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School Name: Ashgrove State School Unit title: Perfect Packaging KLA(s): Technology, Mathematics, Art Year level: 3 Duration of unit: 4 weeks

Identify Curriculum Essential Learnings

Ways of working Students are able to: identify the purpose for design ideas generate simple ideas for designs communicate major features of their designs, using 2D or 3D visual representations and words select resources, simple techniques and tools to make products plan and sequence main steps in production procedures make products by following production procedures to manipulate and process resources follow guidelines to apply safe practices evaluate products and processes by identifying what worked well, what did not and ways to improve reflect on the uses of technology and describe the impact in everyday situations reflect on learning to identify new understandings. Context for learning Knowledge and understanding Products include artefacts, systems and environments Designs for products are influenced by purpose, audience and availability of resources Technology and its products impact on everyday lives in different ways Resources have characteristics that can be matched to design requirements Simple techniques and tools are used to manipulate and process resources

Year 3

School priorities School Vision To create a School that is the pride of its community and recognised nationally. Our Purpose To achieve optimum quality educational outcomes for all students. Our Vision For Students To prepare every student to contribute to and thrive in the future by providing enriching educational experiences within a safe, supportive

Design Challenge: Design and make a package that will promote a new healthy snack product and which appeal to children. Design constraints Working individually students will design and make a package suitable to hold a healthy snack. Each package should be able to open and close The package must be attractive and use some clever design features

Package needs to be appealing and marketable Success Criteria Design Must be functional, creative and innovative Materials Must select and use resources and materials that are appropriate to your package design Reflection Must be a detailed reflection based on the technology cycle This unit of work will use a five-stage technology cycle: Investigate, Design, Produce, Evaluate, Reflect. Students will explore the technology cycle of design, produce and reflect by designing and building creating a package Students will create a package from a simple design Students will decorate their package to make it a marketable product Students will reflect on their learning experience using DeBonos hats as a guide.

and challenging environment. Our Values And Beliefs At Ashgrove State School we believe in and value: Strong partnerships through open communication in a supportive environment. Commitment to excellence everywhere for everyone. Working together to meet current and future needs and challenges. Respect for and pride in self, others, school and the community. Educating each child to unlock his/her potential and foster a lifelong love of learning.

Develop assessment
Type of assessment
Instrument Student Books Individual student planning

Make judgments
Purpose of assessment
Formative assessment Track individual student progress of package design Evaluate student contribution to discussions and task Summative assessment Final product evaluation Reflection on learning

What will be assessed

Planning and development of final product

When it will be assessed

During the unit

Assessable elements
TECHNOLOGY Knowledge and Understanding [1] [2] Ways of Working [c] [d]

Instrument Individual student planning Final product Student reflection

Final product

At the end of the unit

TECHNOLOGY Knowledge and understanding [1] [2] Ways of working [e] [f]

Sequence learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Lesson 1 Introduction to Unit and Package Design Introduce the Technology process Brief history of packaging, different types of packages Walkthrough of student assessment task (including success criteria) Hand out workbooks Look at Packaging websites and prompt a class discussion Students will fill out the activity sheet in their booklets STUDENTS ARE PERMITTED TO BRING IN MATERIALS FROM HOME FOR CONSTRUCTION They will need them for next week Lesson 2 Planning and Designing Design Teacher guides students through assessment task again (including success criteria) Students discuss in groups the different types of packages they have Students work in pairs to complete the Packaging Investigation (As a class students will do one together) Students choose the product they are going to use and start planning their design Students begin sketching their product and their new packaging design Students are permitted to use any shape, material but they need to use the package they bought from home

Key Questions
What healthy would appeal to children? What type of packaging suits certain items? E.g. Cylinder Tube for Pringles What type of material would be safe to use if the product is going to be consumed by children? What is going to help us sell the product?

Students Work Booklets Interactive Whiteboard Various Websites Some Food Examples Package Examples x 5


What creative features do you notice about the package? How is this packaged opened? Is the package efficient? Could the package be improved? What product are you selling? What shaped package best suits your product? What shape is it?

Students Work Booklets Interactive Whiteboard Various Websites Glue Scissors Tape Coloured Pens and Pencils Package examples

Lesson 3 Producing the Package Produce Students work individually following their plan to create their new package Students use a variety of resources to make their package more appealing Students construct their package and test how well to works

Students Work Booklets Interactive Whiteboard Various Websites Some Food Examples Package Examples x 5

Evaluating and Redesigning Package Students work individual to redesign their package Students can test and refine kite design. Changes in design can be written over the top of previous design in different colour or on a new page Encourage students to make notes of their changes in their Technology Work booklet Lesson 4 Student Presentations and Individual Reflections


Students in groups come to the front of the class and present their package to the class Students give oral feedback

Continued; Teacher reiterates success criteria with students (Criteria sheet in book) Students complete reflection on the technology cycle and how it has impacted their learning. Students use DeBonos hats as a guide to inform reflection.


Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment
Observation of student progress during the final assessment task to help guide students with the task. Notes can be taken of student progress to ascertain whether students are on task or not. Formative assessment in the form of the Student Booklet to track student progress. Whole class discussions regarding packaging and marketing. Small group work followed by individual presentations. The teacher provides immediate feedback for written and oral work.

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