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Information and Communications Technology General and Specific Competencies COMPUTER EDUCATION 1 (THIRD YEAR) At the end of this course, the students are expected to have gained the following competencies: I. Introduction to computer 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge and skills on the use of computer. 1.1 Explain the importance, application and trends of computer systems 1.2 Differentiate between data and information 1.3 Discuss the components of the micro-computer system 1.4 Describe how these components interact to manipulate and store symbols. 1.5 Discuss the importance of software in the use of personal computer 1.6 Compare the major types of software 1.7 Give uses and examples of multimedia 1.8 Discuss how to maintain/take care of the computer systems

II. Operating Systems

1. Demonstrate understanding of operating systems (OS) 1.1 Define the operating systems 1.2 Discuss the functions of the operating systems on all size of the computer 1.3 Differentiate between generic and proprietary operating systems 1.4 Explain the functions of the operating system of the personal computer 1.5 Explain rules in using the OS 1.6 Perform the proper booting procedures in a personal computer 1.7 Describe the OS prompt 1.8 Describe how the OS performs multi-tasking operations 1.9 Describe the special function keys 1.10 Explain the rules in file naming conventions 1.11 Describe the feature of the operating environments 1.12 Load the operating environment at the OS prompt 1.13 Perform examples of OS command such as: Internal commands DIR CLS DEL REN

COPY External VOL FORMAT LABEL CHKDSK DELTREE Managing Subdirectories MAKE/CREATE MOVING DELTREE OTHERS III. Word Processing 1. Demonstrate functional knowledge and skills in word processing 1.1 Describe what a word processor does 1.2 Discuss the process of formatting a document 1.3 Describe the key operations of a word processor 1.3.1 Utilize the general operations of a word processor such as: Accessing the word processing package from the operating system Creating/retrieving a file from disk Saving a file onto disk Printing a file Deleting file on disk Quitting on the current file to do something on another file Terminating the work to get back to the operating system 1.3.2 Show functional skills on entering and editing operations Moving a cursor Scrolling Making a line return Inserting and deleting Moving and copying Searching and replacing 1.3.3 Execute the print-formatting operations Adjusting line spacing Indenting Justifying Establishing a page format Reformatting Centering Tabbing

Paginating Setting-up headers and footers Selecting type spaces Putting text into multiple columns Footnoting 1.4 Use the spelling checker and the Thesaurus features 1.5 Apply desktop publishing applications to creating income generating documents such as: Advertisement Reports/communications Business cards Resume Brochures Stationery Transparencies 1.6 Describe the process of creating graphic images on the computer such as: Analysis graphics Presentation graphics Computer-aided design Print package 1.7 Discuss the key concerns in selecting a word processing packages of a personal computer

IV. Getting started with Spreadsheets

1. Demonstrate functional knowledge of spreadsheets 1.1 Discuss how a spreadsheet works 1.2 Give examples of entries used in a spreadsheet 1.3 Explain the spreadsheet screen 1.4 Discuss planning and designing a spreadsheet 1.5 Describe the common spreadsheet features 1.5.1 Copy the contents of one cell or a group of cells 1.5.2 Move the contents of a range of cells 1.5.3 Insert of delete row or column 1.5.4 Format the row and column 1.5.5 Work with ranges of cells 1.5.6 Save a spreadsheet to a disk or load one to a disk 1.5.7 Print an entire spreadsheet or just a part of a spreadsheet 1.6 Use the mathematical functions to perform special operations such as: SUM AVG MAX MIN

1.7 Perform a series of operations using macros 1.8 Discuss examples of integrated packages 1.9 Create presentation graphics such as bar charts, pie charts, and line charts on spreadsheet data

1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in computer using the internet 1.1 Explain the meaning and uses of internet 1.2 Discuss the history of the internet 1.3 Enumerates parts of the internet 1.4 Describe each part of the internet 1.5 Discuss the software used in the internet 1.6 Show appreciation of the importance of the internet


1. Demonstrate basic skills in connecting to the internet 1.1 Enumerate equipment used in connecting to internet 1.2 Discuss the steps in the connection access to internet 1.3 Perform the basic steps in setting-up internet connection VII. BROWSING THE WEB 1. Manifest functional knowledge and skills in accessing information from the internet 1.1 Describe the web browser 1.2 Describe the feature of world wide web (www) 1.3 Enumerate the steps in browsing the web 1.4 Analyze the parts of a web browser 1.5 Perform web browsing in the internet such as: Texts Graphics images Video Links to other pages



Information and Communications Technology General and Specific Competencies COMPUTER EDUCATION 2 (FOURTH YEAR) At the end of course, the students are expected to have gained the following competencies: I. Review of Basic Concepts in Computer Operations 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of computer operation concept Discuss the difference between data and information Differentiate between syntax and semantics Discuss the natural approaches to problem solving Trace the steps in problem solving Explain why learning to program I s valuable Show understanding on the use of computer files Discuss how programs are being processed Observe the safety measures in the operations of the computer systems

II. Introduction to basic programming

1. Demonstrate the skills on basic programming 1.1 Define algorithms 1.2 Describe what a flowchart is 1.3 Differentiate the major types of flowcharts 1.4 Enumerates the uses of the flowcharts 1.5 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of flowcharts 1.6 Discuss the following symbols which are being used for flowcharts Rectangle (processing) Parallelogram (input/output) Diamond Connector box Flow lines or arrow lines Start box or finish box 1.7 Identify a flowcharting template 1.8 Enumerate the notation used in flowcharting 1.9 Explain how looping in flowcharting is used 1.10 Cite the functions of counters in flowcharting 1.11 Follow the steps in loop control Initialization Test for limit condition Incrementation

1.12 Point-out the importance of trailer record 1.13 Perform how flowchart facing is done 1.14 Identify the functions of the accumulator 1.15 Design a well-organized flowchart

III. Using Databases

1. Manifest functional knowledge and skills on the use of data management packages 1.1 State the importance of database 1.2 Define the concepts/terminology of databases Field Records Files 1.3 Discuss field descriptors 1.4 Differentiate between file processing and database management 1.5 Discuss the steps involved in planning database files 1.6 Perform different operations in file processing 1.6.1 Creating the database files 1.6.2 Defining the structure of the file in terms of the fields 1.6.3 Using a data entry screen in entering the information 1.6.4 Listing the records on the file in desired order 1.6.5 Searching for a particular record or listing all records on the file with some special characteristics 1.6.6 Creating the report format to be used 1.6.7 Outputting the information in the desired report format 1.7 Perform indexing and sorting data base records 1.8 Identify how changes are make in database files 1.9 Explain the differences between relational, hierarchical and network models 1.10 Perform the operations in working with relational database management system 1.11 Discuss common problems and pitfall and their solutions on: Improving sorting speed Maintaining data integrity Avoiding deletion error Avoiding data loss 1.12 List the considerations in selecting a database management for personal computers

IV. Introduction to HTML

1. Demonstrate skill on basic website creation 1.1 Explain the meaning of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 1.2 Describe the parts of URL 1.3 Explain the meaning of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

1.4 Describe the structure of an HTML document 1.5 Discuss the process of formatting text 1.6 Differentiate logical and physical character attributes of HTML 1.7 Discuss the different list types of HTML supports 2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in creating HTML pages using word processing 1.1 Discuss the easy ways in creating web pages through word processing 1.2 Describe the steps in creating a web page from wizard or template 1.3 Perform steps to create a web page 1.3.1 Accessing file menu 1.3.2 Clicking New, then clicking Web Page Tab 1.3.3 Double clicking Web Page Wizard 1.3.4 Adding or changing text or formatting 1.3.5 Saving a word document in HTML format 1.4 Publish web site to the internet

Vincent Rabeje III Elmer C. Trinidad Maiden Cope

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