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Crack it open. 2002 Alderae Entertainment Group, Ine. Al rights reserved } ; 1 ae eines ik — INTRODUCTION Wairine 1420 Writer 1-9 Dawn bach 10-18 Jefflbach 19-20 Roll wice and Combine results ‘Arr Dinection 1420 Art Director 1-20 jim pinto Cover ItustraTion 1620 Anist 1-20 -Hugh Jamieson InTeRtor ART 20 Ait 112. Jonathan Hunt 13-20. Beth Trott Eorror 1420 Editor 1-13 Katie Yates 14-20 jim pinto PLavrestING 1420 Praytester 1-8 Mike Leader 9-18 Kevin Millard 39-20 Rall twice and Combine results SPECIAL THANKS: 1420 Thank Yous (jim pinto would like to thank) 1-3 Allthe writers for meeting impossible deadlines: 46 Dawn and Jeff for meeting my constant last minute requests. 7 Thanks to Mike Leader for pinch itting when we needed it the most 8 Kevin Millard for batting clean up and stealing second, 9 Boyd Kleen for last minute NPC ideas and his eye for detail 10 Patrick Kapera and Rob Vaux for letting me pick ther brains. 11-14 Mark Jelfo for not vetoing this eredits page. 15-19 John Zinser for the core idea and the vision to see a book like this through, 20 You, for buying this book, Depication 1620 Dedicated 1-20 Jessie Decker and Dave Gross, for encouragement and general 420 enthusiasm, AppiTionat Wririnc 20 Writer 1-7 jim pinto 3.12 Edgar Rosero 13-16 James Sharkey 17-18 Cheryl Van-Mater Miner 13-20 Phillips Van-Mater Miner Cover Desicn 20 Att 119 Mark jelfo 20 Justin Lawler InTeRIoR Desicn ANo Layout 20 Ait 1 Mark Jelfo 2-20 Justin Lawler Line Devetorer 1420 Line Developer 1-20 jim pinto Project MaNacer 420 Project Manager 1-4 Jeffibach 5-20 jim pinto

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