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Acting 2 Performance Task: Monologue in ABA form prof.

Zissi March 2013 Kappa International


Write monologue in ABA form. Develop a monologue (from storytelling material ) Adaptation Write/Perform the monologue Level 9th grade 4weeks, 3 times a week


TASK: Teaching artist starts with storytelling narration workshop, students identify elements in their story that can make it an effective monologue. Monologue then has to be structured for repetitive performance purposes. The structure is ABA form (introduction /development/resolution/coda). Things to think about regarding this performance task: 1. Monologue has to be 1.5 minutes when performed/1200 words. 2. Describe an incident A that leads to an incident B, that blends both followed by a coda. 3. Put all the verbs in present tense. Use horizontal and vertical narration format 4. Typed. SKILLS: The development and/or application/rehearsal/practice of the following skills are necessary to complete the performance task: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understanding of the ABA form. [Note: The class works on a common text.] Elements of monologue vs. soliloquy. Speech elements. Looking and reading famous speeches. (The Kings Speech) Articulation/Pronunciation. Making physical choices for the character Understanding of dramatic structure and how works in an ABA form. a. statement of problem (objective) b. weighing of options c. resolution Context/mood/setting


ASSESSMENT TOOLS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Self / TA/ teacher observation of the process of writing and maintenance of the form. Performance of the components in the monologue rubric> reflections. Character Bio: About 100-150 words describing motivation, physical description, objectives, obstacles faced, PER CHARACTER (for other characters mentioned in the monologue) /Typed. Directors vision: Independently generated /input from the writing possible but not necessary. 300 words typed.

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