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Hamlet Essay Hamlets conflicts in this play are both inward and outward, but it is the internal conflicts

that lead most directly to the tragedy. Agree or disagree. Hamlets internal conflicts influence his external actions, which wreck havoc and cause much mishap and tragedy over the course of the play. 1. The obvious internal conflict is his fear of action; this results from his fear of making mistakes. He wants desperately to avenge his father's death, but questions whether or not the ghost is truly his father. Because of this question, he suffers from inaction - his failure to make a move. He compares himself to Fortinbras who can make a decision and act almost instantly, and this causes him considerable angst. Quote: To be, or not to be that is the question; Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. He is also struggling internally with his love for his mother. On the one hand, he truly loves his mother; on the other, he despises her for marrying so soon after the death of his father. He wants her full attention, but is revolted by her sexual exploits with Claudius. Much internal struggle there! He is also having trouble dealing with Ophelia's betrayal. Again, he loves her, but is disgusted by her behavior - her refusal to keep his tokens of affection and her unwillingness to be honest with him. For all of this, he reacts violently and cruelly - only to find out later that he has made a grave mistake. In all, Hamlet is suffering internally. His father, mother, uncle, and lover have all caused him to doubt his own decision-making, and for this he is thrown into terrible fits of depression.

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