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UNIANOVA Protein BY Telur Bawang_Putihh /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /POSTHOC = Telur Bawang_Putihh ( LSD ) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Telur) /EMMEANS

= TABLES(Bawang_Putihh) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Telur*Bawang_Putihh) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = Telur Bawang_Putihh Telur*Bawang_Putihh .

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Notes Output Created Comments Input Data 20-MAY-2013 21:31:16 D:\data\Dokumen\Saya\Skripsi\aku\a nalisa data spss\terbaru\data spss.sav DataSet1 <none> <none> <none> 24 User-defined missing values are treated as missing. Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model. UNIANOVA Protein BY Telur Bawang_Putihh /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /POSTHOC = Telur Bawang_Putihh ( LSD ) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Telur) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Bawang_Putihh) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Telur*Bawang_Putihh) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = Telur Bawang_Putihh Telur*Bawang_Putihh .

Active Dataset Filter Weight Split File N of Rows in Working Data File Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing Cases Used



Elapsed Time


Processor Time


[DataSet1] D:\data\Dokumen\Saya\Skripsi\aku\analisa data spss\terbaru\data spss.sav

Warnings Post hoc tests are not performed for Jenis Telur because there are fewer than three groups.

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Telur Ayam Leghorn Telur Ayam Kampung Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL N 12 12 6 6 6 6

Jenis Telur

1 2

Ekstrak Bawang Putih

1 2 3 4

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein Jenis Telur Telur Ayam Leghorn Ekstrak Bawang Putih Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Total Telur Ayam Kampung Kontrol Mean 12.9533 10.1167 9.1567 8.0933 10.0800 11.5500 Std. Deviation .05859 .22679 .31943 .16258 1.89586 .46508 N 3 3 3 3 12 3

0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Total Total Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Total

9.5233 8.5700 7.8000 9.3608 12.2517 9.8200 8.8633 7.9467 9.7204

.43085 .40632 .28054 1.50553 .82383 .44771 .45837 .26051 1.71405

3 3 3 12 6 6 6 6 24

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances(a) Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein F df1 df2 Sig. 1.526 7 16 .228 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a Design: Intercept+Telur+Bawang_Putihh+Telur * Bawang_Putihh

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein Source Corrected Model Intercept Telur Bawang_Putihh Telur * Bawang_Putihh Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squares 65.915(a) 2267.676 3.103 61.788 1.024 1.658 2335.249 df 7 1 1 3 3 16 24 23 Mean Square 9.416 2267.676 3.103 20.596 .341 .104 F 90.863 21881.724 29.944 198.738 3.294 Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .048

67.573 a R Squared = .975 (Adjusted R Squared = .965)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Jenis Telur Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein Mean Lower Bound 10.080 9.361 Std. Error Upper Bound .093 .093 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Bound Bound 9.883 10.277 9.164 9.558

Jenis Telur Telur Ayam Leghorn Telur Ayam Kampung

2. Ekstrak Bawang Putih

Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein Mean Lower Bound 12.252 9.820 8.863 7.947 Std. Error Upper Bound .131 .131 .131 .131 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Bound Bound 11.973 12.530 9.541 10.099 8.585 7.668 9.142 8.225

Ekstrak Bawang Putih Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL

3. Jenis Telur * Ekstrak Bawang Putih Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein Ekstrak Bawang Putih Jenis Telur Telur Ayam Leghorn Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Telur Ayam Kampung Kontrol 0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 12.559 9.723 8.763 7.699 11.156 9.129 8.176 7.406 Upper Bound 13.347 10.511 9.551 8.487 11.944 9.917 8.964 8.194 Lower Bound Upper Bound 12.953 .186 10.117 .186 9.157 8.093 11.550 9.523 8.570 7.800 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186

Post Hoc Tests Ekstrak Bawang Putih

Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Kandungan Protein LSD (J) Ekstrak Bawang Putih (I) Ekstrak Bawang Putih Kontrol Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound 2.0377 2.9943 3.9110 -2.8257 .5627 1.4793 -3.7823 -1.3507 .5227 -4.6990 -2.2673 Lower Bound 2.8257 3.7823 4.6990 -2.0377 1.3507 2.2673 -2.9943 -.5627 1.3107 -3.9110 -1.4793

0,5 mL 1 mL 1,5 mL Kontrol 1 mL 1,5 mL Kontrol 0,5 mL 1,5 mL

Lower Bound Upper Bound 2.4317(*) .18586 3.3883(*) .18586 4.3050(*) -2.4317(*) .9567(*) 1.8733(*) -3.3883(*) -.9567(*) .9167(*) -4.3050(*) -1.8733(*) .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586 .18586

0,5 mL

1 mL

1,5 mL

Kontrol 0,5 mL

1 mL Based on observed means. * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.






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