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Sisona, Gian Paolo P.

April 2, 2013

1.) Oval Macrocytes 2.) A.) MCHC- below the normal limits, they are hypochromic the amount of Hb in RBC will be reduced with an increased central pallor. B.) Presence of Anisocytes and poikilocytes C.)MCV microcytic RBC size 3.) Rouleaux formation 4.) Codocytes and presence of poikilocytes 5.) Hb H disease 6.) Basophilic stippling 7.) Barr body 8.) Neutrophil/toxic granulation 9.) Target cells 10.) Elliptocytes or ovalocytes 11.) Burr cells 12.) Stomatocyte 13.) Hurlers disease 14.) Alder-Reilly bodies 15.) Morula 16.) 17.) Rouleaux Formation 18.) False 19.) Sickle cells 20.) Teardrop cells

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