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Josiah Strong- American Protestant leader of the Social Gospel movement Captain Alfred Mahan- Navy captain know for his writings on naval warfare Big Sister Policy- policy that tried to gain support from Latin America Great Rapprochement- The US and GB become close Yellow Journalism- Less accurate, worse quality journalism Dupay de Lome- Wrote a letter about the president that cause distrust with the Spanish The Maine- Battleship near Cuba that sank and started the s/a war Queen Liliuokalani- Queen that fought back against American seizure of Hawaii Teller Amendment- Said the US would free Cuba from Spain Manila Harbor- First battle of s/a war Rough Riders- Cavalry unit from s/a war Anti-Imperialist League- Group that opposed the annexation of the Philippines White Mans Burden- Disputed poem regarding the right to rule over others Foraker Act (1900)- Allowed P. Rico to run its own govt Insular Cases- Sup. Ct. cases regarding the rights of people of US occupied islands Platt Amendment- (Post s/a war) Decided US military involvement in Cuba (GITMO) John Philip Sousa- Composer and Conductor of US Marine Band Jingoism- Aggressive nationalism Imperialism- Using military force to control work and resources in another nation George Dewey- Admiral in s/a war

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