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ADR NOVEMBER 9, 2012 Books: 1. Arbitration in the Philippines (lizares) 2.

ADR of 2004 (Reynaldo aralar) Grading system 3 exams 1st examarbiraiton and rules of procedure I 2nd examarbitration and rules of procedure part II Final exammediation and JDR Recitation/attendance=-105 ADR Comprosed of several forms: 1. Mediation 2. Mini-trial 3. Conciliation 4. JDR Lecture is focedused on arbitration, mediation and JDR. Overview Ultimate objective of ADRTo change the litigious attitude of both litigants and their counsesl to immediately resorting to coursts which in effect resulted toa n overwehlemign backlog of court cases. The trend now is to resort ot ADR before going to court. The backlog of courst cases is the oversuse, misuse and abuse of the courts. Corollary to this rule, the proper function/office of ADR is to restorreh teo proper role of judiciary as the forum of last recourse of dispute. PROFESSOR: ATTY. CATHERINE BARDON Clerk of court of RTC

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