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Teacher Candidate: Joyce Spaulding Meyer Grade Level: Third Title: Lesson #5 GWM 17.4 Establishing 1/2 as a Benchmark

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc. & classroom environment)

Student Contextual Factors: Gender 22 students - 13 girls, 9 boys Ethnicity 16 Caucasian 2 Hispanic 2 African American 1 Pacific Islander 1 Native American Exceptionalites No ELL students SIOP 19-Opportunity for L1 students to clarify in L1 1 student with IEP (severe): Kyla 1 student with IEP (mild/moderate): Heather 4 struggling learners (no IEP): Aaliyah, Gavin, Jaxon, Sarah K. 3 GATE students: Kaleb, Johnathan, Michelle 6 high achieving students (not GATE): Abi, Nyah, Lia, Isabell, Mya, Sarah L. 1 student who demonstrates characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Sam 3 students with behavioral difficulties - also struggle with motivation to work: Gavin, Jacob, Jaxon Note: Gavin and Jacob are step-brothers Classroom environment: SMART Board and ELMO. Student desks arranged into 5 table groups of 4 or 5 students per group.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective (Common Core, Utah Standards, others): SIOP 3-Content appropriate Domain: Number and Operations - Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Content Walk-Away: I will be able to judge the size of fractions and be able to compare them to . SIOP 1-Content objectives

Language Walk-Away: I will be able to write a description of how I know one fraction is greater than another one. SIOP 2-Language objectives

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have learned the Walk-Away?)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson): Notice accuracy of work and use this opportunity to provide feedback. Have students stand up when they know the answer to a question and then call on several students to explain their thinking. Listen in as students discuss with partners. Note misconceptions and address to whole group (I heard some of you mention) Listen to student explanations. Are they getting it? Do they have strong verbal explanations? (This will support their written explanations.) Walk the room as students are working on workbook page. Check that students are ordering from least to greatest and not greatest to least. Also check that they can sort fractions into the appropriate category. Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Students will decide if 1/2 is greater than or less than 3/5. They will also model it with a picture. Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Students will write an explanation of how they know if 1/2 or 3/5 is greater. SIOP 30-Assessment


When calling on students, call on struggling learners first and then higher ability students to add to the previous ideas. Struggling learners often have nothing to add after a higher ability student answers a question; in this way, all students will have more opportunities to contribute. Struggling learners may use fraction strip manipulatives for summative assessment (they will have to choose which ones they need though). SIOP 5-Adaptation, SIOP 20-Handson materials


Modifications/Accommodations (refer to contextual


Call students to the rug and have them sit in their assigned places. Using ELMO, go over previous days assessment, showing examples and nonexamples (cover all student names so no one knows whose work Im showing). Have students reflect on how they did and how well they feel they understood. SIOP 29-Feedback

Building Background By raise of hand, when you eat a sandwich, how many of you cut yours in half before you eat it? My mom used to cut mine in half for me when she would make my lunch. SIOP 7-Linked to background Refer to visuals on GWM Discussion Book pg. 69. Goals: I will be able to judge the size of fractions and be able to compare them to . I will be able to write a description of how I know one fraction is greater than another one. SIOP 1-Content objectives, SIOP 2-Language objectives Vocabulary fraction, special one, denominator Vocabulary words are on the board from previous lesson (I keep the words on the board for the whole topic) SIOP 9-Key vocabulary Focus Lesson (I do it) Begin with GWM Discussion Book pg. 69. Focus on the sandwich picture and the fraction bars below it. Think aloud Task 1 (I notice that the sandwiches are the same size and both have been cut on the diagonal, but the second sandwich has been cut into 4 pieces and the first sandwich was only cut into 2 pieces). SIOP 12-Variety of techniques, SIOP 14-Scaffolding (Think Aloud) For Task 2, guide students to see that 1/2 is the same as 2/4. Revisit objective. Will Danny eat more than DeeDee? SIOP 23Content objective supported When you know, stand up. Wait until most students are standing up, 18-Wait time then ask: How do you know? SIOP 15-Higher-order thinking For Task 3, (comparing other fractions to ) use horizontal bar fractions (magnetic fraction tiles on the board). With shoulder partner, have students use scratch paper and pencil to make a list of other fractions that are equivalent to . SIOP 4-Supplementary materials, SIOP 6-Meaningful activities, SIOP 13-Students use learning strategies, SIOP 16-Opportunity for interaction, SIOP 17-Grouping supports objectives, SIOP 20-Hands-on materials, SIOP 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, SIOP 22Language skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking Have student turn in papers and choose some at random to show on the ELMO. Explain why or why not the student answer is equal to 1/2 . Give feedback and suggestions for other options as needed. SIOP 23-Content objective supported, SIOP 24-Language objective supported, SIOP 24Language objective supported, SIOP 29-Feedback Formative Assessment: Go over student work on ELMO. Notice accuracy of work and use this opportunity to provide feedback. SIOP 30-Assessment Modification/accommodations: Cover names on work before placing it on ELMO so the work remains anonymous. SIOP 5-Adaptation Guided Instruction (We do it) Continue Discussion Book Tasks 4 6. Model Task 5 (finding fractions that are less than and greater than ) with fraction tiles (think-aloud) and make a list on the board. Revisit objective and point out we are comparing to . Have students Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up for Tasks 7 and 8 (solving

Speak carefully and enunciate. SIOP 10-Appropriate speech

Keep discussion moving and on topic. SIOP 26-Pacing

We often review our work on the ELMO and students are familiar with this procedure. Covering names prevents anyone from feeling embarrassed if they made a mistake or from always being the one who always gets everything right.

problems - e.g., Julio made half of his basketball shots. He made _____ out of 20). SIOP 12-Variety of techniques, SIOP 13-Students use learning strategies, SIOP 16-Opportunity for interaction, SIOP 17-Grouping supports objectives, SIOP 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, SIOP 22-Language skills: reading, listening, speaking Walk the room and listen in on student discussions. Listen in on students and prepare some (ask if they are willing to share in front of the class) to explain in front of the class. Call on students that I have prepared and others using random selector and go over answers on the board. Use this time to clarify and clear up misconceptions. SIOP 29-Feedback Formative Assessment: Listen in as students discuss with partners. Note misconceptions and address to whole group (I heard some of you mention) SIOP 29-Feedback, SIOP 30-Assessment Modification/accommodations: Prepare students before calling on them. This is especially helpful for Heather, Aaliyah and Sarah K. This also shows Gavin, Jacob and Jaxon that I expect their participation. SIOP 5-Adaptation Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) With your shoulder partner, complete workbook page 215 (ordering fractions from least to greatest and also sorting fractions by less than equal to and greater than ). Revisit objective. Dismiss students back to their desks by table groups. Ensure all students have a shoulder partner. SIOP 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, SIOP 22Language skills: reading, SIOP 23-Content objective supported Students may use fraction strips to help them complete the page. SIOP 20Hands-on materials Bring up on SMART Board and use random selector to call on students to share their answers. Ask students HOW they know (justify answers). SIOP 12-Variety of techniques, SIOP 13-Students use learning strategies, SIOP 15-Higher-order thinking, SIOP 24-Language objective supported Formative Assessment: Walk the room as students are working on workbook page. Check that students are ordering from least to greatest and not greatest to least. Also check that they can sort fractions into the appropriate category. SIOP 30-Assessment Modification/accommodations: Shoulder partner placement provides support for struggling learners while fraction strips provide visual and hands-on support. SIOP 5-Adaptation Summarization Call students back to the rug and have them sit in their assigned seats (count backwards by 7s starting at 28). Call on student to tell me the pattern I was counting by (the students are all familiar with this process). Review goals. Ask students to share what they learned about comparing fractions to . Call on struggling learners or students that are typically more reluctant to share first, and then call on typical learners and finally high-ability students to add to the ideas. Encourage students to use vocabulary terminology. SIOP 13-Students use learning strategies, SIOP 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, SIOP 22-Language skills: listening, speaking, SIOP 27-Review vocabulary, SIOP 28-Review concepts, SIOP 29-Feedback Write student explanations on the board.

Student table groups were set up with shoulder partners in mind. Students sit near students they will be able to work well with. Nyah sits between Kyla and Sam. She is very patient with Kyla. Sam tends to not work well with partners, but I will encourage him to talk with Nyah.

Variety of activities and partner work. SIOP 25-Students engaged

Formative/Summative Assessment: Listen to student explanations. Are they getting it? Do they have strong verbal explanations (which will support their written explanations). Model written explanations by writing students verbal explanations. SIOP 30-Assessment Independent (You do it alone) Summative assessment page. Students will decide if is greater than or less than 3/5. They will model it with a picture and write an explanation of how they know which one is greater. SIOP 22-Language skills: writing Students will also mark the upper left hand corner of their work with a or ? to indicate how they feel about their understanding. Formative/Summative Assessment: Explained above. SIOP 30-Assessment Modification/accommodations: Struggling learners may use manipulatives to compare fractions. SIOP 5-Adaptation ************************************************************* For additional practice and fun, in the afternoon, before Success Maker, pass out copy of map activity (attached below) and post and read the instructions aloud. Have students put a For Sale sign in the yard of 1/8 of the houses on the street (model first one). Connect to mapping unit which was our previous topic. SIOP 8-Linked to past learning

Use ELMO to show assessment. Point to each part as I explain what they are to do. SIOP 11-Clear explanation Remind them of written explanation we just did on the board. SIOP 8-Linked to past learning

What do I need to remember to do? Watch pacing!

Materials to have ready? Scratch paper Copies of map activity Copies of summative assessment red and blue crayons
Approximate time needed for lesson? 60 minutes

Assessments and activities attached below.


Assessment 17.4

Name:______________________ Date:_________________ Directions: 1. Circle the answer that makes this fraction sentence true.
is greater than or is less than

2. Draw a picture of the problem.

3. Write an explanation of how you know which one is greater. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

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