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Textual Analysis and Representations: Image of Olympic outfit takes centre stage, in full colour to attract attention of audience.

. The typeface is smaller than that of the stories around it but is in colour, suggesting a vibrant, fun story; going for gold in style: use of semantic field of sport to create a pun adds to this impression. Full colour image of smiling athletes and designer: connotations of success; focus on fashion. Team GB = national pride; focus on the flag and sporting success anchors this.

News Values: The news agenda is dominated by politics and events of magnitude (i.e. tax, alcohol prices, the weather and health). The Olympics piece focuses instead on celebrity, entertainment and follows up the ongoing narrative of preparation for the games. It fits the agenda of British pride which the Telegraph embraces ideologically. Textual Analysis and Representation: Image of female athlete in full colour takes up large portion of the page. Typeface of Tulisa story is larger, giving it more status, but the image is more prominent and is presented in a way to attract the male gaze. Jess looks fit in her kit anchors the construction of the image in a way which objectifies the athlete: she is presented for our visual pleasure, alongside a sensationalised story about a sex-tape which refers to the teenage girl featured as a babe. This also anchors the representation of Jess (informal name) as sexually appealing. Fashion element of the kit is almost non-existent; British pride is implied via image and Olympics logo but is not the main representation.

Olympic Kit: How has this representation been selected, constructed and anchored? Why has it been created in this way/how is it being used? Is this a typical representation in this context? What issues and debates surround this representation?

News Values: The news agenda is dominated by celebrity: the only story of global importance is given a small but sensationalised spot on the masthead. The focus is on entertainment.

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