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Standard 6: Becoming a professional Key Elements: 6a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field.

6d: Integrating knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on early education

Course: Adapting the curriculum for the Special Needs Child ( ECED3080). Assignment: Lesson plan template DIFFERENTIATION Early childhood professionals should be based on understanding of childrens development ,needs and learning . They use this understanding to create respectful and supportive curriculum and learnings environment for children. Also, as professional I should be aware of ethical guidelines , professional standards related to early childhood practice and issues that rise up on early childhood field in Oman and other countries. In my point of view , I think that becoming a professional also means having a positive attitudes about diverse among young children and their families . I assume that teachers must be aware of challenges and issues in childhood filed whether with children in classroom or with learning environment , as suggested in stander 6 . According to this stander, I believe that early childhood professionals have responsibilities to know about ethical guidelines and other professional standards before they start, assessment, observation and learning process . I have learned that teacher should include media and technology into curriculum in ways that are appropriate for the individual and the group , that provide positively access in creative play, mastery learning, problem solving and conversation as stander 6 mentioned . From this assignment and course in general , I have learned that skill to develop lesson plan is fundamental skill for teacher . Also, I have learned that lesson plan include parts like assessment, lesson introduction, presentation of new material , guided practice , student participation and closing Activity. Now I believe that an effective lesson plan be based on respect and understanding the

differences among young children in development , abilities and needs . Through this assignment, I was exposed to lots of articles and references which are talking about build effective lesson plan . Moreover, this assignment gave me a clear idea about inclusion , now I believe that inclusion is not just disabilities issue , but it is about our abilities and how to share it . In addition I believe that a quality lesson plan takes thought and preparation. I assume that building an effective lesson plan needs sufficient information about children knowledge and achievement levels .

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