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Planters, Yeoman, and Slaves in the South

by Emma Salino, Cristian Rodriguez, Morgan Smith and Ingrid Castillo

Planter Class

Owned 20 or more slaves Thomas Dew "Order of Nature"

Yeoman Farmers
Poor White Independent Farmers Owned very few slaves Cotton= Survival

Jackson's Support


Cotton Vs. other Crops Why massive profit? Revolts

Free Slaves
Free Slaves - Bought their own freedom Denmark Vesey William Lloyd "No union with the slave owners"

- Use of cities - Majority supports minority - Heirs and rejectors - Stereotypes

Exception, not rule.

Paternalism for "property" Proslavery arguments Subordinate: all women "pice de rsistance"

Southern Paradise

region location
o southeast U.S

region benefactors
meant for agriculture o cotton cash crop

Population Rate in the ol' South

South's slave population surpasses the North's "Melting pot"

Southern Atmosphere

"King Cotton's Reign"

o o

slavery=profit cotton gin

foreign relationships

Britain and France

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