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104020 "CHiPs" fo1ses (REVISED) : Los AN: & STRAFINS SHOT 0} ribbon ne freeway An _endle: ee STEP PUSH IN on a BLACK HUMMER bobbing ft Se, cruising past the o@ Swith a cense Te BROWN V40'si: Mean, stone-faced, ca.m § ara ip tae passenger seats vic tthe thugs all pull MASKS over their heads SWAY rNUOUS ded with four. nt side doors ackpacks, LEAP cruises alongside a CAR CARE: rH The Humme: peld act chains are TORCHED, fe moving tr of gas ars are fueled end DR reeway- INT CAR Ci The portly TRUCK DRIVER looks o a Lamborghini go WE122 ‘That’s a coined Another 2IPS. the other What the hell?! ‘The ar ver grabs his cell phone qeT HUMMER - CONTINUOUS vic drives with one hand and points his gun st che try eee Mith'ehe other. BAM! He blows away the driver's Ti phone and a couple of his fingers then ‘S OFF EXT. FREEWAY - CONTINOOUS 4 and bleeding, LOSES CONTROL of his ‘SKIDS down the freeway sideways before the cab just Tt FISHTATLS anc Ealing on it's SIDE, The driver jumps out o: he gas tanks ©XPLODE cur 10 reads "5 MPH "PULL ze reveal @ officers on the shoulder ay cedar gun is held by JON SAFER 120s): blonde, start, ai}- eng-he cop) de him, looking through stall binoculars, is his AK "PONCH" PONCHERESLO (298! fis warner almost as charming handsome, slick put s Dann Por you've got to qe's a beautiful If 1 wanted t ali day holding a ez a job with the on righ necat. Not doing it ON che possession arrow's pointing By way.) I may have to drop the hanmex PONCE I used my possession arrow to ge back on days. You can't juet reverse my call. [t's against tne rules Jon ince when do you care about PONCH mn they affect my social Lite The quality of available women goes significantly down when your happy four is five AM, I'm not working graveyard oN come on The "yard" is when all the gction happens. People Fight you Remember when we «restied that juni f his car and he tried to stab with a needle? (remembering fond! That was fun

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