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Plot is a term that is applied to the events of a story. Plots are driven by conflict: the purpose of plot is to set of conflicts that are either resolved (happy ending) or not resolved (tragic ending). There are six major types of conflict: Ch. vs. Character Ch. vs. Nature Ch. vs. Self Ch. vs. Supernatural Ch. vs. Society Ch. vs. Technology 2 5 6 3

The plot of a story is usually depicted in graph form as a mountain. Each section of the graph represents a different element of the story. 1. Introduction: This is the very beginning of a story, during which the setting and the main characters are introduced to the reader. 2. Rising action: This represents the bulk of the story, when conflicts begin to form. 3. Climax: The climax is the height of the action and the point when conflict is most intense. The climax usually represents some change in the action that will lead to the resolution of the conflict. 4. Falling action: This is the time in the story when the characters are attempting to deal with conflict and solve complications that arise from it. 5. Resolution: If conflict is successfully resolved, then there is a denouement (untying of the knots or problems) and the story has a happy ending. If the conflict is not successfully resolved, then there is a catastrophe, and the story has a sad ending, often ending with the main character dying. 6. Ending: The ending of the story is the point during which all of the loose ends are tied up. For example, the story may have a denouement which includes two characters deciding to resolve their conflicts and marry. The ending would be the marriage.

Setting is used by authors to create atmosphere and mood (e.g. It was a dark and stormy night creates the expectation that something bad or scary is going to happen) and the appearance of reality in the story. Setting can also be used to support the theme the author is trying to convey; this is usually done through imagery and symbolism. There are three major aspects of setting: spatial and temporal. Spatial This terms refers to the space aspect of the setting, and includes such things as what town, city, region, country the story takes place in, the landscape, the climate, the local architecture, etc. Temporal This term refers to the time aspect of the setting, and includes the time of day, the day, the season, the year, the historical context, the cultural values of the era, and the social concerns of the time, etc. Social Setting: the combination of the time and place a story is set in contributes to its historical setting. In every historical period or cultural space, there are certain expectations of how people behave that are then a part of the characters social expectations in the story.

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