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The main aim of the project is to control the direction of the DC Motor. A motor is an electromechanical device, which converts electrical pulse into discrete mechanical movement. The shaft or spindle of motor is incremented in discrete steps when electrical command pulse is applied to it in the proper sequence. The motor rotation has several direct relationships with applied input pulses. The sequence of the applied pulses is directly related to the direction of motor shaft rotation. In this project we control the fan by using MEMS technology. In MEMS we have tilt register. When we change the direction, the tilt registers values are changed and that values are given to microcontroller. Microcontroller compare this values and depending up on tilt register value occurred in mems ic the controlling of fan is done by using microcontroller. Here we will show fan on/off and two different direction according to the mems input. The microcontroller will take input from mems and according to mems data the fan is being controlled. This project uses regulated 5V, 500Ma power supply, 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.


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