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Band Performance Standard Descriptor

1 Know fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DB1 Reading and scanning for details B1 DB1 E1 Able to scan a text for details to complete a given task 2.2 Students should be able to process information by: (Dokumen Standard Kurikulum /HSP) a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. Making simple predictions of outcomes, giving reasons.


Learning objective

Theme : Environment Subject : English Form Time Activity 1. Set induction a. Show to the students pictures about threats to the environment example : deforestation b. Ask students to describe what has happened. c. Ask students to list the possible measures to save the environment 2. Development a. Distribute an article, ask students to read the article silently, underlining the difficult words. b. Reading aloud teacher assesses students pronunciation observation c. Teacher discuss the difficult words with students d. Reading Comprehension students scan the text for details to complete the given task worksheet e. Discussion of answers 3. Enrichment a. Divide students into groups of four (Collaborative) b. Ask students to discuss the students role in saving the environment. (Authentic) c. Group Presentation. 4. Closing : 2 : 80 minutes

Band Performance Standard Descriptor 1 Know fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DB1 Reading and scanning for details B1 DB1 E1 Able to scan a text for details to complete a given task


Theme : Environment Task: Read the passage below and list eight ways you can do to save the environment. How to Save the Environment Environment plays a huge role in helping humans to continue their cycle of life. As we all know, a balanced ecosystem is very essential to avoid disruptions in our food chain. We have to be thankful to God as environment is Gods gift. Hence, we need to play our part to save the environment. Firstly, saving water is one measure to save the environment. When we wash our cars, we should avoid using hoses. Instead, we should use buckets and sponges. We should also collect rain water as it can be used in many household chores. Turning off the tap when we are brushing our teeth is another step in saving water. This goes also for shaving, washing dishes and even taking a shower. Additionally, we can help to save the environment by reducing energy wastage. Switching off and unplugging electrical appliances such as cell phones and laptop chargers that are not in use is vital in conserving energy. Likewise, we must also avoid watching television late at night. Besides, we are advised by the government to use energy-saving bulbs as it consumes less energy compared to ordinary bulbs. Furthermore, we should take measures to protect our atmosphere in order to save our environment. Car pooling is one of the best ways to prevent air pollution, as it reduces the emission of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Using public transport does not only protect the environment but also helps us to cut down our daily expenditure. Commuting by public transport like monorails and Light Rail Transit (LRT) is more affordable compared to driving cars as the price of fuel keeps increasing.

On the other hand, the government and the traffic department should play their part by imposing heavy fines on factories and vehicles that pollute our environment. Last but not least, we should plant more trees and discourage deforestation. This can increase the production of oxygen and reduce the emission of green house gases. In a nutshell, all of us should work hand in hand to protect the environment. We should do our part and not blame others as the conservation of the environment costs an arm and a leg.

Source :unknown

Ways to save the environment Example : We should /must..

1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________________________ Penilaian 9 poin 1 Akur kurikulum Tajuk / tema - Environment

Akur spesifikasi

Idea & kandungan dikawal berdasarkan DSK/ HSP

Akur Peluang

Perbincangan detil berkaitan perkataan susah diadakan terlebih dahulu

4 5 6 7 8

Tepat dgn konstruk Tepat dgn tajuk/ konteks Tepat bahasa Sesuai dgn aras kesukaran Sesuai dgn kepentingan

B1 DB1 E1 Able to scan a text for details to complete a given task

Drp HSP/DSK Bahasa mudah difahami Aras : Tingkatan 2 Perkara yang diuji penting dalam pembelajaran; berkaitan dengan tema yang perlu murid pelajari (environment)

Sesuai dgn keadilan

Tidak bias member faedah kepada semua tanpa mengira ras, jantina, tempat tinggal dll

Suggested Answers (Instrumen 2): 1. We should avoid using hoses when washing our cars 2. We should collect rain water to be used in household chores. 3. We must turn off the tap when brushing our teeth.

4. We must switch off and unplug electrical appliances that are not in use. 5. We must avoid watching TV late at night. 6. We should use energy saving bulbs. 7. We should practise car-pooling when going to school or work. 8. We should use more public transportation.

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