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Education Consultancy

Resolving barriers to learning with Mindful Inquiry and Holistic, Integrative Education

Contents and Overview

SOIL Education Consultancy Sowing SOIL Inner School
-Introduc+on, founder and facilitators, schoolSOIL, vision, mission, inten+ons, strategy

-introductory group process, preview of SOILs Mindful Inquiry experien+al workshops

-Exploring the most valuable learning resource, the mind, body and heart

An Inner Design For Change schoolSOIL Mandala The Family Circle gardenSOIL

-Seven inner steps for outer change, enabling ci+zenship in learners

-Guiding Mindful Inquiry, promo+ng reec+on and self-direc+on -Healing our most fundamental rela+onships, Family=School presenta+on/workshop -Seeding self-awareness and sustainability

The Indigo School

-Learning through Play, Inquiry and Crea+vity

Posters and bookings

-Preview and booking guidelines

Reflections and Assessment

-Documenta+on and tes+monials, pre and post assessment forms

Contact information

-Founders silent medita+on prac+ce, country representa+ves

SOIL Education Consultancy

Conception and Purpose


The SOIL dream of sowing Seeds Of Innite Love began when an en+re Gr 1 class, inquiring into plant growth, built a community garden and inspired by their learnings, spread the message, We Are All One across their community. Their profound words reminded their teacher, Juanita Naidoo of her purpose in life and with the SOIL team of volunteers, she now invites children and adults to rediscover the innate wisdom of their hearts by facilita+ng Mindful (Medita+ve) Inquiry in various mul+-faceted workshops, sharing strategies for learners and teachers, of all ages, to look within and understand themselves beYer. Juanita is a school teacher whose 13.5 years of experience in South Africa, South Korea, the UK, the Philippines (and other countries) has led her to address what tradi+onal mainstream educa+on has produced and labels as distracted, aYen+on decit, hyperac+ve, socially challenging, disrup+ve and under-performing learners. SOIL Educa+on Consultancy conducts Mindful (Medita+ve) Inquiry workshops, provides learning resources and shares Holis+c, Integra+ve Educa+on strategies that address the root causes of learning and behavioral challenges and s+mulate life-long self-inquiry using interac+ve Mandalas which are each specically designed for a range of learning contexts. Each Mandala is a Seed....Of Innite Love and when sown, infuses simple moments with a passionate love for learning, aimed at empowering learners to be more reec+ve and responsible and enabling them to take ac+on in ways that protect and nurture our planet.

Founder and Facilitators

Juanita Naidoo graduated in 1999 with a Bachelor of Primary Educa+on from the University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa. Her teaching career began in 2000 and she has since taught at government and private schools in South Africa, South Korea, the UK and the Philippines. Her area of specializa+on has been primary educa+on, Art, Design and Technology and she has also taught a range of subjects from kindergarten to high- school, including English as a Foreign Language. She has Qualied Teacher Status in the UK and police clearance in all countries of employment. In 2010 she became the Philippines Country Representa+ve of Design For Change the worlds largest global movement designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a beYer world and put them into ac+on. In 2011 she graduated from the University of Catalonia as a teacher of Sustainability Educa+on with an Ecovillage Design cer+cate. Ager awakening to her purpose and realizing her reason for being born, she leg her job at the Interna+onal School Manila in June 2011 to dedicate her life to enabling children and adults to remember the wisdom of the heart through inquiry based Integra+ve and Holis+c Educa+on prac+ces which she shares in workshops, courses and learning resources. With the assistance and dedica+on of Anirudh Ashok, and the support of SOIL Seed Bankers, she oers the SOIL services in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, India, the UK and South Africa leading to a growing number of SOIL facilitators who have a specialism in a par+cular area of study. SOIL provides a dieren+ated range of printed and online learning resources for learners who choose to sustain and deepen their self-inquiry.


Vision, Mission, Intentions, Strategies

We are each, an en+re school, discovering our innate understanding of the magnicent Universe and sharing our limitless love for learning.

We conduct workshops in schools sharing strategies for learners, teachers and parents to de-stress, relax, develop values and understand themselves beYer through Mindful Inquiry, movement, dance, art, breathwork, energy awareness, ci+zenship and gardening.

- - - - - - - to revive inner peace by op+mising focus and enhancing the learning environment. to remind par+cipants of their life purpose and reason for experiencing the school of life. to review prac+cal Mindful Inquiry, ci+zenship and life-long self-inquiry strategies. to reduce stress and increase energy levels of teachers, learners and parents. to release stored tension in the bodies and minds of school community members. to reconnect with the bodys core power and align it to the crea+vity of the mind. to restore an awareness of nature, and schools as Sustainability Educa+on centers.


Sta development for school administrators, teachers, university/college students and lecturers. Parent workshops to enrich parental involvement in the learning process of their children by sharing strategies to nurture a learning environment at home. Learner workshops providing guided and independent Mindful Inquiry into values, self- image, emo+onal wellbeing, body and energy awareness, breath regula+on and behaviour management, empathy, ci+zenship, self-directed learning and reec+on strategies. Systems and resources for ongoing, independent inquiry and self-assessment -Facilitators demonstrate how the schoolSOIL Mandalas are used to foster a self-directed learning environment using essen+al ques+ons to inquire into learning styles, thinking paYerns, behaviour, management strategies, team-work techniques and overall wellbeing. -We oer a resource package, for stakeholders to sustain the applica+on of schoolSOIL techniques and strategies. -We sustain ongoing learning with our websites that supports independent inquiry through colour based, self-inquiry.

Sowing SOIL

Introduction to SOIL, Mindful Inquiry


Sowing SOIL, is a story-telling session, presenta+on and discourse about personal healing and transforma+on, the educa+on revolu+on, sustainable lifestyles, transi+on ini+a+ves and planetary awakening. It centres around the story of a garden that taught children to awaken to Oneness, presenta+ons, an explora+on of the interac+ve SOIL Mandalas and an immersion into Mindful (Medita+ve) Inquiry, which is SOILs special way of guiding towards listening to the wisdom of the heart, remembering essence and embodying Oneness.


Juanita shares her story and the vision of SOIL using a range of media and techniques: -videos, and printed resources of who, what and why she was inspired to create and sow SOIL, and how the team operates. -the SOIL Seed Banking (Personal Investment/Paying It Forward) and Gardening (Individual/School Par+cipa+on) Strategies, invi+ng individuals, groups and schools to par+cipate and support. -slideshow presenta+ons of SOIL Educa+on Consultancy with overviews of our mul+- faceted services. -a 30 minute experience of Medita+ve Inquiry and SOIL Mandala strategies that guide toward self-organised, collabora+ve and reec+ve learning.


On-site: We oer 1 hour whole community workshops, which can be longer in dura+on.. Ongoing: We distribute yers, sharing our website with those wishing to book our services. hYp://

Inner School

Differentiated Workshops

We teach Mindful Inquiry through a range of dieren+ated ac+vi+es, tailored to suit the needs of learners from nursery to high school as well as teachers and parents and all members of the school community. These sessions aim to help children and adults to understand themselves beYer by exploring their most valuable learning resource-the mind, body and heart through holis+c reec+ve prac+ces.


We teach learners, teachers and parents, how to reduce stress, release tension and allow the mind and body to relax. Sharing Mindful Inquiry par+cipants are guided to relax, observe the body and breathe. Using music and guided medita+on, we take par+cipants on a inner journey in which deep healing and expanded self-awareness is shared. Strategies to observe body, emo+ons, energy and thoughts provide par+cipants with simple steps they can use daily to relax, regulate breathing, behaviour and improve their all round performance and wellbeing.


On-site: Introductory sessions are 1 hour in dura+on and can be scheduled as whole school/grade or class workshops. We oer weeklong programmes for schools who wish to book sessions with all classes and to integrate techniques into their teaching prac+ce. Online: Our website is shared for free access to our Inner School learning resources. hYp://

An Inner Design For Change



In these workshops we share seven inner steps for outer change by guiding par+cipants to connect with something they wish to change in their lives, to explore their dreams and connect with their bodies and hearts. We introduce adults and children to DESIGN FOR CHANGE, the largest global movement designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a beYer world and put them into ac+on.


Par+cipants are shown videos of how children are leading global change, using simple strategies. We then guide par+cipants inwards with our DFC SOIL Mandala, music and guided visualisa+on, to observe what they wish to change and let go through free movement, to visualise the change they wish to see, sending their energies, thoughts, love, dreams to anything that they wish to change in the world.


On-site: Introductory sessions are 1 hour in dura+on and can be whole school/grade or class workshops. SOIL is the Philippines promoter of DFC and we oer weeklong programmes for schools who wish to deepen the process in the Philippines and South Africa only. Schools in other countries are referred to the local team. Online: Our website is shared for access to the DFC SOIL learning resources. hYp://

schoolSOIL Mandala

Reflection Devices

In the schoolSOIL workshops and processes, learners and teachers learn how to use the interac+ve Self Reec+on and Class Reec+on Wheels which can be used in any classroom, during any learning experience. These rainbow coloured mandalas, comprise of three movable wheels and arrows which are used for mapping the learning journey and guiding inquiry with essen+al ques+ons that support learners with observing, reec+ng and assessing progress, ajtudes and performance. It is especially useful for learners who require assistance with managing their learning behaviours. The ME ques+ons can be used during individual work whilst the WE ques+ons are to be used during group work.


We introduce the learning resource to teachers so they can explore it on conceptual and experien+al levels in teacher workshops. They are led through a guided inquiry that allows them to apply the mandala to a context of their choice. We then discuss classroom applica+on, documenta+on and data analysis strategies. Teachers who are interested, then book in-class sessions for guidance with applica+on.


On-site: Oered during an Inner School Programme Ongoing: We provide schoolSOIL Mandalas and other learning resources (made to order) hYp://

What am I learning?

The Family Circle


Restoring Relationships

This workshops focusses on healing the fundamental rela+onships, between parents and children. Workshops at schools are parents only sessions, giving them a space to relax and let go, a freedom they don't always give themselves when fullling parental responsibili+es. This is a +me to step back and step into themselves and see themselves as central to the educa+on their child is receiving. Children are are ALWAYS learning. When parents recognise the huge implica+ons of their child's ongoing learning process, they become more willing to make behavioural changes that best support the growth and development of their child.


Through deep relaxa+on, and Mindful Inquiry using music, ques+oning and visualisa+on, parents and children are guided to release stress while iden+fying its root causes, heal physical, emo+onal and psychological illnesses, resolve issues in rela+onships, let go of past trauma, say goodbye to loved ones who have passed away, reconnect with their heart, remember their life purpose and embrace the inner child.


On-site: Introductory parent enrichment sessions are 1 hour in dura+on when held at schools. We oer subsequent private consulta+on with parents who wish to engage in a deeper rela+onship building, family process. Online: Our website is shared for free access to our online learning resources. hYp://


Sustainability Education

Through the gardenSOIL workshops, residen+al programs of inquiry and Environmental Educa+on Consulta+on, we share learning resources, grow community gardens and invite learners and teachers to experience a prac+cal inquiry into the garden as a living classroom, in alignment with exis+ng curriculum frameworks.


This starts as an introductory process and deepens as longer programmes of inquiry into: -star+ng, taking care of and sustaining a garden using permaculture methods -the role of being a gardener, using the Kath Murdoch inquiry cycle to observe our learning process, the DFC toolkit to enable responsible ci+zenship and the gardenSOIL mandala to choose and self-assess what we do and learn. -deepening self-knowledge and making connec+ons to school curriculum


On-site: Introductory sessions are 1 hour in dura+on. We oer month long programmes for schools who wish to integrate techniques into their teaching prac+ce. Online: Our website is shared for free access to our gardenSOIL learning resources. hYp://

Indigo School

Self-organised Values Education


The Indigo School is a self-awareness and values curriculum, that uses the seven colours of the rainbow to: observe the mind, heart and body; make intui+ve choices of what to do during lessons and to become more self aware by asking ques+ons and listening to the answers, whilst the body and mind is in a relaxed, medita+ve state. These workshops are are especially benecial for children and adults who are dierently abled to be understood simply as energy and for their unique gigs to be valued.


Through experien+al learning, par+cipants engage in guided and independent inquiry -use interac+ve mandalas to be more inquiring and reec+ve learners -meditate, self-inquire and observe their own unique learning process -set inten+ons and use mindful speech to create and shape experiences -breathe, centre and focus aYen+on on their heart during chosen ac+vi+es -understand how energy seems to strengthen or weaken the mind, body -express and manage emo+ons and behaviour through play, art and dance -be more independent and self-reliant at school and other social contexts


On-site: Introductory sessions are 2 hours in dura+on. We oer Teacher Training Courses for schools who wish to integrate techniques into their regular teaching prac+ce. Online: Our website is shared for free access to our Indigo School online classroom. hYp://


These posters are edited and provided u p o n b o o k i n g a n d p r o g r a m m e conrma+on. We provide the following detailed brochures with logis+cal guidelines about workshop requirements to assist schools to book our programmes with ease: schoolSOIL Brochure Workshop Informa+on and Energy Exchange SOIL Residen+al Courses

Reflections and Assessment

Documentation and testimonials
Youtube Playlist (India, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines)

Pre-assessment and Booking

For schools to conduct a needs assessment and to tailor-make programmes

h"ps:// formkey=dFB6WnF4eHZoRmlnOXg5eEZhVlg3dWc6MA#gid=0

Post-assessment and reflections

To share feedback with SOIL facilitators for ongoing growth and support


SOIL founder and facilitator, Juanita Naidoo, prac+ces daily silent medita+on and only speaks vocally during sessions and workshops, observing silence at all other +mes. Anyone interested in booking a SOIL programme needs to liase with Anirudh Ashok (SOIL Global Opera+ons and Bookings) or contact the country representa+ves below:

SOIL Global South Africa Philippines UK India

Anirudh Ashok +91 9980767906 Juanita Naidoo +2784 357 4317 text only

Juanita 00639179167803 text only Chris Rea +639179166691 text only (gardenSOIL, Indigo School) Chris Rea (Indigo School)

Amit Gupta +91 9833709822 (Inner School) Manoj Dalal +91 9824018953 (Inner School)

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