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2nd Grade

The following titles are available in the Lowell Public Schools. Theyre great options for read alouds, small group / whole class discussions, and brief writing responses.
Henrys Freedom Box by Ellen Levine

L is for Liberty by endy !heyette Lewinson

Squanto and the First Thanksgiving by "oyce #. #essel

En ounter by "ane $olen

The !aring Es a"e of E##en $raft by !athy &oore


The following titles are also available in the Lowell Public Schools as part of the Children Discovering Justice: Justice for All resource (it.

Ho% &any !ays to 'meri a( by Eve )unting

&o##ys )i#grim by )arbara !ohen

The First Thanksgiving by Linda *ayward

The *th of +u#y Story by +lice ,algliesh

The ,ther Side "ac-ueline oodson

The Sneet hes and


,ther Stories by ,r. Suess

-f a Bus $ou#d Ta#k. The Story of /osa )arks )y /aith 0inggold

Honest 'be by Edith #unhardt

&r0 Lin o#ns 1hiskers by #aren innic(

+ll .nd grade classrooms in the district should have access to the '1 titles listed here. Each schools library has a variety of additional titles that can be used to address Common Core standards in Social Studies. 2f youd li(e to use one of the te3ts listed here but cannot find it in your school, please contact me a few days in advance 2 can get you one. Than(s4 mneagle5lowell.('

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