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Recently the US Pentagon (which is increasingly answerable to less and less authority) sent a number of F-22 fighter jets

to Okinawa. It was clearly a call to war by the US Pentagon. The US has been very intensively upgrading its huge arsenal of military weapon systems and its navy in the Pacific is expected to have laser weaponry operating on board its vessels two years from now. Some of these vessels could be prowling off Chinas coasts by late 2014. War is clearly beckoning in Asia. Its air power in the Pacific is slated to base stealth combat aircraft at locations right next door to China by 2017. But the Pentagon cannot wait at all. Two weeks ago it sent nine F-22s to Okinawa for a four-month deployment. The F-22 is the worlds top stealth fighter and it is designed to wrest control of the air once hostilities erupt. The jet is intended to wipe out the adversarys entire air defence forces in the first few hours or few days of combat. This is to allow the bombers to go through unmolested in order to bomb the adversary back to the Stone Age. But the F-22 may fail to deliver if the adversary is able to hang on far longer than several days. A smart adversary will therefore need to employ dozens of drones and fighters to bait the relatively small number of F-22s. If the F-22 fails to wrest control of the air against an enemy having strength in numbers, its effectiveness at influencing the outcome of battle falls quickly or rapidly. Thus masses and masses of drones and huge fleets of high-speed fighters are required to neutralise this US war threat !

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