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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary Unit/Topic: Key Learning Area: Number and Place Value-Doubling and

Halving Maths Date: 5th Sept 2013 Time: 11.35-12.15

Year Level: 1D Lesson: 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum outcomes for the unit: Measurement and Geometry Location and transformation Give and follow directions to familiar locations (ACMMG023) Using units of measurement Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours (ACMMG021) Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020) Number and Algebra Money and financial mathematics Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value (ACMNA017) Number and place value Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value (ACMNA014) Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero (ACMNA012) Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line (ACMNA013) Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts (ACMNA015) Patterns and algebra Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects (ACMNA018)

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken from relevant curriculum documents.) Investigate doubling and halving in everyday situations eg rolling two numbers the same on two dice, sharing a biscuit between two people. Identify the language of doubling and halving eg double, twice as much, halve, sharing into two equal amounts, half as much. Number strategies adding one

LESSON STRUCTURE: Time 11.3512.05 Introduction (Set): Teach

Make connections to doubling and halving lesson last Tuesday

Time 12.001.00pm

Main Content:


DOUBLING Focus questions review, reinforce: What words do you know that mean the same as double? Twice as much, two equal amounts How much more is double? Same amount again

Invite students to use materials to convey examples of doubling. Have them identify the parts and the whole. parts Doubling: starts with the parts the parts are exactly the same part

2 equal parts

Have students say the double fact, record in a part-part-whole model and as an addition number sentence. 4 8 Double 4 is 8. 4


Invite students to show examples using other numbers to ten. Use butterflies on whiteboard for students to answer doubling examples.

HALVING Focus questions to review and reinforce: What does it mean when you halve something? What are some things you have halved? e.g. sharing a sandwich between two people, cutting a piece of fruit in half What are some other words you know which mean the same as halving? e.g. halves, sharing into two equal amounts, half as much.

Have them identify the whole and the parts. Eg Draw circle and shade in half?

Halving: starts with the whole share the whole into two equal parts the parts are exactly the same

Say the halve fact, record in a part-part-whole model and present as a subtraction number sentence.

10 5 Half of 10 is 5. 5

10 - 5 = 5

Invite students to act out a halving situation using materials. Eg Half of a small group etc Eg Use counters to illustrate: Ben has ten lollies in the party bag. He wants to give half his lollies to his sister. How many lollies will Ben get?
Focus questions:

How many lollies in the party bag?

Is this the whole or part? How are you going to halve the amount of lollies? Who has a different strategy? How many lollies does Ben/his sister have? What do you notice about Bens and his sisters lolly amount? Are these the parts or the whole? What would we have to do to create the whole? Identify the whole, then after the sharing, identify the parts.

part whole


Use birthday cakes on whiteboard for students to answer halving examples.

Making the connection between halving and doubling Use materials and model halving a collection or quantity e.g. six blocks. Determine how many in the half by counting. Draw a circle (the whole), divide in two (the parts that make up the whole) Demonstrate how the whole can be recreated by doubling the amount of the half.

whole collection (6)

half the collection (3)

If we double the half (3) we recreate the whole (6):

Doubling things gives twice as much and increases the quantity. Halving things gives half as much and decreases the quantity

A doubles fact is a number sentence that repeats the same number., such as 3 + 3 = 6. Or 8+8. Use the doubles facts to solve other number sentences too! Display an addition number sentence e.g. 4+5=

Identify the double fact that could be used to solve the number sentence e.g. 4 + 4, then add 1 more to make up to 5. Think aloud:

double 4 add 1 makes Double 9

Or 5 + 5, and take 1 away from the 5 to make the 4. Think aloud double 5 take away 1 makes 9

Repeat using other addition sentences e.g. 3 + 4, 6 + 7 Highlight the importance of knowing the doubling and halving facts to help solve number problems efficiently. More examples: Use the doubles fact to solve the equation. Find the sum of 5 + 6. You can use counters or fingers, but you can also use doubles facts. If you know that 5+5 = 10, the sum of 5 + 6 will be one more. 5 + 6 = 11. Practice: 3 + 4, 7 + 8 +, 9 + 8

If my answer is 4, whats my double?

2 + 2.

If my answer is 5 whats the double, plus 1? 2 + 2 = 4; 4 + 1 = 5

If my answer is 7 whats the double, plus 1? If my answer is 3 whats the double, plus 1? If my answer is 9 whats the double, plus 1?

Problems: Sally has 2 lollies. Sam has 2 lollies. David gives 1 more lolly to Sally. How many lollies are there in total? (Remember, do the doubles first!) Ryan was given 3 tickets to Seaworld. His brother was given 3 tickets to Movieworld Their dad gave Ryan one more ticket. How many tickets do the boys have in total? (Do the doubles first!) I had 6 pencils. My friend also had 6 pencils. I was given one more by my teacher. How many pencils in total? Five butterflies landed on a leaf Next to five bees and one angry caterpillar. How many insects altogether? Jerry had 7 trucks. His friend also had 7 trucks. We needed one more to make the set. How many trucks do we need? I had $1 My friend had $1 We needed $1 more to buy the icecream. How much was the icecream? I had one sock on with red stripes. My sister found another sock with green stripes. Then I found my other red striped one. How many socks altogether? Nine people were waiting inside the restaurant. Nine people were waiting outside the restaurant. The owner was at the door. How many people altogether.



Teaching Approaches

Post Reflection:

RESOURCES (Include equipment required for class and/or for teacher preparation) Resources: Markers Butchers paper Counters Interlocking cubes Paddlepop stocks Lollies Work S AFETYsheet CONSIDERATIONS/MATERIALS

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