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Q. 2 Discuss the relative merits and demerits of: Rating vs Ranking scales; Summated vs.

vs. Cumulative scales; Scalogram analysis vs Factor analysis.

Q. 3 (a) Describe the different methods of scale construction, pointing out the merits and demerits of each. (b) Scaling describes the procedures by which numbers are assigned to various degrees of opinion, attitude and other concepts. Discuss. Also point out the bases for scale classification. Q. 4 (a) Examine the merits and limitations of the observation method in collecting material. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. (b) How does the case study method differ from the survey method? Analyse the merits and limitations of case study method in sociological research. Q. 5 Clearly explain the difference between collection of data through questionnaires and schedules. What are the guiding considerations in the construction of questionnaire? Explain. Q. 6 (a) How does the case study method differ from the survey method? Analyse the merits and limitations of case study method in sociological research. (b) Distinguish between an experiment and survey. Explain fully the survey method of research. Q. 7 (a) Processing of data implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation. Describe in brief these four operations pointing out the significance of each in context of research study. (b) Write a brief note on different types of analysis of data pointing out the significance of each. Q. 8 (a) What do you mean by multivariate analysis? Explain how it differs from bivariate analysis. (b) How will you differentiate between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? Describe the important statistical measures often used to summarise the survey/research data.

Q. 9 What does a measure of central tendency indicate? Describe the important measures of central tendency pointing out the situation when one measure is considered relatively appropriate in comparison to other measures. Q. 10 Discuss multiple correlation and regression for data analysis. Apply the method for a given data.

ASSIGNMENT-III .. Q. 1 (a) Explain the meaning and significance of the concept of Standard Error in sampling analysis. (b) Describe briefly the commonly used sampling distributions. Q. 2 Distinguish between the following: Statistic and parameter; Confidence level and significance level; Random sampling and non-random sampling; Sampling of attributes and sampling of variables; Point estimate and interval estimation.

Q. 3 (a) What are the different approaches of determining a sample size? Explain. (b) If we want to draw a simple random sample from a population of 4000 items, how large a sample do we need to draw if we desire to estimate the per cent defective within 2 % of the true value with 95.45% probability. Q. 4 Suppose a certain hotel management is interested in determining the percentage of the hotels guests who stay for more than 3 days. The reservation manager wants to be 95 per cent confident that the percentage has been estimated to be within 3% of the true value. What is the most conservative sample size needed for this problem? Q. 5 Distinguish between the following: Simple hypothesis and composite hypothesis; Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis; One-tailed test and two-tailed test; Type I error and Type II error.

Q. 6 (a) What do you mean by the power of a hypothesis test? How can it be measured? Describe and illustrate by an example. (b) Clearly explain how will you test the equality of variances of two normal populations? Q. 7 Briefly describe the important parametric tests used in context of testing hypotheses. How such tests differ from non-parametric tests? Explain. Q. 8 (a) Point out the important limitations of tests of hypotheses. What precaution the researcher must take while drawing inferences as per the results of the said tests? (b) What is a t-test? When it is used and for what purpose(s)? Explain by means of examples. Q. 9 (a) Write a brief note on Sandlers A-test explaining its superiority over t-test. (b) What is Chi-square text? Explain its significance in statistical analysis. Q. 10 Write short notes on the following: Additive property of Chi-square; Chi-square as a test of goodness of fit; Precautions in applying Chi-square test; Conditions for applying Chi-square test.

ASSIGNMENT-IV .. Q. 1(a) Explain the meaning of analysis of variance. Describe briefly the technique of analysis of variance for one-way and two-way classifications.

(b) What do you mean by the additive property of the technique of the analysis of variance? Explain how this technique is superior in comparison to sampling. Q. 2 Write short notes on the following: Latin-square design; Coding in context of analysis of variance; F-ratio and its interpretation; Significance of the analysis of variance.

Q. 3 (a) What is logical form? Discuss the western and oriental conceptions of logic. (b) Define deductive and inductive reasoning. Q. 4 Define the terms: consistency; validity; soundness; completeness. Q. 5 (a) Give your understanding of non-parametric or distribution free methods explaining their important characteristics. (b) Narrate the various advantages of using non-parametric tests. Also point out their limitations. Q. 6 Briefly describe the different non-parametric tests explaining the significance of each such test. Q. 7 Under what circumstances is the Fisher-Irwin test used? Explain. What is the main limitation of this test? Q. 8 (a) What are the purpose of sum tests? Discuss Wilcox on-Mann-Whitney test and KrushalWallis test. (b) Explain briefly the Spearmans rank correlation and Kendalls coefficient of concordance. Q. 9 (a) What do you mean by multivariate techniques? Name the important multivariate techniques and explain the important characteristic of each one of such techniques. (b) Enumerate the steps involved in Thurstones centroid method of factor analysis. Q. 10 Write short notes on:

Cluster analysis; Reflections in context of factor analysis; Maximum likelihood method of factor analysis; Path analysis.

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