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Course Outline on Teaching Listening and Reading June 23, 2012 Course Outline Eng 213 (The Teaching

of Listening and Reading) BSED II Download this file: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. explain the listening process; 2. give reasons for doing listening; 3.differentiate the types of listening; 4. prepare varied listening activities for listening comprehension. Part I. An Introduction Definition of Listening Five Main Reasons Why People Listen 1. To be able to engage in social rituals 2.To get information 3.To be able to respond to controls 4. To respond to feelings 5. To enjoy Five steps in the listening process Receiving Understanding Remembering Evaluating Responding Listening can be classified into several types depending on how you pay attention to what is being said or heard

Marginal/Passive Listening Attentive Listening Critical/Analytical Listening Appreciative Listening Choosing Listening Text authentic Text Advertisements newscasts weather reports announcements homilies doctor-patient consultation job interviews Activities in Integrating Listening with Other Macro Skills (Speaking, Reading, Writing,Viewing) Pre-Listening Tape Script The TQLR Technique (Jocson, 1999) Part II. Teaching Strategies: Listening Importance of Listening The Nature of Listening Skill Barriers to Listening How to Become an Active Listener Levels of Listening Ability Mapping Format For Exercises in Listening Comprehension Suggested Listening Comprehension Activities Identification Identification and Selection without retention Identification and Guided Selection with Short-Term Retention Identification, Selection, and Long-Term Retention Information Search Passage Picture Communication Listening for Word Order Reflecting Language Matching Converstions with the Correct Pictures Identifying People in a Photograph

Giving Directions Identification of Places Looking for a Job Following the main points of a dialogue/narration Identifying a situation by listening to a dialogue Comprehension of short narratives Understanding detailed description of Two Pictures Can You Follow Directions? Part III. Teaching Strategies: Reading Meaning and Nature of Reading: Old and New Views Levels of Comprehension Three Models of Reading Strategies Useful Aids to Comprehension Pronunciation Activities Focused on Communication via Cooperative Learning Concepts, Theories and Principles of Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Context Clues in Vocabulary Building Multiple- Meanings of Words Word Associations Collocations Clusters Cline Clipping Acronymy Blending Reduplication Denotation Generic vs. Specific Words Propaganda Devices Sample Activities on Antonyms and Rhyming Words Vocabulary on Feelings: Affective Domain Factors that Influence the Acquisition of Reading Ability Required Reading Skills Essentials of Reading Comprehension Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension Competencies and Learning Objectives in Reading

Study Reading Abilities and Skills Formulating Objectives Key Phrases to Use With Taxonomy Reading Strategies for Specific Purposes Strategies for Various Reading Programs Goal-Oriented Instructional Model An Excellent, Balanced Reading Program Methods and Techniques in each Reading Period Reading Readiness Period Linguistic Approach to Reading -Bloomfield Approach -Fries Approach -The Gibson-Richards Linguistic Approach -Alphabetic Approach -Phonic Approach -Phonovisual Method Story Grammar: A Structural Approach to Facilitate Comprehension Cloze Procedure Technique for the Improvement of Reading Comprehension Improving Comprehension through Semantc Webbing Prototype Instructional Materials using Story Grammar Technique Reading Activities for the Development of Reading Comprehension Dimensional Approach Material Word Recognition Activities Some Sample Materials for Remediation More Modern Strategies

Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Mapping Concepts and Stories Activate Prior Knowledge K-W-L Strategy Evaluation Measures: Course Requirements: Quizzes:.. 20% 1. Compilation of Outputs/Portfolio Exam (MT/FT).. 50% 2. Class Attendance Oral Recitation/Reporting. 10% 3. Written Outputs Project/Assignment. 20% MTG + FTG = Final Grade 2 Suggested Listening Comprehension Evaluation Spoken text requiring open-ended answers Spoken texts requiring multiple-choice answers Responding to oral instructions Identification of sounds Identification of meaning carried by stress and intonation Identification of true/false statements, using dialogue Oral summary of a passage recorded or read aloud. Notetaking of lecturettes Dictation References: Teaching Strategies I.For Teaching Communiation Arts: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Alcantara, Rebecca et. al Look, Listen & Learn Video CD. Rodolfo C. Torres Module 6.1 Curriculum and Instruction: The Teaching of English. Department of Education Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties. Gunning, Thomas G.

1 Comment | Uncategorized | Tagged: course outline, listening, reading, rocroc, rogelio lasconia, syllabus, teaching listening, teaching reading | Permalink Posted by ischoolslasconia List of Reporters March 5, 2012 Course Outline Developmental Reading Course Description: Developing and Improving Reading Skills Among Elementary Using Various Approaches and Strategies in Teaching Reading Course Objectives: Acquire knowledge and understanding of the reading skills to enable the students to read and become fluent readers. Revisit the teaching practices of reading skills to enable the students to read and become fluent readers. Strengthen ones ability to interview, o give feedback, to gather information and to organize data for reporting. Initiate needed shifts from the traditional to holistic modes of reading instruction for effective and meaningful classroom interaction. Unit I. Dep Ed Module 6.1 Curriculum and Instruction : The Teaching of English Reading Unit II. Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Whole Language Perspective in Teaching Reading A. Phonics - (Marisa T. Motoy )vs. Whole Language Approach (Marilou N. Subista) B. The Reading Teacher (Ma.Delia Q. Geronimo) C. Making Transitions Toward Holistic Teaching (Teofilo Tamona) 1. Instructional Beliefs (Pinky Marie Gapas) 2. Reading Materials (Afghan Macatimbol) 3. Curriculum Designs (Poncardas, Dhen Rose) 4. Classroom Environment (Marjorie Estrada) 5. Community Involvement (Jarlyquin Malino) Unit III. Understanding Reading: Defining and Redefining Beliefs (Ma. Bebs Hipe)

A. Understanding the Reading Process (Anna L. Insik) Linear (Lovely A. Herediano) cyclical (Cristopher H. Gino) learning alphabet (Miralyn R. Ebias) recognizing (Marvelyn Abaten) decoding (Macate, Elfrance) mouthing of words (Abalora, Cherryline) fluency (Dayanan, Joreymae P.) B. Aspects that influence reading development 1. Cognitive Aspects (Moran, Nilgena A.) 2. Affective Aspects (Landusa, Amor A.) 3. Social Aspects 4. Linguistic Aspects C. Theories of Reading Process Bottom-Up Theory (Geronimo, Jerry) Top-Down Theory Interactive Theory Transactional Theory Unit IV. Developing Word Recognition Skills (Word Attack or Decoding Skills) A. Phonics or Whole Language B. What is phonics instruction 1. Goal of phonics instruction 2. Content of Phonics Instruction - word families (Matundo, Carol Angelin)

C. Word Recognition Instruction Alphabetic Principle (Tan, Maisara) Alphabetic Knowledge (Enderes, Apple Grace) Phonemic Awareness letter-sound relationship (Canonio, Joylaine Z.) Phonological Awareness ability to produce sounds (Juanillo, Jonalyn) Print Awareness (Arocha, Arby Lee) Decodable Text (Salminang, Myla C.) D. Word Recognition Strategies (Asa, Samra) Sight Words Dolche List, Phili-IRI, Frye List (Asa, Fatima) Context Clues (Albiro, Lovelyn Gui M.) Structural Analysis (Camasora, Reysel) Dictionary (Watin, Jenny S.)n Alphabet Book (Nadela, Janet) and Chart (Sohomid, Geome) Songs, Chants, Rhymes and Jingles Unit V. Acquiring a Reading Vocabulary (Encabo, Gleeny) A. What is vocabulary instruction (Sualim, Anachelle) B. Strategies of Building Vocabulary (Alido, Chrsitelyn) Structural Analysis (Macatimbol, Haries) Word Associations (Edres, Norlaine) Context Clues (Ali, Hamera) Homonyms, Homographs, Heteronyms Figures of Speech Idioms Synonyms and Antonyms

Word Map Unit VI. Comprehending Text A. Issues in Teaching Reading Comprehension (Other Online Resources) Less Time in Reading Teachers Manual in Reading Curriculum in Reading School Management and Priorities in Reading Teachers Role in Reading Beliefs in Reading B. Two Theories in Comprehending Text Scheme Theory Schema? Schemata? Generative Learning Theory C. Reading Difficulties and Disability ADHD Myopia Hyperopia Dyslexia D. Some Teaching Strategies in Developing Reading Comprehension Story Grammar Story Maps Story Frames Story Sequence/ Clothesline Cloze Procedure Predicting Outcomes

Generalizing Noting Details Open-Ended Questions E. Types of Comprehension Skills Literal Inference Prediction Evaluation Application F. Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Unit VII. Developing Independent and Fluent Readers A. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) B. Fluency in Reading C. Question Answer Relationship (QAR by Raphael) D. Reciprocal Questioning (ReQuest by Dresher et. al.)

Leave a Comment | Uncategorized Posted by ischoolslasconia Course Outline BEED 1C and D November 16, 2011

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Developmental Reading Course Description: Developing and Improving Reading Skills Among Elementary Students Using Various Approaches and Strategies in Teaching Reading Course Objectives: Acquire knowledge and understanding of the reading skills to enable the students to read and become fluent readers. Revisit the teaching practices of reading skills to enable the students to read and become fluent readers. Strengthen ones ability to interview, o give feedback, to gather information and to organize data for reporting. Initiate needed shifts from the traditional to holistic modes of reading instruction for effective and meaningful classroom interaction. Unit I. Dep Ed Module 6.1 Curriculum and Instruction : The Teaching of English Reading Unit II. Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Whole Language Perspective in Teaching Reading A. Phonics vs. Whole Language Approach B. The Reading Teacher C. Making Transitions Toward Holistic Teaching 1. Instructional Beliefs 2. Reading Materials 3. Curriculum Designs 4. Classroom Environment 5. Community Involvement Unit III. Understanding Reading: Defining and Redefining Beliefs A. Understanding the Reading Process Linear cyclical learning alphabet recognizing decoding mouthing of words fluency B. Aspects that influence reading development

1. Cognitive Aspects 2. Affective Aspects 3. Social Aspects 4. Linguistic Aspects C. Theories of Reading Process Bottom-Up Theory Top-Down Theory Interactive Theory Transactional Theory Unit IV. Developing Word Recognition Skills (Word Attack or Decoding Skills) A. Phonics or Whole Language B. What is phonics instruction 1. Goal of phonics instruction 2. Content of Phonics Instruction - word families C. Word Recognition Instruction Alphabetic Principle Alphabetic Knowledge Phonemic Awareness letter-sound relationship Phonological Awareness ability to produce sounds Print Awareness Decodable Text D. Word Recognition Strategies Sight Words Dolche List, Phili-IRI, Frye List Context Clues Structural Analysis Dictionary Alphabet Book and Chart Songs, Chants, Rhymes and Jingles Unit V. Acquiring a Reading Vocabulary A. What is vocabulary instruction B. Strategies of Building Vocabulary

Structural Analysis Word Associations Context Clues Homonyms, Homographs, Heteronyms Figures of Speech Idioms Synonyms and Antonyms Word Map Unit VI. Comprehending Text A. Issues in Teaching Reading Comprehension (Other Online Resources) Less Time in Reading Teachers Manual in Reading Curriculum in Reading School Management and Priorities in Reading Teachers Role in Reading Beliefs in Reading B. Two Theories in Comprehending Text Scheme Theory Schema? Schemata? Generative Learning Theory C. Reading Difficulties and Disability ADHD Myopia Hyperopia Dyslexia D. Some Teaching Strategies in Developing Reading Comprehension Story Grammar Story Maps Story Frames Story Sequence/ Clothesline Cloze Procedure Predicting Outcomes Generalizing Noting Details Open-Ended Questions E. Types of Comprehension Skills Literal Inference Prediction Evaluation Application F. Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Unit VII. Developing Independent and Fluent Readers A. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) B. Fluency in Reading C. Question Answer Relationship (QAR by Raphael) D. Reciprocal Questioning (ReQuest by Dresher et. al.) VIII. Evaluation Matrix for Reading Programs 2 Comments | Uncategorized Posted by ischoolslasconia Useful Sites July 29, 2011 Reading Comprehension Speed Reading Selective Reading Cognitive Reading 1 Comment | Uncategorized Posted by ischoolslasconia Download: What is Reading? July 1, 2011 READING BEED Leave a Comment | Uncategorized Posted by ischoolslasconia Reading Notes July 1, 2011 | Permalink | Permalink | Permalink

Reading 1 Notes

Reading Readiness

- is a complex of many abilities, skills, understandings, and interests.

It refers to the period when the child is getting ready to read..

It starts at home, becomes more organized in the guidance of teachers in school, in nursery or kindergarten.

A child engages on varied activities using real and concrete objects such as toys, tools, etc.

A child acquires skills in auditory, visual, motor-ocular coordination and critical thinking.

Theories of Reading Rediness by Charles Fries

Stage 1. The Transfer Stage the period during which the child learns a new set of signals the visual symbols (letters, spelling, patterns, punctuation marks) that stands for auditory symbols (the oral language) he knows.

Stage 2. The Productive Stage the childs reading becomes fluent and automatic that he no longer pays conscious attention to shapes and patterns of the letters on a page.

Stage 3. The Vivid Imaginative Realization of Vicarious Experience (VIRVE) the reading process becomes automatic. Reading is now used for different purposes and as a tool for learning a broad range of information.

The Reading Readiness and Emergent Literacy by Cox

Reading Readiness Reading instruction should begin only when children have mastered a set of prerequisite skills Children should learn to read before they write. Reading is a subject to be taught, involving a sequenced mastery of skills. It is not important what children know about the language before formal teaching and practice of a sequence of skills begin. Children should move through a scope of sequence of readiness skills, and their progress should be measured with regular formal testing.

Emergent Literacy

Reading and writing are language processes and thus learned like spoken language through active engagement and the construction of meaning Young children have been actively engaged in functional reading and writing experiences in real-life settings before coming to school. The literacy experiences of young children vary across families, social classes, racial/ethnic groups, and age groups. Young children actively construct concepts about reading and writng. Reading and writing are interrelated and develop concurrently.

Filipino children whose first language (Filipino or any of the Philippine dialects) is different from their language of instruction (English) do not have chance to engage themselves in the functional use of the language in real-life settings.

Thus, the principles of reading readiness as had been practiced in the traditional way would still apply to the Filipino child who is just learning to read. Other children coming from more affluent homes which will have a socio-cultural environment similar to that of their American or English counterparts will best learn how to read based on the emergent literacy perspectives.

Indicators of Readiness

Gray has listed indicators to gauge the childs readiness to read :

general ability background of previous experiences range of speaking vocabulary accuracy of pronunciation and related speech habits ability to express oneself clearly to others Habit of observing details and forming associations with things seen or heard Ability to perceive likeness and differences Ablility to recognize relationships Ability to keep in mind a series of events or other items Ability to think clearly and in sequence Ability to make choices and decisions

Good health A well nourished body Freedom from fatigue visual effeciency and discrimination Auditory effeciency and discrimination Emotional balance Social adjustment and feeling of security Ability to focus on specific learning activities Ability to work effectively in a group Interest in pictures and the meaning of written printed symbols A desire to learn to read.

Skills of Emergent Reader

Right-Handed the dominant part of brain is the left hemisphere

Left-Handed the dominant part of the brain is the right hemisphere

Left-to-Right Progression reading starts from the left of the page going to right

Visual Discrimination is the ability to differentitate differences in size, shape, color, etc.

Auditory Discrimination is the ability to differentitate differences in the animal sounds, sounds of different musical instruments, sounds of different means of transportation, sounds of that people produce, other sounds may hear in surroundings.

Sounds and Letter Names The sounds of letters of the alphabet are introduced first. The children should master the phoneme-graphemes (sound-letter) relationships.

Vowels: a,e,i,o,u Consonants: a. Ascending letters: b,d,h,k,l,t b. Descending letters: g,j,p,q,y c. One-space letters: c,m,n,r,s,v,w,x,x d. Special letter: l

Comprehension Skills of the Emergent Reader

Emergent learners may start with skills in classifying pictures that are similar, shapes that are similar or different, colors that are the same and those that are different.

The skill in sequencing pictures may be taught, which picture should come first, then the next, which should come last? Another skill is grouping pictures under one main heading.

Other Comprehension Skills to be Taught to Emergent Reader

Noting Details Sequencing Ideas

Organizing Ideas Classifying Ideas Summarizing Critical Thinking Skills HOTS If you were the ____ what will you do?

Teaching Beginning Reading

Teaching the Alphabet

The alphabet is best taught only after all the sounds have been mastered.

Learners are drilled on what comes before a letter and what comes after.

Using letter cards, the learner is asked to arrange the letters in alphabetical order, identifying the sound of each letter name.

The capital letters (uppercase letters) the small letters (lowercase letters) should also be introduced.

Matching uppercase letters and lowercase letters will be a good learning activity.

Teaching Word Recognition

Word Recognition refers to the ability to identify, read, analyze the meaning attached to the word.

Word Families

at family bat, cat, fat hat, mat, pat, rat, sat

an family ban, can, Dan, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van

ad family bad, Dad, fad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, wad

ar family bar, car, far, mar, par, war

ed family bed, fed, led, red, Ted, wed

en family Ben, den, hen, men ten, yen

in family bin, pin, sin, tin, win

it family bit, fit, hit, kit, pit, sit, wit

ill family bill, fill, hill, kill, mill, sill, till, will

ell family bell, dell, fell, hell, sell, tell, well, yell

air family bear, dear, fear, hear, gear, near, rear, tear, wear, year

et family bet, get, jet, let, metm net, pet, set, wet, yet

oat family boat, coat, goat

ore family bore, core, fore, more, sore, tore, wore

one family bone, cone, done, gone, lone, tone

ate family date, fate, gate, hate, kate, late, mate, rate

at family bat, cat, fat, hat, rat, sat, pat, mat

an family can, Dan, man, pan

en family hen, Ben, men, pen

in family pin, tin, win, fin

Teaching the Service Words

Service words or sight words are to enable the learner to read phrases and sentences.

Articles : a, an, the pronouns : he, she, it, I, my mine, our, ours, they, them prepositions: on, in, for, to under, over, by, with conjunctions: and, but verbs: has, have, do, does, done

Five Main Categories of Word Analysis or Attack Skills

Configuration Clues give the overall characteristics of how the word look like (e.g. Length of word ascenders and descenders) Context Clues come from the meaning of the word as it is used in a sentence (semantic clue) or from guessing what word is coming next according to the way a reader often uses oral language (syntactic clue) ex. The barking (goat, dog, pig) chased the cat. How much capital do you need? ( ) Money invested for business ( ) Most important town or city of a province ( )higher case or big letters Phonetic Analysis also called phonics, is the study of sound-symbol or phoneme-grapheme relationships.

a. Phonetic principles that govern articulation of consonants in English ex. c (hard c, heard as /k/) - (soft c, heard as /s/) b. Phonetic principles that govern the articulation of vowel sounds. ex. a able (long), apple (short) e evil (long), elephant (short)

c.Syllable generalizations a division takes place between consonants d. Stress rules if a root has two syllables, the first is usually stressed

mother MOTH er summer SUM mer e. Blends or digraphs and vowel digraphs

1. When two or more consonants appear in succession in a word, they are referred to as consonant clusters. Ex. paragrph 2. When the consonant cluster is sounded as one, it is called consonant digraph. Ex. Think 4. Structural Analysis refers to the anaylsis of larger meaning-bearing parts of words like root words, suffixes, prefixes, word endings, appostrophe (possessive form), compund words, and contractions. It often referred to morphology, a study of morphemes or the meaning-bearing units if a language.

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