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English/Language Arts Lesson Plan: Resource Room Students: David, Kyle, Savanna, Lena, Emma September 30, 2013

st th Grade: 1 5 Subject: Language Arts: Decoding and Writing Standards: Kindergarten Level EL.K.1 2006 - READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development Students know about letters, words, and sounds. They apply this knowledge to read simple sentences. EL.K.6 2006 - WRITING: English Language Conventions Students begin to learn the written conventions of Standard English. 1st Grade Level EL.1.1 2006 - READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development Students understand the basic features of words. They see letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics (an understanding of the different letters that make different sounds), syllables, and word parts (-s, -ed, -ing). They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent (smooth and clear) oral and silent reading. EL.1.3 2006 - READING: Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text Students read and respond to a wide variety of children's literature. Students begin to read a wide variety of fiction, such as classic and contemporary stories, poems, folktales, songs, plays, and other genres. 1. Materials: a. Computer b. Poems journal w/ poems c. Pencils 2. Objectives: a. Introduce poetry genres and rhyming words b. Students complete poetry prompts 3. Motivation: View short video titled My Parents Sent Me to the Store - A Funny Kid's Poem by Children's Author Kenn Nesbitt. v=8AaFtT_M39Q 4. Goals for Learner: a. Learn about poetry using apple theme b. Identify rhyming words 5. Content and Procedures: a. View video. Ask students what they think we will be learning about today. Say, Yes, we will be learning about poetry. Ask the students what they know about poetry. b. Instruct students to open poetry journal. Read poems Little Red Apple and Five Little Apples Sitting on a Gate. Ask the students what they notice in each poem and how poems differ from stories. Make a list of their ideas. (words look different, shorter than stories, may sound like songs) c. Tell students lets think of a short poem about apples to write on the board using rhyming words. Write poem together using student ideas.

d. Open journal to My Apple Poem and Apple Tree and complete poems together. e. Introduce acrostic poems using student names and write on the board. f. Pass out Apple acrostic poem. Instruct students that this poem is their homework. 6. Practice/Application: a. Complete poem pages together. b. Acrostic poem homework 7. Evaluation of student learning: a. Students are able to identify rhyming words. b. Students are able to participate in discussion to create a poem together. 8. Closure: Today we worked on writing poems together about apples. Tomorrow we are going to write a an apple adventure story.

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