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APUSH key terms Unit 1

Enclosure Movement Mercantilism Henry VIII English Reformation Calvinist Puritans Church of England Roanoke Pueblo Revolt Virginia Company Tobacco Powhatan Indians Pocahontas Royal Colony Proprietary Colony Charter Colony Pequot War Quakers William Penn Navigation Acts Mayflower Compact William Bradford Pilgrims and Puritans contrasted John Winthrop, his beliefs Anne Hutchinson, Antinomianism Roger Williams, Rhode Island Thomas Hooker Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Headright John Smith Bacons Rebellion James Oglethorpe John Locke, Fundamental Constitution Maryland Act of Toleration (Act of Religious Toleration) Indentured Servants Magna Carta,1215 City Upon a Hill Patriarchal society

Middle Passage Huguenots Triangular Trade Plantation Economy Plantation Slavery Stono Rebellion Harvard Cotton Mather Salem Witch Trials Benjamin Franklin Great Awakening (1739-1744) Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God George Whitefield New Lights Old Lights The Enlightenment John Peter Zenger trial

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