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Skills Streaming Procedures Approach: Modeling (Trainers demonstrate skill and the social skills language (or script))

+ Role-playing (skill rehearsal by student) + Performance feedback (by trainees & trainers to all students in the group-how accurately they verbalized the skill script and how successfully they are behaviorally demonstrating the new skill) + Generalization Training (apply the skill and its steps-- as much as possible during the day to reinforce the teaching over time, in different settings, with different people, and in different situations) Skill Selection: - Each social skill is broken down into its behavioral steps Social Skill: Meeting New People - Introduce self STEPS: 1. Look at and acknowledge other person. 2. Decide if you want to meet other person. 3. Choose correct time to meet other person. 4. Walk up to other person. 5. Say your name. 6. Wait for person to tell you his/her name. Ask person's name if he/she doesn't tell you. 7. Tell other person something about yourself. Each behavioral step is modeled by the trainers & role played by each trainee 9 Steps for Social Skills Learning 1. Define skill - Trainer has a group discussion of what skill will be taught - Goal of sessionabstract meaning & concrete examples of the skill 2. Model the skill - Important for child to see the skill being done properly - Instructors role plays in front of the group 3. Discuss the need for social skills - Before you can help students improve their social skills, kids need

to understand why these skills are important How will you get this concept across? Each trainee describes where, when & with whom they can use the skills modeled by trainer

4. Select role player (main actor) - All member role-plays each skill - No particular order - By conscious of shy students 5. Set up the role-play - Trainee describes a real situation in which to use the skillmain actor - Main actor chooses a second trainee to role-play Choice should be based on which person represents the real-life person in as many ways as possible - Trainer sets the stage for role-playing (You know your kids, use their real-life situations/environment for content!!) 6. Conduct the role-play - Trainer reminds all members of their roles & responsibilities: Main actor follows behavioral steps Co-actor plays the role of the other person Rest of the trainees watch for enactment of the steps Can assign 1 step to each observerthey report on content & quality Coach observers what to observe (posture, tone of voice, content) You can now begin the role-play Trainer gives constant feedback to keep role-play following the beh. steps All participants are main actor & practice the skill Skill might need to be practiced in several sessions- steps stay the samecontent changes Trainers can be part of role-play, however avoid if possible

7. Provide performance feedback Feedback follows EACH role-play Helpful Reminders Order: 1- Co-actor- is asked about his/her reactions Observing trainees- comment on how well the behavioral steps

were followed & any other relevant information. Ask them to give specific examples 2- Trainers- comment on how well the behavioral steps were followed & provide social reinforcement 3- Main actor- comments on his performance & feedback from others Trainer must maintain behavioral focuspresence or absence of behaviors Guidelines for reinforcement: 1. Only after role-plays that follow steps 2. Earliest appropriate opportunity 3. Reinforce co-actor for help 4. Vary content of reinforcement 5. Provide no reinforcement if the role-play sways from steps 6. Reinforce for improvement over time 8. Assign skill homework After main actors have successfully role-played ask them to try this out in real lifehomework sheet Trainer & trainee decide when & with how the student will use the skill Reinforce for completed work Purpose of homeworkprovides an opportunity to reinforce usage in real-life 9. Select new role-player

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