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1.Click on "Load an existing file" to give input using an excel sheet. 2.

The input file can be located using the open dialog box that appears. 3.The data can also be entered manually. For this, enter the no. of criteria and alternatives then click on "Enter Manually". 4.Enter the names of criteria and alternatives in the list that appears and then click OK. 5.The data is displayed in a tabular form ("Excel Sheet") which can be edited. 6.Uncheck the "Normalized" checkbox if you want to normalize the data. Leave the box checked if you are supplying an already normalised data. 7.On clicking "Analyze" button,you are asked to specify the name and path of out put file using Save As dialog box. 8.The graph showing the ranking various alternatives is displayed. 9.The result can be viewed by clicking on "View Results" button below the graph.

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