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Ham on Rye The novel is a biographical novel by the author, Bukowski, Chinaski under the pseudonym.

It is very interesting because it talks about his dark childhood, under the abuse of his father and the constant refusal of the other children their age, without losing a sense of humor that characterizes the author. The Seven Samurai, is a cinematic masterpiece directed by the legendary emperor of cinema, Akira Kurosawa. This is one of those movies where the director shows the waste of talent that makes the big boys. With photografic, story and actors without par (the great Toshiro Mifune as dazzling as ever that the great Takashi Shimura, is sometimes forgotten), manages to take us to far Japan, a village hit by depressing the constant assaults of bandits and the scarcity of food, which would have only one hope to survive as Seven Samurai rejected within its class, in a world where the samurai in itself is useless.

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