a landslide repudiation of a toxic ideology, a coffin nail for socialism, a celebration of entrepreneurs and the people that work with them. Not. Absolutely not. In no way, shape or form NOT a country that believes in printing more money and sitting on your ass making babies that sit on their ass. I am giving up on Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Levin. Screw them. They complain with outrage, yet with no real call to specific action. They debate with the enemy, but emphasize the shouting and conflict instead of destroying the bad ideas, or educating people on the flawed foundation of liberals. I can't stomach them anymore, and I can't eat my radio to stay alive in the coming decade of collapse. The 51 percent just slit the 49 percent's purse wide open, but there is no Galt's Gulch to escape to, and I am without hope

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