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Conferred only in regular Lodges of Master Masons,
duly constituted by Grand Lodges
1 Entere* Apprentice 2’ Felloworaft
3 Master MaSon
Secret Ijaster
Perfect Master
9’ Master Elect of Nine
10’ Master~lect of Fifteen
5’ Intimate Secretary 1? Sublime Master Elected
7’ Provost and Judge 12’ Grand Master Architect Had not an extendcd trial demonstrated most
5 Intendant of the building iS’ Master of the Ninth Arch clearly that in no way can the arguments against a
14’ Grand Elect Mason
Conferred in a Lodge of Perfection, 14’, duly con-
stituted under authority of the Supreme Council of
secret order be put before the public so effectively as
the 88. in close connection with the ritual thereof, I should
ANCIENT HISTORICAL AND TRADITIONAL GRADES not have ventured the great expense of publishing this
15’ Knight of the East or
16’ Prince of Jerusalem Illustrated Ritual of the Scottish Rite.
Conferred in a Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16’. Rituals sell readily to both lodge members and out-
APOCALYPTIC AND CHRISTIAN GRADES alders, while the most eloquent address on the subject,
17’ Knight of the East and West however replete with important facts and argument.,
18’ Knight of Bose Croix de H-R-D-M
Conferred in a Chapter of Rose Croix seldom secures many readers.
de H-R-D-M, 18’
Although many members of any secret society would
6 AND decidedly prefer to have the analysis of the degrees left
10’ Grand Pontiff ~ 57’ Commander of the Temple out, and I have declined repeated offers to buy enti.c
30’ Master ad Vitam 28’ KnIght of the Sun editions of one thousand copies of different rituals at
21’ Patriarch Noachite 20’ Knight of St. Andrew
32’ Prince of Lihanus So’ Grand Elect Kadosh or my regular rates, provided I would furnish them with-
23’ Chief of thg Tahernacle Knight of the White and
24’ Prince of the Tahernacle Black Eagle
35’ Knight 0? the Drasen 51’ Grand Inspector out note or comment, not less than half of my sales of
Serpent InauistorComrnaiider
36’ Prince of Mercy 52’Sublime Prince of the rituals are to members of these orders, and hundreds,
Royal Secret when ordering a ritual, are careful to give their lodge
Conferred In a Consistory, Sublime Princes of
the Royal Secret, 82’. connections, supposing they could not otherwise get the
OFFICIAL GRADES desired’ ritual.
88’ Sovereign Grand Inspector General Before I commenced publishing this series of rituals,
Conferred only by the SUPREME COUNCIL, 88, with foot-note quotations, which, it will be observed,
and upon those who may be elected to receive It b7
that high body which assembles yearly. prove the substantial correctness of the ritual and form

a skeleton exposition of the degrees, many members of For the History of Freemasonry and especially of this
these orders, when purchasing rituals, took pains to Scottish Bite; besides the authorities named above, the
intimate or pronounce them incorrect. following are relied on and quoted in the Introduction,
Whea they see that the foot-note quotations from the Historical and Philosophical Analysis of the various
standard authorities of the order prove the correctness degrees, ‘viz.:
of the ritual, and form a skeleton exposition, they nat- “History of Freemasonry and Masonic Digest, by
urally consider themselves absolved from their oath of I. W. S. Mitchell, Past Grand Master; Put Grand
secrecy, and in hundreds of instances frankly admit the High Priest, and Past Grand Chaplain of Missouri”
accuracy of the ritual, even without the asking. Origin and Early History of Masonry, by Steinbreu-
The substantial correctness of this Scotch Rite Ritual ner.
is proved by extensive foot-note quotations from thE “The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; by Robert
“Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackeg, B. Folger, M. D., Put Master 359; Ex-Secretary Gen-
M. D., Put General Grand High Priest and Secretary eral,” etc.
General of the Supreme Council, 330, Southern June- “The History of England, by David Hume.”
diction of the United States.” “History of the Girondiste, by Alphonse de Lamar.
“General History, Cyclopedia, and Dictionary of tine.
Freemasouxy, by Robert Macoy, Past Deputy Grand “General History of Freemasonry in Europe, by Em-
Muter of New York and Nova Scotia:— Grand manuel Rebold, Past Deputy of the Grahd Orient of
Secretary of New York:—Grand Recorder of the Grand France, president of the Academy of Industrial Science.
Commandery of New Y~rk:—Representative of the and Member of many Philosophic and Scientij~c So-
Grand Lodges of, Illinois and Nova Scotia, cieties.”
and the Grand Council of New Brunswick.” etc., etc., “Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, by
and Charles T. McClenachan, 33w; Past Grand Muter of
George Oliver, D. D., “Provincial Grand Steward and Ceremonies of the Supreme Council.”
Grand Chaplain, Deputy Grand Muter of the Provin/e “Manual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
of Lincolnahire and Past Deputy Grand Muter of the by Will. M. Cunningham, M. A. K. .T.. Sovereign
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts?’ and the Grand Inspectior Genei*zl 880.,,
“Dictionary of Freemasonry, by Robert Morris, D. “The Life of Aaron Burr, by Matthew L. Davis.”
D.. LL. D.” “History of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Illinoip, bj

John C. Reynolds, Worshipful Master of Tyrian Lodge

888; Deputy Grand Secretary,” etc.
‘Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Illinois” from
18.60 to 1860 inclusive.
The first tifree Masonic degrees, termed wBlue
Lodge,” or “Ancient Craft Masonry,” being common to CONTENTS
all the Maponic Rites, are not given in this work, but
the full, accurate and prqfusely illustrated ritual of PROIAC5 a
IwTaooucrIoN 20
these degrees will be found in “Freemasonry Illustrat- Formation of the First Grand Lodge 21
ed,” also published by Ezra A. Cook. The Signs, Grips, The Chevalier Ramsa~s Career 22
LIes No Disparageme t to Masonic MoralIty 28
Pass Words, etc., termed the “Secret Work” of these The Scottish Rite Brought to America by a Jew 24
This Jew Branded sn Audacious Juggler 25
degrees, and also of the entire Scottish Rite are given Freemasonry the Child of Jesultisni 26
in their order at the close of the Second Volume oz CHAPTER l.—HIsroaIcaL SKETCH 01 THU ScovrIhH RITa UT
Importance of the Scottish Rite 25
this work. THE PUULISH. Born in the City of Nullification and Reboillon 29
The Traitor and Mason Aaron Burr 80
Masonic Conspiracy to Destroy the Union.. 81
General Jackson’s Freemasonry 82
PatriotIsm t’e. Masonic Obligations as
Destroying the Supreme Councils Records 84
AbomInations and Demon Worship 85
Full Page Engraving, Lodge of Perfection 86
CHAPTER lI.—Losou os Puawucriom 57
History of the Rite of Perfection. Note I 5?
The Temple, Arrangement, Furniture, Etc 88
Spiritual Man Represented by a Material Temple. Note 2 88
Officers Represent the Planets 89
CHAPTER III.—FouxrH ox Sucawr M.asmn’s Duau~... 40
The First of the Ineffable Degrees. Note S 40
The Lodge Hung in Mourning. Note 4 40
Form of the Lodge, Order and Jeweis 41
“Solomon is Seated in the East. Note r~ 41
“Adoniram. Calied Vensiabie Inspector” in ibe West.••
Note 6 41
Styie of Apron in Secret Master. Degree. Note 7. 41
Symbolic Age. Hours of Work and Moral 42
OruNimo Cusuxoxiss, Scszr Maim’s DsoauE 48
Sign of Silence 45
Adoniram a Most Prominent Personage. Note S 48
CHAP’1’ER IV.—FouurH oR Szcm Masruas Duoms 44
Preparation of Candidate, Secret Masters ~....
Page. Page.
Mock Scripture RecitatIon by Solomon. 45 • Jewel of the Degree and Its Symbolism. Note 82 71
ObligatIon. Secret Master’s Degree 46 Age and Hours of Work. Note 88 71
Mock Funeral ProcessIon 47 Moral of the Degree. Note 84 71
Hisart of iliram Abli in a Golden Urn. Note 9 47 Orarenia Cxaxxoinse, Pmas’ucv M&srxa’s DUOEEU 72
ElohIm. th Hebrew Title of Deity. Note 10 46 The Legend of the Degree. Note 85 72
The Sanctu~~ Smnctorum or Holy of Holies 49 “The Degree Commemorates a Departed Brother”
Initiatory Prayer, Secret Master’s Degrce ‘1~ote 36 73
“The Laurel Crown In Masonry,” Note 11 51 CHAPTER VX.—INIrIarIore. Puu,xEr M~at~a’a DUOSEC 74
The Olive Plant is a Symbol of Peace.” Note 12.... 51 Preparation of Candidate 74
The Key a Symbol of Secrecy. Note 18 51 Search for the Criminals. Note 87 75
Token. Secret Master’s Degree 52 The Sixteen Columns 76
Sign of Silence. Secret Master’s Degree Acccio, “the Symbol of Immortality.” Note 8J 76
Mackey Confirms the Name of the Pa.. Word. Note 14 52 Scripture Recitation. 77
The Sacred Word of the Degree also Confirmed. Note IS 52 Initiatory Song 75
Historical Discourse by Grand Orator 58 Ot.iigation of Perfect Master’s Degree 79
pIne Lodge Degrees Not Conferred t.y Supreme Couucli Sign of Recognition Perfect Master’s Degree 79
Note 16 58 Sign of Admiration SO
Triangle Enclosing Ineffable Name. Note 1? 58 First Token. Perfect Master’s Degree So
“The Shekinab of Masonry.’ Note IS 58
The Ineffable Degrees. Note 19 Third Token
Lodge Use of Other Names of Deity. Note 20 54 Lecture,JPerfect Master’s Degree 82
Kabbalistic Mysteries and Angels Aipha9~t. Note 21.. 54 5to114,. “a Name Introduced in Scotch Masonry.”
Foundation for and Scope of Secret Master’s Degree.
Note 22 55 Historical Discourse by Orator 86
Masonic SymbolIsm of the Circle. Note 28 55 Cnoszwo Chaxowiss, Puawuci I6ama’s Dxoa.m 88
The Ark of the Covenant and it. Contcnts Rzsroat~at Aieaz.ysis, Pzaszc’r Mama’s Dxoaas.......... 89
The Seven Branched Candlestick ST Date of the Origin of Wreemasonry 89
Symbolism of the Word Seven. Note 24 ST Degrees Fabricated for Political Purposes............ 90
Cz.osueo C.uzxoNIus, S.caur Macrn’s Duosas as The Gibberish of Freemasonry Admitted 01
The Duty of the Secret Master. Note 25 ie “What a Banter on the Human Race.”................
CHAPTER VIL—Suira ox lurruxars Sucauraxy’s Duoaxa...
BIsToUICAL ANALYsIs. Sucszr Masrns’s Duouxa
How Masonry Got Its Title “The Royal Art’ 60 “Its Emblematic Color Is Hiack.” Note 40.......... 98
Similarity of Masonic ~Jugglery and Priestcraft 60 Officers of the Degree. Note 41.................... 94
The Higher Degr~es Invented by Frencl~ Jesuit. 61 Intimate Secretary’s Apron. Note 42 95
Lodge end PoAsh Secrecy and Subject~n 62 Moral or Teachings of the Degree. Note 48.......... 95
Each TryIng to Charter, Tax and Govern Others 68 Eavesdropping Is Unmasonic. Note 44.............. 95
Invented by Jesuit. and Sold by Jews 54 OIUNING Csaaxoxtus~ lueruxars Sucaurasre Daossa........ 98
Freemasonry a Religious Pestilence. . ‘ 65 The Degree “Also Known as Master of Curiosity.”
Giterllla Pike. Moat Puissant Sovereign Grand Coin.
mender 66 An Instance of Unlawful Curiosity. Note 46 96
“Who But a Jesuit Could Invent Such a Degree 1”.... 67 The Pretended History of the Scotch Rite False.
“One Stupendous Demoniacal possession. Note 4? 9?
CHAPTER V.—FZVTH cc Paas’zcv Mama’s Dausa. 69 CHAPTER vIII.—INITIATIoN, Iwrixays S~c~av~ay’s D~oaxn OS
Object in Establishing This Degree. Note 26 “Joabert. the Companion of Solomon and Hiram.”
Decorations of Lodge Room for This Degree. Note 27. 70
“Adoniram Plays an Important Role.” Note 26 70 Joabert’s Curiosity and Rashuese, Note 49 99
Zerbal the Captain of the Guards. Note 29 70 “A Laudable Curiosity.” Note ho 99
Description of the Perfect Muter’. Apron. Note 80.. Joabert Made Secretary of Solomon and Hiram. Note 51. 100
Symbolim of Color of the “Order.” Green. Note 81.. 71 Freemasonry Excites Curiosity. Note 52............ 100
Obilgation, Intimate Secretary’s Degree.............. 101 Decorations. Jewel and Moral. Note 71 Page.
Sign. lutimate Secretary............................ 102 OveNI~1o CEREMONIES, INTENDANT OP THU BUILDINO.......... 184
Token. Intimate Secretary.......................... 108 CHAPTER XiI.—INITIATION, INTUNDANY 01 THE BI;ILOINO.. 18?
Discourse. by Master of Rloquence.................. 108 Preparation of Candidate ,.......................~ 187
Berith a S!gnificant Word. Note 58................ 108 Joabert Personating HIram AbilF........,....... 139
Name Zerbqi Invented by the Ritualist. Note 54...... 108 Obii~ation. Intendant of the Building...............• 140
The Legend of the Degree. Note 55................ 104 Sign of Surprise. Intendant of the Building.......... 142
Lecture. IntImate Secretary’s Degree................ 106 Benkhurlm. a Significant Word. Note 72............• 142
CLOSING CERRMONJES, IhITIsIAra SacRz’rAar’e Du4Iazu........ 109 Signs of Admiration and ~ 143
HIsroxIcAL A’e.&iYeIS, INrIxAl’s SuccurAax’s Duoaas....... 110 Jeh, Another Name of Deity, Used As a Pass Note 73.. 148
Nothing But Faisehood............................. 110 Token Intendant of the Building........... ..... 144
A Fortune from Seiiing Masonic Degrees............. 111 “Masonic Allusion to the Lion of the Tribe of Judab.”
“More Is Meant Than Meets the Eye”................ 112 Note ~ 144
Humbug Pretensions to Astronomic Teaching........ 112 Lecture. Intendant of the Building 145
A Government of Wolves Over Sheep................ 11.4 “Sometimes Called Master in Israel.” Note 7~. ....... 145
CHAPTER lX.—Suvv~ru Duorn. oc Puovoer MID Jonas.... 115 CLOSING CREHoNIEs, I’ITENDANT OF THE DuILnIN(~ 152
Officers and Their Titles. Note 56.................. 115 HxsroRIcu. ANALYSIs, INTENDAIT OF viii BUILDI?qo......., 153
The Legend of the Degree. Note 57................ 115 Masonry the Image of the Beast.................~,, 153
Decorations, Apron. Moral of the Degree. Note 58.... 115 Absolute Secrkcy and Absolute Despotism 154
Adoniram &nd H:s rather. Abda. Note 59.......... 115 Caricature of Christ’s Resurrectinn 155
Represenis Middle Chamber of Solomon’s Temple. Rulers of the Darkness of This World iso
OPENINC CEREMONIES, PaovosT AND Juooc................. 117 History and Object of This Degree. Note 70.......... 157
History of This Degree. Note 61.................... 117 Clothing. Apron. Jewel, Etc
Preparation of Candidate........................... ilk CHAPTER XIV.—IWITIArxox, MASTER ELECT OF Xz’~: 161
Obligst:on Provost end Judge...............~...... 121 Detalir of Mode in Which Traitors Ree”it.’(l Punish-
Grip and Sign Provost and Judge.................... 122 ment. Note 77..........................,. 161
Answer to Sign................................... 128 “Abfrcm. One of the Traitors Craftsmen - \‘ae 78.. 164
Tito~ Prince of Harodem. First Provost cad Judge. “Vengeance. A Word Used in the High Degrees.”
Jachinai. a Galile Corl~iption%f Shekinab. Note 63. . . 123 AhEtop. Name of a Ruffian of the Thud Degree.
MasoRry Erected on the Superstructure of Geometry.
Obligation Master Elect of Nine .........~...-...... 168
Lecture. Provost and Judge....................... 124 Sign. Master Elect of Nine
Origin of the Scottish Rite Degrees. Note 6~........ 124 “A Bioody Arm. Holding by the Hair s Bloody head.”
Tito. Ch:ef of the Three Hundred Architects. Note 66.. 126 Note 51 ion
The Grand Chapter of Harodim. Note 67............ 126 “Nokcm. A Hebrew Word Signifying Wiiccan,’.’”
“ZEs.e. A Significant Word.” Note 65.............. 127
Red the Symboiic Color of the Higher Degrees. Note 69. 128 Apewer to Sign. Master Elect of Nine 171
CLOsINO CEREMONIES. Puovoar AND Juooz.................. 129 Token. Master Elect of Nine .................... 170
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS, Piovoer AND JUDOE................. 180 Discourse by Grand Orator 171
Going Into the Lodge As a Frog Into a Snakes Mouth. 180 Lecture. Master Riect of Nine ....................,~ 174
& Silly. Weak Anachroniam........................ 131 CLOsING CEREMONIES, MA5TUR ELECT OP NINI 170
Intellectual and Moral Ashe,....................... 182 HISTORICAL ANA.LYRIS. MASTER ELECT OF NINE.............. 151
Moore’s Descrption of False Religions............... 188 Rage for a Multitude of Degrees..................... isi
CHAPTER 11.—RIGHrn DEGREE, oa INThNDANT 01 THU -BUILD’ A Drill of Assassination and Revenge 182
Turns Lynch Law into a fleilgion, 18:’
Legend. Emblematic Coioz. l~tc. Note 70............ 184 John Quincy Adams on Masonic Penalties 184
Swears to Revenge Masonry In General.....,.,...... 155 Signification of the Word Emeth. Note 99
Masonic Murders Proved in Court.........,...,..... 156 221
‘They Were Not At Au Aehamed”.................. is? The Heart of Hiram AblE. Note 100................ 222
CHAPTER XV.—TENTH DEGREE, os MASTER Ezzcv op Fl?. The Scales, Key and Heart.......................... 228
lecture, Subilme Knights Eieced.................... 224
Officers of Names of Tweive Illustrious Knights Corrupted.
1the Degree. “The Jewel is a Poniard.” Note 101 ..............................~...... 226
Note 58....................................... isa “No#phej. The Name of One of the Twelve 1a4,ect’
The Feliow Craft Ruffians. Note 54................ isa -ors.” Note 102................................ 226
OPENING CEREMONIEs, MAsrEE ELECT OF PIV’rEEN.......... 190 Ark of Alliance and Seven Branched Candisetick...... 229
CHAPTER XVI.—INxTxi.nos,. M&si’ua ELECT 01 FI1TEEN.... 101 “Its Seven Branches Are Erpialned in the IneBable
“The Punishment Inflicted on Three Traitors.” Note 85. 191 Degrees.” Note 108........................... 229
‘A Variety of Names for These Assassins.” Note 56.. 191 “The Symbolism of the Veils.” Note 104............ 229
Besgebee. “Intendant of Soiomon in the Country of The Two Cherubims That Overtopped the Merry Seag.
Cheth.” Note 57 ........................... 102
‘Desdekar. A Significant Word.’ Note sa.......... 192 CLOSING CEREMONIEs, SUSUMU KNIGHTS ELECTED........... 283
‘Certain Traitors Fied to Maacha. King of Cheth.” “The Grand Characteristic of Masonry Is Its Tolera.
Note 59...................................... 191 tion.” Note 106.............................. 288
Obligation. Master Riect of Fifteen................... 190 HISTORICAL ANeLTsIs. Sumaxa KNIGHTS EI.ECTED.......... 284
Sign. Master Elect of Fifteen ..................... The preariest of All Dreary Nonsense............... 284
Answer to SigR’..’’’’’’’.’..’’’’’’................ 19? Maniacal Countenance of Pulse Worshipers........... 285
Token. Master Elect of Fifteen -................. Admits the Strong Man Armed...................... 236
“A kiv~maa. The Peincipie of Evil.” Note 90....... CHAPTER XIX.—TWELN’rH DEGREE, an GRAND MASTER AaCHI’
“Typhon. The Rrother and Slayer of Osiris.” Note 01.. 190
“The Night of Death Shall Yield to an Immortal Day.” “It Is Purely a Scientific Degree.” Note 1O?.......... 28?
Note 92...................................... 199 Decorations. Titles. Jewel. Apron, Etc................ 238
“Ormuad Was the Principle of Good” Note 08....... 199 GIggING CEREMONIES. GRMID MearuE ARCHITECT........... 289
Dengabee “in the Cataiogue of Solomon’s Officers.” This Is Strictly a Scientific Degree.” Note lOS...... 289
Note 94 .....‘‘‘‘‘....~...... 200 CHAPTER ~.—IxxTLaTIoN, GaMIn MASTER ARCHITECT...... 241
“Assassins of the Third Degree.” Note 95........., 200 Obligation. Grand Master Archltqct.................. 244
Lecture. Master Elect of Fifteen ~ 202 Sign. Grand Master Architect....................... 248
“Guibbe. Another Name oft, One of These Traitors.” Token. Pass Word and Sacred Word.................. 246
Note 96 .........~............................ 205 Rab.bcgcim, “the Chief of the Architecta.” Note 109.. 24~
CLOsING CREENONIES. MASTER ELECT O~’ l’IVTEEN........... 20? Paralisi Ruler. Tracing Dividers and Scale of Parts.... 24?
Sector. Protractor and North Star.................. 2%S
HIsTORICAL ANA.x.TSIS. MAsTER ELECT OF FIVTEUN.......... 208 Freemasons Symbolize the Tempig of Solomon. Note 110. 280
The Force of a False Religion ................... 205
Killing the RemainIng Assassins of Hiram.......... 209 CLOsiNG (‘EREMONIES, GRAND MASTER ARCRITEc’r............ 251
Swearing to Assassinate Seceders --............. 210 HIsToRIcAL ANALYsIs. GRAND MAS’t~a ARCItITEC’r............ 252
To Replace Popery on the Throne of England ........ 211 Masonic Tom’fooiery and Sham...................... 252
Imposition of Preten&d Scientific Inst ruction......... 252
ELECTED ~ 212 Object in Falsifying History........................ 254
The Legeud of the Degree. Decoretions, Etc. Note 97.. 212 CHAPTER XXi.—THIR’rnuxTH, OR ROYAL ARCH DEGREE..,... 255
OPENING CEREMONIEs. SUBLIME KNIoNTs F.I.ECTED.........-. 214 “The Mysteries Connected With the Royal Arch.”
CHAPTER XVIII.—INITIATIoN. SL’RLIME ICXIOHT5 ELECrED.. 215 Decorations and Tities of Officers.................... 256
Called Also Sublime Knights Elected of the Twelve. “Zabulon, the Greek Vorm of Zebulon.” Note 112..... 256
Obligation. Sublime Knights Eiected................. 21? Origin of the Degree. Note 113.................... 288
Sign. Sublime Knights Elected.... ................. 218 “Enoch Feared the Genuine Secrets Would Be Lost.”
First Token. Sublime Knights Eiected................ 218
Second Token. Sublime Knights Eiected ~ 219
14 CoNTm~TS.
Opening Prayer. Royal Arch Degree. ......... 250 Page.
CHAPTER XXII.—INmATIo?I. ROYAL ARCH Daom........ 261 OpenIng Prayer................................... 29?
The Degree lnvented by Ramasy. Note i15.......... 261 Opening Ode...................................... 299
Enoch “Fabled to Have Built a Subterranean Temple.” The Rite of Perfection. Note 140................... 299
Note 116..................................... 268 This Degree the Last of the Inefabie Degrees. Note 141, 801
Cublcai Stonp. the Perfect Ashier of English Masonry. Sign of Obligation. Grand Elect. Perfect and Sublime
Note 177 ~ 265 Mason ...................................... 802
Obiigation. Royal Arch Degree ~ 266 Sign of Fire. Grand Elect. Perfect and Sublime Mason.. 802
Signs of AdmIration and Adoration. Royal Arch Degree; 26? Sign of Admiration. Grand Kiect. Perfect and Sublime
Token. Royal Arch Degree ..... ............ 26? Mason ..................‘.................... 203
Discourse, by Grand Orator ~ 269 Use of the Word “Valley” in Masonry. Note 142.. 803
Traditions of Freemasonry Connect Enoch With Its CHAPTER XXIV.—INnIATION, GRAND ELC’r, PERFECT MID
History. Note 118 ...~......................... 268 Sun-MAsoN .................................. 804
The Masonic Legend About Enoch. Note 110....... 268 Called Ineffable Because of Hebrew Names of Deity.
Methuselah Connected With Enoch’s Underground Tem’
Pie. Note 120................................ 269 The Delta “a Symbol of Fire and Also of God.”
Door to Enoch’s Nine Subterranean Arches Note 121.. 269
Mystic Meaning of EnQch’s Age. Note 122 ~ 270 InitIatory Prayer.................................. 315
“Enoch Himself Is But a Symbol of Initiation” Obligation. Grand Elect. Perfect and SublIme Mason.. 816
Note 12.................. 270
Enoch’s Merbie and Brass Plilars. Note 124 ~ 270 Sign of Obligation. Grand Elect. rerfect and SuLlime
Noah “Called a Patron of Masonry.” Note 12~....... 271 Mason ‘‘‘‘‘.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘.‘.....‘.................. 221
Masonic Legend of the Secret Vault. Note 126........ 274
The Pass Word JUG “a Significant Word.” Note 127.. 250 Sign of Fire. Second Token and Answer............. 822
History of the Pass Word 8hibboletla. Note 12S..~.. 291 Sign of Admiration and Third ~ 828
The Lost Masonic “Wono.” Note 120............... 292 “The Girdle Is Still Used in Many Chivalric Initia.
“Death Is but the Beginning of Life.” Note 130...... 288
Enoch’s Sacred Treasure Discovered by a Freemason. Symbolism of Colors. Note I46.................~ 825
Bius “Emphatically the Coior of Masonry.” Note 147. 825
“The Great Object of Pursuit in Masonry.” Note 132.. 284 Red ‘a Symbol of Zeal and Fervency.” Note 149...... 325
CLOSING CEREMONIER. ROYAL Ancu DEGEEE................. 285 Symboilem of Yeiiow. Note ~ 825
Masonic PossessIon of Tempie-Veii. Rent at the Croci’ Green the Symbol of Immortality. Note 150..........
hzion. Note 133 ..Q......................~ 285 Purple “an Emblem of Exalted Office.” Note 151...... 826
HISroasC ANALYSIs, ROY~LL ARCH DEGEEE.................. 2S? Whito “the Symbol of Purity and Innocence.” Note 152. 826
False History and False ~ 287 Black “Adopted As the Garment of MournIng.” Note’ 153. 326
Acknowiedged Fabrications. Yet Subiime.............. 288 Discourse by Grand ~ 327
Infamous Scheme for Lucre and Ambition............ 289 The Apostacy of Solomon. Note 154 ~ 332
Writing Latin Before It Ezisted.................... 290 Lecture. Grand Riect. Perfect and Sublime Mason...... 887
CHAPTER XXIII.—FoURTEENTE DEGREE, OR GRAND ELECT. “The RelIgion of Masonry is Not Sectarian.” Note 155. 83?
PEILFEC’r AND SUBLIME MAso?~.................. 291 “By This Means He Was Detected As an Enemy.”
History of the Degree. Decorations. Etc. Note 134.... 291 Note 156 ~
Secred Vaults. Note 135........................... 291 “Macbrace Means in Gmiic the Blessed Son.” NotE 157. 840
To Die and to Be Initiated Synonymous T•tm~. Perignen. the Discoverer of Assassins. Note 159...... 844
Note 136...................................., 392 Fifth Sign and Answer. Grand Elect. Perfect and Sub.
“Seeing the Crime and Cdmiuai Punished.” note 187’ 294
GGZco4, “Keeper of the Seals.” Note 180............ 394 Eighth and Ninth Signs and Token of Circumspection.. 251
“A bdumoa, the Name of the Orator.” Note 180.,..... 304 “Gabao,., “a Significant Word in the High Degree,.”
“Zedekiab. a Personage in Some of the High Degrees.”
16 OONTE~ coMmiTs 11

Cyrus. “ths Shepherd of the Lord.” Note 161 ........ 57 Jewish Captives “Bound by Trleugnlaz’ Chains.”
Oath of Allegiance. Grand ZIect~ Perfsct and Sublime Note 178 ~ 407
Cyrus “Mentioned by the Prohet Isaiah.” Note 1U.. 406
CLOSING CsasxoNIEs. OSSUD ULUCT, PERIECT AND SUBLIME Esrubbabel’s Battie With the Aesyrians. Note 175.... 406
Closing Prayer ..................‘......‘.‘........ IETORIcAE ANALYsIS, KNIGHTS 01 THE EAST on lwm..... 418
LoOGS ow PERFECTIoN, UTANUTES MID REGULATION5..,........ 863 A fewleb Degree.................................. 413
AceMe..; Field of Blood. Note 163................ — Delieve a Lie That They Au Might Do Damnsd........ 414
EzsTomIcaI. ANALYSIS. 05Mm ElacT, Psasner MID Sets- CHAPTER XXVII.-.4IZTSENTH DEGREE, 05 Psiscus ow Janu-
LIME MASON ................~................ S?6
Lodge DIssolved by the Lutheran Reformatlon........ 8?6 This Dsree a Centimuatlon of the Previous One.
Titles lit for the Dialect of a Madhouss.............. 2??
TravestieS. Christian OrdInanceS.................... ITS Princes of Jerusalem “Itylsi Chiefs of Masoasy.”
‘lbs Catacombs of a New Woeship....,............. 876 Note 1l7..................................... 417
Infidelity Its Mother. Rebellion Its Cradle............ am 01.3130 CEREMONIES. PRINCES 01 JEEUUaZuIi.............. 413
Conjuring and Legerdetasin.... ‘.“‘...... all Officers’ Titles, Jewel sad Lodge Room Decorations.
Satan Filia Their Hearts With Lies................ an Note 1?8..................................... 418
EAST OR Swoso................................ 863 Inventor of ThIs Degree. Its Legend Ire. Jeesphus.
Origin and Object of the Degree. Note 168.......... flu
Titles. First Apartent............................ 884 The lemaritans. the Adversaries of the Jews. Note 160. 421
GERNING CEREMONIES, KNIGHTS 01 THE EAST OR Swoan..... us Decree of King Cyrus.............................. 424
Names of Officers. Decorations. ac. Note 164........ 886 Triumphal Chorus................................. 436
CHAPTER XXVI.—INITIATION, KNIGHTS 01 THU EAST OR King Cyrus and the Prophets Hsgai and Sechariab.
SWORD ......‘.“““““““““““““““‘ 856
Commemorates “the Constr~~ctlon of the Second Temple.” Obligation. Princes of Jerusaiem..................... 430
Note 165””’.?.....”’”””””””’”””’ 283 Ulgn. Princes of Jerusaiem......................... 480
Serubbabel and His Mission. Note 166.............. 883 hnswsr to Sign and Token. Prices of Jerusalem..... 481
“Armed ?.000 Masons and Placed Them in the Van.”
Lecture. Princes of Jerusaie~....................... 488
CeOSING CEREMONIES, PRINCES 01 JEaL’5ALEM............... 486
‘Nebuchadneasar and His Conquest of inden. Note 168. aoi UISTOEICAI. ANAI.YsIs. PRINcES ‘01 JEUrSALEM.............. 48?
Restoration of the Jews by King Cyrus. Note 169.... 891 Christ Ruminated From the Degree.........,........ 487
Prayer. Knights of the East or Sword................ 893 151*. Worship of the Shakers...................... 468
King Cyrus “the Hero of the East.” Note 170 ‘.......892 “Changing the Giory of the Incorruptible God”........ 429
Uerubbabei’s Masonic Career Legendary. Note 1?1.... sea A Devilish Magnetism Prevents Their Escape.......... 440
Serubbabers Difficulties in Rebuilding the Tempie. CHAPTER XKIZ.—UEvENTEENTH DEGREE. OR KNIGHTS ow THU
EAST MID WEST............................... 441
Obilgation. Knight of the East or Sword............ 401 “Dates Back to the Time of the Crusades.” Note 162.. 441
Sign. Knights of the East or Swori.................. 406 01.113. CEREMONIES, KNIGHTS 01 THE EAST ............ 444
Token, Knights of the East or Sword................ 404 CHAPTER ZZZ.—INITIATION, KNIGHTS 01 T 3aa~ *53
Address. by Crand Orator.............’.”’.”””” 406
Psgs. “Degree Is M”de Coemopoilte in Its Character.”
Preparation of Candidate. Knights of the East and Obligation. SovereIgn irince of Rose Crolz............ 478
Sign of the Good Shepherd. Sovereign Prince of Rose
In Center uf Apron “a Lamb en a Book With Seven
Seais.’~ Note 188.........’.’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 445
Sjipture Recitation by Au Puissaqt..............’.’ 44? Jewel of Degree und Inscription Thereon. Note 104... 477
Obiugation. Knughts of the East and West...~........ 448 Charge to Candidate. Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix.. 478
“The Seal DeRotes That Which Is Secret.” Note 184.. 450 Sign of Reconcuulation and Answer................... 470
Sign. Knights of the East and ~ 453
Answer to Sign. Knights of the East and West........ 452 SIgn of Help. Sovereign Prince of Rose Croiz........ 470
Anewer to Sign of Help and Token.................. 480
First and Second Tokens. Knights of the East and
West .......‘“““““‘‘“‘“‘““““‘““ heason Word Sovereign Is time in Title. Note lAS.... 481
Sign on Entering Conucil. Knights of the East and
Pretended Scotch Origin of Degree False............. 482
Lectvre. Knights of the East and ~ To Steal the Popularity of Robert Rruce.............. 488
“Still Retains the ApocauyPtic Character of the De- Rose Cross HelL a Masonic Caricature.............. 484
gree.” Note 1S5.....’..””””””””””” 454 Impudent and Detestabie Mlmiery.................. 481
To Burlesque and Degrade Christ........’””””” 459
“To Destroy Profane and Unworthy Brethrn”........ 460
“Evil Be Thou My Good”.........””””””””’’ 461
“Every Lodge Is a Synagogue of Satan”........””” 462
PUINCU 01 ROSE CROIX.........”””””’’”’ 468
“Sometimes Calied Knight of the Eagle and Pelican.”

The Degree Probably Invented by RamaRy. Note 15?.. 468

Lodge Must Meet on Maunday Thursday and Easter
Sunday. Note ~ 464
Aproa. “On the Movable Part a Skull and Cross-bones.”
‘Note 1S9...’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’”’’’’’’”’ 465
Symbols of Degree: Cross. Rose. Eagle” and Pelican.
Note 190........””””””””””””””’ 466
“IceHistorical Lemons Are Intenseiy Christian.”
Note ~ 467

CROIX .......“‘•““““““““““““““ 469
Candidate Must Profess High Esteem for the Members.”
Masons, who were Protestants, he regained his father’s
throne; was pensioned by the French king, who was
then called “The Eldest Son of the Bomish Church f’
reigned disgracefully twenty-five years, and died, gaz-
ing on a silver cross held before his eyes by a Romish
priest narped Hud,dleston, in 1685.
INTRODUCTION Three years afterward, (1688) England was revolu-
tionized. James, the brother of Charles, fled from his
If all the volcanoes in our globe were Ucippe(l, them
would be no more earthquakes; and millions of men throne and people, and took headquarters at the Jesuits’
and money would be saved. CoLlege of Clermnont, in Paris. This college thencefor-
ward became a factory of higher Masonic degrees, to
It is the object of this volume to uncap the moral vol- govern English Lodges and restore James and Popery
canoes slumbering under every American institution.
to the throne, as Charles II. had been restored before.
The Secret Lodge undermines the College, by conceal- Meantime Masonry was changed. In 1717; at the Ap-
ing its rowdyism and sheltering its rebellions :—the pletree tavern, London, as is well known, four old
Court House, by its rival oaths ;—the Legislature, by lodges formed the first Grand Lodge, dropping Craft-
corrupting and intimidating its members; and the masonry, and “accepting” all who would pay dues,
Church, by its rival, mock sacraments; all of which wifl promised to fit them for heaven, “the lodge above.”
appear, proved in this volume.
That is to say ;—they set up a false religion, with a des-
A condensed account of this Scottish Rite, which is potic constitution of government, and salvation by cere-
now, say all their writers, “The most popular and most monies; but omitting the Savior and the Holy Ghost.
widely diffused,” (Mackey Encyc.. p. 697), may be thus This horrible compound, now falsely called “Masonrtj,”
given:— was in operation while the sons of the fugitive, James
Stone-masons had initiated (i. e., hazed) their ap- II., were exile pretenders to the English throne; living
prentices, journeymen and master-masons. At York, by Masonry, and plotting with Jesuits in France.
England, these three initiations were woven into a There now appears on the scene the chief manufactur-
“Rite,” (A. D. 926), which overraii England, and is er of Masonry as it now exists, viz.: as “The AncienE
~ow the basis of all Masonic “Rites,” giving them their and Accepted Scottish Rite” of 33 degrees.
names and spirit. This was no other than the Chevalier Ramsay, of
In 1649, Charles I. was beheaded and his queen and whom Mackey, the leading Lexicographer, Jurist, and
son Charles 11. were exiles in France, where there was Historian of the lodge, says:—
then no centralized lodge power. But Charles II. secret- “No one played a more important part in the history
ly joined both the Papists and the Masons; and by the of Freemasonry in the 18th century, than the Chovalist
aid of French Masons, who were Papists, and English

noblcsse, who despised a Masonry derived from stone-
Ramsay.” * * * “He was indeed the most learned masons—mechanics, that his new degrees were brought
man, who, up to that time, had taken any interest in the from Palestine in the time of the Crusades, by returned
order.” princes, priests, knights and nobles. And in 1740, as
Ramsay was a brilliant young Scotch Presbyterian; of its grand orator, he pronounced a discourse before the
course, familia# with the Bible, which he garbled, trav- Grand Lodge of France; manufacturing history as he
estied, and corrupted to manufacture Masonic degrees. went on; and the falsehood was greedily swallowed.
lie was the son of a baker; educated in Edinburgh Uni- And the marvel is, if anything Masonic can be marvel-
versity. He afterward became a companion of kings. ous, that while this mass of fundamental lying is ad-
priests and pretenders; amassed great wealth, and apos- mitted and recorded by Mackey, Macoy, Folger and the
tatized from Protestantism to Rome. He was twenty other Masonic authors, they seem to deem falsehoods
years old when James II. threw the mace into the no disparagement to pure Masonic “morality” and
Thames, and fled to Paris. He went to Holland, and “truth !“ One has only to glance over their pages to see
under a popular enthusiast, Pierre Poiret, plunged into all the facts just as here given.
the tenets of the mystical theology then widely prevail- When France had been sown with the new degrees,
ing. In 1710 he lived six months in the family of the
mystical papist, Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, with it became necessary to codify and condense. Ramsay
whom his apostacy to Romanism became complete. He digested a code of six degrees, called the “Ramsey Rite~”
which he attempted to foist on the English, but
had before been, in the words of Rebold, “The instru-
ment of the Jesuits ;“ framing Masonic degrees, and without success. The gunpowder plot in 1605, was
plotting the restoration of the Stuarts. He became tu- believed, by the British masses, to have resulted from
tor to the two sons of the first Pretender, Charles Ed- the Romish doctrine that Protcstants have no rights
ward, and Henry. His~ heart seems to have cleaved to which Papists are morally bound to respect, beyond
bonnie Scotland. ~Hecalled his first invented degrees what policy dictates. And for three centu~ries Romish
‘Scotch. (Ecossais.) He offered fortunes to his rela- priests (lid not consecrate a burial ground on Ihe soil of
tives, but they spurned him and his money, gained by England. The Stuarts sunk to rise no more; and Eng-
apostacy;, by the sale of sham dignities, and from the land would none of “Stuart Masonry.” But the flood
pay of Catholic kings, priests, princes, and pretenders. from the mouth of the dragon flowed on. (Rev. Th:15.)
The success of Charles II. in recovering his father’s The Chevalier De Bonneville, in fl54, formed a Chap-
throne ;—his long reign, and the powerful backing of ter of Clermont in the Jesuits’ College of that name,
the French king, the Pope, and his Jesuits, exalted with a Rite of Perfection of twenty-five degrees. But
their hopes to the highest. Adventurers flocked to
. Masonry is a “troubled sea whose waters cannot rest,
but cast up mire and dirt.” After an agitated existence
them, and for a time Masonry was the rsge in France, of four years, this Clermont Chapter was merged in a
and llamsav was its Head-center. He told the French
arranged; eight other degrees added; and, in 1801, 7’Aa
“Council of Emperors of the East and West,” which Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was formed, as it.
out-bragged all before it. The members called them- now stands; consisting of 33 degrees; and the first “Su-
acives “Sovereign Prince Masons,” “Substitutes General preme Council was opened in Charleston, S. C., by
of the Royal Art,” and “Grand Superintendents of the John Mitchell and Frederick Dalcho in 1801 ;“ which
Grand and Sovereign Lodge of St. John of Jert~salem,” system now leads all others. Next year, 1802, this Rite
Three years after this, in 1761, this august bubble, 0? travelled back to Europe. And, though an American
“Council of Emperors,” which itself burst a few years invention, and though its founder, Morin, had only re-
afterward, gave Steven Mann, a .Jew, who cared nothing ceived power to confer the 25 degrees, which were the
for his religion, and so was willing to adopt the old Ramsay, Jesuit Rite of Perfection; and though he
Ramsay “Rite of Perfection,” which Masonically exalts was branded as an “audacious juggler,” and himself
Christ in some of the degrees; if only, like his ancestor, had been recalled, and his patent taken away and given
Judas, he might sell him for silver ;—.this mock “Coun- to “Bro. Martin,” in 1766, by the power that gave it;—‘

cil of Emperors” gave to this Jew, power to establish Folger, p. 88, Documents, still Monin went on consti-
this Ramsay Rite of Perfection “in every part of the tuting Chapters and Councils all the same. In 1783~
world.” This Jew came to Charleston, South Carolina, seventeen years after his recall, and his patent had been
via. San Domingo, and started what is now this “Ancienf annulled, he erected in Charleston “The Grand Lodge
and Accepted Scottish Rite ;“ the “leading Rite’ of the of Perfection.” And Ragon says:
world !“ A detailed account of Morin’s work in Charles- “The Prince Masons in Charleston, who were at first
ton, S. C., is given in the analysis of’ the fourth de-
all Jews, not satisfied with the Rite of Perfection, con-
gree, (which see.) sisting of 25 degrees, in 1801, added eight degrees more,
After appointing a Deputy Inspector General for making in all 33 degrees; and constituted themselves
North America, completing his American work, and ap- “The Supreme Scot tisl& Council of America and the
pointing some other Inspectors for the West Indies, French Possessions.” John Mitchell and Frederick
Morin disappears from history. No one knows when Daicho were the only members of the first Supreme
he died, or where he was buried. Of the flrsj sixteen Council in Charleston who were not Jews. These facts
“Deputy Inspectors General” appointed by Morin, thir- are given by Folger, pp. 41-i: attested also by Ragon,
teen were Jews. (See Folger’s History, p. 38.) From Thory and Clavel; see Mackey’s Encyclopcedia, Art.
the advent of Morn in 1762, there is a gap of some
years in which Masonic history is silent or confused. Mortn.
The struggle for American independence was then be- But what was to be done? “The Council of Emper-
ginning, and the long war which established it, took ors,” which commissioned Morin, was extinct, and hia
place in that period; and all Masonic writers agree that Patent annulled by The Grand Lodge of France, and
the twehty-flve degrees brought over by Mann were re- he had never had even any MasQnic authority to invent

degrees and create a Council. This is what they di&.

They forged or found some constitutions, which they
said were given by Frederick the Great, of Prussia,
dated in 1786, the year of Frederick’s death at 74 years
of age; and he had long been incapable of business! and
on these spurious constitutions, which K.Ioss in his his- CHAPTER 1
tory pronounces “The grand lie of the Order;” these
infidel Jews, with Mitchell and Dalcho, who were not
Jews, founded “The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, SCOTTISH RITE.
which now owns the temples and rules Freemasonry in Attaupta Universal Dominion—Importance of the Scottish Rite—Born In
the City ~t NuWflcation and Rebellion—The Traitor and Mason Aaron
America and Europe. (See Kioss, p. 409, quoted by Burr—Masonic, Conspiracy to Disrupt the Union—General Jackson‘a
Freemasonry—Patriotism Vi. MAsonic Obllgationa—Destroying The Su-
Folger, p. 60, Documents.) preme Council’s Records—AbomInatIons and Demon wonhip.
Thus we have given from Masonic authorities, a full-
length moral portrait of the present leading system of This Rite is now in the ascendant throughout the Ma-
Masonry in the United States and Europe. And the sonic world. It consists of thirty-three degrees, count-
Freemasonry of today is a child of Jesuitism, born in ing the three old York Rite Degrees: Entered Appren-
France, when France was so saturated with Lodgism that Lice; Fellow Craft, and Master Mason; which three de-
even the true-hearted Lafayette was drawn into it. His grees are the basis of all thE Masonic Rites.
apron is now shown as a relic in the house of Washing- This 33~ degree rite Th one of the latest among many
ton at Mt. Vernon. And Lamartine tells us in the Rev- attempts to construct a chain of degrees to bind together,
olution of 1789-92, that the Freemason lodges were tax, and govern the lodges of the world. The Covent
“The Catacombs of a New Worship.”—The GirondiStL Garden Grand Lodge, formed at the Appletree Tavern,
vol. 1, p. 188. We ~shalInow give a Historic Sketch of London, in 1717, was such an attempt. Four decayed
this reigning rite, and see what that “new worship” lodges of working Masons, accustomed to initiate their
was. apprentices, journeymen, and masters in a night’s drink-
ing carousal, met at that tavern in February, and on the
24th of June, following, formed the first Grand Lodge,
and assumed (usurped) power to charter, tax, and gov-
em the Masons of the world, by declaring“irregular,” all
lodges not chartered by themselves. And, as they could
withdraw such charters as were given by themselves, and
so destroy or cast out of Nfasonry~ll lodges so chartered,
their despotism was complete, over all those who were
adopted this schedule.” Hence the importance ofj this
chartered by them. volume.
This usurpation and imposition was successful. In Macoy’s Encyclopedia says of this rite :—“The An-
twenty-one years Freemasonry had spread into France, cient and Accepted Scottish Rite was, for the most part,
Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Sai- elaborate4 from the system invented by Ramsay.”
ony, Belgium, flolland, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Asia, In the Historical Analysis of the fourth and fifth de-
Africa and New Holland; and a few years later it had grees, pages 59-68, and 89-92 of this volume, will be
spread throughout Christendom. found quotations from Mackey, Macoy, Rebold, Folger,
The success of this swindle encouraged others. As a and Morris, whose authority as Masonic writers is un-
small specimen of such enterprises a few years since, questioned, in ample proof of the fact that this Scottish
two adventurers invented, and were selling, a new side Rite had its origin in the brains and breasts of an apos-
degree to Masons in Peoria, Illinois, when one of them tate Presbyterian, renegade tyrants, Jews who retained
stole the money and ran off. The other applied to a nothing of Judaism but its hatred of Christ, associated
lawyer, saying mournfully.—”[f the fellow hadn’t been with Jesuits, conspiring against the liberties of Europe,
a fool, we were making money so fast, that m a short and for the overthrow of the Government of France!
-time his half would have been more than all he has And its first home in this country was the city of Nulli-
stolen.” fication, Secession, and Rebellion; in Charleston, South
Carolina, in 1801, where thirteen Jews and three Prot-
By such swindling adventurers, “degrees” increased
so rapidly that Rebold says there were several thousand estants: Mitchell, Dalcho and Provost, who had receiv-
at one time practiced in France. As soon as the increase ed it from France, falsely pretended to found it on con-
stitutions given by Frederick the Great. If Satan had
of degrees and dues have tempted ambition and greed,
attempts have been made to grasp universal lodge do- picked the time, the inventors, and home of this Rite
minion. This was attempted by Weishaupt in 1777; by he would have doubtless chosen the same. French
principles prevailed; Jefferson was first inaugurated,
Frederick II., or others in his name, in Berlin in 1786;
having defeated John Adams -in 1801, the year when
by the Grand Orient; and, indeed, by every considerable
Masonic body, attempts hate been made to seize “the the Charleston Council was born. Aaron Burr, who
kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,” which came near defeating Jefferson, was plotting to divide
were proffered by Satan to Christ, as the inducements to the infant Union, raising troops, in the Southwest, and
both Barmzrd and Gassett say, he used the Royal Arch
devil worship. Cypher to cover his treason, for which Jefferson after-
Such an attempt to seize universal dominio~i, is this
Ancient and Accepted Rite of 33 degrees, of wards tried him. Morin’s Jews, with Mitchell and Dal-
cho, that same year (1801,) took Ramsay’s and his Jes-
which E. JuniuB Edwards, Commander in chief of the uits’ Rite of Perfection; added eight degrees; made it
Grand Consistory of Minnesota, says: Nov. 12, 1885:—
4’AIl the Supreme Councils of the world have finally
this he was tried for his lire, but acquitted for want of
“The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” and sent It ~verttreasonable acts. Before his trial, we read in the
back to France, where the survivors of The Reign of Memoirs, page 888: “a letter was delivered by Swart-
Terror received it, and today it rules European Ma- wout to General Wilkinson, written in cypher.” Bar-
sonry. nard and Gassett say it was in Royal Arch Cypher.
“As early as 1796, while John Jay was Gpvernor, And as Burr had been on the staff of Benedict Arnold,
Colonel Burr had various conversations with him on the a Mason and a traitor, these facts furnish probable proof
subject of these (Mexican) provinces. Col. Burr said
that Burr’s conspiracy was a Masonic conspiracy.
he could revolutionize and take possession of South But the crowning proof is this:—
“Burr was actively engaged during the years 1005-6 By universal Masonic law, but one supreme body can
in traversing the western country.” be in one nation. But the Charleston Supreme Council
made the United States the sole exception. In 1813,
“Previous to the cession of Louisiana Baron Bastrop
contracted with the Spanish Government for land near twelve years from its origin, it created a Supreme Coun-
cil, Northern Jurisdiction, located at New York, limited
Natchitoches, exceeding thirty miles square.”
“The Spanish Government granted to Bastrop one to the States north of the Ohio and east of the Missis-
sippi; the very division contemplated by Burr, and
million two hundred tho~isand acres. Col. Lynch. paid
Bastrop about one hundred thousand dollars for six- afterward attempted by the Jeff. Davis and Alexander
H. Stevens’ Confederacy, by repealing the Missouri
tenths of it; and Burr paid Lynch fifty thousand dol-
Compromise, and, in Stephens’ words, attempting an
lars for half of his (Lynch’s) purchase.” “Empire whose corner stone is slavery.” But for Jef-
“Gen. Wilkinson detailed to Burr the facilities which
ferson’s patriotism and Jackson’s courage and decision,
would probably be afforded by the inhabitants in effect-
the attempt would have been made years before by
ing a revolution.” ~ Calhoun’s Nullification. Indeed, the hopes and pre-
Burr writes to l1is daughter, Aug. 1805, “1 have DOW
dictions of Monarchists, Papists and Anarchists of Eu-
150 miles of wildernesS to encounter.” rope, from the first, were that the United States would
“Col. Burr was arrested as a traitor on the Tom Big- spliton the Ohio and Mississippi; shut off New England
bee River, Mississippi Territory.” and her principles between the Atlantic,, St. Lawrence,
The above excerpts are taken from “Memow’S of Mississippi and Ohio, and leave the whole vast South
Aaron Burr, by his friend, M. L. Davis, promisCuouslY and West; its soil, climate and mines, to slavery, the
pages 874 to 888, vol. II, and they prove’ lodge, the priest and the mob.
1. That Burr’s object in raising troops with Blenne?- Now considering that the (Tharleston Supreme Coun-
hassett was the disruption of the Union, and a slave em- cil Masonically divided our Union in 1813, by these
pire south and west of the Mississippi, to include Mexico wry lines :—Conaidering that Aaron Burr, using the Ma..
and Central America, then belonging to Spain. For
his Secretary of State, was a champion of the lodge and
sonic cypher, was attempting precisely the same rending Poinsett, by introducing a new Rite into Mexico,
of the Union at ~hesame time ;—considering that after- caused a series of bloody revolutions in that unhappy
wards our Union was rent by the lodge-room conspir- country.
acies ~f the South ;—considering that our Congress Of the Masons in the United States, it has been esti-
upheld slavery, ~ti1lLincoln took the helm, and 8eward, mated that only oile in five habitually attend lodge
Sumner, Wilson, Stevens, Stanton and Chase, all meetings, and the lodges are mainly supported by the
of whom were Antimasons, controlled Congress;— four-fifths who are non-attendants, who pay dues to
and considering that our war was a failure, till (kane avoid lodge-vengeance. As a rule, the one-fifth who at-
took the word, who left his dying testimony against toDd the meetings share the income among themselves,
the Lodge ;—and, above all, considering that the Eccle- while the absentees pay it.
siastical despot and master of Jeuits at Rome was the There are, however, exceptions. A physician had
only European power which reached his arm across the charge of our Post Hospital near Little Rock, Arkansas.
Atlantic to recognize the Rebellion and rend the Union; An orderly had ‘arrested a rebel who had murdered his
—and laying all these considerations together, that mind Union neighbor, robbing him of $2,000. The physician
must be weak, ignorant or worse, which does not see, in was a high Mason, and one day the Rebel robber and
that Charleston Supreme Council of 1801, and its An- murderer called on the doctor for a private interview,
cient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a devil’s government on the square, when the following dialogue took place:
with a devil’s gospel; and in the subterranean lodges Rebel. “Doctor, I am complicated in this murder case,
sprang from it, in the strong words of Lamartine, the and am arrested by the orderly. Can you help me
“Catac9mbs of a new worship,” which worship was that Doctor. “Well, did you kill him ?“
of snaked woman, a Goddess of Reason in the Champ do Rebel. “Yes.”
Mars ;—a religion which Frenchmen shudder to remem- Doctor. “Well, did you get the two thousand dol-
ber; which filled France with terror, and bathed it in lam ?“
blood. Rebel. “Yes.”
But was not Gen. Jackson a Mason? And were not Doctor. “Well, what do you expect of me
all liis cabinet honorary members of Federal Lodge in Rebel. “That you will aid in extricating me accord-
the City of Washington? An.. This is all true. But ing to our obligations as Masons.
Jackson firmly believed in Christ, to whom he humbly Doctor. “You infamous puppy, you. If you expect
professed conversion before he died; and he was a firm me to make such a use of my Masonry, for once, you
believer in the Union. And though ignorant in many have mistaken your man. I will endeavor to be up to
respects, he was fearless and faithful to the Govern- Little Rock at your hearing, and have a word to say.”
ment, and regretted that he had not hung John C. Cal- The orderly took the Rebel up to Little Rock, and
houn for attempting its dissolution. While Liv~ngstoa,
Masonic Union officers cleared him!
The Rebel was a true Mason. The Surgeon was a 82nd poison inhabitants; for such things were attempted.
But the records of the Northern Council were pre-
patriot. Like instances to this are at hand, which would served, and its Historian, Folger, says: “It is to be re-
fill a moderate volume. There were Masons and Roman gretted that from its very commencement its progress
Catholics who~ were good men and patriots; as there in this co~intry has been marked with bitter contentions
were, in the New Testament, pagan centurions who re- and constant quarrels.” Folger.. p. 15. These quarrels
ceived Christ. But neither the lodge or the confessional have most of them arisen between the old York Rite,
is Chriutiaqi or American. of three degrees, and the French Jesuit degrees, which
We have seen from its history, given by its own au- have finally conquered and swallowe4 the less vicious
thors, that this “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” Blue Lodge, which was first opened in this country in
is not “ancient,” but modern; not “accepted,” but in- Boston in 1833.
vented; not “Scottish,” but French; and so one contin- In New England the whole secret lodge was looked
uous falsehood. But its most revolting features are yet on with loathing and abhorrence. The grandfather of
to be drawn. Dr. Richard’ Storrs, of Braintree, Mass., and Dr. Willis-
Destroying records is confessing crime. Its writers ton of East Haven, had a saying, “a Freemason is hand-
complain that the early English lodge records were de- in-hand with the devil.” Dr. Hopkins, of Newport, R. I.,
stroyed; doubtless lest their secret proceedings should in Dr. E. A. Parks’ Memoir of Emmons, says, “the lodge
be brought into the courts. But the Charleston Supreme belongs to the Kiiigdom of Satan.” Later, the whole
Council destroyed its proceedings, for more than half a Andover Faculty, Woods, Stuart and Emerson, de-
century. From 1801 to 1860 no records exist. nounced it in unmeasured terms. The ground idea of
In his address before his Council in 1878, Albert Pike Congregationalism, .since Bradahaw, rejects as “unlaw-
said: “I am often asI~ed why we do not publish our old ful” all rites not enjoined by the word of God, which
transactions? to ~whichI am compelled to reply, includes lodges, which are “inventions of men ;“ and a
that we have none to publish. We have no records of full half million of Christians in other depominations
the transactions at Charleston from 1801 to 1860. What regard secret lodges as Synagogues of Satan to be dis-
minutes we had were destroyed during the fellowshipped by the children of God. A careful
war.” reading of the analysis of the degrees of this Rite will
The above is taken from the speech of Edwards, com- convince all candid minds, that they are the “abomina-
mander in chief of the Minnesota Grand Consistory, tions” and demon-worship of the Scriptures which pre-
Nov. 12, 1885. vent the coming of Christ.
Those records covered the period of Nullilcation and
the rise of the Rebellion, and were doubtless ghastly
with treason, with attempts to burn down northern cities,
— ~e
mr.. .5


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10th “ Illustrious Elect of the Fifteen. Which corresponds with the Sun, Moon,, Earth and
11th “ Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelve. five visible planets, viz:
12th “ Grand Master Architect. Master ..........................Sun.
Orator ..........................Egrth.
13th Knights of the Ninth Arch or Royal Sectetary ........................Venus.
Arch of Solomon. Master of Ceremonies.............. Moon.
14th “ Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Expert ..........................Mars.
Mason. Sad Assistant ....................Jupiter.
lad Assistant Saturn.
In the East or North side under a curtained canopy
THE TEBiPLE.’ the Ark.
In front of the Ark on the North Side, the Tweli’e
Every Lodge of the Scotch Rite is divided into two keyes, Altar of Perfume and Vase of Ointment.
portions by means of a Ballustrade, or railing, running In the South Side, opposite the Ark, the seven-
North and South. This railing has a gate. The floor- branched candlestick.
ing of the East end of the Lodge inside of the railing
and gate is elevated one or two feet above that of the
The walls are adorned by a representation of twelve
(12) columns.
At the door of the lodge is a brazen layer. There
are elevated seats and desks for each of the following
MASTER. 1st AssIsTA~.
Rot. 3.—”The Frecmnasana have, at all e,enta. aelmed with ayidl~
the idea of representing In their symboUc language the Interior and
spiritual man by a material temple. They have the doctrine of the great
Apostle of the Gentiles, who has said. ‘Kaow p are the temple at Gad.
and that the s~lrit of God dwelleth in you. The great hody of the
Masonic Craft. Ioakln~ only to this first Temple erected by the wisdom
of King flolaman. ma e It the symbol of Ufe; sad as the great ab~et
of Masonry is the kaich after trath. they are directed to build up is
temple as a fitting receptecle for truth when found, a place where it
may dwell. Just as the ancient Jews built up their great Temple as a
dwelling-place far Him w~o Is the author of all truth.’ ‘—Xackw”a Ro.
eyeisp.disef lreemasonly. Article Temple, Symbolism .1 the
white tears, the Master represents Solomon and is
styled “Most Powerful” who comes to the Temple
to replace the loss of Hiram Abif, by seven experts.
There is only one Warden, who is called Adoniram; it
was him who had the inspection of the workmanship
at Mount Lebanon; be was the first Secret Master.
holds a scepter in his hand, is clothed in
lined with ermine and sits in the East
FOURTH OR SECRET MASTER’S’ DEGREE. before a Triangular Altar, on which is a Crown of Laur-
This grade originated with King Solomon, about the els and Olive leaves. Adoniram, the inspector is placed
time the Temple was completed, or shortly after. He in the West; no aprons are used because the work is sus-
selected seven of the most worthy and expert brethren pended in consequence of the death of Hiram Abiff.
from the Craft, and appointed them Guards of the ORDER AND JEWELS.
Sanctum Sanctorum, and the sacred furniture of the
Holy Place. They were called Secret Masters, and in due Solomon is decorated with a large blue watered ribbon
time were advanced to higher grades, and others se- from the right shoulder to the left hip to which is sus-
lected to fill their places. pended a gold triangle.
The ritual is replete with valuable and interesting Adoniram is clothed in black robe and cap and is
details relative to the Mystic meaning of the sacred decorated with a broad white ribbon bordered with
furniture and ornameilts of the Sanctum Sanctorum. black round his neck in a triangular form having an
The ceremonies of initiation are solemn and impressive Ivory Key hanging thereto with the letter (Z) cut on
and it forms a beautiful introductory to the Ineffable it.
Series. All the brethren should wear the same with white
aprons’ and gloves, the strings of the aprons black, the
This lodge’ must be hung in black and strewed with Note 5.—”soiomon is seated in the east, clothed in mourning robes
Mete 3.—”¶’he fourth degree In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish lined aith ermine, holding a sceptre In his hand, and decorated wIth a
blue sash from the right shoulder to the left hip, from which Is suspend.
Rite, and the first of what are called the ‘ineffable Degrees.’ It refers ed a triangle of gold. Detore him is placed a trianqular_sitar, on which
te these circumstances which occurred at the Temple when Solomon re- is depceited a wresth of laurel and olive ies,es.’ —— ye Recycle.
neired to the building for the purpose of supplying the less of Its lilus. padle of Presmssonq, Article Secret Master.
triosa builder hy the appointment of se,en capers, among whom were
te be divided the labors which heretefore had been lutruated in one Note 6.—”Adonlram. called ‘venerable Inspector.’ is sested in the
tic mind. The lecture elaborately explains the mystic meaning of west, but without any implement of office. in commemoration of the fact
a sacred thinr which were conteined In the Sanctum Sanctorum. or that the works were suspended at the time of the institution of this do.
Boil... —Machey’s Eneyclopadia of lrespiasen,y, Article bers gree. He Is decorated with a traingular white coflar. bordered with
I~t lack from which Is suspended sn ivnr: key, with ‘the letter Z engraved
thereon, which constitute the collar, and ~ewei of the degree. These
Mete 4.—”The Lodge is hung with black curtains strewed with tea,.. decorations are worn by all the brethren. —Machey’s Racyolopadla of
lIc of ~ef. There should be eighty’one lights. distrtbuted by nine lweemascnq. Article Secret Master.
~o aim’ but this number is often dIspensed with, and three times
theee esbatituted. later rituals reduce them te eight. Mete 7.—”The apron is white, edged with black and with black
‘Ree are but two presiding officers—a Master, styled Puissant.’ sad strings; the flap blue, with an open eye thereon embroidered in gold.
fin King Solomes. sad an ins~r. representIng Adonirsm~ the The modern ritual prescribes that two branches of olive and laurel
~atAhds, who had the inspection of the wor~en on Mount Lebanom, crossing ench other shall be on the middle of the apron.”—Macksy’a
ad whf is mid to have hsen the first Secret Master.”—Maeksy’s Zacyclopadla of Fzesuasseinry, Article Secret Master.
- at ?vsemsseasy, Article Secret Master.

flaps blue, with an eye painted thereon in gold. The

white signifies the innocence of the masters, and the
black mourning for their chief. The lodge should be
illuminated by eighty-one candles, distributed as per
Batter1~ ~ ...—S~mbo1ic Age.—THREE TIMES 27 Solomon—Brother Adoniram,5 are you a Secret Mae-
—81 years—Houra of Work—F OX DAWN UNTIL Adoniram-’--Most Powerful, I have passed from the
CLOSE OF DAY—MOftLZ””’THE DUTY 01 SECRECY AND Square to the Compass, I have seen the tomb of our
SILENCE. Rcspcctable Master Hiram Abiff, and have in company
with my brethren sl~ed tears thereat.
Solomon—What’s the clock my brother P
Adoniram—The dawn of day has driven away dark-
ness, and the light begins to shine in this lodge.
Solomon—If the light has driven away darkness, and
wc are all Secret Masters, it is time to begin work;
givc notice that I am going to open this lodge of Secret
Adoniram—Brethren, you will please take notice
that the Most Powerful is about to open this lodge of
Secret Masters.
Solomon—(Seven raps: 000-000-0; all
Adoniraln—(Seven raps: 000-000-0.)
All—(clap hands seven times 000-
Solomon—Together Brethren.
All put the two first fingers of the right
hand on the lips.
Solomon—Illustrious Brethren, this
lodge is open and devoted lo God.
Solomon—(One rap.) Brethren will
Sign of Siloncc. please be seated.
Note S.—”In Scotch Masonry. Adoniram II introduced in the degrees
of Secret Master. Provost end Judge, intendant of the Building and
others, as one of the most praminent j~ersons~es In the Tample.”—
Morris’ Monitor of Jreemsscnzy, Article oniram.
Master of Ceremonies with candidate enters, and
conducts him seven times round the lodge, and then to
the Altar.
Solomon—While the Lord reigneth, let the people
tremble, he sitteth between the cherubims; let the
CHAPTER IV earth be moved; Praise ye the Lord—praise, 0 ye ser-
vants of the Lord, praise ye the name of the Lord.
FOURTH OR SECRET MASTER’S DEGREE. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth
IN[TIATION. forevermore: From the rising of the Sun unto the
going down of the same, the Lord’s name is to be
PRErARATION OF CANDIDATE. praised: The Lord is high above all nations, and his
The candidate is prepared as a Mas- glory above the Heavens—Praise ye the Lord, praise ye
the name of the Lord; praise him, 0 ye servants of the
ter Mason with an apron tied over his
eyes, and a square on his forehead. Lord, ye that stand in the house of the Lord—in the
Ifaster of Ceremonies then leads him Courts of the house of our God, praise the Lord for the
to the door of the lodge and knocks Lord is good—sing praises unto his name for it is
seven times: 000-000-0. pleasant: For the Lord had chosen Jacob unto him-
Adoiiira rn—Thrice Powerful, I hear self, and Israel for his peculiar treasure: Let them
the Master’s knock at the door of our praise the name of the Lord—for his name alone is
Sanctuary. excellent; his glory is above the Earth and Heaven—
Thy name, 0 Lord endureth forever, and thy memorial
Solornon—B~rother Ad’oniram, attend throughout all generations: Bless the Lord—O, my
to this call and see who makes it.
soul and all that is within me bless his holy name.
Adonirarn—(Opens the door,) Who knocks at the door
of our Sanctuary? Solomon—(Scven raps; 000-000-0—All rise.) Brother
.llaster of Ceremonies—One who knows where the Adoniram I see this Master who seeks the sanctuary
Acacia grows and would help us gather its fruit. bears the square upon his forehead, and thereby gives
Adonii’am—(To Solomon) Most Powerful, one who assurance that reason rules his mind; but he is yet
knows where the Acacia grows and would help us gather blind though he has learned to labor; shall he behold
its fruit. the resplendant name of God?
Solomon—Let him be admitted. Adonirtzm—Thrice Powerful, if he is willing to pro-
Adoniram—(To Master of Ceremonies) Let him be nounce the oath, which binds us all we consent that
admitted. he should be permitted to see the mystic name..
Solombn—(Seven raps, 000-000-0, all rise) Brethren
Solomow—My Brother, are you willing to comply with
let us go upon an holy pilgrimage; follow me, in mourn-
this requisition?
ful procession to convey the precious remains of our de-
Candidate—i am.
Solomon—You will then kneel and contract your ceased Master into the’ Holy of Holies.
Solomon—Brothers Expert and Master of Ceremonies
you will now invest ‘the brethren with their aprons, and
OBLIGATION SECRET MASTER’S DEGREE. form a procession in the North, facing the East, with
candidate and Adoniram at the head.
I solemnly promise that I will not reveal the mysteries
of the Secret Masters, and will not unveil the wonders MUSIC “DIRGE.”
of their Sanctuary to the profane, I further promise to Procession marches round the room and then to Ante-
seek to know myself, and to that end will exert my room; and forms a half circle round the urn which is
mind and search my heart to discover my duty to my- guarded by two Secret Masters.
self, to mankind and to God; Amen. Solomon—Alas! Alas!
Solomon—Together brethren. (All clap seven times All—Alas! Alas! Alas!
and the candidate is brought to light.) Solomon—Oh my brethren, well may we mourn the
Solomon—(Points to the mystic light.) My brother death of so great and so good a man for by the deed
behold the resplendent luminary which now dawns upon which cut him from us, we have lost the word; the true
our rite. Heretofore the blazing star shone upon us, name of God, and the truth itself: In this “Urn”’ (takes
but its rays were scattered or dispersed; now we have the urn) has been treasured up the Heart of him who
gathered them into a focus—They are now the light of loved truth above all things: Let us convey it into the
the “All Seeing Eye,” the oI~1nipresence of Jehovah, Sanctuary as a perpetual token of our sorrow and of our
whose mystic name it behooves us to know. That name desire to recover what we hav’e lost, (gives The urn to
can be learned only by him who “knows himself,” and candidate) Brother, on you who have come to aid us on
hence the circle which encloses the triangle of duty to this memorable occasion we confer the honor of bearing
self, to others and to God. those ashes to their sepulchre.
Adoniw’am—(Knocks) Thrice Powerful, a messenger A procession is now formed, headed by Master of
brings tidings of the remains of our departed Master Ceremonies and Expert, and closed by Solomon and
Adoniram, with candidate between them bearing the
Hiram Abiff. urn, while marehing round the lodge room and through
Solomon—What tidings? the ante-rooms.
Adoniinm—Agreeable to your order his heart has Nate O.—”Oroaa burrowed. It may be auppoled. his Idea from an
been embalmed and put with his ashes into an urn of elder aymhol In the high degrees, where. In the deacription of the temh
of Hiram AhIff. It is arnid th the heart warn enclerned In a golden urn.
the purest gold and the custodians of the precious treas- the aide of whIch a titangular atone wag ae.zed, Inacribed with the
lottewa 5. U. U. within a wrestb of bach. and placed on the top of am
ure now await your orders. obellak.”—Uacbej”a UmoylcIopadla of Freemagomay. Article Va..

Solo.,wn—(Eecites) “0 Lord, our Lord how excellent Lot us incite each other to practice virtue and shun
is thy name in all the Earth! Who hast set thy glory vice; while our feet are prepared for walking in the ways
above the Heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and of his commandments, our hands should be prepared in
sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine like manner for working in his service. Saith the father
enexuies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the of our Ancient Most Puissant Grand Master, “I will
avenger. When I consider the heavens, the work of wash my hands in innocency, (washes his hands) and
thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hut. so will I compass thine Altar.”
ordained, what is man that thou art mindful of him, and May he who beareth the keys of David open a door
the Son of man that thou visitest him? For thou haM of entrance to this our brother. You have hitherto seen
made him a little lower than the angels and hut crowned only a thick veil, which hides from your view the Sanc-
him with glory and honor, thou madest him to have tum Sanctorum of God’s [loly Temple. Tour fidelity,
dominion over the works of thy hands: Thou hast put zeal and constancy have won for you the favor you are
all things in subjection under his feet; all sheep and oxen now about to receive of viewing some of our treasures
yea, and the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and and gaining admission into the secret or holy place.
the fish of the se~ 0 Lord, Our Lord, how excelleut is At the end of this, the head of the procession stops
thy name in all the Earth I’, Whoso draweth nigh to the at the entrance of the Sanctum Sanctorum, they open
contemplation of the ineffable mysteries, let him put of and face inward, and Solomon, Candidate and Adoniram
the shoes of his worldly conversation and corrupt affec- march between the columns to the door of the balus-
tions, for the place whereon he standeth is holy ground. trade and are stopped by the Master of Ceremonies.
May we ever remember to keep a watchful eye upon the Master of Ceremonies—This is the Holy of Holies,
feet of our affections; before we approach the house of and none can enter it unless he opens the gate with the
the Lord, let us seriously consider whether we have key of Intellect, have you (candidate) the key?
taken straight steps in th~ paths of his commandments,, Solomon—We have it, and he carries the heart of
and whether our feet~are set In due order, and cleansed truth, the Heart of Hiram, our regetted venerable Mas-
~coordingto the purifications of the Sanctuary: Let ter.
~iswash as it were in the layer of repentance, wash and Master of (Y~w~moniea—By these tokens you may en-
make you clean, put away the evil of your doings; ter.
acknowledge your iniquities, and return unto the Lord, There is a table in front of the Throne on which are
he will have mercy upon you, and to our Elohimle he placed,
will abundantly pardon. let’ The Ark of Alliance.—(Adaptation.)
End. A Pot of Incense, on a tripod.—(Beautg.)
W~wSU—”BI~Nt. A ‘me a~ipUe4 Ia3abuwtoamjdeIty,bmteomu~ss 3rd. The Twelve Loaves.—(Socie 4,,..)
t the tea. God Aco.rdIaXWIdaCI. It mama the mi km~maS.
~@g,bowever. much aurni ‘a NS3OSq”—NEI*0’i inipI~Wi .0’ I’~
—~ a~wq~ 4th. The Seven Branched Candlestick.— (K.)
Solomon—Here brother in the midst of the Emblems Wreath of Laurels’1 and Olivel’ leaves.) My dear broth-
of our Deuwe for Society, of the Light of Knowledge, er, I receive you a Secret Master, and give you rank
of the Sense of Beauty, and of the Adaptation of Man among the Levites; this laurel which I have invested
to God, let us deposit the sacred heart of our deceased you ~vith,alludes to the victory you are to gain over
venerable Master, to remind us forever, that though the your passions, the olive is a symbol of that peace and
assassins have destroyed his body; yet the natur~zl law, union which should reign among us; it rests with you to
which is also the word of God, is written upon the heart desire the favor, that God may one day enable you to
of every man who cometh into the world. arrive at the secret place, and there to contemplate the
The candidate places the Urn. pillar beauty. The Ivory Key” suspended by a white and
Solomon—Let us pray. black ribbon is a symbol of your fidelity, innocence and
discretion, the apron and gloves are emblematk
PRAYER. 1d of the
Oh, God we pray thee, thou Grand Architect of the candor of all the Secret Masters, among whom you are
Universe to cast thy all seeing eye upon this Sanctuary, now introduced in quality of Secret Master. I give you
which symbolizes the Conscience of Man, and help us to rank among the Levites, to be a faithful guardian of the
use the Key of Intelligence within the Balustrade of Sanctum Sanctorum, and have placed you among the
Reason, so that we may know ourselves, link ourselves number seven to supply the place of our dear Master
unto thee, and become fit for the immortality thou has Hiram AbiN; and have also appointed you one of the
promised. conductors of the work, which i~ to be raised to the
Adoniram—Amen. divinity. The Eye on your apron is there to remind you
Solomon—And now my brethren, before we separate, to be ever watchful over the workmen.
b~fore I crown this Urn, with the Laurel and the Olive
branch in token of the ~Gloi~jand the Peace which is Note l1—”A decoration used In some of the hIgher degrees of the
AncIent and Accepted ScottIsh RIte. The laniel Is an emblem of Tic.
crowned unto him ~ho fulfils his duty and loves truth. tory; and the corona triumphalla of the Roman,, whIch was given to
generals who bad Seined a triumph by their conquests. wee made of
(Crowns the Urn.) laurel leavea. The lanrel crown In Maaonry Is gIven to hIm who has
Solomon—Glory and Peace unto Hiram. made a conqneat over his passions. “—Macksp.’, Eneynlopudla of Ire..
maaonry. Artiele Lintel Orown.
All—Glory and Peace unto Hiram.
Note N.—”’in a secondary acne., the olive plant Is a symbol of peace
Solomon—(To the candidate) and now my brother, a and VIctory; but In Its primary sense, like aU the other sacred planta
new obligation and task unites us, and it becomes my of antiquIty, It was a symbol of resurrectIon and Immortality. Hence
In the AncIent Mysteries It was the analogue of the Acacla of Free.
pleasant duty to confer upon you, as a reward for the masonry.” Mackey’s Eneyclopadia of lreemaaonq, Article Olive.
service you have just performed the title of Secret Mas- Note 18.—”Tls. key, howeyer, is sIll! preserved as a symbol of Se.
ter and member of this Secret Chamber 0. L. No. —
crecy In the Royal Arch degree; and It Is also presented to us In the
same gense In the Ivory key of the Secret M~ater, or fourth degree of
Solomon—(Installs him by investing him with the the 5cottleb Rite. in many of the German Lodges en Ivory key Is made
a part of the MasonIc clothIng of each brother. te remInd hIm that je
Ribbon, Key and Apron, places on his head a Crown or should lock up or conceal the secrets of Freemaaonry In hIs heart,”...
Machey’s Eneyclopudla ef,, Article Key.
Solomon—Go, my brother, pass the Brethren and lis-
Solomon then gives thc following: ten to our Grand Orator.
First give the Master’s Grip,
and then slip the hand to each My Brother, you have had the honor of being received
other’s elbow, and balance ,sevt.’n and acknowledged a Secret Master” by passing from the
times; at the same time bring the Square to the Compass: You were made under the
foot and knee in contact. Laurel and Olive tree, and received in the Sanctum
Pass Word—Zi-Za.” (resplin- Sanctorum, by Solomon with Adoniram the inspector of
Sacred Word—Adonai.” the work. On entering the Sanctum Sanctorum, you be-
held a brilliant Delta” enclosing certain Hebraic charac-
ters, from which emanated nine beams of the Shekinah,”
bearing each an initial of a divine name as derived from
an attribute and the whole surrounded by a great circle.
The meaning of those Hebriac characters in the Delta
describe the ineffable” name of the Grand Architect of
SIGN OF SILENCE. the Universe, which was forbidden to be spoken by a
law of Moses, in consequence of which the true pronun-
Sign—Is that of silence, which is made ciation was lost to all but the Grand, .~bect, Perfect and
by placing the first two fingers of the Sublime Masons; a knowledge of which I hope you will
right hand on the lips) which ~sanswered one day acquire by virtue of your attachment to our
Note 16.—’ ‘In numberIng the 33 degrees of the Scotch RIte, that of
by the first two fingers of the left. Secret Master is set as the 4th. because none lot a Master Mason. made
In the York RIte Is entItled to It. In the UnIted State, the 5upreme
Councils of the Northern and Southern JurisdIctIons, respectively, have
SIgn of Silance. thus tar waIved the right to confer the SymbolIcal or Blue lodge Se’
Note 14.—”TbIs Is~ saId. In one of the Ineffable do-
grees.“—MorrIs’ DictIonary of rreeinaaonry, Article Scotch Masonry,
pees of the ScottIsh RIte, to be the name ot the hal’ ‘Noi’z 17 —“Atrianbie. The name of a piece of furniture In a comuw
ustrade before the sanctum Sanctorum. There Is no ,‘II(h dory of Naughts Tempiars, which, being of £ triengular form, derives
wbrd In Rebrew, hut It soar he a corruption of the TalmudIC name from the Greek letter ~, delta. It is also the title given. in tho P~ncl,
1’a boson, a little beam, a
pl’l. z~zn. which Bnxtorf (Lex. Tatm p defines ii
email railer.” —.)Lackq’s Enc~#cfopaofiiz uJFIWnlisOlil’lj. ArtiCleZswt. and Scottish Rites, to tho luminous trinogie wblcn encloase. the iaemsbl’
~mw l.~.—”In lIchrcw’~lIt,bOli1g the plural of excellence for Adois. and name.” —Mackei’s Eneyctopcetfa. ~f F~eonassoesnJ, 4,fIde Defti.’
•lgi,if~Iliil the Lord. TheSons. who rcveiently avoided lb. pronnuclatlqo OW Note 1S.—”The Shekinab was the symbol of tbe divIne glory; hut the
the escred name JehoVah, were accustomed, whenever that name oc- true glory of dlylnlty is Truth, and DivIne Truth Is therefore the Sheki’
curred, to euhstltnte for It the word Adonal In readIng. As to the use ot nab of Masonry. ThIs Is symbolIzed by lIght, which Is no longer used
the plural form Instead of the sIngular, the Rabblns say. ‘E,ery word by us as a ‘substitute’ for the Sheklnab. or the divIne glory. hut as
IndIcative of domInIon, though sIngular In moanIng. Is made piorsl in Its symbol—the physIcal eipressloo of Its essence.’ ‘—Mackey’s mop’
form.’ ThIs Is called the ‘piuralls excelientlte.” The Talmudlsts also clopmdla of lreemaaonry. Article Shekinals.
say. (Rnitroff.) Lax. TaIm.. that the telracrammston Is called Shoe Note IS.—”The Ineffable degrees, so’cslled are the eleven confared
hamphovash. the name that Is explaIned. beesose It Is exolalned. uttered
and set forth by the word Adoasl. (See Jehovah and Sham Kampher. In a I.odge of Pcrfectlon. known as the second series of degrees In the
ash.) Adonal Is used as a slgnlficunt 1 of the hIgh 45. AncIent sod Accepted rIte. “—Macoy’s Enoyclopadla sad Dictionary aS
gecee of Masonry, and may almost a~ais be eon:lder5d as allualYS lre.masourv. Article Ineffable.
to or symbolIC of the True word.”—Maokey’s Inoyelopudla of Tree.
masOnry, Artinie Adofla.I.


order, and your zeal in discharging the duties of your when you attain the degree of Perfection,” and having
obligation. now done with the Delta and its awful characters, I will
The initials of the names you saw in the nine beams endeavor to give you an explanation of the meaning of
of the Shekinah, are those which God gave himself when the Great Circle” which surrounds it,
he spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, intimating to him
at the same time that his future issue should one day It rcpresents masonically as all circles do, the immen-
know his real name. I will now endeavor to give them sity of the power of God, which bath neither beginning
to you, with their explanations. nor end.
Adonai, signifying (Supreme Lord.) You also perceived in the Sanctum Sanctoruni a
JeAorvh, (fl’lr’V’) E~oht’m (Supremc Judge.~ luminous circle enclosing a brilliant star of five points
Ale, (Powerful) Shcalc,~ (Omnipotent.) with the letter 0 in the center: The meaning of which
Ysebratl&, (Lord of Hosts,) Ozi, (Mightiness.) is thus described: Glory, Grandeur and Gomel, from
Gs’bour, (Strength) Al&ad, (only one.) which we understand, by Glory, God; by Grandeur, the
These, my brother, compose 888 letters and 75 namu man who may be great by perfection, and by Gomel, a
which are like the ineffable name to be found in the
mysteries of the Cabala, and the angels alphabet.” Hebrew word which signifies, thanks to God, for his
I presume my brother that you are unacquainted with supreme power; it is the first word which Adam spoke
the mysteries, but they will be fully explained to you on discovering the adorable Eve. The five beams of
the brilliant Star, represent the five orders of Architec-
UOYMIO.—”Ona o~ ~e names of God. In ‘Exodus vl. IS, the wdid transla.
~GedAlmIghlsta.bthe&IxIsaI. SAwfdM. ‘1W: Illsthsjwforethe same ture, which adorn the Temple, also the senses of nature,
by whIch he was known to the IsraelItes before he eosnmnnleatsd to without which no man can be perfect.
Moses the Tetragrammaton. The wbrd Is a pluraiis majestatis. and slg’
nIflesalk~efui. omnlpotent.”—Mackey’s Encyolopadla of i’raemasonsp.
You also beheld in the Sanctum Sanctoruni the Ark
Note 31.—”ln the old rituals of the fourth or Secret Master’s de’
gree of the ScottIsh and some other RItes, we Sod this poe’
of Alliance, the Golden Candlestick with seven bran-
sage: ‘The Seventy’two names, like the • name of the DIvIn.
Ity, are to be takes to the Kabbaltetle Tree and the Angels’
ches, having a lamp in each; also a table. The Ark of
Alphabet.” The Kabbalistie Tree Is a name gIven by the Kahhalists
to the arrangement of the ten Sephiroth, (whlcit in.) The Angels’
Alliance was placed in the middle of the Sanctum Sauc-
Alphabet Is called by the Hebrews O~)Ofl ~ ci ndnabi5fl U? 155 torum under the brilliant star and the shadow of the
writing of the angels OsEsrelsa3a. (Oul*5. lncsls.. eb. xIS. %) iliSt the wings of the Cherubim, which represents the alliance
stars, accordIng to the opInIon of the Hebrew writers. are ranged Is
the hesYcos In the form of letters, and that It Is possIble to read those
whatsoever of importance Is to happen throughout the unIverse. AsS which God made with his people. This Ark of Alliance
the great EnglIsh Hermetic philosopher. Robert Plod, says. In blo
Apolcey for the Brethren of the Nosy Cross. that there see characters in Vote SS.—”The first degree conferred in the Ladge of Parfection.
the heayens formed from the disposition of the stars, Just as geometrIc eotch Masosry, and the fourth 04~ea former, who Is styled
the ~talogue Meat
of that Pou~
lines and ordInary letters are formed from poInts; and he adds, that There Isrepresente
osful. a MasterSolomon
and a Warden.
coming to the temple to elect seven skillful
those to whom God has granted the hidden knowledge of reading these workmen to succeed HIram AblE; the latter, entitled Grand inapector,
aharacters wIll also know not only whatever Is to happen, hat all the egpresonts Adonlram. The hangings are black, strewed wIth tears. The
secrets of phllcoophy. The letters thus arranged In the form of stare hdge hon Si lIghts.’‘—Morris’ Masonic DIctionary, Article Som Nesting.
are called the Angels’ Alphabet. They heyc tha’ power and artIculatIon
hut not the form of the Hebrew letttrs, and the Kabbalista say that In Vote 3S.—”In the ohacieto lectures of the old Dngllsh system, It was
them McOee wrote the tables of the law. The astrologers, and after thou said that ‘the cIrcle has ever been consIdered symbolical of the Pelty;
the alchemists, made much use of thIs alphabet; and Its Introductlcm as a circle appears to hav, neIther begInnIng nor end, It ~y be
Into any of the high degree rItuals Is an evldesce of the Influence al- ~tly consIdered a type of God, without eIther. boylnoing of days or end.
erted on these degrees by the Hermetic phlloeoPh~.”—Maekey’a Enoyals. ~ofyeers.’”—Mackey’s Encyclopedia of lmamsaonry, Artiolo Glide.
peedia of irsemasanry. Article Alphabet, ~..g.I.
was of the form of a parallelogram two cubit. and a the Ark, and for that purpose he chose to assist him
hail in length, one and one-half cubit. in breadth, ana Bezaleel, of the tribe of Judah, son of Un and Miriam,
the same in height, made of shittim wood covered with- sister to Moses and Aholiab, son of Ahisamach of the
in and without with gold, decorated With a golden Tribe of Dan, the. most learned of people.
crown, and borne by two Cherubim of gold. The Israelites testified so much ardour for the works
The cover of the Ark had a name which ws cafled and offered with so much zeal to carry on Ihe same, that
Propstiaforg or place that served to appease God’s anger. Moses proclaimed by sound of trumpet that he wanted
8aid Propitiatory contained the testimony which God no more. They worked after the model which God had
gave to Moses—The tablets of the Law. Said tablets given unto Moses, and also instructed him in the number
were of white marble and contained the Decalogue writ- and form of the sacred vessels which were to be made
ten in Hebrew characters. and placed in the tabernacle to serve in the sacrifices.
The commandments taught, and were disposed of am The seven3’ branched Candlestick alludes to the seven
planets. The Eye over the door of your Lodge, repre-
the tablets as follows: sents the Bye of God, to whose name our works are
The first four pointed out the obligations of man to dedicated, and from whose inspection our actions can
his God, and were engraved on the first tablet. The re- never be concealed. The galleries of the Temple were
maining six pointed out the obligations of njan to nian, ascended by a staircase in the form of a screw. There
and were engraved on the second tablet. The command- was only one door in the Sanctum Sanctorum, on the
ments on the different tablets were distinguished in this east side called Zi Za, which was covered with Gold,
wise: Purple, Hyacinthe and Azure, which represented the
Those of the first collectively taken, formed the four Elements.
Divine Law; those of the se~nd the Moral Law; the My brother, your age as a Secret Master is 81 years.
tables were used to plac~ thereon the twelve loaves of your pass-word is Zi Za, and it affords me much aatisfac-
unleavened bread, which must be always in the presence ~ to find you have paid such strict attention to the
of the Divinity agreeable to his comniand to Moses. ceremonies of this degree, and I hope also, my brother,
These loaves of unleavened bread were made of the pur- you will treasure up in your mind the rith fruits of our
est of flour, and were placed six on the right hand and Sublime Mysteries, and I also flatter myself from your
six on the left, forming two heaps, above which was merit and perseverance that you will soon be capacitated
placed a bright ewer filled with incense, as a memento to deserve the summit of our knowledge in receiving
to us of the obligations made to God. The name of the the Degree of Perfection, wherein you will be presented
Sanctum Sanctorum in Hebrew is Dabir, and it was with the splendid reward of all your labors.
there the Divinity resided, and where he delivered his Vote 3t—”The symbolic seven Is to be found dIfflased In a hundred
commandments to Moses. ways over the whole Masosic system.”—.MaokQ’e Eseylopedia of Free.
Moses by the help and command of God, constructed maeomv. Article Severn,
How Masonry got Its tItle “The Royal Art”—1.odgery and Poperey over.
throw Cromwell’s Commonwealth—SImllsrIty of MasonIc Jugglery and
l’riestcraft—The HIgher Degrees Invented by French JesuIts and TheIr
instruments—Secrecy and SubjectIon the Chief Elements of Lodgery
end Popery—Freemasonry a RelIgIous Pestllence—OuerrlIIs Gen. Pike.
CLOSING CEREMONIES Most PuIssant SovereIgn Orsnd Commander—who but a JesuIt could
Invent ench a Degree as the Secret Muter’s ?—“Oue Stupendous De’
monalcal Possemion.”
SECRET MASTER’S DEaRER. The Stuart Dynasty had fallen. The stream of Eng-
Solomon—Brother Inspector, pray what’s the clock? lish popular liberty, from incipient jury trial under
Adoniram—The end of the day. Alfred; through Magna Charta under John; and the
Solomon—What does there remain to do? overthrow of Priests and Monasteries by Henry VIII;
Adoniram—To practice virtue, shun vice and reniain had flowed steadily onward, but it had met an ice-gorge
silent.” in the house of Stuart; the meanest of monareha and of
Solomon—Since there remains no more to do than to men. But the dam was broken and the stream rushed
practice virtue and shun vice, let us again enter into on. Charles I, had been beheaded for treason to his
silence, that the will of God may be done and accom- people, (1649.) His son Charles II, was driven an exile
plished. It is time to ~i,es1,Brother Inspector, give into France; but being a Secret Papist, he joined the
notice by the mysterious numbers that the lodge is going Freemasons and regained his throne by the secret union
to be closed. of French Papists and English Masons. This gave to
A doniram—( Strikes seven times, 000 000 0 with his Masonry the title of “The Rogal Art.” (Hume’s Eng-
hands.) land II, 606 and Rebold, p. 54.) His brother James
All— (Strike seven times, 000 000 0 with their hands.) II, an open Papist, reigned three years as a weak despot;
Solomon—(Strikes seven times, 000 000 0 with his then threw the Mace into the Thames and fled from hi~
hands after which he gives the sign of silence, which the throne and people to the Freneh Monarch;, “the eldest
brethren answer and the lodge is closed.) Son of the Romish Church.” The Freneh wags called
Vote SS.—”The duty of a Secret Master Is to keep S carsfnl wat* him “‘The Simpleton who lost three Kingdoms for a
over the conduct of the Craft In general: to raactiee virtue, shnn vies. mass.” This weak Stuart, like his brothcr Charles, was
and remaIn In sIlence.“—Messy’s Unsyolepedie mad Diolimery of bee.
meseW. A~ beret Master. “accepted” as a Mason; took up his head-quarters at the
Jesuit’s College of Clermont; and, for a while, plotted degrees with the design of carrying out their political
to regain his throne, but died thirteen years after his views.” This is taken from Mackey’s Encyclopedia,
abdication (1688), at the Palace of St. Germain in 1701. Article Stuart Masonry, and there is no higher Masonic
His Son, the Young Pretender Charles Edward, fol- authority.
lowed his father and grandfather into the lodge; be- Another standard Masonic author, (Macoy, Cyc. Art.
came Grand Master of the Chapter of Herodem; Scotch Rite) says: “The degrees of this Rite are, for
(Mackey Encyc. Art. Stuart Masonry) and, by the sale the most part, fabricated from the system invented by
of Charters to French and English and Irish Masons, Ramsay.” This Ramsay a brilliant young Scotchman,
with aid from the French Monarch, raised means to in- apostatized to Popery. He was twenty years old when
vade England by way of Scotland. But the Protestant James II. fled to France. Ramsay followed him and
throne of Wilhia~n and Mary stood firm, and still stands, became lutor to his sons. He became also an “instrument
in spite of Popery and the lodge. But by restoring the of the Jesuits,” (Rebold Gen. Hist. p. 161,) in adding
second Charles and overthrowing Cromwell’s Common- upper degrees to simple York Masonry, and so to draw
wealth, the twin evils, Popery and Lodgery, put back English Masons into a conspiracy to overturn the throne
public morals and popular liberty in England a full of William and Mary and bring in despotism and the
century. Both are unmitigated despotisms—Both set Stuarts. Having amassed a large fortune by his Scotch
up a false standard of morals;—and both set aside thrift, royal patronage, and the sale of Masonic rites
Christ. Masonry promises to save men by its jugglery, and dignities, he offered to enrich his relatives in Scot-
and Popery sends men for salvation, not to Christ, but land, doubtless hoping to draw them into his Stuart Ma-
to a priest. sonry, along with the Jesuits, but they scorned him, and
But, how can this be; since, in 1738, Pope Clement rejected his proffered wealth. lie then tried to introduce
XII issued his bull against the Freemasons and its au- his Masonry into England but was repulsed; went back
thority continues in forc~; has been endorsed by Popes to France, and died at Pointoise in 1743. (See his life
since, and enforced by Councils and Priests ~ in Mackey’s Cyclopedia.)
ANswREs—The question is not how it can be, but Is Thus it is proved that the first higher degrees of Ma-
it true that the higher degrees of Masonry are of Popish sonry were invented by French Jesuits and their “In-
origin? This must be settled by proof. struments.” And thus is explained “how it can be”
The world knows that James II, a declared Papist, that Popery can, at once, prohibit and permit the Lodge.
fled to France in 1688, where he died thirteen year. As, with Jesuits, “the end sanctifles the means ;“ Ma-
afterward. sonry is right when seeking to enthrone Popery; and
“‘Lenning says, after his flight to France and during wrong when its oaths of secrecy interfere with the Con-
his residence at the Jesuit College of Clermont, his ad- fessional, and its dues diminish Peter’s Pence. But the
herents, among whom were the Jesuits, fabricated certain point is proved, if history can prove anything, “that the

higher degrees of Masonry ;“ so-called, are of Popish ori- and Subjection, appear in every “stronghold” of the
gin, invented by Jesuits to destroy Protestantism and devil on’ earth; from the Vatican to the Purroh in an
popular liberty in Europe. And thus is fulfilled, the African bush. “We require,” said Powderly, “Secrecy
symbolic prophecy of Rev. 13th Chapter. The first and obedience.” Wherever these are, however flitting
beast being Rome pagan, and the second Rome Papal. and wavering, there is an “Image of the Beast.”
And the Secret Lodge System is a shadowy “image” of But Ramsay boldly copied the lineamenta of the
the iron dcspotism of Rome, made by “them that dwelL Beabt. We read: “He endeavored to obviate the ob-
on. the earth” promiscuously; not by churchmen, or any jections of the French nobility to the mechanical origin
one nationality, but by everybody at large; civilized; (Stone Masons) of the institution (Masonry) by assert-
barbarous and savage, as we see at the present day. ing that it arose in the Holy Land during ihe Crusades.”
American Masons are not ashamed to boast that barba- (Macoy Art. Ramsay.) That this origin of Masonry
was known to be false made no difference. Degrees,
rians are their brethren, and that their lodge religion
is the natural religion of mankind, thus annihilating the Chapters and Rites sprung up by thousands and spread
Christian religion and ignoring Christian civilization. like pestilence, until the swindle was likely to fail by it~
The namcs givcn by the French to their higher orders cheapness, and the religious imposture by its insipidity
are Popish. “Chapter,” “Templar,” “Knight” “Coun- —dispensing with Christ. Then began the struggle to
condense, stratify and monopolize. Ramsay made a Rite
cil,” are all Popish names, first invented by Priests;
while “the Image” outdoes the beasts themselves (Pagan of six degrees. Each adventurer strove to overtop, char-
and Papal Rome) in the grandiloquence of its titles, and ter, tax, and govern all others. In 1758, this struggle
the garishness of its regalia. produced at Paris a “Council of Emperors of the East
and West.” Its adepta styled themselves “Sovereign
But the identity of these religions of Antichrist is Prince Masons”.—”Substitutes General of the Royal
not merely outward but inw&rd and moral; the chief Art”—”Grand Superintendents and Officers of the
elements being secrecy and despotism. September 27th, Grand and Sovereign Lodge of St. John of Jerusalem.”
1540, Pope Thiul III, established “The Society of Jesus, Its Rite consisted of twenty-five degrees. (Macoy, p.
called Jesuits.” God has said, Isa, 48, 16, “I have not 188.) Four years previous, De Bonneville had instituted
spoken in secret from the beginning,” and Christ re- a “Rite of Perfection.” in the Jesuit College, containing
peated, “In secret have I said nothing.” Jno. 18, £0. these same twenty-five degrees; but this Rite of Perfec-
The secrecy of the Jesuits (Secreta monita) was im- tion was merged in The Council of Emperors of the
penetrable, and Lefevre when told he would die if he East and West.” (Mackey Encyc.) No reason for the
attempled to travel, as he was ordered to do, answered, merging is given.
“It is not necessary that I should live; but it is Four years after its origin, in 1761, this “Council of
necessary I should obey.” He went—and died. These Emperors” empowered a Jew named Stephen Morin,
.two pillars in the temple of Anti-christ, viz., Secrecy
who was coming to America, to act as “Inspector Gen- America, was opened with the high honors of Masonry
eral” of all the higher lodges of Masonry in the New by Brother John Mitchell and Frederick Daloho, Sover-
World. His commission ran: “We do recognize eign Grand Inspector. General.’ This was done in the
our dearest brother, Stephen Morn, as our Grand Mae- City of Charleston, S. C., and was, and is, the first Su-
ter Inspector to establish Perfect and Sublime Masonry preme Council of Grand Inspectors General in the
in every part ~f the world.” (Folger’. History of the world.
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, p. 81, Document..) But what was to be done? “The Council of Emper-
This Jew came, via San Domingo, to Charleston, S. C., ors” which gave Morn his authority was extinct, and
and finding that it paid established a lodge of “Inspec- The Grand Orient had received its debris. They forged,
tors General.” Of the first sixteen Inspectors whom ho or feigned, a constitution dating 1786k given by Freder-
appointod, thirteen were Jews, as was Morn himself. icic II, of Prussia. (Mack. Encyc.) They made terms
The three who were not Jews, were Col. John Mitchell, wits the Grand Orient, which was now the leading Lodge
Col. Provost and Dr. Frederick Daicho.” (Folger’. in Europe, which adopted their Ancient and Accepted
Hi.. p. 88.) And Folger adds: (Same page) “If his- Scottish Rite of thirty-three degree.. And this American
tory speaka correctly, Morin and his co-adjutors found invention is becoming the leading Rite of the world.
manufacturing Masonic degrees and the sale of Masonic It is thus spoken of by Standard Masonic writers.
dignities, a very profitable and lucrative undertaking. McClenachan says: “In 1868 this exalted Rite is in
They pursued it diligently, making all the money the full tide of prosperity and healthful progress. Its
they could from the traflic.” (This is from the latest sublime teachings find a ready response in every Ma-
“History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by sonic heart” (His.. p. £1.)
Robert B. Folger, Past Master 33, ex-Secretary Gen- And Mackey (Encyc. Art. Scottish Rite) says: “Al-
eral, etc., New York, 1881.”) though one of the youngest Masonic Rites, having been
As no honest Jew goes above the Master Mason’s de- established not earlier than 1801, it is, at this day, the
gree on account of his religion, these thirteen Jews most popular and moat extensively diffused.” Other
were mere lodge gamblers. And with Mitchell, Provost authorities might be given, and there are no conflicting
and Daleho, they took Morn’s twenty-five degrees, which authorities, as to the popularity and prevalence of this
constituted the Rite of Perfection, (all Mcrin was em- Rite.
powered to confer,) added eight more, revised and re- Whoever carefully reads this sketch will find cause
arranged the rest, and produced the subject of this vol- for astonishment and dread. This French Masonry,
ume, that is, “The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rile falsely called Scotch, is a religious pestilence spread and
and we read: spreading over the most enlightened nations on the
“On the 31st day of May, 1801, the Supreme Council globe. It takes its name from clubs of Stone Masons
of the thirty-third degree for the United States of who initiated their Apprentices,Journeymen and Master

Masons. Four of these clubs, at a London Tavern in world worsliippeth ;“ the lodge is a conspiracy against
1717, dropped Stone Masonry, ~accepted”all who would God; made by him who waged war in Heaven. Over-
pay; started a religion to lit men for heaven without turning governments; crushing out liberty; these are
Christ. and thenceforth it took its stand with the false but its by-play. In the words of its chief authority,
religions of the world; based on lying legends, secrecy, Mackey, its intent is to establish on this earth the “Re-
mystery and show. Here the Jesuits took it up, as seen ligion in which all mankind agree.” To put the pure
above, to destroy the free agency of men in religion by worship of Almighty God through Christ, on a moral
sworn obedience to unknown superiors. The Jesuits had level with the worships of horses in Japan; of moit-
existed since 1540 by the same principles of secrecy and keys in Hin~booatan; and of snakes, devils and gorillas
abject submission and so blended readily with the Lon- in Africa.
don Lodge. But England was Protestant and had read Let us now analyze this “Secret Masters” degree; the
the Bible. The London, York Rite, three degree Lodge first of the Jesuit degrees, and fourth of the Scottish
of English Masons, could not be used to restore the Rite. All the Rites rest on the three old Stone Mason
Papists, Charles II, James II, and his sons, and destroy degrees; else they would lose the name of Masons.
stubborn English liberty. The Jesuits took up these
exiles; added upper degrees to govern English Masons; The legend or lie on which this degree rests, is, that
succeeded in restoring Charles II, but foiled to restore Sqlomnon, after the death Hiram Abifi, appointed seven
James and his sons. But the degrees they invented and Secret Masters to take the place of the dead one. Their
used for the most infamous of purposes, were hardened persons might be known but their functions were secret.
into a “Rite of Perfection,” which the Jew, Morn, with This is truly a Jesuit’s degree. What body of men, un-
twelve other Jews, sold fo~ money as their fathers sold less they were Jesuits, would allow seven of their num-
Christ. But Mitchell, Daicho and Provost, who were ber to supervise them secretly? How would such men
not Jews, altered and spliced theit “Rite of Perfection’ know what to esteem, right or wrong, till they felt the
into The Ancient and Accepted Scot tieh Rite of Thirty- bludgeon or the poniard of the “Secret Master.” Who
three de rees. They then sentihis monstrous production but a Jesuit could have invented such a degree?
of fraui, falsehood, treachery, treason and blasphemy The Ritual is mostly taken from the Old Testament
back to Europe. The Grand Orient, which has since which Ramsay had studied in Scotland, and Jews and
expunged from its Ritual, “God and the Immortality of Jesuits could assist in forming it. The drapery of the
man,” adopted this monster Rite and spread it over lodge robed everything in black, spotted with tears;
Europe; while, in this country, its Supreme Grand Com- the Holy of Holies, the candlestick. of seven lights, are
mander is the infidel traitor, the Guerrilla General used to inspire awe. The whole Ritual is worship; the
Albert Pike, whose initiated Indians massacred Union Bible is extensively quoted. Responses given; “0 Lord,
troops at Pea Ridge. have mercy upon us,” etc., are often repeated. The
But those who imagine that the crushing of popular scenery is solemn and expensive. The Christless prayer
liberty in Europe and America is the chief end and ob- asks that the candidate “may prepare” t& receive the
ject of Masonry, wholly mistake its nature and drift. impress of the Holy Name and be fitted for immortality.
Like that unclean religion whose temple was in Eph. And the import of the whole solemn mummery is
eons; whose goddess, it was said, “all Asia and the’ summed up in the following question and answer:

“What are you taught as a Secret Maeterr

“Th. duty of secrecy and silence.”
And, having sported awhile with “the holy place.
made with hands, which are the figures of the true,”
which the Jewish High Priest alone could enter once a
y,~ar, “not witAout blood,” so that familiarity might not
breed contempt, and having been told that “the natural CHAPTER V
law is the word of God, which is written on the heart of
every man that cometh into the world; which denies, i.s FIFTH OR PERFECT MAsTER’s’ DEGREE.
toto, the doctrine of redemption by Christ, and regener-
ation by the Holy Ghost; the lodge closes with a dirge “This grade was originally established as a grateful
and mock funeral, pretending to deposit the heart of a tribute of respect to the memory of a departed worthy
dead man in the Holy of Holies, having put the candi- brother.”
date on his knees, an& exacted the perpetually recurring Its ritual and lectures furnish many interesting details
promise of concealment from him, the farce ends with of the mode of his interment, and the honors paid to
seven raps of the gavel. his memory. The ceremonies are gloomy and funereal,
What is the true meaning and import of this travesty and well calculated to fill the mind with solemn thoughts
of methods, long since laid aside, by which God brought In this grade are held the lodge of sorrow and are
our race, while ignorant as grown up babes, to reve-
rence and obey a pure law and to trust in the sacrifice of performed the funeral ceremonies of any brother of the
Christ? Sublime Degrees. There is a lengthy esoteric history,
The meaning and intent of this’ vile counterfeit, con- belonging to this grade.
sidered as a device of Satan, is:
1. To indurate and harden the human heart by prae-
ticing religious ceremonies without any religion. Noth- This lodge is adorned in the same manner as in the
ing hardens men like this. preceding degree, with the following additions:
2. To put and keep men in the attitude of receptiv- First—The altar on which the urn was placed is
ity to spirit influence. The whole lodge ceremony is a overspread by a canopy of green and gol8.
prolonged prayer to the devil Second—In the south-west is a monument of white
8. To keep the mind buBy while the heart grow and black marble, surmounted by an urn traversed by a
hard, as in bead-counting, genufiexions and crossings in sword, and adorned with a sprig of acacia, and flanked
the Romish Church; and in the endless ceremonies of by 16 columns and surrounded by a balustrade. The
paganism. monumental inscription is H. ~.Z...J...
4. To keep the masses stupid while the cunning man. The compass on the Altar is graduated, the monu-
age them. Thus this fourth grade of the present uni- Note N.—(NaItz, le’fait.) ‘Ike fifth degree Is the hneleut and
h~eented Scottish Rite. The cewemonlee of this degree were orlgluafl
versal Masonry, and the twenty-nine degrees to follow, established as a grateful tribute of respect to a worthy departed broth.
as Dr. Dumming has said of the Papacy, is one stupea. a,. The omeers of the Lodge are a MactM, who reurseenis Admires,
the Inspector of the works at Mount !.ebanou. .ini one werden.”—’.
dous demonaical poseeasion.” Maohe~’a Z.qala~adIa of 1,eemasoaxy. Aztiele Perfect Master.
ment is triangular, and on each side is a rough stone. broidered three concentric circles, within which is a
There is a table before the East, covered with black cube stone, with the lAter “Z” upon it.
and strewed with tears.” oman :—Is of a watered green” color at the ~nd of
The master represents the noble Adoniram,”, Grand which is suspended the
Inspector of King Solomon, he is styled Thrice Respect-
JEWEL:“—Which is a compass, open at the segment
able Master; he is decorated with the ornaments of Per-
of a graduated circle, at an angle of 60 degrees.
fection and Prince of Jerusalem and sits under a canopy, All the brethren are decorated in the same manner as
holding a setting maul
There is only one warden, seated in the West, who
BATTERY :—..Four equi-timed knocks; 0000.
represents Stolkin, and is styled Grand Inspector. He
wears a black robe and cap, together with the order and AGE —One year at opening and seven at closing,
jewel of the grade. together eight years.
The Master oi Ceremonies reprcscnts Zerbal,” Captain nouu OF WORK “—Open at four and close at even-
of King Solomon’s Guards. lie is decorated with a ing.
green ribbon round his neck in the form of a collar, to MORAL: “—That we should learn to pay due respect
which hangs the jewel. to the memory of a deceased worthy brother.
DRESS” :~Black robe and cap; white gloves and white
Note 8l.’—.”Tbe symbolic color of the degree is green, to remind the
apron, with green flap. On the apron is painted or em- Perfect Master that. heing dead in rice. he must hope to reylee in rir-
tue.’‘—Macke,. Zacyclopadje of Freemasonry, Article Perfect Master.

~ 9 nental
Note tt,—”In the Master’s degree to some of the eontt•
Rites. end in all the high degrees Where the leiCtid
of the degree end the cetemoiiy of reception are inteflded is’
express grief, the hangings of the Lodge are black streWit
with tears. The figures representing tears era in the form
depicted In the annexed cut. The symbolism is borrov.ed
from the science of heraldry. where these figures are celled
Note U.—”Hla jewel Is a compels extended sixty degrees, to teach
him that he should act within zuessure. sod erer pay due regard to
patice and equlty.”—Maaksy’a EacyOlopadia of Freemasonry Article
Note 8S.—”A a. Ix?. Hours of work—open at four: close at close of
dsr’—Moxrte’ RLaenic DIctionary, Article Perfect Master.
guttes. and are defined to he “drops of anything that Is by
nature liquid or liquefied by art.” The heralds hs,e six of thest charges. rote S4.—¶’he lesson is that we should ~57 doe respect to the
yin., yellow, or drops of liquid gold; white, or drops of liquid shyer’ red memo~’ of s deceased worthy brother.”.....No~p,~’ Masoato Dlcticeaty, Ar.
or drops of blood; blue. or drops of teers’ black, or drops of pitch; sod erfect Master,
green, or drops of oil. In funeral hatellments. a black velyat cloth.
sprinkled with these “drops of tears,” Is placed in front of the house
of a deceased nobleman end thrown oeer his bier; but there, is In
liasonry. the guttes Se lames, or drops of tears, era not psinted blue.
but white.”—Maokey’5 Eacyolopadia of Freemasonry. Article Thays.
Note IS.—”Adoniram plsys an important role in the Masonic slsietn.
4lIt the high degrces.”—Mackey’e EnOy~lopUdiA of Freemasonry,
Note 30.—”Zerbai, (Scotch Maaonry.)—A name introduced In Scotch
Masonry, in the degree of Perfect Master. Elect of Nine, and otbs’ra.
The nitme is not historical. “—.-Morria’s Masonic Dictionary, Article Zerba,.
Note U,—”The apron is white, with a green flap; sod to the middle
of the ap ron must he embroidered or psinted, within three circles, a
cubiesl stone. In the center of which the totter 3 is inscribed. accnrdin(
to the old ritusis; but the fiamarilso yeS end he according to the rilus.
of the Southern .turisdiction. —Mackey’s incyoiopisdia of Vraemaaoary.
&sticie Perfect Master.
men to labor; give notice that this lodge of Perfect
Masters” is open.
,Stoikin—Brethren, you will please take notice that
the lodge of Perfect Masters is open.
Adoninwa—(Strikes one and the lodge is seated.)
OPENING CEREMONIES Mote S4.—”(flootch Meso.zy’)—The second degree conferred in the
Lodge of Perfection, Scotch Masonry, and the fifth upon the estalogus
PERFECT MASTER’S DEGREE. at that system. There Is a master, who Is styled Might worshipful and
flmpectable. and one warden, styled Grand Inspector. The forms,
represents Adonlram, the latter, fitolkin, The degree oommemoratee a
Adoniram—(Four raps 0000.) Brother Inspector, I, departed worthy brother, The hangings are green. There are two pyra.
the lodge tyled and are we all Perfect Masters? aide at north and south, The jewel Is a gold compase eztends4 to sixty
degrees. The apron fa white, with the mo,ahis part green, Upon the
Btolkia—Thrice Respectable Master, we are all Per- former It daUneated, within three circles, a cubit stone, exhihiling the
fect Masters and the lodge is tyled. letter 1 over a sprig of peecia.”—Ngs,Ig’ Masamie Diotlsmasy~ Astlole
~erfeet Master.
Adoniram—Brother Inspector, give notice that I am
going to open this lodge of Perfect Masters,”
Stolkin—Brethren, you will please take notice that
riur Thrice Respectable Master is going to open this
lodge of Perfect Masters.
Adoi,iram—(Strikes 0000.)
Stolkin—(Strikes 0000.)
Secrelar,j—(Strikes 0000.)
Treasurer— (Strikes 0000.)
All the brethren rise and make the sign of admira-
tion together. a
Ado,iiram—Brother~ Inspector, pray what’s the clock?
Sgolkin—Thrice Respectable Master, it is four.
Adoniram—Since it is four, it is time to set the work-
Note 35.—”1’hs 5th degree of tha Ancient and Accepted rIte. The
legend of this degree Ia founded upon the circumstances of ICing Solo.
won’s efforts In mtabiisblng appropriate obsequies as a gratefoi tribute
at res’~ct to the memory of a worthy departed brother. The Mastag
Ia sty Most Venerable, and npreaeuts Adoniram. The hangings are
green; In each corner of the room is a white column; the altar is co,-
ered with a black cloth strewed with tears. Tha apron Ia white lamb.
akin, lined and bordered with green; in tha center of which Ia pointed.
within three circles, a square stone, on which the letter I Ia inscrikel;
the flap of the apron Is green. symbolicaily to remind the neophyte that.
heing deed in vice. he must hope to reylys in vIrtue. The jewel Ia a
eompass open to sixty degrees, the points on the are of a circle.”—
Maee~s Mawslegaaila aM lietie.aV at F,eemaaem~, Aetisle 1esf~

Adoniram—What Monument, Brother Zerbal?

Zerbal—Thrice Respectable Master, the plan which
agreeable to the decree of Solomon the Wise, you had
the glory of designing, having been confided to me, I
chose our most skillful and Worthy Masters, and set
CHAPTER VI them at work upon the most precious materials, and we
FIFTH OR PERFECT MMTU’S Duouzu. have erected the beautiful obelisk to the memory of him
whose death was so untimely and cruel.
INITIATIOfI, Adoniram—With what tools did you work?
Zerbal—With the Graduated Compass, which ena
abled us to measure and limit our labors with exact
Zerl,~tl Proceeds to the Ante-chamber, precision so that all might be justly adapted.
and having prepared the candidate as a Adoiziram—By what science did you use this instru-
Secret Master, leads hun by the green cord ment?
which he puts around his neck, to the door
of the lodge, and there knocks four. Zerbar—By’ the science of the Circle and Quadrature.
Stolkin—Thrice Respectable Master, Adoniram—What Circle?
there is an alarm at the door. Zerbai—A sane mind.
Adoniraan—Brother Inside Guardian, Adoniram—What is the Quadrature?
inquire who knocks. Ze,’bal—A sane body.
Inside Guardiaiz—(Knocks four, and Adoniram—Does the Candidate possess these two
opens the door.) Who knocks? qualities fitly joined and balanced?
Zerbal—One who has helpo’i to build a Zerbal—He does.
monument to hiram and who desires to
Adoniram—Then lead him with us to the mausoleum
2~Ot know the circle and its quadrature. you have erected, that I~ may behold your work.
Inside Guardian—Thrice Respectable Master, it is Adoniratn—(Strikes four, all rise.) Rise brethren and
one who has helped to build a monument to Hiram and accompany me. (A procession is then formed with
who desires to know the circle and its quadrature. Adoniram and Stolkin’ at the head, Zerbal and Candi-
Adoniraeit—Let him be led in. date nest, and then the Brethren. When they arrive at
maid. Guardian—Let him be led in. the Mausoleum, they form a half circle, raise their
Zerbal then leads the Candidate by the green cord bands in admiration and exclaim, “Jehovah,”]
into the lodge, and up to the Altar. Note 87.—”In the elu degrees this Ia t1~c name of one of thoee ap.
pointed to search for the crimluale commemorated In the legend of the
Zerbal—Thrice Respectable Master, I now lead into third degree. It is impossible to trace Its derivation to any flebrew
root. It may he an anagram of a name, perhaps that of one of the
your presence by the green cord of hope, one who has friends or the house of Stuart.”—Maoksy’s ~cyolopudis of Freems-
helped to build a monument to Hiram. ionry. Article Stolkin,
treasures, or moral conscience, or immortal soal, the
.tdoninzm—Brother Zerbal, what feeling induced th body of man contains.
building of this Mausoleum? The Sword proclaims the unrelenting enmity we have
Zerbal—P.espect for the dead sworn to the assassins: Ignorance, Falsehood and
Adoniram~—Why respect for the dead? i~gotism, and H.. Z.~. 3.’. records, fii~t, the name of our
Zerbal—Because the dead body was ‘the dwelling sad Masonic Master, second, the name of our Secret Master
sanctuary of th~ soul, because the Grand Architect of and third, the name of our Eternal Master in Heaven,
the Universe made man in his own image, and because and the three united compose the perfect alliance, which
our mortal members are the it instruments of an im-
makes the perfect man.
mortal mind.
Adonirtzm—Brother Zerbal, explain the design and Adoniram—Brother Zerbal, I congratulate you and
emblems of this monument to the candidate. your companion; all is perfect and complete. To ex-
press my gratitude and to reward you both I will now
Zerbal—The circle or balustrade which aurrounds this recognize this brother to be a Perfect Master upon his
obelisk signifies that man has personal rights, which taking the oath which obligates every Perfect Master
every other is bound to respect: The Sixteen columns in the world. Is he willing?
four by four, at the four corners, are the physical virtues Zerbal—He is.
‘which should adorn the person of every. Perfect Master, Adoniram—Right Worthy Brother, you will then
and harmonize with his conscience, which we thus ex-
plain: teach this brother to travel.
Zerbal then conducts him four times around the lodge
Strength b (I.e Agility and every time he passes the East he gives one of the
J &cond Re.istsn~ I s—sd Velocity signs, beginning with the Entered Apprentice, each one
Third Courage Precision in rotation, (See page 77.) During his traveling the
Energy Adroitness following is rehearsed:
~ ~Fbufth
• ~ (Thee Cleanliu¶Ss
sS.~ I Second 1~eatness
~ I~rst
‘~• r
~ J Second B
“Remember now they Creater in the days of thy youth,
while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
Decency o~ 27drd ~ eslth when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. While
~ 1~bwITAird
The three sides are Science, Beauty and Fraternity.
the Sun or the Moon or the Stars be not darkened, nor
the clouds return after the raiil: In the day when the
The three rough stones are Ignorance, Falsehood and keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men
Egotism. They were rejected and condemned by the shall bow them~lves, and the grinders cease because
builders. they are few, and those that look out of the windows be
darkened, and the doors shall be shut in the streets when
The Sprig of Acacia,” is the vivifying life which per- the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at
vades all nature, and the Urn implies the intellectual the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music
Mote 66.—The steels in the mythic aystem of ?seeinasonIl. 15
pe-emlneoti.’ the symhol of the immortalIty of the saul—that impootaM shall be brought low; also when they shall be afraid of
doettine which it Is the gres~~~eel~ of the Instltnilon to teach.”—
Mackeys Enoynlopudia ot , Article Aonob.
that which is high and fears shall be in the way, and
the almond tree shall flourish and tile grass-hopper shall pee to any below the same, unless properly authorized
be a burden, aiid desire shall fail: because man goeth to bymy superiors.
his long home and the mourners go about the streets: or That I will defend my rights and respect the rigllts
ever the silver cord be loosed; or the golden bowl be of others.
broken, or the pitdier be broken at the fourtain, or the That I will strive to regenerate and improve my
wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return physical ‘organization so it may become the fit instru-
to the earth as it was: and the Spirit shall return unto ment of a pure soul and elevated mind and be adorned
by all the vigor, grace, llealth and beauty it can possi-
God who gave it.” bly attain.
On the last round candidate is conducted to the tomb, I further promise to respeet the dead, and finally on
‘md while he and Zerbal are viewing it, the following I. earth and in my body to build a suitable monument unto
sung by the brcthl~cn: Truth and Jehovah.
So may God keep me in righteousness and equity.
Come, ye sighing Boos of sorrow.
view with me your brothers tomb: Adonirarn—’Tis well my brother. (He then takes the
Learn from It your fate; to-morrow
Death. i,erhsve, may seal your
end of the cord and draws it from his neck.) I divest
you of the last ligature which betokens servitude and
5ad itod solemn Sow oar numbers.
While ,llsoonsolate we mourn greet you with the sign of Recognition of a Perfect
The loss of him who sweetly slum~
Master on condition you will faithfully observe every
?.loulleriisg neath the silent urn. thing prescribed by onf laws.
May we all. bIn hopes pomseasing.
Trli,niplnstnt lesre the lodge below;
Crnus’.,l nlih every earthly blessing
lor reutoved from pain and woe.
Osie’. when full of life. he ne,i’r
P eyed us,faithfol to her laws.
!il.iv ue. like him-, be sealons ever.
To promote the gl~tIoua coust SIGN OF RECOGNITION.
To the Er~alted power Almighty.
~4.•ttlybreathe en ardent prayer Advance each the toes of the
us, ls~’ sacred mound tread lightly
While we wipe the felling t,’ur
right foot until they meet,
A donira,n—Th~other Zerbal, you will now conduct the bring the right knees together,
candidate to tile altar where he will kneel and take the place one hand on the ether’s
obligation. heart, then bring the ha~ d to-
wards the right side ana torm
a square.
I—do promise and swear in tile presence of the
(‘~rand Architect of the Universe and this respectable
~ I hod gelnever to colflmunicate the secrets of this de-
Interlace the
forefingers of
the right hands
SIGN 01 ADMIRATION. pressing against
thumbs upright,
Raise the hands and eyes to
heaven, then let the arms fall SemS Tsbm. each other form-
lug a triangle.
across the abdomen and look
Clinch each other as in Master’s
grip, carry left hand between each
Sign of Admiratiol. others shoulders and press four
times hard with the fingers in the
back and give the Master’s Word

BATTERY :—Four equl-timed strokes,

TOKEN. MARCH :—Make a square by walking four steps and
bring the feet together at each step.
Place one the left hand on the PASSWORD :—Acacia.
other’s right shoulder, seize SACRED WORD :—Jekovak.
other’s rigbt hand, the thumb THE JEWEL :—Is a graduated compass set at sixty de-
separate. grees, and with it I now invest you.
Adoidrem—(To lodge) Brethren be seated.
Adoniram.—(To candidate) My brother you will now
be conducted by Brother Zerbal to a seat in the [lodgeI
and listen with attention to our lecture in this degree.


aliiong them; and when he found that three of the num-
ber were missing whom they supposed to be guilty, he
Adoniram—Brother Stolkin,” are you a Perfect Mas- desired Adoniram to raise a superb monument or tomb
ter? at the west end of the Temple and place on the top there-
Stollcin—I have seen the circles and the square placed of an urn enclosing the heart of Hiram Abiff well em-
on the two columns across. balmed, of which none had any knowledge but the Per-
Adoniram—Where were they situated? fect Masters. Agreeable to those orders the heart of
Stolkin—On the place where the body of our Respect- our dear and much lamented Chief was enclosed in an
able Master Hiram Abiff was deposited. urn, and placed on the top of the obelisk until vengeance
Adoi&iram—.What do these columns represent? should be accomplished. Through the urn was a naked
Stoilcin—The columns of Jachin and Boaz which I sword, an emblem of the anxious desire of all the breth-
have passed to obtain the degree of Perfect Master. ren to assist in discovering the assassins and obtaining
Adonirarn—In what part of the Temple were the vengeance. The body was buried in a separate apartmen:
pillars erected? from the Temple where Solomen kept his chapter.
Stolkin—In the porch. Adoniram—What have you learned from the degrees
Adoniram—Have those words any meaning? you have already passed through ?~
Stolkin—Thrice Respectful Master, they have; the Stolkin—To rule my actions, and purify my heart in
first is Cemented, the second is Strength. Besides the order to merit the degree of Perfection.
beauty which they added to the building, they conveyed Adoniram—What signifies the square stone in the
to the minds of those who entered a knowledge of the middle of the circles?
divine attributes of that Being to whom the Temple was Stolicin—It teaches us that our edifice should have
dedicated. The Entered Apprentices were called after for its foundation a perfect stone, that is, that our con-
the name of the first column, at which place they met
and received their wages. The Fellow .Crafts bore the duct should be raised on a permanent and imperishable
name of the second column for the same reason. basis that it may stand the time and test of seasons.
Adonirarn—What was Solomon’s intention in creat- Adoniram—What is the meaning of these circles?
ing this degree? StolIcin-.—They are emblematical of the Divinity, who
Stolicin—To excite the brethren to an active inquiry hath neither beginning nor end.
after the bloody ruffians who had assassinated our dear Adoniram—What is the meaning of the letter “J”
Master Hiram Abiff, the names of whom they were then which is in the center of the square stone?
ignorant of, but suspected they were among the workmen, StolA~in—.—It is the initial of the ineffabie name of the
Solomon ordered a strict and general search to be made Grand Architect of the Universe and of the sacred word
of the Perfect Masters.
Note 89.—”Stolkfn. (Scotch Macoury.)—A name introduced In Scotch
Mosonry. In the ,kgrecs of Pcrteci Master. Itleet of Nine. Master Itiect Adotiiram—Pronounce it.
of Fifteen. and others. It in not blstorlcaL”—MoniS Kaaouio Diatien. Stoilcin—Je&ova&.
eq. Article Stolkin.

Adoniram—Is there any mystery hi’¶dex’. under this
Adousdram—How were you eceived a Perfect Master? signification?
Btollci.i—With the point of a spear to my heart and a Stolkin—Yes, Thrice Respectable Master, it teaches
halter round my neck. us that we cannot arrive at the Sanctum Sanctorum but
Adoasra,n~~~That occasion the point toyo~ heart? by purity of manners, righteousness of .heart, and the
Btolkin—TO cause me to recoflect that 1 ha~ given secrets of the first degrees of which they are the school.
my word to have it torn from out of my breast if I in- Adoniram—Why did you enter at the side of the
fringe on my obligation or reveal the secrets of Masonry. Sanctuary?
Adonimm—Why the halter round your neck? Stollcin—To teach me to abandoa the common road.
Stolk~n—To teach me that my humble situation should Adoniram—What is the color of your lodge?
increase as I proceed in U~asonry and virtue. Stolki*—Green. many signs have you? Adornram—Why green?
Btoikin—One by five. Stollcin—To remind me that by being dead in vice, I
~~ernmm~Why one by five? must hope to rise to virtue, and by that to attain the
Stolkita—In remembrance of the five points in my last degree, in order to make some progress in the Sub-
reception. lime Science, a knowledge which I hope one day to
Adoniram~-What do they signify? possess.
Stolkin~-The four towns which I made in travelling Adoniram—Who can communicate it to you?
and fifth of admiration. Stollcin—t3od alone, whose knowledge is beyond hu-
Adra1fl.~~Wh5t is the meaning of the tomb you man coxhprehension.
passed when you entered this ~lodge1? Adoniram—What is the meaning of the two pyramids
on your left?
Stollcina—’Tis the representation of the burial place Stoikin—Egypt, where the sciences first took their
of Hiram Abiff. rise.
AdO%i7atfl~~What signifies the rope that comes from A doniram—What signifies your Jewel?
the coffin and extends as far as the Temple? Stolkin-—That a Perfect Master should act within
Stolkita—The rope of green which the brethren mads measure and always be attentive to justice and equity.
of toraise the body of Hiram P Adoniram—What’s your pass-word?
the coffin. Stollcin.—Acacia.
Adoniram~What were you taught at entering? Adonirom—What is the meaning of that word?
Stoilcita—TO alter my ste from Apprentice, Fellow Stollcin—It is the name of the plant that was placed
Craft and Master, to cross t~e two columns. on the grave of Hiram Abiff, and was common about
~J~~itGmWhy so? Jerusalem. It is the mimosa nilotica of Linn~us, and
Stolkiu~-TO call to my recollections that it has been belongs to the 23d class and first order called Polygamia.
by passing the first degrees that I have attained the tb.
gree of Perfect Master.
Adoniiu~m—Thank you, Brother Stolkin. on the Ihst step ascending towards the Sanctum Sane-
A doniram—Brother Orator, you will now favor us torum. At the expiration of nine daya the obelisk being
with the Historical Discourse of this degree. finished, the urn with its contents was deposited on the
top of the pedestal.
HISTORICAL DISCOURSE BY ORATOR. There was also a triangular stone on which was en-
Respectable and Perfect Brother, newly initiated: graven in Hebrew characters I. ~.M..B.. The “I” is
Solomon having been informed that the body of Hiram the initial of the Ancient Master’s Word, the M.:. B.:.
Abiff had been found, was happy in having the poor the initials of the new word; [Mah-hah-Bone] also a
consolation of beholding his remains. lie gave orders sprig of Acacia figured on the top. Solomon after this,
and strict charge to his Grand Inspector, the noble had all the triangular medals taken f~m the Masters
Adoniram, to prepare for the funeral obsequies with when the Ancient Word was changed to the one we now
pomp and magnificence, and ordered all the brethren give in the third degree.
to attend with white aproas and gloves; he strictly for- The Respectable Hiram Abiff’s body was interred in
bade that tile bloody stains should be washed away until the middle of a great chamber separate from or under
he had wreaked his vengeance on the perpetrators of that the Temple, with all the honors due to so great a man.
horrid deed. It was in this chamber that Solomon used to hold his
The noble Adoniram soon furnished a plan of a chapters and confer with Hiram, King of Tyre, on the
stately monument which was executed and perfectly Mystic Art.
finished in nine days, made of black and white marble. Three days after the ceremony was over, Solomon
The heart of Hiram Abiff was enclosed in an urn and surrounded by all his court went to the Temple and
exposed for nine days on the third step ascending to the after having the workmen placed in the same position
Sanctum Sanctorum, previous to the Temple being fin- as they were on the day of the funeral, he offered up a
ished. prayer to the Almighty, and after having finished he
It was intended that it should be placed on a beautiful examined the tomb, canopy and repeated triangle, also
obelisk built at the side of the Temple a little to the the letters which were engraven thereon, also the pyra-
north of the west door, in order to mark out the place mids—when finding every thing properly executed, he
where the murderers had first deposited him in a pit be- gave the sign of admiration, which was repeated by
fore they removed him to the place where Brother Stol- all the brethren.
kin found him under the sprig of Acacia. This, my Brother, ends the Historical Discourse of
The heart of the excellent Hiram Abiff was embalmed this degree.
and exposed to public view in the urn, with the sword
run through the urn. And there the brethren used to
come to express their grief on the oecauion by kneelin4

Pet. of the Origin of Freemasonry—P’urther Proof of its Popish Connee-
PERFECT MASTER’S DEGREE. tions—Degrees Fabricated for Political Purposes—The Fpnersi or
Lodge-of-Sorrow Ilegree—The Gibberish of Freemasonry Admitted by
Standard Autbors—Steaiing and Mangling the 1VrttIn~a of Otbera—
Adoniram—Brother Stolkin, pray what’s the clock? “What a Banter on the Human Race Ia Freemaaonrj.
8tolkus—Thi~ice Respectable Master, it is evening. To understand this degree we must aee where we are.
Adenira m.—Since it is evening and the work is fin- England, the civil bulwark of Protestantiem in Eu-
ished, it is time to refresh ourselves; give notice that I rope, had executed Charles I. Four years before,
am going to close this ~ [lodge.J (1645), his son, and heir apparent, Charles IF, h~ad
Stolkita~-Respectable and Perfect Brethren, you will fled with his mother to France; secretly joined the
pleue take notice that our Thrice Respectable Master Papists and Freemasons; and by Popery and ~t1asonry,
is going to close this ~ [lodge.J regained his throne; and Hume, the regular apolo-
gist of the Stuarts, says: “His character was, in the
Adoniram—( Four raps; 0000.) main, dangerous to his people and dishonorable to him—
Secretary— (Four raps; 0000.) self.”(Hume II, 607.) He died .in 1685. All Ma-
Trea.urer—(Four raps; 0000.) sonic histories attribute his restoration in 1660, to Ma-
Adonirarn~—(Makiflg the sign of admiration.) Con- sonry, to which he gave the title of “The Royal Art,”
aumaitsm Eat. because that “it was mainly by its instrumentality that
All—Answer in the same manner with sign of admi- he was raised to the throne and monarchy restored to
ration and admire the tomb. England.” (Rebold, p. 55.) And Mackey, (En~. Art.
Stuart Masonry,) aa do other writers, abundantly con-
Adoniram—This ~ [lodge] is dosed. firm that Mason-lodges and the Jesuites were united in
uring his restoration. This was fifty-seven years
fore the London Grand Lodge bad centralized the
lodges at the Appletree Tavern, 1717. But the public
mind had begun to react against the mad whirl of by-
•3cts.-..Histortc,l tn?estlgatton. howeyer. has clearly demonatrated
that the present system of degrees is of comparatlyeiy modern origin,
being totally unknown to the craft at the time of the reylyal In I?l7.
~iglnally there was bat ens degree of InlUatlon, the msmsa of Appren-
tice. Fellow and Moater being merely the designation of classes of Work.
men, and not of S a or ge.Au of InItIation.’ —4teinhaeaaeta Pelgia
enS Easly Niatory , page US.
alty, universal corruption and Popery under Charlcs. It is one of the multitude of words invented by Papists,
James II, the runaway king, had followed his mother Masons and Mormons which are coined out of nothing,
and brother to Paris. He made his headquarters at as the words “Herodem,” “Mass,” “Nauvoo,” ete., which
“The Jesuits College of Clerniont.” And, says Mackey, form what is called Gibberish, from the verb jabber.
“The Jesuits played a very important part in these con- Stolkin is another such term which figures in this do-
ferences. Reg~ding the reinstatement of the Smarts, grec; (Note 37) which Mackey says, “it is impossible to
and the extension of the power of the Roman church as trace to any Hebrew root” (or any other human lan-
identical, they sought at that time to make the society guage, he niight have added). Morris, too, says the word
of Freemasons subservient to their ends.” And again: is not historical (Note 39.) And yet, amid these low
“During his (James’s) residence at the Jesuit College
of Clermont, where he remained for some time, his ad. tricks of imposture, quotations are made for the sub-
herents, among whom were the Jesuits, fabricated cer- lime portions of the Bible, used as funerals; thus literally
tain degrees, with the design of carrying out their po- “Stealing the livery of the court of Heaven
litical views.” (Mack?. Ency. Stuart Masonry.) The To serve the deyll In.’ —Bbaksapeare.
Papist, Ramuag, whose genius and learning put him at This Fifth or Funeral Degree of the Scotch Rite, like
their head, was the prime inventor of these degrees. (See -the Royal Arch and many others, has been added to
Folger, Mackey and others.) And by scanning the sit- and modified since it was brought over by the Jew,
uation we can understand these upper degrees. Moi-in, to South Carolina, and woven by Mitchell and
The first degree, as we have seen, gave each old lodge Daleho into the web of the 330 Rite.
seven ‘secret Masters,” who, in the relative popular ig- Some eighty years ago, more or less, there was an ob-
norance of that time, could lead the lodges, as with rings
in their noses, by inviaible hands. Next came this Sec- scure Vcrmont poet who published a little volume of
ond upper degree woven into the whole Rite as The poems which he styled “The Mill of the Muses.” The
Fifth. It was invented to bury a distinguished Mason, author’s Mill ground the English language badly for
and was adopted as thea funeral, or Lodge-of-Sorrow the moat part; but, as often happens to the unlearned
degree for the whole, (See note 26, p. 69 of this ~ol- gcnins, one of the poems had exquisite touches of natuee.
urns.) This provides the burial of a Perfect Master. Its first stanza ran thus:
however vile or corrupt he may have been. The drapery HailI Ta sighing auns of aorrow,
of the lodge is funereal; the black hangings being gouted viow with we the autumnal gloom.
with painted tear-drops, commonly the only team shed Learn from thence your fats to-morrow,
in such funerals, except those produced by grog; as the Dead, perhaps. laid in the tomb.
lodge has often no relation to or interest in the dead This song, which became widely popular, sung in
mason; but to use his corpse as an excuse f’r an adver- rural districts, at evening gatherings, and in booth,, at
tising parade, and to hide the meanness of its nature b, Militia Musters has been plagiarized to help out this
the sanctity which attaches to death. Masonic funeral degree. When the lodge has marched
The master of ceremonies is called Zerbal, a word to the Mausoleum they sing a song, opening with the
says Morris, which “is not historical.” (See note 29.) first verse of that old Vermont poem, thus mangled:
Come, ye sighing sons ot sorrow.
view with me your brother’s tomb.
Learn from It your fate to-morrow;
Death, perhaps, meg seal your doom.
Some other lines contain borrowings from the same
poem, worse m~ngled, to meet the wants of the lodge.
Then follows the ever recurring oath, promised and
sworn, in presence of the “Grand Architect of the Uni-
verse,” “never to communicate the secrets of this de- CHAPTER VII
gree ;“ with the singular addition: “I further promise to 4
respect the dead, and to build in my body. a suitable This grade is purely historical and is founded on an
monument to Truth and Jehovah ;“ which sacred name event which took place shortly after the completion of
is bandied about from mouth to mouth as “the sacred the Temple. It is not necessarily connected with either
word of the Perfect Master’s degree.” Then after the of the grades that precede it. The ceremony of intro-
customary batch of senseless signs, which no man re- duction is lively and exciting. The lecture contains but
members, or could remember, who does not make Ma- little symbolic instruction; it is merely a recapitulation
sonry his trade; the orator sums up by a silly, weak and of the initiation, and a history of the events upon which
shabby fiction bearing—That Solomon heard that Hi- the grade is founded, and together with the eleven grades
ram’s b’~dy was found, gave orders for a funeral “of which follow, it is associated with the twelve signs of
pomp &dd magnificence,” “ordered all the brcthren to the Zodiac:
built; the heart of Hiram preserved in an urn, placed
on the top of an obelisk; and Solomon,” three days after
visits the place, “makes the sign of Admiration, which is
repeated by all the brethren.”
By this degree the words of John Wesley are forcibly
brought to mind: “What~a baii ter on the human race sa
If the regalia and rites of the false religions of. the
earth were not known to be gewgaws and humbuggery,
aenaible men could hardly be persuaded that this funeral
farce of the Fifth Degree could be literally enacted.
The elements of its power over mind are:
1. It pleases Satan thus to degrade men made in the
image of God, to avenge himself on the God he hates.
2. It degrades the Bible by fastening on it, in the ZODIAC AND SIGNS.
minds of Masons, foolish falsehoods and fiction. Nate .—“lntlmate Secretary. (Secretaire latlme.)—The stub Gapes
3. It profanes the nature of death and funerals, mak- ta the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Its emblematic color Ia black.
ibowed with tears; and Its collar and the lining of the apron are ret’—
ing men wonder likc heathen instead of worshipping ~ehers Kaqolopeedia of rrsemaaeary, Jatiele Zatimate Ueeretsq.
like Christians.
APRON: —White, lined and bordered with red, with a
acroll and golden triangle painted on it, and the letters
A.’. P.’. P.~. in the corners of the triangle.
0 LOVES —White, bordered with red.
JJATTE1~Y :—Twenty-seven strokes, by three times nine;
00000000 0, three times.
MORAL :“—Thtit we should be careful never to offend
ii brother by prying into his secrets; and the criminality
DECORATIQ~S :—The ~ [lodge] represents the audi- or eavca-dropping.”
ence chamber of King Solomon’s palace, and ib hung Vote 43.—”Tbe apron is whIte, lined and edged with redc upou it, a
with black, strewed with tears, and is ‘illuminated by e’r,,ll cliii delt,; to the cortwr of the delta the letters A. P. P. The Jewel
Ic ii chile with the asme initials. —Monte’s Masonto Diotlonary. Art. Intl.
twenty-seven lights in three clusters of nine each, placed mate Secretary.
in the same manner as the three lights in a symbolic ~ ~wote48.—~lts history records an instance of unlawful curiosity, the’
[lodge:] East, West and South. punishment of whkh ~c ca only uvertid hy the preYlous fidelity of the
c,,y’,il’r. “—Maokay’s Encyolopasila of Fisemmeonry, Article Intimate Sec.
TITLES :“—There are two presidents in this lodge, one retail.
represents Solomon, King of Israel, and the other Hi- Wets 44.—””’he lesson. err. thet esYesdropping is unmasonic and thet
ram, King of Tyre; there are two-other officers viz: A ~oicclliattonr~ its anger.~ —Monies Masonic Dictionary, Article Intimate
Captain of the Guards and a Lieutenant.
In the initiation, the first two officers only are present,
seated in the East; before them a triangular table, on it
a scroll and two cross swords. The other brethren repre-
sent King Solomon’s guards, and remain in the first
CLOTHING :—Solomon and Hiram are clothed in long
blue robes with royal mantles of the same color, bor-
dered with ermine, with crowns on their heads and acep-
ters in their hands. The brethren wear black robes and
caps, also a collar of fiery red, from which is suspended
the jewel.
JEWEL :—Which is a triple triangle with an eye, ear
and mouth engraved thereon, viz: the eye on the top
triangle, the ear on the left and thc mouth on the right
Vote 41.—”Ite ofitoet’s aft only three: Solomon. Kin~ of Israel; flpam.
King of Tyre; and a Captain of the Ouarda.’—Maokey 5 hoyelopalGia ii?
leemaaonry, hillel. latimat. Secretary.
name of God, and under the jurisdiction of the Supreme
Grand CouncilT of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General
of th~ thirty-third degree, in and for the Sovereign and
Independent State ‘of New York, and of the Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction of the Western Hemisphere in the
valley and by virtue of the authority on me
OPENING CEREMONIES conferred; I hereby declare this lodge of Intimale Sec-
LrTIx~aTu Sucm~x’s” Duom.
Solomo*—(Knocks 000000) Captain of the Guards, I
am about to open a lodge or audience of Masters. Do
I retary open for study. Together brethren.
(All give the signs, and battery.)
~lomon—Now brothers, Sentinels assume your posi-
tions in the purlieus of the chamber of audience, take
your duty accordingly. lodge, see that none approach without permission, and
Caf~zin of Guards—Brethren will assemble and form give warning of all strangers and visitors.
in the north. Captain of Guards—Attention Sentinels, salute;
Captain of Uuarda—Puissant Sovereign, the sentinds right facc; forward march. (All retire to the ante-
await your orders.
Solomon—Brother Hiram, what is the object of our
7 room.)
Note 47.—”Scotcb Rite, more familiarly known as the Ancient and Ac.
cepted Seottleb rite. The degreca of this rite are, for the meet part.
Hiram—It is to instruct ourselves. elaborated from the cyatem Invented by Ramety, who claimed that ho
Solomon—What motives have we for this? found them In scotland. where they bad been planted by Koighta of the
Temple and of Malta on their return from Palestine. It I. neediest to my
Hiram—The preparatiou of our souls for immortality that these pretensions have no foundation In truth. The Council. and
and love of God and man. Lodges of this rite are governed by Supreme Council. of Grand inepectore
Solomon—How shall we instruct ourselves? General, of which there are two in the United state., one at Charleston.
S. C • end the other at Boston. Mass.‘—Maucym Enoyclopeedla and Die-
Hiram—Through curio~ity” ~andthe exercise of the Memasy of rreemasonry, Article Scotch lit..
physical and mental powers.
Solomo*—When do~ we this work?
Hiram—From seven to twelve at eve.
Solomo*—What is the hour?
Hiram—Seven o’clock past meridian.
Solomon-It being seven o’clock past meridian, in the
1.5. 4S.—”lntimtte Secretary. Eloeteb Vasuay.J—ihe third degree
conferred in the Lodge of PerfectIon. Scotch Masonry, and the sixth use.
the eata of that myatem; It is alto known as Matter by Curloelty.—
Morris. Diotleasay. Artiste lewetasy.
Nets N.—”The ceremony and legend are Intended to paeserve the 15.
membmance of an Inatance of unlawful curteelty. the due munlabmeut of tbs
offender being averted only in coutideratlon of hia previona MaRty. 1kg
degree aim teaches that Matona abould cultivate the vlrtuee of 5Iie~g.
Juatic., Humanity and Secrecy; and that In the ezecutis, of juetice tb
ehould not be unmindful of mercy.”—Maoey’a ZaqelegaeiIa eaiflletiemeq
.5lreemasenry, Article latbmate e.retasy.
Hiram—Do so, and may he be found innooent and
Solornon—(Six knocks; 000000.)
The brethren are led into the D [lodge] by the Cap-
tain of the Guards and seated, after having saluted the
king by drawing the right hand from the left sl~oulder
CHAPTER VIII to the right hip.
SIXTH OR INTIMATE SEORETABY’S Duouzu. Solomon—Joabert,” what induced you to listen at the
inviolate door of this chamber of secret audience?
INITIATION, Candidate—Seeing this person (pointing to Hiram)
The candidate must be in the ante-chamber dressed as who is a stranger to me, and suspecting the vigilance of
a Perfect Master, and when the Sentinels retire from the the guards, I feared for your life, and held myself in
lodge, the Captain of the Guards ord~s one of the breth- readiness to succor you.
ren to divest him of said dress. In the interim Solomon Solomon—Is it iiot mere idle curiosity’ which
and Hiram appear, to be conversing before the triangular brought you here?
table; the candidate is made to approach the door, to Candidate—No.
open it slyly and put himself in a listening attitude, n—What do you think of curiosity?
‘~ben the guards make a little noise at the door, which Candidate—(Answers as he thinks proper.)
being heard by King Hiram he looks about an4 seeing Solomon continues his questions, and when he is satis-
a man listening, he lifts his hands to Heaven and cries fied says:
in a rage:
Hiram—Oh Heavei~s! a spy is at the door! Note 0.—”cabert. This, according to the legends of the high dej~ses
was the name of the chief favorite of Solomon, who incurred the diap as.
Solomon—Impossible, the guards are at their post. are of Hiram of Tyrs on a certain occasion, hut was suhacquently par.
dened. and, on account of the great attachment he bed shown to the person
Hiram.—( Without making any reply, runs to thg of bis master, was appointed the Secretary of Solomon and Hiram in their
Ucut intimate retatlona. lie was afternards still furthor eromotril hm~
door, seizes the candidate and dIags him in) Here he is. Soinmon. and appointed with Tile and Adoniram a Provost ani Judge. He
Solomon-Alas lit is my friend Joabert:” What shall distinguished himself in his successful efforts to bring certain traitors to
condign punishment, and although hy his rashness be at first excited thr~
we do with him? anger of the king, be was suhacquently forgiven. and eventually received
the highest reward that Solomon could bestow hy helug made an Sled.
Hiram—( Drawing his sword or dagger) His indiscre. Perfect and Sohilma Meson. The name is evidently not Hrhrcw, or must
at least have under~ne much corruption, for in its present form it cannot
tion forfeits his life. We must kill him. he traced to n Hebrew root.’ —Machay’s Incytiopasgia of treemasonay,
Solomon— (Runs to King Hiram and puts his hand Article boabert.
on his sword.) Stop my brother! stay your anger! 1 Vote 55.—~~Ouriosity. it is a very general opinion emeng Masons that
a candidate should not be actuated by curiosity in seeking edmiasion into
know the man and his offense may not be so great as it the Order. But. in fact, there is no regulation tier landmark on the sub.
~ . An idle curiosity is. it is true, 11,5 haracterlsiie of p weak mind.
at first appears. Allow me to question him in presence ut to he influenced by a laudable curiosity to penetrate the mysteries of
of all the brethren. an Institution venerable for Its antiquity und its universality is to be eon
troilad by a motive which is net reprehensIble. Thare are. indeed, in
legends of the high degrees some instances where curiosity is condemned:
Vote U.—”bcabert, The companion of Solemn., and Hiram. The name but the curiosity, in these instances. led to an intrusion into forbiddan
appears in several of the high degrees in connection with the above sea. places, and is very different from the curiosity or tiosire for knowledge
tinned illustrIous Maaons.~ —Masoys Zneycicpaedia an4 Dictionary ef hue- which leads a profane to seek fairly and oponly an acquaintance with
•asenzy~ Article Joabert. mysteries which be baa already lasroed to r.pect. —Mackeys lucycic.
gaedia of Freemasonry. Article Curiosity.
Solomon—Captain of the Guards, lead this person to gervice, and appoint you [ntimate Secretary to the ar-
the middle chamber and detain him until we have de.. ticles of alliance between us. Do you think you can in-
violably keep secret what we are going to communicate
termined upon his fate, and remember, let him come to you, and will you bind yourself by an inviolable obli-
forth when wanted; you will be responsible for him. gation in the most solemn manner of your fidelity?
Captain of Guarde—Attention brethren! (aU rise an4 Candidats—I can.
form in line when the candidate is placed in the center SoZomon—Then I must receive your pledge and prom-
of line.) ise. You will now kneel at the altar, plaee both your
Captain of Guards—Salute! (all salute.) hands upon the Bible, square and compass, and contract
your obligation.
Captain of Guards—Right face, forward march; (all
retire to the ante-room and remain for some time.) OBLIGATION INTIMATE SECUTARY’S DEGREE.
Solomort—( Six knocks; 000000.) I—do promise and swear in the presence of the
The sentinels enter with candidate and form in line Great Architect of the Universe and this respectable
in the West, facing the East. (lodge] that I do solemnly bind myself by this oath
Solomon—Joabert,” approach the East. My brother, never to reveal to any person, directly or indirectly what
the good motive of your curiosity has found favor with is at present to be communicated to me, especially to
brothers of lower degrees.
us; for such curiosity’ furnishes through the senses, the That I will attend all the summonses of this
object of truth and matter of thought, hence instead of (lodge] and confine myself to the laws and regulations
condemnation you merit a recompense. of it.
I had given the King of Tyre a province of my em- That [will seek to know the miseries and wrongs of
pire in compensation for the assistance he rendered me the people and strive to find the remedy.
in erecting the teniple, but the people of that province That I will endeavor to disseminate education and
were ignorant and poor, and when King Hiram discov- form the triple alliance of thought, affection and sensa-
ered this he hastened to Jerusalem to reproach me, and tion, for the good of myself and all men. And should I
he entered this sacred chamber in an angry mood. You betray this duty, may my body be delivered unto anato-
observed this and watched us, Hiram seized you, I, Solo- mists for dissection and its remnants remain unburied.
mon questioned you, and your motives having been Amen.
found good, we have determined to reward your zeal and iSoZomow—My brother, having contracted yonr obliga-
tion, and as the sense of consciousness is the intimate
Vote 51.—Joabert. racotob Mascezyl—Tha name of this person is in. secretary between reason and tjie affections, you are
troduced into the degrees of Intimate Secretary. Provost and Judge. and
Grand meet Perfect and Sublime Masons in Scotch Masonry He was on.
of Solomon’s favorite attendants. He was made Secretary of King Sob.
charged with ascertaining the wants of the people and
mon and King Hiram. Thu tradition with which Joabert is connected b
enrions and entertaininL~Tbe name la not hlatoricaL—KoariWs VasamJs
with the execution of measures for their education, the
Dictionary. Artiols Joe establishment of industry in order that from poverty,
Vote U.—”OuriOsit7. Freemasonry has in all ages excited the curiosi~ ignorance and wrong they may obtain justice, science
of mankind; and curiosity is one of the most prevailing passions in tba
human breast. The mind of man is kept in a perpetual thirst sfter knowi.
and wealth.
edge, nor can he hear to he ignorant of what he thinks others know.”—
Kaoop’s Enayelopsedla and Dioticuiry of Freemasonry, Article Onrioi~
Arise my brother, I receive you Intimate Secretary on
condition that you will faithfully fulfill your duty, and
be as much attached to this order as the person wse
whom you have the honor to succeed in office. The TOKEN.
color of this ribbon with which I now decorate you, must
ever bring to your recollection the wounds which that Join right hands, the firsi
great man r~ceived from the traitors who did so in-’ one turns the other’s hand and
humanly massacre him, and likewise of his blood which says, BeritW’ the other revers-
he preferred spilling every drop of than to reveal the
secrets I am going to give you. The jewel which is at- ing the hand again says, Neder,
tached to the ribbon is a triple triangle. On it are en- then the first one resuming the
graved a listening ear, a watchful eye and a discreet first position, says, Shelemoth.
tongue, which requires all masons throughout the world These three words might be
to recognize your title to this new dignity. interpreted: Promise of a
We expect, my respectable brother, that your fidelity iY.mplete alliance.
will be proof against all temptations and dangers, and as’
that this sword with which I gird you will serve to pro- ~Sh.n intimate Si irs.
tect you against any villain who would dare attempt to 1’A.9B WORD :—Joabert (the name of the candidate.)
surprise you into a confession of our mysteries. .lnswer—Zerbul.’ (the name of the Captain of the
I will now invest you with the signs, grips and words Uuards.)
2f this degree:
flATTERY :—Tweiit=-seven strokes, by three timed nine,
00000000 0; three times.
Brethren, resume your seats and listen .ittentively to
SIGN. the discourse of our Master of Eloquence upon the
necessity of the pursuits of knowledge and the alliance
Raise the right hand, then draw of the soul, the affections and the senses to create the
it from the left shoulder to the right masonic virtue of curiosity.
hip, thus indicating the fall of a scarf. DISCOURSE BY MASTER OF ELOQUENCE.
Cross the arms horizontally, raise
them to the height of the breast and My brother, newly initiated:
then let them fall towards the hilt of The degree of Intimate Secretary into which you hove
the sword while raising the eyes to just been received is purely historical, and is founded
heaven. Xovr. C3~—I?~’rWL Ret,., j~s~ e eownaa*. A significant word In several
of ibi h~h ~
Vote K.—”Zarhal. The name of King Solomona Captain of the Quarde
in the degree of intimate Secretary. No such person la mentioned in
Scripture, nod it is therefore an inyention of the ritualist who faheleated
up I.u.a~. the degree.’—Maokay~a Rncyslopaedta of lreeznasonry, Aztiele lerhal.

on an event which took place shortly after the completion Solomon, who happened to be alone bemoaning the loss
of Hiram Abiff.
of the Temple. This degree, my brother, is not necessa- Hiram King of Tyre, walked in so hastily, and seem-
rily connected with either of those that precede or follow ingly in so passionate a manner as to give umbrage to,
it. It appears from what we can glean from Masotiic and rouse the zeal of, one of Solomon’s favorites called
tradition, th~t, previous to the commencement of the Joabert, whom you this evening have had the honor~ to
Temple, Hiram, King of Tyre, by a treaty made with represent.
Solomon, King of Israel, had agreed to furnish for the Joabert being struck with the notion that he came with
construction of the Temple, hewn timber, framed and some evil design against his sovereign, was prompted
drawn from the forests of Lebanon by Hiram’s people; to follow the King of Tyre, and go to the door and listen.
also hewn stones squared and numbered in the quarries After the King of Tyre had entered the apartment of
of Tyre, ready made and fitted for immediate use; he Solomon, and had conversed with him a short time as
also furnished him with a large number of his (iiblim, regards their treaty, deeming themselves secure from
stone cutters and sculptors, and of his setters, layers and all eaves droppers, upon looking around Hiram per.
builders; also with a large number bf cedar and fir trees ceived a person at the door listening to their conversa-
to be used in the construction of God’s holy temple at tion and exclaimed, “Oh heavens, we are overheard,” and
Jerusalem. running to the doo~r seized Joabert by the hand and
For and in consideration of which, Solomon agreed to dragged him into the presence of Solomon, saying:
give him 20,000 measures of wheat and 20 of pure oil, “Rere he is.” Solomon, who could not doubt of his
year by year; and also barley, wine and honey, and upon favorite’s trespass, asked him, “What shall we do with
the completion of the temple 30 citiesTM in the land of him ?“ Hiram immediately replied, “We must kill him,~’
Galilee; and there was peace between Solomon King of and drew his sword for that purpose, on which Solomon
Israel, and Hiram King of. Tyre. coming down from the throne, said, “Stop, my brother,
A year elapsed befbre the provisions of this treaty stay your anger, I know the man, and his offense may
were complied with on the part of Solomon; and when not be so great as it at first appears; allow me to question
Kiram King of Tyre went to visit his newly acquired him.” Which was immediately assented to by Hiram
territory, he found the lands poor and the people rude King of Tyre.
and of bad morals, and that the keeping of it would be After King Solomon, in the presence of Hiram, had
attended with more expense than profit. He therefore questioned Joabert as regards his peeping in at the door,
went in person to Solomon to complain of the deceit; he ordert~d his guards to seize him and conduct him
when he arrived at Jerusalem he made his entry through from the apartment and to be answerable for him when
the guards and went hastily to the apartment of King required. After the two kings were left alone, Solomon
Vote 55.—The legend of this degree refers to the cities in Galilee which
were presented hy Solomon to Hiram. King of Tyre; and with whoaf Char. thus addressed King Hiram:
acter the latter was so displeased that he called them the land ot CehaL”
—Vs.*e~s Zfe~elopaedIa of lasemaamry, Aztiole Intimate Isinetery. Sire, this is the only person among my favorites
and lords of my .court who has a real and affectionate Hiram—I was then ignorant of it, but have since
attachment for my person. I know him sufficiently found that my resolution, perseverance and firmness has
well to be convinced that the indiscretion he has been
guilty of, is less to be attributed to an imperative procured me the favor of being the first initiated into
curiosity than to his apprehension of any dangerous this degree.
accident befalling me; your~ looks, your change of Solomc~n-What are the pass-words?
countenance and hasty manner in passing through the Hiram—Joabert and Zerbal.
room were what excited his curiosity and alarm for my Solomon-What do ~thesenames signify?
safety. I therefore entreat you to recall the sentence of Iliram—Joabert is the name of Solomon’s favorite
death which you have pronounced against him and I wIlo listened at the door, and the other, Captain of the
will be answerable for his “zeal and discretion.”
Guards, and each a commander of the twelve tribes.
The King of Tyre knowing how agreeable it would
be to Solomon that his favorite Joabert should be par- Solomon—What is the great word?
doned, readily consented, and the two kings renewed Iliram—J. ~.E.~.H..() V. ~.A.~
~. men~tioned hi
their treaty, which was to be perpetual with different letters.
clauses and prQwises on both sides of eternal fidelity. Soloawn—What were you before you were Intimai
To which treaty Joaj~rt was Intimate Secretary. Secretary?
Thus my brother, you see what was represented in Hsra rn—A favorite of Solomon.
your reception of Past Master by Curiosity, Intimate Solomon—From what country did you come?
Secretary or English Master. Ilira rn—From Capule.
Solomon—Your surname?
Solomon.—Illustrious President, are you an Intimate Solomon—I-low many governments did Solomon give
Secretary? to King Hiram in return for the work done by his peo-
Hiram~—(Lifting his eyes) I am. plc for the temple?
Solomon—How have you been received? Hiram—Thirty.
Hiram—By my curiosity. Solomon—Where were you received?
Solomon—Did you run any risk by it? JIiram~—In Solomon’s hall of audience; hung with
Hiram—Yea; that of losing my life. liluck, and illuminated with twenty-seven lights.
Solomon—What was done after you were detected? Solomofl—Wllat signifies the J.x which you see in
Hiram—I was committed to the care of the guards tim window?
and expected to have sentence of death pronounced hiram—Jehovah.
against me. Solomon—What does the word signify?
Solomon—Were they Intimate Secretaries or Pexfect Hiram—It is the third pronunciation of the great
Masters? name of the Arehiteet of the Universe, which in this

degree signifies: “Let us return thanks to God; the

work is complete.”
Solomon-What signify the A.~. and the two- P’s in
the triangle?
Hiram—The A means alliance, the bat P, promisq,
and the second, perfection.
Solomon—Why is the ~ [lodge] lighted by twenty-
Hiram—To represent the 2,700 candlesticks which
Solomon—Brother Hiram, what’s the hour?
Solomon orderea to be made for the illumination of Hiram—Twelve, past meridian.
God’s temple. SoZo*wn-It is therefore time for rest, in order that
Solomon-(Pointing to a screen or painting of un
the body may recruit its strength to resume its service
elaborate door standing or hung in the north.) What of the soul: Hence I proclaim this college of Intimate
does the door in the draft represent? Secretaries closed.
Hiram—The door of Solomon’s palace. Solomon—(Nine knocks, 00000000 0.)
Solomon—What means the triangle that hangs to Hiram—(Nine knocks, 00000000 0; and the ~
your ribbon?
Hiram—The three theological virtues, Faith, Hope [lodge] is closed.)
and Charity. You may give it another explanation:
say, Solomon, Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff.
falsehood do not tarnish Masonic morality and truth.
Ra.m.ay’s degrees sold. He amassed a fortune which
enabled him to offer wealth to his Scotch relatives.
And Mackey, who out-ranks all other Masonic writers,
says of him: “All writers concur in giving the most
favorable opinions of Ramsay’s character.”. Mid Cham-
bers (quoted by Mackey) asserts that “he was gen-
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS erous and kind to his relatives,” though “on his tempo-
rary return to Great Britain he did not visit them in.
Scotland, though he sent them liberal offers ~f money,
Notbini bu* Fnl.ehood—A Fortune from Selling Memonic Degrcea—~~MoIe
a Meant than Meets the Ey~~—E~ibUg Protebatona to Astronemha
which, however, they refused.” (See the whole article.
Teacblnl—A Government of wolvt.a Over Sheep. Rarnsay, in Maoke!)’e Enc7Jclopedia~)
The name (Joabert) of the hero of this degree is gib- But this degree was invented not only for young
berish, derived from no language living or aead,( Seo French Nobles, but for English Masons, who, with their
Note 49;) and everything concerning the degree is predecessors, had sung ale-house ditties in honor of Sol-
falsehood. It is not a “legend,” for a legend is an old omon for seven hundred years. It must therefore keep
story handed down to be read; but this was made up by in line with the York Rite, or it would not be “Mason?!), (see Note 47) to humbug and inveigle English divine.” Ramsay, therefore, wrote this SAomonic fic-
Masons into recalling the Stuarts; to destro~v Protest-
ism and popular government. Its scene is laid in Pal- tion, which he had a right to do, but not to falsify its
istine to give color of truth to the falsehood that it origin to make money, nor to pass it for truth, with the
came to Scotland from thc Crusades. This is not a aid of Jesuits, and the multitude of priests who could
harmless fiction but a falsehood invented for gain, as scarcely read their breviaries, to swindle the ignorant
~vine,manufactured in a groggery, is labeled “Madeira’ masses in France, at that time, “almost totally unedu-
to sell. The soil of France was owned, with meagre cated.”
exceptions, by priests and nobleg. The latter despised The Lodge room in this degree represents Solomon’s
a Masonry made by London mechanics. audience-room. The man with the gibberiph name,
So this and the other French degrees were made to Jeabert, sees King Hiram going to Solomon with anger
sell to these nobles. I-[ence Ramsai~ “claimed that lie
found them in Scotland where they had been plnnted by In his countenance, being dissatisfied with certain lands
lcnights, princes and nobles, returned from Palestine.” given him in pay for his help in building the temple.
“It is neQtlleQs to say,” says Macoy. “thnt these preten- Joabert, a warm personal friend of Solomon’s, crept
sions have no foun~iation in truth.” (See Note 47.) after Hiram to hear what passed, fearing Solomon’s as-
This cool statement by one of the first Masonic nuthori- sassination. He is discovered, seized by Hiram and
ties, and Mccoy is such, would be fatal to- any swindling abqut to be slain as an eavesdrQpper; Solomon inter-
but a false religion, which hoodwinks its candidates James, saves his friend, being satisfied that he is no spy,
whilp the devil “blind* their ,tzinda.” But fraud anA
and Joabert becomes “Intimate Secretary” to Kingu criuelties to the secret lodges of Paris; which he com-
Solomon and Hiram. pares to knots of poisonous reptiles hid under the green
This frivolous fiction is all that this degree adds t slime of stagnant pools, seen only when their slimy cov-
French Masonry. So weak and worthless is it that it ering is blown off by the breezes of popular commo-
would long since have passed to the tomb of forgotten tions.”
trifles, in spite of ~itsnightly pomps, gorgeous drapery But, in itself and its professed oljects, the mindless
and mock-solemn oaths, uniess, from its birth, while frivolity of this and other like degreeat, is only excelled
professing abstinence from politics and religion, it had by their quack pretensions to morality and science.
constantly ,intermeddled with both. While the stupid What is there in this tissue of pompous emptiness to
Masonic masses and a few enthusiasts, who have re- warrant Solomon’s dialogue with Hiram in the opening
ceived the mark of the Image of the Beast in their fore- exercises. Thus:
head, have really believed it; the cunning leaders ever- Solomon—Brother Hiram, what is the object of our
more have had practical objects in view. So that it has ~&ssembly?
alwa~rs been true of it that Hiram—It is to instruct ourselves.
“More is meant than meets the eye.” Solomon—What motives have we for this?
When royalist lodges in England were plotting to re- Hiram—The preparation of our souls for immortality
store an exiled pretender to the throne, in their refresh- and the love of God and man.
inents, they would hold their glasses over a tub or vase And then we are told (see the Ritual) that “this, with
and “drink to him over the water.” And in France when the eleven degrees following,” “are associated with the
this degree was in the Rite of twenty-five degrees, then twelve signs of the Zodiac ;“ a picture of which is given
prevailing there, Mitchell, in his large volumes (Vol. I, to save the degree from utter contempt, by this quack
p. 304), says: “Freemasonry not only became a part and pretension to astronomic science.
parcel of the levelling schemes of The Illuminati, but “A~ciated with the Zodiac I” And how? The Zo-
gradually crept into the Jacobin clubs, and thus wielded diac is a belt of constellations through which the sun
an influence in bringi~ig about the great Revolution.” travels in its journey through the year. And these
True, Mackey says, (Art. Jacobins), while “Abbe Bar- groups of stars have received the fanciful names of ani-
nel and Prof. Robison endeavor to prove that there mals, of which not one observer of the heavens in a
was a coalition of the revolutionary conspirators with million ever sees or thinks he sees an image or likeness
the Freemasons who formed the Jacobin Clubs.” • • of. And in his zeal and desire to make a perfect Rite,
“it is evident that the Freemasons held themselves aloof and monopolize its profit, some quack pretender to
from the political contests of that period.” But the science, when France was crawling with newly invented
weight of authorities, as well as reason and common degrees, strung together a Rite of twelve degrees, and,
sense are against him. Lamartine, in his history of the from the almanac, printed a sign of the Zodiac upon
Girondista, attributes the moat revolting crimes and each to make a perfect circle, and so tax and govern the

rest. But why should this Sixth degree be marked with

the sign of the Vtr~qin instead of Aries, the Ram? And
the next following with that of Libra, or the balanee.
instead of Taurus, the Bull? We know no reason and
none is given to the initiate. Doubtless there ia none
but the whim of the inventor, whose sole object is im-
posture and cheat. “Cursed be he that maketh the CHAPTER IX
blind to wander out of the way; and all the people shail SEVENTH DEGREE OR PROVOST AND JUDGE.”
say, Am.en.”—Deut. ~27,18.
Thirty years after the invention of this degree in the This grade was originally instituted by King Solo.
Jesuit College Rite of Perfection, Thos. Jefferson was mon to aid in preserving peace and order” axrong the
workmen engaged in the erection of the temple, it bt’ing
our minister to France (1784). These Bites had then the especial duty of a Provost and Judge to settle diffi-
overrun France, and Jefferson said: “A government of culties and disputes that might arise among the work-
priests and nobles for a people, is like a government of men.
wolves over sheep.”
The meanness of the thief who misdirects and leads a
blind man out of his road into the woods to filch money LINRA OR DALANCE.
from his pockets, is a poor crime beside that of the im- DECORATIONS :“—The ~ (lodge) of Provost and•
postor who misdirects wanderers into eternity who have Judge must be hung with red and illuminated by five
lost their road. And such were the manufacturers of great lights; one in each corner and one in the centre.
~this degree. Such, too, are The manufacturers of The Master is in the East, under a blue canopy, sur-
all false religions. They cause their fellow travelers to rounded by gold stars; and is styled Thrice Illustrious;
“wander out of the way of understanding and renjain in Note N.—”Proyoet and Judge. tScotoh Masonryl—The fOuWth degree
conferred in the Lodge of Perfection. Scotch Muanory, and tbe seventh upon
the congregation of the dead.” The only mitigation the catalogue of that agate,. There isa master, styled Thrice IllustrIous
Who represents Tito. Princ, of tbe ijarodim, tbe First Grand warden anti
which can be plead for such false teachers, is, that they Inspector ~f the 800 Architects, and a chief Inspector. representing
Adonirem. “—Morris’s Maaonio ma~Icmq, Lotiole Provost and Judge.
come to believe their own teachings. But that no more Not. 57.—”Proycet and Judge. The seventh degree of the Ancient and
Accepted rite. Tbd legend of this degree is founded upon tbe princ.iplee
excuses them than suicide juslifies murder. of Impartiality and Justice. After the death of the Grand Master work.
man of the temple. King Solomon. fot the purpose of strengthening his
means of preserving order among the vast number of craftsmen engaged
in the construction of the temple, appointed seven Provost, and Judges, in
order that all complaints amnn~ the workmen might be heard, disputee set.
tied and justice odminiatered.’ —Maceye Eneyelopaedis and Dictionary ci
1seemaaear~. hUcle Provost and Judge.
Note 58.—lbs degree was instituted hy Solomon. to sushi. him to pie.
serve order among the workmen. The hangings are red. The number of
lights is five. The apron is white, lined with red, and furnished with a
socket; below the pocket, the cross keys. The Jewel is a gold key. The
lesson is Justice to all men. Age 4z16. Hours of work. break of day
eight, two and seven.“—Needs’s Masonic Dictionary, Article Provost anA

he represents Tito Zadoc, Prince of the Harodim, the

eldest of the Perfect Masters and Intimate Se~cretaries,
first Grand Warden and Inspector of the 300 Architects,
whose office was to draw plans for the workmen of the
There are two wardens, who represent Adoniram and
Abda,’ his father. They are seated in the West and
styled Illustrious Brothers; the rest of the brethren are PROVOST AND JUDGE.”
placed to the right and left, except the introducing
brother, who sits behind the wardens in the West. Tito—(Strikes five; 0000 0.) Brother Wardens, are
5—AIl the brethren in black robes and we duly guarded?
caps, apron is white, trimmed with white, with a pocket Wardens—Thrice Illustrious, we are; and can begin
in the centre, with a red and white rosette below the work.
pocket; on the flap a key painted or embroidered in Tito—Where is your master placed?
gold. The pocket is intended to keep the keys of the Wardens—Everywhere.
chest containing the plans. Collar red, from which is Tito—Why so?
suspended the Jewel of the grade, a gold key. Wardens—Because God is omniprese’it, and his jus-
BATTERY:— Five strokes by four and one (0000 0.)
tice is universal.
SYMBOLIC AGE :—Four times sixteen. Tito—What is the hour?
MORAL OF THE GRADE :—That we should render jus-
Wardens—Dawn of day, mid-day, eve and night.
tice to all men. Tito—(Knocks 0000 0.)
HOURS OF WORK :—Eight~ two and seven o’clock. Wardens—(Knock 0000 0; all rise.)
Note U.—”Ahda. A word used in some of the high degrees. He was .Tito—This college of Provost and Judge is open;
the father of Adoniram. (See I Kings Iv, S.) Lenniug is wrong in eny~ng
that he is represented by one of the officers to the degree of Master in (all give the sign and battery rknocksl after which all
Israel. He has confounded Abda with his son.”—Mac&ey’e Encyclopasil.
ci lresmasoary, Artlele AMa.
are seated.)
Note U.—”The spsrtmest represents the middle chamher of King Sob. Note 61,—”Provost and Judge. (?revot et Jugs,) The seventh degre.
mon’s Temple; the hangings are red, with a aky-hine canopy in th’b East. Of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Bits. The history of the degree
The room is lighted with five lights, one in each corner, and one In thg relates that it was founded hy Solomon, King of Israel, for the purpose
midilie. Tho presiding officer is atyted venerahle Chief Provost add Judge. of strengthening his means of Preserving cider among the vast nuinher of
The siron is white, edged with red; In the middle ii a pocket with a red eraStamen eugaged ~n the ,‘onatruction of the Temple. ‘i’ito, Prince Hare.
and ~hlte rosette. On the dsp is painted. or embroidered in gold, a key. dim, Adoniram and Abda, his father, were first created Provosts and
The sash Is crimson, worn from right to left; from it hangs the jewel, Judges, who were afterwards directed by Solomon to initIate his tavcdte
which is a key of goid.”—Macoy’a heyslepeedla and Dietimay 51 Uses’ and Intimate secretary, Joahert, and to give hIm the keys of all the beNd.
maseazy, Article Provost and Juige. log. In the old rituals the Mastar of a Lodge of Provosts and Judges rep-
resents lito, Prince Harodim, the first Grand warden and Inspeeter of the
three hundred archltects,”—.Maehsy’s heyclepasila at la’ssmaamsr. haM.
de lrevest and Juigs.
Tile—Brother Adoniram, has he been well examined
as regards his qualifications and been found worthy?
Adoniram—Brother Expert, has he been well exam-
ined as regards his~ qualifications and been found
Expert—Brother Master of Ceremonies, has he been
well examined as regards his qualifications and been
CHAPTER X found worthy?
SBvxi~TH DEGlIEE OR PROVOST A~I) JUDGE. Master of Ceremontes—He has, Brother Expert.
Expert—Thrice Illustrious, he has.
INITIATIOS. Tito—Then let him be admitted.
Tito—Brother Master of Cerenlonies, 3011 will now Expert.— (Opening the door) Brother Master of Cere-
monies, let him be admitted.
retire and prepare the candidate jol’ initiation. Master of Ceremonies then leads him into the
PEEPAEAT1O~ Ok’ CAXDIDATE. [lodge] and places him between the wardens and altar.
Master of Ceremonies retires after saluting, and pro- Tito—Brother Master of Ceremonies, whom do you
~ares the candidate as an Intimate Secretary, and conduct?
nocks four and one Master of Ceremonies—One who has duly fulfilled
Adontram—Thrice Illustrious, our tribunal is di.. his duty as Intimate Secretary, and is worthy of the
turbed. office of Provost and Judge: His name is Joabert,
Ttto—It may be a call for justice; brothei’ Adonirain, Tito—Brother Master of Ceremonies, is he well versed
you will send our brother Expert to ~L’Civito knocks as a in the signs, tokens and words of the previous work, and
Provost and Judge. is he well qualified to receive this?
Adonirem—Brother Expert, you will sce who knocks Master of Ceremonies—He is, Thrice fllustrious.
as a Provost and Judge. Tue—Let him give proof of his knowledge.
Expert—(Goes tq~ the door, knocks four cud one, Master of Ceremonies cause~ the candidate to re-
opens the door and says:) Who knocks a.~ ii 1’rovost hearse the signs, tokens and words of the previous de-
and Judge? grees.
Master of Ceremonies—One who has duli’ fulfilled his Tile—Brother Intimate Secretary Joabert, I am well
duty as Intimate Secretary, and is now worthy of tile
office of Provost and Judge. pleased with the proofs of study and art you have ex-
Rxpert—(Shutting the door,) Brothcr Ad~iirain, it is hibited, and will now proceed to ascertain if you are a
one who has duly fulfilled his duty as Intimate Secre- fit person to be a Provost and Judge among your fel-
tary and is now worthy of the office of Pro~’ost and lows and over your brethren. Brother Joabert, what is
Judge. justice?
Adontram—Thrice Illustrious, it is one who has duly (Candidate answers as he thinks proper,)
performed his duty ai Intimate Secretary, and is now Tile—My brother, we define Justice thus “Justice
worthy of the office of Provost and Judge.

is the equation of right and duty, between man and of Provost and Judge you pledge yourself to do inipar-
man, or between the individual and society.” What is tizi juBtice to eyery man.
equation? What are rights? What are duties? What To aid you in performing it the Expert will entrust
is law? you with a golden key. It opens the tomb’ which sym-
These are questions upon which you should reflect, to bolizes t~e sanctuary of truth, the sanctuary of con-
ascertain wherein right and duty may be absolute and science, where the heart of Hiram Abiff has been depos-
relative, and wherein law may be natural or conven-
tional. ited: it opens all the buildings and gives you access
Brother Joabert, a most important question tiow everywhere. But brother Joabert, before we present you
arises: with this key, or before we entrust you with the means
We have a very clear idea of justice. We may know •f doing jwtice, we demand of you the solemn pledge
what it is, we may show its origin and necessity; but of every Provost and Judge; are you willing to bind
tell me how is justice to be attained, realized, dispenaed yourself am we hare done?
and established? Candidate—I am.
How are we to ascertain that which would be justice
between man and man, or between society and one of Tito—(Five knocks; 00000; all rise.) Brethren bear
its mcmbers, in case of contestation? ye witness to the obligation thia Intimate Secretary is
(Candidate answers as he thinks proper.) about to aasume, with his hand upon the balance.
Tito—Brother Master of Cermonies, teach brother
Master of Ceremonies then conducts the candidate I , do solemnly promise in presence of this
seven times round the ~ [lodge.] On the first round
he gives the Thrice Illustrious the sign, token and word assembly, and of my own conscience, that I will keep the
of an Entered Apprentice; on the second, the sign, to- secrets of Provost and Judge; and that I will truly,
ken and ~vordof a Fellow Craft, and so on until the sev- justly and impartially dispense justice to my brcthren
enth round, after which I~e stops in front of the altar and to all the world, according to rule and the best of
facing the East. my abilities; and lastly bind myself under the penalties
Tito—(To candidate.) My brother, it gives me infi- of all my former obligations, to pay a just and due obe-
nite satisfaction to have this opportunily of rewarding dieni,e to the regulations and orders of the council of
your zeal for masonry, and your attachment for the Princes of Jerusalem; so may God keep me in truth,
master of masters and this I do by appointing you Pro- equity, and justice: Amen.
vost and Judge over all the workmen of this ~ [lodge,1 Tito—Brother Expert, you will now give brother Joe-
for as we are fully convinced of your discretion, we do bert the key and conduct him to the monument.
not hesitate to confide in you, and to communicate our Expert then conducts him to the monument, kz,~eIs
most important secrets to you, which will encourage and says:
you to do your duty in this degTee as you have done in Expert—CM.
Ihe preceding ones which you had the honor of being Tito—Ky (Elpert then risen.)
admitted into. Brother Joabert, by accepting the degree

Ezpe4—MY brother, these two words, Civi and Ky,

are our pass words, the one means ask or knock and it
will be opened the other means arise or seek and it
will be found.
The lesson taught is simply this: that justice is only
possible through truth; to be just we must know the
truth. We should therefore learn to handk the key ANSWER.
of truth, and by investigation obtain evidence. Place the first finger of the right hand.
Tito—Brother Expert, you will now conduct our new- on the top of the nose, and the thumb of
ly made brother to thc east. (1)oes so.)
Tito—Brother Joabert. I now greet you with the the same under the chin, forming a square.
grip and sign of a Provost and Judge.
i~Uh~d~Ih.. GRIP.

£flantt4 ~n.
fingers of the
~~hhIIhhhPP~,P Lack the two right
little PASS WORD ;—TITo,~ Civi, Ky.
hands with the forefin- SACRED WORD :—Jachinai,~ which is the plural of the
OjOpof P~o~o.t and Judge. ger, one of the other, word Jachin.
and give seven light blows with Ihe thumb of the right GRAND WORDS :—Izrack-Jah, Jehovah, Hiram, Stol—
hand on the palm of the same. kin, Geometra8s~ and Architect.
Note 68.—Tito. A signifioniit word in the high degree.. The Scottleb
Il~te rituaRa give the nnn~e of T~to. Pr~nee Harodim, to him who they say
SIGN. warn the firM who wa~ appohited by Soi~mon a Proicat and Judge. Tbi.
Place the two first fingers of the right zion appears to be aRt.gethi’r inytb~c’aI, the word is not found in the
~eebrew Rangijage. uor baa any menning been given to it. He Is repre-
sented a. baiilng been at favorite of tbe King ot israel. Be Is said to
hand on t~ie nose. bave presided OV’F the Lodge of Intendants of tbe Building, and to have
U becii one of the twelve illugtrious knights who were net over tbe twelie
ifibee. that of N.ipbtnll b4~Ing pla~’ed iiader Ida care. The whole ot this
legejid ii. of course. I’onneeted wilh the symboi~e slgnifl’fttion of tboae
degrc~s. ‘—Mackey’s Enc7ciopaedi& of Ereema.onry. hrtiol~ Zito.
Note 68.—”A 08111c ‘orrnption of Shekinab, to be fonnd only in the
French Cw.her. of tbe high degreea. —Mackey’s Enc~c1opa.d1a of Pro..
masonry, Article Jaohinai.
Note 64.—”Geometry. Iii the mocl~•rn r~tuaIa geometry ii said to be
iho buala on which the 8uper~trueture of Masonry is erected; and in the-
0ld Constitutions ot the Mediaeval Freewaaona of England the moat pi’omt
I3M~t pRace of all the sciences is given to geometry, which Is made S~D0D7~
luous wltb Masonry. Thus. In the Halliwell MS.. wblch date, not later
rbai, the latter part of the fourteenth century. the Constitutiona of’
!dasoiiry are called ‘tbe Oonatitritlou of the art of geometry according te
EucIid. the words gEometry and Masonry being us9d Indifferently throagb~
q,ijI the doeamehi; and In the flarleian MS. It Is said. ‘ihum the craft
(1eorn~try wis governed tbe,e, and that worthy MaatP? (Huelid) gale it
the I*Ime ~f Geometry, and It Is calied Mav.onrie In tbls land long atter.’
In suothet part of the same Ms. ft is tbus defined. ‘The fltth acience iS
aglied Geometry, and it teaches a man to mete and mesaI2re ot the earth
and other thingR. which sciencE’ i~ Maaonric. “—Mackeys EmQalopmedi.
and’s. d r.emai@n~, £rtiolo Gsorntz~.
324 PI~ovosT AND JUDGE.
Tito——I also invest you with’ your apron, as an em- Adoniram—The four are emblems of the four fronts
blem of the ardor and zeal of the Masters. The pocket of the temple, and the fifth the unity 3f God, whose
in the apron is intended to keep the keys of the chest
-containing the plans. temple it is, and to whom is due every homage from us.
Tito—Brother ~E~pert,conduct our newly elected Tito—What did you meet with at your entrance?
brother to the altar and proclaim him duly installed a Adoniram—With a brother who conducted me to the
Provost and Judge. altar.
Expert—(Conducts him to the altar.) To the glory Tito—What became of you then?
of the Grand Architect of the universe, under the au- Adonsram—After giving proofs of my skili to the
spices of the Supreme Council of the 33d degree of the Thrice Illustrious, and taking upon myself the solemn
Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite,” in and for the obligation, I was conducted to the tomb, caused to kneel
Sovereign and Independent State of New York, I do and pronounce the word Cit’f, which signifies kneel.
hereby proclaim Brother as a Provost and Judge,
.and an active member of our tribunal throughout tIle Tsto—What answer did the Thrice Illustrious make
world. you?
T’to—Together, brethren. (All give the battcry by Adoniram—He pronounced the word Ky, which sig-
clapping hands, four and one.) nifies to rise.
Tito—Brother Expert, lead our associate to his seat Ttto—What did the Thrice Illustrious do next?
among us, to listen to our lecture. Adotziram—He constituted me Provost and Judge,
depending on the good account he had of my zeal for
the craft.
Tito—Brothcr Adoniram, are you a Provost and Tito—What did he give you?
Judge? Adoniram—A golden key to distinguish the degree I
Adonirarn—Thrice Illustrious, I distributed justice had received, and with this a sign, token, and word, by
impartially to all the workmen. which I may be known as a Provost and Judge.
Tito—.How did you get admittancc into the ~
[lodge] of Provost and Judge? Tito—.-What is the use of that key?
Adoniram—By striking four strokes and a fifth one
Adoniram—To open a small ebony box where all the
after a little pause. plans required for the construction of the temple are
Tito—What do these four knocks and fifth separate kept.
signify? Tito—What do you mean by this ?“
Nets 65.—”Anoisnt and Aecepted sit., or Ineffable degrees; first kneWU Adoniram—I niean that we are only entrusted with
In France, in 1755. as the Emperors of the East and West. with twenty. the word and secret to know where the heart of our
five degrees. suheequently these degrees were Inersased to thirty-three.
under the title ot Ancient and Accepted Bcottlah Rite, at the city of Master Hiram AblE is deposited.
Charleston. where. in the year 1801. a supreme Council for the southern
portion of the United 5tates was organised. 1. 180? another Supreme TUo—What is your word?
Cooncil was established In New Toek for the northern nortioiz of ft I
United 5tstea. “—Kacoy’s EnayelepsadlA sad Dfetteaaiy o(tesmaaesq’, Adoniram—Tito.
Art. Rite.
Tito—What does that signify? Tito—have ~ou seen nothing else?
Admiram—It is the name of the firsi grind warden. ~ Adoniram—I saw a triangle in the ~
He was Prince Harodim” the eldest of the Provost and [lodge] on which were these two letters GA,
Judges, and inspector over 300 architects of the temple.
Tito—What was Solomon’s intention in creating this thus entangled.
degree? Tito—What do they signify?
Adoniram—As it was necessary to establish order and Adoniram—That God himself was the Gjeat Archi-
regularity among such a number of workmen, Solomon tect of the temple, and had inspired David and Solomon
created Tito Prince Harodiin,’ as ~vaaalso Adoniram, with the plan of it.
who w~s created Chief of the Provost and Judges, and Tigo—What else have you seen in the ~ [lodge]?
also the King’s great confidant and favorite, Joabert, Adoniram—A pair of scales which are the emblem of
who was initiated into the mysteries of this degree, and rectitude, with which we should always execute the du-
to him was given the key to open the ebony box that ties of this degree, as we are appointed judges to de-
contained all the plans of the building; which box cide all disputes that may occur.
you have seen in the degree of Secret Master. This Tito—Where is the body of our respectable Master
box was hung under a rich canopy in the Sanctum Sanc- Hiram Abiff deposited?
torum: Joabert was so struck with admiration at behold-
ing these things that he fell on his knees pronouncing Adoniram—TJ nder the footstbol of the throne in the
the word Civi. cllapter room, which is separated from the temple, to
Solomon seeing him in this attitude, pronounced the which you go by an arch-way on the north side of the
word Ky, and then put the scales in his hands, by which temple.
Tito—Where is the heart interred?
his knowledge duly increased. A doniram—In a golden urnswhich is shut up in the
Tito—’.That did you perceive in the ~ [lodge?] obelisk.
A doniram—A figured curtain with a canopy, under Tito—What mean the letters “X’, and “J” which
which was suspended the ebony box containing the plans. appear on the north side of your draft?
Note 6&—”Naz’odlm, PrInce of. In the old icetores of the Ineffahie do.
grees it Is said that Tito. the oldest of the Proroata and Judges, was the
Adonirf.syn—Xinxe” and Jachinaj:—The 1~rst signi.
Prince of Harodim; that ii. chief of the three hundred architects who vs. fies the seat of the soul, and the second is the sacred
the Harodim. or additional three hundred added to the thirty-three hun-
dred Menatachifli mentioned in Chronicle~, and Who thus make u word.
1~ the on.-
her of three thousand iii hundred recofded in the first Bonk of ings. and Tigo—Wliere were you placed?
who in the old l9ctnre of the degree of Provost and Jndge are auppesad
to have heen the Rarodim or Rulers in masonry. The statement is a Adordram—In the middle chamber.
myth; hut it thus attempts to explain the discrepancy alluded to in the
~article Ka.rcdlm.”-NaehOY’a EncyclopaedIA Of PrOsElaSesey, Aticls Nor.
cairn. PrincO of.
Ttto—Have you done any remarkable work since you
became Provost and Judge?
Note 67.—”A society termed the Grand Chapter of ilarodim was fornud
at London in 1787 under the auspices of william Preston. which has lots 58.—’‘lIAza. A signideant word in the high degrees. Delanony
served as the model of our Schools or Lodges of InstructIon. A foil Se- tJuiisur. p. 49) gIves it as Zlnohen. and says that it has teen translated
count of it Is given in Preston’s Dluatrntiens. The term Rerodim signIfies as ‘the seat of ihe soul.’ But in either form it has evidently undergone
prInces sad rulers. A side degree of ronsidershid! ropete in this enuntry mwh rorruptinn as to he no longer comprehensible. “—Kaoke7’a Encyclo-
Is lIkewise termed Rarodim. ‘—Nonha’s MasonIc Die*ienaqd A’tieLe paodia of Fisemasomy, Artiala KIngs.

Ado,tiram—I have ornamented tllc tomb of our dear

Master Hiram Abiff.
Tile—What did the Thrice Illustrious ornament you
with, upon being received Provost and Judge?
Adonirami—W~th a white apron lincd with red, with
white and red roscs and a pocket in the apron.
Tile—What is the intention of the pockct? CLOSING CI~REMONIES
Adoniram—The cldest Provost and Judge makes use PROVOST AND JUDGE.
of it, to put the plans in, which he communicatcs to the
Masters who draw them out on their trestleboard. Tite—Brother Adoniram, what is our particular
Tilo—What do the white and red roses mean? duty?
Adonira.m—The red’ is an emblem of the blood that Adouiram—The equity of judgment.
was spilled by our respectable Master Hiram Abiff, and Tile—How will you fulfill it?
Adoniram—By searching for truth.
the white signifies the candor and fidelity of the Mas- Tile—Where?
ters. Adoniram—Everywhere.
Tile—How old are you? Tilo—When?
A doniram—Four times sixteen. Adontram—At all hours.
Tile—What o’clock is it? Tile—What is the hour?
Adoniram—Break of day, eight, two and seven o’clock. Adoniram—There is none set.
Tile—Why so? Adoniram—Because a Provost and Judge must be
A doniram—Beeause a Perfect Mt.ster, Provost and ready to do justice unto all men at all times and all
Judge should be everywh,~re and at all hours ready to places.
be at hand, in order to administer justice. Tile—(Raps seven; all rise,) Brother Adoniram will
Rote 69.—”Red is in the higher degrees of Masonry as predominating a
please notify the brethren that I am about to close this
color as blue is in the lower. Its symbolic significatlons differ, hut they ~ [lodge] of Provost and Judges.
may generaliy be considered as alluding either ‘to the virtue of fervency Adoniram—Brethren, you will please take notice that
when the symhollsm is moral or to the shedding of blood when It I, his-
torical. Thus in ihe degree of Provost and Judge it Is historically em- the Thrice Puissant is about to close this lodge 6f Pro-
blematic of the violent death of one of the founders of the Institutlos; vost and Judges.
while In the degree ot Perfection it Is said to he a moral symbol of seal Tige—Together, brethren. (All give the signs from
f~r the glory of Ged and for our own advancement towards perfection in
Masonry and ,irtna.”—XsOhsF’5 Enoyolojssiia d V’sssmaaeery, azuels the Secret Master up.)
ReL Tile—(Knocks four and one.)
Adoniram—(Knocks four and one.)
Abd~z—(Knocks four and one.)
Tito—I declare this Z [lodge] of Provost and
Judges closed.
tellectual, that a man of ordinary sense finds it a task
to read it. The degree preceding this should have fol-
lowed it in the schedule, as Joaberl’s escape from the
death of a spy, and his promotion as “Intimate Secre-
tary,” followed the completion of the building of the
temple. Yet here we are taken back to the time while
HISki%ORICAL ANALYSIS the building was going on and when seven Provost
SBV~NTH 1)EGIt~E 01 )‘EOVOST A2~D S ULXiE. Judges were chosen to rule the three hundred men at
work on the temple.
oing Into toe Loose as a STog moo a Snases Montn—a Silly, weak
Anscheonasm—iateilectuai and Moni Ashes—Moore’s Description of And who is the first Provost and Judge? Why,
Vaise Religions.
e~Brolher Joaberl,” who did not receive the Sixth De-
Masons who have brolceil 4a eacapeil the snare of the gree till after the temple was complete. He is here re-
lodge tell us: “You have no idea how different those ceiving the Seventh or Provost Degree, to govern and
degrees seem to us, aa you now correctly recite them, judge the men who are at work on the temple before it
from what they did while we were passing through is done l Glance at the ritual where the Thrice Puissant,
them blindfold; stripped beyond the verge of decency; Tilo, says:
surrounded by we knew not whom; oaths dealt out to
us piecemeal in the night; and we conscious of our “Brethren, bear witness to the obligation this I nti-
physical inability to resist.” Others, apparently men mate Secretary is about to take.”
of average ability and sense, have said: “I never feel But Joabert was not yet an “Intimate Secretary” till
more perfect satisfaction and delight than when passing after the temple was done. Yet he here receives the de-
or taking others through those interesting, solemn and gree as Inlimale Secrelary, to which he was not ad-
thrilling degrees.” Outsiders are perplexed by these mitted till after the temple was completed; which de-
conflicting testimonies, and either believe opponents
uf the lodge monomaniaca or misinformed. Rev. J. gree, we are told in the opening, “King Solomon insti-
B. Baird, while an industrious, hard working mechanic, tuted to preserve peace among the workmen engaged in
had paid four hundred and fifty dollars for seventeen the erection of the temple.” But beside this silly, weak
degrees. Addressing our first national meeting in anachronism, the degree is an attcmpt to surround with
Pittsburg (1868), after describing the agonized strug- awe and dignity; by sworn secrecy, the election of a
gles he went through to eheape the suare, Mid you will simple f6reman or officer of the peace, when there is
say to me: “If the thing is so horrible why did you nothing to conceal but the mere fact and mode of the
take degree after deRree when you kneir what they appointment. If this be so, (and it is), then how are
were ?“ “I’ll tell you,” said he~ “We go into the lodge we to account for the fact that this weak and worthless
one degree after another, as a charmed frog goes into a
snake’s mouth.”
degree, with others like it, has come to us from the
This is the analysis and e~pIanation of this Seventh Jesuit College of Clermont in 1754, twenty-two years
Degree. In itself, the degree is so loose, low and unin before American Independence, and is now the Seventh
Degree of the leading Rite in the United States and in and the lodge bite and stimulate but do not nourish.
Europe? And the Mason who practices it becomes color-blind
A careful reading of the propnet Isaiah, 44th Chap- where Masonry is concerned. “A deceived heart hath
ter, will show why no absurdities in a system of false turned him aside, that he can not deliver his soul, nor
religion can be s~ absurd as to break the power of that say, ip them not a lie in my right hand.” Nothing but
religion over the minds of its devotees. The burtien of the power and grace of God can deliver a man whose
this chapter is a remonstrance against idolatry. To mind is sunk into that fearful condition.
show its utter absurdity the prophet supposes a man to Moore aptly describes the devices of the false proph-
plant, and rear an ash tree; warm himself with part of ets and religious imposters in his “Veiled Prophet of
it, cook his victuals with another part and worship the
Khorassan,” thus
rest as his god. His explanation of this fatuity, how a •~~fl~Q shall have mysterise—a7e, predons stut.
man of ordinary sense and understanding could do so, For knaves to thrive by—inisteries enough;
Dark tangled doctrines, dark as fraud can weave,
he gives in the following words which simple votaries on trust receive
“They see not nor know. v. 9. They have not while th~ crattler teigo belief—thU they beUeve.~
known nor understood, for he hath shut their eyes that Moore resided sometime in Paris while Masonry was
they can not see, and their hearts that they can not un- at its height in the French Capital. And as his “Fire
destand. v. 18. He feedeth on ashes; a deceived Worshipers” ore a picture of the wrongs of Ireland,
heart hath turned him aside; that he can not deliver his so the Masonic Mysteries of Paris a’e painted to
soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand.” ix £0. the life in the mysteries of his Veiled Prophet; the
Now that the makers of these degreea have manu- debauchery, cruelty and fraud of the leaders, and ~he
factnred a religion, is precisely as true as it is that the stupid faith of their duped and despised followers, who,
man made a religion who burnt half of his ash tree and like perjured witnesses, repeat their conned falsehoods
worshiped the other half. Bare inspection proves this; till they believe them. But their belief no more ex-
and if he did not, Masonic authority settles it. Cunning- cuses them than suicide justifies murder; when a man
ham’s Manual of this Scottish Rite, in the First or Se- kills another and then himself. Men enter secret so-
cre~ Master’s Degree, page 20, says, “Genuine Masonry oieties from motives of curiosity, gain, friendship or
is a pure Religion.” Masonry then is “a religion,” and popularity. They come to believe in them by prac-
being man-made is a false religion; and, if so, (here is ticing their rites.
something in it which disables its worshippers from
knowing the- truth, as did that religion whose god was
made from an ash tree. Then the words of Isaiah apply
to them and explain how these ineffable degrees live,
are kept up. That this Provost degree is intellectual and
moral “ashes,” one needs 6nt to read it to know. Ashes
~ed tapestry, and illuminated by 27 lights, in three
groups, one of five li~hta before the Junior Warden; one
of seven lights before the Senior Warden; and the third
of fifteen lights before the President.
In the,East should be a brilliant transparency, a lumi-
CHAPTER ‘XI nous triangle, enclosing a circle having on its circum-
ference the letters J. .A. ‘.1. ~.H.’. and in the centre the
EIGHTH DEGRU ou INTENDENT oi THE BUILDING.’ letters J. ~.J. ~ also a blazing star with five beams;
in the centre the letter “J.”
TITLES :—The Master represents King Solomon, and
is styled Thrice Puissant: The Senior Warden repre-
sents Tito, and is styled Thrice Illustrious Inspector.
SCORPIO OR THE SCORPION. The Junior Warden represents Adoniram, and is styleA
Conductor. The candidate is called Joabert.
As the former grade was instituted to supply the CLOTHING :—The Thrice Powerful is clothed in royal
loss of the chief builder and the Grand Superintendent robes, with a crown and scepter, the brethren in black
and Administrator of Justice in the temple, so the ob-
ject of this was to provide in the place of the one prin- robes and caps.
cipal architect, five others, to each of whom should be APRON :—Is white lined with red, and bordered with
entrusted the care of constructing everything that re- green. In the center of the apron is ,a star with nine
lated to one department of architectural labor. points, above the star a balance. On the flap is a tii-
DECORATIONS ~ In this degree the lodge is hung with angle with the following initials: B. ~.A.~.J.•.
Note 70.—Intendant of the Building. (Intendant Sn latiment.) ‘This
degree Ii sometImes Called ‘Master in israel. • It I. the eighth in tbe
oiwu:—A red watered ribbon from the right shoul-
Ancient sud Accepted Scottish Rite. Its emblematic color is led; and its der to the left hip, from which is suspended the jewel;
prin$pai officers. acording to the old rituals, are a Thrice Puissant. repre.
sentlug Solomon; a Senior warden, representing the illustrious Tito. one
of the Barodim; and a Junior warden, representing Adoniram. the son
which is a gold triangle. On one side of the triangle
of AbCs. But in the present rituals of the two Supreme CouncIls of the are engraved the letters B. ~.A.~J.’. translated “Free
United Stetes the three chief officers represent Adoniram. Joabert and
Stoikin. but in the working of the degree the past officer assumes the char Mason; 0! God; thou art eternal.” On the reverse are
actor of Solomon. The legend of the degree is. that it was instituted to
supply the of the Chief architect of the Temple. “—Mackeys Encyolo. engraved the words Judah, Jah, translated; “Praise be
aedia of asonry. Artiols Ibtendant of the Building.
Note 7I.—~’The hangings are red. There are lights, with
five additional ones in the east, where there is a brilliant triangle, en-
unto God.”
closing a circle having on its circumference the letters .1. A. I B.. and
in the center J. J. J.; also a blazing five-pointed star. showint in the
The jewel is suspended from the order by a green
center the letter J. The spro~ is white, lIned with red and edged with
green. In the center a star with nine beams: below the star a pair of
balanced scales, with acetic upon the fulcrum; on the movable part of
the apron a triangle, with B. A. 1. in the angles. The Jewel is a gold
triangle, with the letters B. A. .1. in the angles. J. J. J. In the center.
and on the opposite side the letter 0. Age SiTtiS. Hours of work open
at break of day, close at seven P. M. The lesson is the sure sstabuihmsnt
of the rigbteous.’~—Merr1as Xsmio Diotionary, Article Intendant of the
Thru Puissant—(Holding a scepter in his hand)
Jllustrio is Brother Tito, are we tyled? INITIATION.
Tilo.— We are safe and secure here. (The candidate must be barefooted when introduced
Thric. Puiaaant—What is the hour? in this degree.)
Tite-—The break of day. Solomon—Illustrious Brother Tito, how shall we
Thrice Pui.aaani—(Strikes five, 00000; all rise.) repair the immense loss we have sustained in the melan-
Tito— (With a mallet five raps, 00000.) choly and treacherous murder of our never to be for-
Adoiaittzm—( With a mallet five raps, 00000.) gotten Master Hiram Abiff? You know he alone was
Thrice Puiaaant—As it is break of day, ‘tis time to entrusted with the decoration of the secret chamber
begin our work; my brethren, this lodge is opened. (All where every thing the dearest and most respectable of
clap five with their hands, and make the sign of sur- the Israelites was deposited; there the ark was to be put.
and thereby was the presence and protection of the
prise and admiration.) Almighty insured. Scarcely had this great man set
Thric~ Puiasant—(Strikes one and the lodge is seat- about this important work when he was snatched from
ad.) us by the most horrid and infamous plot. We must
therefore endeavor to repair the loss of our worthy Hi.
ram Abiff. The fine works of the inner chamber are un-
finished, and all is in confusion in the sanctuary. Most
Illustrious Brother Tito, give me your advice what to
do on this occasion.
Tito—Thrice Puissant, I am fully convinced of the
loss we have sustained, and of the difficulty to repair it,
In my opinion the only resource we have left is to ap-
point a chief for each of the five orders of architecture,
and that we should all unite in giving every assistance
in our power toward completing this third secret cham-
Solomon—Most Illustrious Brother Tito, your advice
is too good to be neglected, and to show yoi. how much Master of Cerernonies—(Knocks 00000 from within.)
.1 am swayed by it, I will now appoint you, brother Ezpert—( Opens the door,) Let him be admitted.
Adoniram and Abda to inspect and conduct the work. He then leads him five times around the [lodgej
You will now send to the middle chamber and see if and then by five steps of exactitudc to the altar,
there are any of the chiefs of the five orders of a~’chiteo- I
Solomo.n—(To candidate,) I will restore thy Judges
ture there “dead to sin and vice.” as at first, and thy councilors as at ttie teginnxng. The
Ts’to—Brother Expert, you will repair to the middle light of the righteous shall be established, for the Lord
chamber and see if there are any of the chiefs of the giveth wisdom; out of his mouth conieth undelstand-
five orders of architecture there dead to sin and vice. ing and knowledge. Then shhlt thou understand righ-
Expert—(Goes to door and knocks five; 00000.)
teousness, judgment and equity, yea every good path.
Master of Ceremonies—{Knocks 00000 from within.)
Brother Expert, you will now present the candidate
Kxpert—(Opens the door) Are there any of the chiefs
of the five orders of architecture here dead to sin and with a sprig of acacia; cause him to lie down and cover
vice? him with a red veil. (Order is obeyed.)
Master of Ceremonies—(Fol, candidate) Therc is one Solomon—My brother, you now personate again, dos-
here—Joabert, dead to sin and vice. bert, one of the most skillful artisans employed in the
Expert—Brother Joabert, are you possessel of zeal construction of
enough to apply with scrupulous attention to the work the temple. Hi-
which the Thrice Puissant will commit to your care? ram Abjif had
Master of Ceremonies—(For Joabert.) I look upon it iiot at the time
Josben Petsonaung niram AbIS Dead W Sin and he was murdered.
as the greatest happiness and advantage that I can be vice.
blessed with, to have an opporunity with him in the finished the fine works of the inner chamber and Holy
great and glorious object which he proposes; that of of Holies.
erecting a temple to the Almighty, worthy of his glory. The beautiful symmetry he nad designed was to oe
&pert—(Shuts the door) Thrice Illustrious there is rcalized and the utensils that were to be made, were to
in the ante-chamber one who says he is dead to sin and avoid all disarray and confusion in use.
vice and looks upon it as the greatest happiness and ad- Joabert was selected to take Hiram’s office as he pos-
vantage he can be blessed with to have an opportunity sessed science and skill of the highest order. He was
of assisting in the great and glorious object which is the ablest in the use of numbers and measurement of
proposed to him; that of erecting a temple to the work, but the letters upon the designs prepared by Hiram
Almighty worthy of his glory. belonged to the lost word, and it was necessary to know
Solomon—Let him be admitted. thrt word to understand the designs. My brother, do
Expert— (Knocks 00000.) you know that word?
Candidate—I ~ not.
Solomon—Alas! my brother, the loss of that word is gree of perfection possible the work commenced by
the cause of the greatest disorder and is productive of Hiram Abiff, thought proper for effecting this business
serious errors; and it is with the hope that by the science to employ the five chiefs of the five orders of architec-
of numbers you will be able to recover tihe lost key to ture, assisted by three Princes: Tito, Abda, and Adon-
the designs that we have sent for you. iram, his son. He was well convinced of their zeal and
Hence it is, that in your present posture you ate made abilities, land hoped soon to see their work completed in
to take the place of the deceased master; hence it is that a masterly manner. We flatter ourselves my brother that
we consider you as “dead to sin and vice,” and hope to you will contribute with all your might to this great
see you “alive to virtue and truth.” end. Your having once represented a dead man must
Brother Expert, you will now cause the candidate to now be to you as an emblem, that in order to succeed in
rise and place him in a fitting posture to contract his this great work and execute it with the same spirit as
obligation. our respectable Master Hiram Abiff would have done,
Expert raises the candidate, uncovers him and causes you must also be possessed with the same spirit and
him to kneel on a square flat stone opposite the triangu- resolution as he was; which is to prefer death rather
lar table, behind which brother Tito stands, and in that than divulge the mysteries of the order. We sincerely
hope you will follow this praiseworthy example.
posture he contracts his obligation.
In this degree your duty ;~ Io study the principles of
order, to find what are the laws of order as applied by
man to himself, to moral conduct, to mental operations,
I— promise and swear in the presence of th~ Great to acquisition of knowledge and as a consequence to
Architect of the Universe, and of the Thrice fliustrious learn the doctrines and uses of prudence and the differ-
Brethren here present, ever to keep inviolably secret ence between prudence and fear. In the previous degrees
you acquired the seven points of exactitude, viz:
the mysteries which shall be revealed to me.
And to observe all such rules as shall be prescribed to First—As an Apprentice you learned the use of the
mallet of strength.
me by the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusaleir., un-
Second—As a Fellow Craft you handled the chisel
der the penalties of all my former obligations, besides and other implements of wisdom.
that of having my body cut in two and my bowels torn Third—As a Master you used the trowel of bernity.
out. So God help and maintain me in equity and justice. Fourth—As a Secret Master you carried the urn of
Amen, Amen, Amen. self-examination.
As soon as the candidate has taken the obligation, Fifth—As a Perfect Master you adjusted the key-
Expert covers him with, the veil, raises him and seats stone which joins a sound mind and a sound body.
him on a stool in the middle of the lodge facing the Sixth—As an Intimate Secretarg you opened the
Thrice Puissant. scroll of objective knowledge or education.
Thrici~ Puissant—My dear brother, Solomon being Seventh—As a Provost and dudge you set up the
willing and desirous of carrying out to the highest do. scales of justice and equity.
Behold now upon the altar those scales o( justice are
placed upon a new trestleboard representing the multi-
plication table invented by Pythagoras, and this is to
remind you that arithmetic is the first of sciences and
that the Intendant of Buildings received the first scien-
tific degree of Freemasonry and must know that num- Interlace the fingers of both hands,
bers disclose the order and harmony of nature. turn the palms upwards, let the hands
I will now raise you, uot as you were raised before,
but as Hiram was raised by Stolkin, under the sprig of fall on the waist, look upwards and
acacia. say, Alcar.
He then takes the candidate’s right elbow in his left
hand and with the right hand the Master’s grip’ and by
three different pulls lift him up from the stool and
throws off the red veil.
Thrice Puissant—Illustrious Brother Tito, you will
now invest our new brother with the signs, grips and
words of this degree.


Place the thumbs on the temples, the Place the right hand on the heart, the
hands open so as to form a square,. step left on the hip, balance thrice with the
backwards two paces, step forward two knees, one says Jai, the other says Jak.”
p&ces, then place the hands over the eyes
and say, Ben-Rorim.”

Sign of OrbS.

Note W.—”Ual@nides calls it the two-letter name. and darivee it

from the Tetragrammaton, of which he says it is an abbreviatIon. Cohere
sign of5urpstm. have denied this and amert that Jah I. a name independant of Jeho,ah.
Intendant of Bulidbgi hut expressIng the aa~e idea @f the Divine hience. It is uniformly tram.
isted in the authorized version of the Bible by the word Lad. heing thr.
Note U.—”Deuhhwlm. Corruptly spelled benehorlm jn ~ of the .10 considered as synonymous with Jehovah, except in Psalm lxviii. 4. where
rituals. A signiScant wor In the h~h r~sea. probably signifying en the original word is preserved: Extol him that rideth. upon the heavem
tb~t Is f ebnrn.’—XaOha75 EnCy Free.aeaq. ~tieje by his name JAH.’ upon which the Targum eamment is: Extol him who
*enhhw~ uitteth on the throne of glory in the ninth heaven; YAN is his asms. “—
Leeheys 3noyelo~eedia of lreemaaoasy. Axtisle Uah.
the apron and’sash and the jewel of this degree, which
is a golden triangle. The letters on said jewel are in-
dicative of the pass word of this degree, the other sym-
bole are already familiar to you.
TOKEN. Thrice Illustrious—Brother Expert you will conduct
our new brother to the altar a~d proclaim him an Inten-
Strike one with the right dant of the Buildings and require all brethren to re-
hand over the other’s heart, spect and o1~ey him as such.
pass the right hand under the Rzpert—(Conducts him to the altar, and says:) To
left arm, then seize the right the glory of the Grand Ariihitect of the Universe, under
shoulder with the left hand, the auspice. of the Supreme Council of the SSd degree
one says Jachinai, the other ef the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite, in and for the
Sovereign and Independent State of New~ York I do
Judah.” hereby proclaim Brother—rzs an intendant of the
Buildings and I do hereby require all brethren to re-
9b. lateadant ofInfldiag. aped and obey him as such.)
JATTINY :—Five equi-timed strokes; 00000. Thrice Illustrious—Together brethren, (All give the
MARCH :—Five equal steps. The Intendant of the battery by clapping hands five equal times.)
Building ascends “the seven steps of exactitude” and Thrice Illuatrtoua—Brother Expert you will now
“knows the five points of fidelity.” conduct our brother to his seat among us.
AGE :—Three times nine years. Expert conducts him to the East and seats him.
HOUNS OF woux :—From daylight till seven in the
MORAL :—That we should apply ourselves with zeal Solomon—Brother Tito, are you an Intendant of the
and energy to whatever work may be allotted us in the Building or Master in Israel?
temple, remembering that the Lord Creator seeth. Tsto—I have talcen the five steps of exactitude, I
worn :—Are those given with the token. have penetrated into the inner part of the temple, I
You will now be conducted to our Thrice Illustrious have seen the Hebrew characters, the three mysterious
who will invest you with the apron, sash and jewel. J’s without knowing what they meant.
Thrice Pui.sant—My brother, I now present you with Note I5—’Iate~at at the Building, sometimes called Master Is
Imel. The eighth degree in the Ancient and Accepted rite. The body in
Note 14.—ladah. The whole of Palestine was sometimes called the called a Lodge, and its decorations are crimson; the room Is lighted with
land of Judsh. became Judab was a distinguished tribe in obtaining posste El lights, arranged in three groups of 9 each, and each group forming a
sion of the country. The tribe of Judab bore a lion In its standard, and triple triangle; on the altar are 5 other lights. The Master is styled
henes the Masonic allusion to the Uon of the tribe of Judab. See alas Thrice Potent, and represents ICing Solomon. This depe. was ihatituted
Genesis xlix. 9, ~J.’.ah is a lions wbelp~ U5e~’a ~qeAsgaeiia at ply the loss of the chief archiect of the temple. — a Zazeole.
lsemesemry. kt,o~ Juia~. ~ sad Dietiemy of 1remaaonay~ 4rilels htesdant of tie Building.
Solomon—How were you receivea? Solomon—What do the three mysterious letters In
Tito—By acknowledging my ignorance. your jewel signify?
Solomon—Why were you raised in that degree? Tito—Judah, Jah, signifying praise be unto God,
Tito—In order to dispel the darkness in which I was the third “J,” in the middle of the triangle of the blaz-
immersed, and~ to get such light as would regt4ate my ing star is the initial of the sacred and present name-
heart and enlighwn my understanding. less word.
Solomon—Into what place were you introduced? Solomon—What does the circle on the inside of the
Tito—Into a place full of want and charms, where third triangle signify?
virtue and sovereign wisdom reside. Tito—Thc immensity of God who had neither begin-
Solomon—What is the duty of Intendant of the ning nor ending.
Buildings? Solo nzon—What do the three letters on the inside of
Tito—Their duty is to keep the brethren steady in the circle mean?
the practice of virtue, by setting them good examples Tito—Oh! thou eternal alone possessest the attributes
and to correct their works. of the divinity.
Solomon-~.—Why is it required in this degree, before Solomon—What are the chief attributes of the divin-
you are admitted, to show that you are acquainted with ity?
the three first degrees in masonry? Tita—Beauty (6 letters) Wisdome (7) Boundless
Tito—To show that it is only gradually we can arrive At ercy (14) Omniscience (11) Eternity (8) Perfection
at perfect ion. (10) Justice (7) Compassion (10) Creation (8). These
Solomon—What do you learn from those three de- attributes form the number of eighty-one (81.)
grees? Solomon—Explain the square of nine to me which
Tito—The first teaches me moral, the second political, you see in the triple triangle.
and the third heroic virtue. Tito—There are in the first nine, 3 attributes, there
Solomon—.—Why have you been obliged to take steps
are in the second nine, 3 attributes, there are in the
third nine, 3 attributes. And if these are in three col-
backwards and forwards in your different degrees? umna and added together, form a square of eighty-one.
Tito.—To show that the progress toward virtue is slow Solomon—Why do you place Solomon in the temple?
and gradual, and that by humility we must curb that Tito—In memory of his being the first who consecra-
pride which is so natural to us, before we can presume
to hope for perfection, and also that we must judge so ted a temple to the Lord.
impartially of our actions, anl so effectually govern our Solomon—Why do you place a Brazen Sea in the
passions, as not to leave anything exceptionable in our temple?
conduct. Tita—To let us know that the temple of God is holy
Solomon—Can you explain the mysteries of our lodge? aiid tbt~t we must not enter it before we have been pun..
Tito—I shall endeavor in the best manner I can. fled from all uncleanliness.
Solomon—What does the left side of the temple sig- rito—That I might have an opportunity of admiring
nify? its beauties.
Tito—Masonry under all the law of types and cere- Solomon-What ideas oceurred to you on this oeca-
monies. sion?
Solomon—What does the right side of the temple Tito—Surprise, wonder and grief took possession of
signify? my mind at that time.
Tito—T rue masonry under the law of Grace and Solomon-Why were you thus affected?
Solomon—Why do you place St. John the Baptist Tito—I was thus affeeted at the sight of what I saw
on the right side? in the blazing star.
Tito—Beeause he was the fore-runner of the temple Solomon-Pray, what could that be?
which .the Lord had ehosen to reside in. Tito—The ineffable name of the Grand Arehitect of
Solomon-What is the meaning of the tomb which is the Uni~i~e.
under the threshold of the door of the Sanctuary in the Solomon—Why had that star only five rays?
degree of Provost and Judge? Tito—It was to show that in the construetion of the
Tito—It was to us an emblem that we may be puri- temple, the five orders of arehitecture were made use of;
fled by death before we ean enter the mansion of bliss. secondly, to represent the five points of Felicity; third-
Solomon—What does the eandlestiek with 7 branehes ly, the five senses, without whieh no man is perfeet;
fourthly, the five lights of masons and fifthly, the five
signify? zones inhabited by masons.
Tito—The presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts Solomon—Whieh are the five points of Felicity?
of those that observe faithfully the laws. Tito—To walk and intereede, to pray, love and assist
Solomon—Why were you barefooted at the time of your brethren, so as to be united with them in heart
your reception? and mind.
Tito—Beeause Moses was barefooted when he entered Solomon—Why were you seized with wonder?
the holy land. Tito—It was on seeing the beauty and ornaments of
Solomon—What did you hear before you entered the the temple, whereof I saw but a part.
~ [lodge]? Solomon—Why did you not see the whole?
Tito—Five great knocks. Tito—A thiek veil eoncealed a part from me, but I
Solomon—What do they denote? hope the strong desire I have to improve, and my zeal
Tito—The five points of Felieity. for the Royal Art, will disperse the eloud in time which
Solomon—What happened in consequence of them now obstructs my sight of them.
and what was done to you? Solomon-Why were you seized with grief?
Tito—The Expert immediately appeared, who sup. Tito—As all the wonders whieh I saw brought to my
ported and carried me around the temple five time.. remembranee the melaneholy end of our respectable and
Solomon—What was his intention in so doing? dear Master Hiram Abiff.
Solomon—Have you seen your Illustrious Thrice
Solomon—Did you find nature giving way when you Nissant Master this day?
indulged your grief? Tito—I have seen him.
Tito-I must have sunk under the weight of my af- Solomon-Where was he placed and how clad?
flictions if I had not been seasonably relieved by those Ttto-He wa~ placed in the East under a rich canopy
about me, whom I afterwards found to be my brothers. bespangled with brilliant stars, and clad in azure and
Solomon-How did you discern them to be your gold.
brothers? Solomo*—Why was he thus clad?
Tito-By their invoking the Ineffable name, having Tito—Because when the Almighty appeared to Moses
previously pronounced Jachinai, which I saw in the on Mount Sinai, and delivered him the tablets of the
middle of the blazing star. law, he seemed to be in a cloud of azure and gold
Solomon—Did you promise to keep these matters se- Solomon—Have you any remain8 of darkness about
cret, and under what penalty? you?
Ttto-I did promise the strictest secrecy, and that Tito-The morning star enlightened me, and the
under the penalty of having my body severed in two ‘nysterious one guided me.
and my bowels torn out. Solomon—Where were you thus conducted?
Solomon—How were you made to walk? Tito—.l cannot tell you.
Tito—-By the five points of exactitude. Solomon—How old are you?
Solomon—What do you mean by this? Tito—Twenty-seven.
Tito-I mean the five solemn steps which I took in Solomon—What numbers have you remarked?
advancing to the throne of the powerful King of Israel, Tito—Five, Seven and Fifteen.
when I took my obligation in his presence. Solomon—Where did you perceive them and what do
Solomon-Why were you obliged to represent a dead
man at your reception, and why then covered with a they mean?
fiery red cloth? 7’ito-I remarked them in the arrangement of lights,
Ttto-In order to denote to us that good masons and have already explained the first two numbers, the
last represents the fifteen masters, w’ho found the body
ought to be dead to the world and its vices. of Hiram Abiff under the sprig of acacia, which party
Solomon—What do the scales imply that were put was headed by Mah-hah-bone.
into your hands? Solomon—Why did you wear green on your apron
Tito-It is an emblem of justice, and given me to- de- 111(1 ribbon?
note that I must do justice by the brethren, and con- Tito—To teach me that virtue and zeal in masonry
ciliate all difference that may occur among them, and are the only roads to lead me to sublime knowledge.
by said scales, I must also weigh my own actions and
regulate my conduct, in order to justify the good opin- Solomon—What does our jewel represent?
ion conceived of me, by being appointed Master in Tito—The triple e~scnce of Divinity.
Israel and Intendant of the Laildings.
INTENDANT OF THU BUILDING. 3Ia~ot~,y the Image of the Beast—Abeolute Secrecy and Absolute Deapotlam
—Caricature of Chriata BcaurrecUom—aulera of the Darknein of this
Solomon-Brother Tito what’s the hour? “Intendant” means superintendent. The word is of
Tt~e—..Thrice Illustrious, the shades of evening an- French dialect, where these rites were coined by Ram-
nounce a time for repose. say and the Jesuits, which are the sum and substance
Solomon—Since man must rest, let us close our la- of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite now the
bors trustiug in the Grand Architect who never sleeps; ruling rite of the Masonic world.
but before we retire, brother Tito declare to us the This Eighth Degree opens with an endorsement by
repetition of the ridiculous anachronism, that, in the
meaning we give in this degree to the triangle, circle, sixth degree Joabert was made Intimate Secretary
square and blazing star. “after the completion of the temple,” and then was rais-
Tito—The triangle expresses the triple attributes of ed a step higher, to “Provost and Judge,” in the sev-
the divine essence, the triple nature of man, the triple enth degree, while the work of the Temple was going
compositiou of the material world. The circle defines on, involving the Irishman’s “hoist a peg lower.”
the unity of God-head and the unity of man. The square As Rev. 13, 14, is believed to teach tl~at Popery sug-
implies the quadrature of a sane mind with a sound gested Masonry “The Image of the Beast,” and yet
Popery and Masonry, in this country, are professed an-
body, and of individuals with society. The blazing star, tagonisms; it is of extreme importance that we know
(having five points) signifies the five points of felicity, assuredly whether these Scotch Rite degrees were actu-
or more properly, of order to which man is destined viz: ally the work of the Jesuits, the most active and con-
(first) loving, (second) thinking, (third) working, spicuous order in the Romish Church.
(fourth) speaking, (fifth) designing. Now the testimony of Rebold, conflrtned by other
Solomon—(Knocks 00000; all rise.) Masonic authorities, is: “Another system was estab-
Tito— (Knocks 00000.) lished at Lyons by a partisan of the Stuarts, and after-
wards worked by the Jesuits.” (Rebold p. 214.) Again
Adoniram—(Knocks 00000.) “suspicion engendered investigation, and investigation
AlZ—(Knock 00000.) elicited the fact that these ‘unknown superiors’ were no
Solomon—I declare this college of Intendant. of the other than leading Jesuits and partizans of the Stuart
Buildings closed. interest.” (Ru bold, p. 22.) Pages might be filled with
similar quotations, asserting over and over again, that gence of the people, but on their superstition, and on
Ramsag and the Jesuits manufactured the first of these the supernatural power which inhabits superstition.
“ineffable” degrees; that they formed the basis of “The And what but the most dense superstition could or can
Rite of Perfection” of twenty-five degrees formed by induce a crowd to regard and address the chairman of
De Bonneville ~n the Clermont Jesuit College. They its night-meeting the club as “Thrice Puissant.” To put
were four years later adopted by “The Council of Em- on “white aprons lined with red and bordered with
perors,” 1758, patented by them to Morin in 1761, sent green ;“ to lead in a candidate bare-footed; all this and
by him to Charleston, S. -C., and by Morin and others more merely to appoint a superintendent of a building,
enlarged, by the addition of eight 4egrees, into the in place of our “dear Master, Hiram Abiff.”
present Scotch Rite of 330, which is really the Masonry The only use and efficacy of such stuff is to furnish a
of our teniples today. Even Mackey, who hates the murdered Hiram, as a counterfeit for a crucified Christ;
Jesuits, wineingly acknowledges and records the above to raise him from the dcad as a ridiculous caricature of
facts. (Encyc. Art. Stuart Masonry.) Christ’s resurrection, “by the strong grip of Judah’s
Thus by clear, abundant Masouie authority, it is lion,” as a travesty on Christ’s word, that He had power
proved that the substratum and basis of American to raise himself from the dead. “I have power to lay
Masonry was the work of Papists, and that of Jesuit it down and I have power to take it again.” Three
Papists, a society so destructive to civil order that classes of minds would be interested in such a travesty;
in the year 1773, a Papal Bull was issued dissolving infidels, priests and devils. And these three are in-
the whole Jesuit order at the demand of France, terested in all religious imposture. Their dupes can
Spain, Portugal, Parma, Naples and Austria; an order scarcely be said to be interested; they are “bewitched”
whose two main pillars are the same as those of the rather, as with the sorecries of Simon Magus. Gaz-
lodge system viz: Absolute secrecy and absolute des- ing on, and listening to a Roinish mass in an unknown
potism and control; not only over Protestantism but tongue; unknown often to the priest who reads it, the
over every gQvernment and every institution. This led people look solemn it is true, but it is the stolid solem-
ihe above Popish governments to demand its dissolution nity of cattle in a slaughter yard. But the Mason is be-
in 1773. And this knowledge of its origin confirms the low the Papist in this; that, at the close of the solemn
words of W. H. Seward that Masonry “seeks the de- fanfaronade, he is sworn to conceal it.
struction of every government which it can not control.” We have seen from Masonic authors, that Jesuitism
This also explains the degrees we are considering, is the mother of Masonry; and that Masonry i~ as like
this Eighth degree included. If the story of it were Jesuitism as the Image is like the Beast. And we know
translated from its night drama and put in a newspaper where this Jesuitism came from. It was born at night,
it would not be read on account of its insipidity and in a cave near the little town of Enresa, in Spain. The
destitution of merit. Priests do not rely on the intelli
ignorant Cavalier who fancied or feigned that God met





— I



also running water and a cup to drink from. On the
jutermixed with flames; in the uorth are uine lights—
top of the mountain above the cave is a figure of a set-
eight close together, and oue by itself. ting sun. In the middle of the draft appears a bush as if
TITLES :—The Master represents Solomon, aud is
on fire, and burning by the reflection of a rainbow
styled Most Sovereign. There is only one Warden, seated which seems to stand fixed in order to point out the
in the West, who represeuts Stolkiu, and is called In-
asylum the murderer had taken refuge in to elude the
spector, with seveu brethren round him. All the rest of
vigilance of his pursuers. You also see in the draft a
the brethren are in the South. winding road, which leads from Jerusalem to Joppa; on
CWTHING :—The Most Sovereign in royal robes, the this road, near the cave, you see a dog; close to the dog a
Inspector and brethreu all in black robes and caps, or man following him, behind them at some distance are
flapped hets. eight other men without order.
ANTE-ROOM DECORATIONS —[n the ante-room must be
APRON — White, spotted with an artificial cave, and a large stone for the candidate to
blood lined and bordered with black, sit on, a small table before the mouth of the cave; on it
On the flap a bloody arm holding a a poinard and a lighted lamp, below the lamp in large
dagger; on the apron a bloody arm letters the word “Revenge.” There must also be a spring
holdiug a bloody head by the hair. of water and a cup to drink from, also on the floor and
at the mouth of the cave an effigy of a man as if asleep.
Apron. Waster Elect of Nine IRis head must be loosed from his body.
ORDER :—A broad black ribbon crossing from the left In the chapter the Most Sovereign sits under a canopy
shoulder to the right hip, towards the lower extremity in a chair of state covered with black; before him a tri-
of which are nine red roses, four on each side, and from angular table covered with black and fiery colored cloth.
the ninth is suspended the jewel. On said table is a bible, scepter and poniard.
JEWEL :—Whieh is a poniard, with a golden hilt, aud Solomon uses a scepter, and the Inspector uses i~
a silver blade, or more properly a balance with a scroll mallet which he holds constantly in his hauds as a token
and dagger on one plate and the decapitated head of 6f revenge.
ignorance on the other.
DRAFT :—The draft of this chapter is an oblong square
at the upper part of which, to the right, is drawn the
city of Jerusalem. On the other side is represented a
cave not far from the sea, and near Joppa, surrounded
with rocks in which you discover a man lyiug with his
head on a rock, and a poniard at his feet. You also see
in the cave a burning lamp suspended from the ceiling;


Vandidate—(Knocks eight and one, 00000000 0.)

Stelkin—Most Sovereign, there is an alarm at the
OPENING CEREMONIES Moat Sovereign—Brother Adoniram, see who knocks
at the door of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations.
Captain of Guard—( Goes to the door, knocks eight
Moat Sovereign—Brother Inspecto;, what is the hour? and one, 00000000 0; then opens door.) Who knocks at
Inspector—Most Sovereign, the dog star rises in the the door of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations?
east, followed by the archer, and they are in pursuit of Master of Ceremonies—A stranger who demands to
the serpent of Ignorance. speak to the King privately.
Moat Sovereign—Brother Stdlkin, are you an Elected Captain of Guard—Most Sovereign, it is a stranger
who wishes to speak to you privately.
Stolkin—A lamp lighted me, a cave received me, and Moat Sovereign—Iet him be admitted.
a spring refreshed me. Captain of Guard opens the door and admits the
stranger, who goes at once to the King and consults with
Moat Sovereign~—(Knocks eight quick, and one slow; him privately for a few momenta, and then takes a seat.
00000000 0.) Moat Sovereign—Brethren, I have this moment learned
Stolkin—(Knocks eight quick and one slow; 00000000 from this stranger that he has discovered an individual
0 with his poniard. Not. TI.—”Ei.ct of Nine. (mu do. Neuf.) The ninth degree of the
(All the brethren knock eight quick, and one slow, Ancient and Accepted Rite. In the old rituals there were two officers who
represented Solomon and Stolkln. But in the revised ritual ot the Southern
00000000 0; with their bands.) Jurisdiction the principal officer, are a Master and two inspector,. The
meetings are called Chapters. The degree details the mode in which
Moat Sovereign-This chapter is opened. certain traitor,, who, just hetore the completion of the Temple, has been
engaged in an ezecruble deed of villany. received their punishment. The
At a reception the brethren sit with the right leg over symbolic color, are red, white and black; the white emhlematic of the
nurity of the knights, the red of tue crime which was committed and the
the left, the right elbow on the right knee, the head black of grief. This is the first of the sin degrees and the one on which
the whole gin system has been founded. • —Kacksy’s Rneyoloasdia of
resting in the palm of the right hand. Fessmaaonty, Arttcls Elect of Nina.
concealed in a cave near the coast of Joppa, anawerin~ ask the favor of being admitted into the degree of Mas-
the description of one of the murderers of our lamented ter Elect of Nine.
Master Hiram Abiff. He has also offered to condut~t Most Sovereign~—Wh5t motive induces you to think
those I may select to the place of his concealment. you deserve such an honor to be conferred upon you?
All rise and request to be partakera in the vengeance Master,of Ceremonies—My zeal, fervor and constancy,
due the villaitn. which I promise shall be doubled hereafter, have made
Moat Sovereign—Stop, my brethren, I hereby decree me aspire to beg this favor.
that only nine shall undertake the journey, and to avoid Moat, Sovereign—Learn, Brother Joabert, that you are
giving offense, I hereby order all your names to be to impute your present admission into this degree and
placed in an urn and the first nine that are drawn shall Chapter, less to a desire we may have of conferring
be the brethren to accompany the stranger. this degree on you, than to an inclination we have of
Their names are put in the urn, they proceed to b~a- making a trial of your conduct and courage, and your
lot till the. eighth one is elected.
Master of Ceremoniea—( Knocks eight and one, compliance with the obligations you have contracted in
00000000 0; when the brethren resume their former po- the different degrees you have received.
entions.) You may recollect that when you were made a mason
Stollcin—Most Sovereign, there ia an alarm at the after the light was shown you, you saw all the brethren
door. were armed, and you know that it was in your power to
Moat Sovereign-Brother Adoniram, i~ee who knocks claim their assistance in case you were exposed to any
i~t the door of our Chapter to interrupt our delibera- danger. You were also aware that those arms were in-
tions. tended for your destruction, to be plunged into your
Captain of Guard—( Goes to the door, knocks eight breast, to vindicate masonry, should you be so wicked
and one, 00000000 0; opens it and says:) Who knocks at as to violate your solemn obligations and divulge the
the door of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations? secrets of masonry or of masons. Still, notwithstanding,
Master of Ceremonies—It is brother Joabert, who these most sacred and solemn obligations and the severe
comes to ask the favor of receiving the degree of Mas- penalties we submitted ourselves to incur in swerving
tsr Elect of Nine. from them, there have been people so vile as to violate
Captein of Guard—Most Sovereign, it is Joabert who those sacred ties and expose themselves to all the tor-
comes to ask the favor of receiving the degree of Mas- tures which they had denounced against themselves.
ter Elect of Nine. Know my brother, that at this present hour we have
Most Sovereign—Let him be admitted. in our power one of the perpetrators and murderers of
Captain of Guard opens the door; the Master of Cere- our respectable master Hiram Abiff, who groans under
monies and candidate enter and advance to the altar.
the enormity of his guilt, and expects every moment to
Most Sovereign—Faithful Joabert, what is your wish? undergo the rigorous tortures which his crime richly
Master of Ceremonies—(For candidate,) I come to merits, to serve as an example to deter others

This, brother Joabert, I have just learned from a murderer of our regretted Master Hiram Abiff, uwk
him, seize him and bring him here to suffer the penalty
stranger who is willing to conduct any I may appoint to of his horrid crime.
the place where this miscreant (or Abiram’) is hidden. Most Sovereign—Vengeance?
My dear brother, this illustrious Chapter being fully A 11—Vengeance.
convinced of your zeal, is much disposed to confer high- Most Sovereign—Brother Adoniram, you will now
er degrees upon you, and as I have decreed that only blindfold brother Joabert and let him be conducted by
nine shall go with the stranger to the hiding place of our stranger to the place where the criminal is.
the miscreant, and as eight of them have been selected, (Candidate is then blindfolded and conducted to the
an opportunity now offers of your being one of that cave.)
number, to bring this criminal lo condign punishment Captain of Guard—Brother Joabert, you will now
if possible, adequate to the enormity of his crime. Do suffer yourself to be seated, (seats him on a stone oppo-
you find yourself disposed to vindicate the Royal Art, site the cave.)
and sacrifice this traitor in honor of masonry; and do Captain of Guard—Be not afraid brother Joabert, I
you feel disposed to be one of that number? will now leave you for a while.
Candidate—I do. Master of Cerem6nies then shakes a parcel of chains
Most Sovereign-I must now inform you, brother and groans as if under affliction and dread of punish-
Joabert, that this man perhaps, is one of your acquaint- ment.
ances, perhaps a friend; nay, he may be one of your Captain of Guard then places Joabert’s left hand
most intimate ones, but in such a case as this, every on the table and his head leaning on it, and his right
sentiment must give way to that of revenge, which, with hand on his thigh and says:
6aptain of Guard—My dear brother Joabert, I must
you, is to stifle every other consideration. Be assured of leave you here alone, but you must promise me on the
no bad consequences attending your perpetrating the re- word of a man, that you will remain in this posture that
venge. Besides this is the only opportunity that offers I now leave you, however alarmed you may be by any
of making us sensible of your zeal by which you will he noise you may hear. Attend brother Joabert to what
admitted into this degree. Again I will ask you do you Note IS.—”Vangaanoe. A word used in the high degreca. flarr~el.
feel disposed to be one of that number? Boblson and the other detractors of Freemasonry have sought to find in
this word a proof of the vIndictive character of the Inatitution. ‘in the
Candidate—I do. degree of Kadoab. say. Earroel (Meinoirea, ii. 810) the asaaaaln of
Adoniram hecomea the king, who must he alain to avenge the Orand
?.ia.ater Malay and the Order of Masons, who are the aucceseora of the
Most Sovereign—Faithful Joabert, I shall now select TempiarS
No calumny was ever fabricated with so little pretension to truth for
you as the ninth and last of the number. Pursue the it. foundation. The reference I. altogether hiatorical; it it the record of
the puniabment which followed a crime, not an incentive to revenge.
Note YS.—”Abtrazn. One •f the traitoroug craftsmen. whaga act of The word nakam is uaed in Masonry in preciacly the asme sense in
perfidy form. — important a part of the third dagree remivee in acme which it it employed by the prophet Jeremiah (1. 15) when he apeaka of
of the high degftea the name of Abiram Akizep. Them word. certainLy aikemat Jehovah. “the vengeance of the Lord”—the puniabment which
hate a Hebrew look; hut the significant word. of Maaonzp have. in the God will inflIct on evil-doera. ‘—Mackay’s Eaoyolopedla of U.aaaaeea,y.
lapse of time and in iheir tranamisalon through ignorant teachers. heecue Art. vengasasa.
so corrupted In form that it Ia aimoet impogaible to trace them to any
intelligent floot.”—Maeheya Zaeyeiepeeiia .1 I,aemaaeaay, isUela Abbam.
Captain of Guard— (Knocks eight and one, 00000000
I say, for if you neglect it, it may cost you your life. 0; and opens the door) Who knocks at the door of our
What do you say? Chapter to interrupt our deliberations?
Candidate—I will. Master of Ceremonies—Brother Joabert who has dis-
Captain of Guard—And now brother Joabert, as soon covered the place where the traitor Akirop” hos been
as I leave you, when you hear any one knock as a mason, concealed, and has revenged the death of our respectable
take off the baAdage from your eyes and closely examine Master Hiram Abiff, and comes to lay the villain’s head
every object around you. When you hear a second knock- at the feet of King Solomon.
ing in a masonic manner, drink of the cup near your left Captain of Guard— (Shuts the door.) Most Sovereign
hand. And at the third knocking, do as you shall be it is Joabert who has discovered the place where the
prescribed by a voice which will direct you. traitor Akirop has been concealed and has revenged the
Though I leave you alone brother Joabert, believe me death of our respectable Master Hiram Abiff, and comes
that the eyes of the whole ~ [lodge] are upon you, to lay the villain’s head at the feet of his Sovereign.
Most Sovereign-Let him be admitted.
therefore I beg that you will not fail, punctually to Captain of Guard— (Opens the door and says: Let
comply with these instructions. Farewell brother Joa- him be admitted.
bert, I now leave you. Master of Ceremonies and candidate enter and pro-
Captain of the Guard then leaves him and shuts the ceed directly to the foot of the throne, candidate at the
door briskly, waits for a minute or two and then knocks same time striking the head with his dagger, and cr~ ing
the first three. revenge.
Most Sovengn—(Looking with indignation says:)
Candidate—(Takes the bandage from his eyes.) Oh wretch, what have you been doing? My orden to you
Captain of Guard—( Knocks the second three.) were, that the traitor should be brought to me, not that
Candidate—(Drinks out of the cup.) you should put him to death. Your disobedience of my
Captain of Guard—( Knocks the last three and re- orders shall cost you your life. Stolkin, put him to death.
turns to the Chapter.) Brethren all kneel on one knee, and at the same time
Master of Ceremonies—Take that poniard and strike brother Stolkin lays hold of candidate’s head and with
the villain first on the head and then on the heart. Cut his sword stands in the attitude of killing him.
Captain of Guard—Thrice Most Sovereign, pardon
off his head and take it in your left hand, the poniard in him! pardon him! It must have been an excess of zeal,
your right and follow me. and love for the memory of our respectable Master Hi-
Candidate— (Obeys the order.) Note The name given, in the ritual of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite, to one of the ruffians celebrated in the legend of the third
Master of Ceremonies—( Conducts him to the door of degree. The word is said in the ritnal to signify an auaaean.—Maokey’s
Innyolopeadla of iveemasonry, hitiola Akirop.
the Chapter, knocks eight and one, 00000000 0.)
Captain of Guard—Most Sovereign, there is an alarm
at the door.
Most Sovereign—You will see who knocks at the door
of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations%
ram Abiff, certainly that prompted him to disobey his Most Sovereign—Rise my brother and receive your
orders. Pardon him. reward. I do hereby constitute you an Elect of Nine’
All—Thrice Most Sovereign, pardon him. and invest you with the jewel of this degree, which is a
Most Soveretgn—Brethren I yield to your entreaties, balance with a scroll and dagger on one plate, and the
and pardon him in consideration of his zeal for doing decapitated head of ignorance on the other. (He then
his duty. For i~ was necessary and right, for the author- invests him with the apron and kisses him four times on
ity of public justice must prevail and all who resist it each cheek and once on the forehead.)
must be subdued.
Brother Joabert, for the zeal you have manifested in
bringing to punishment one of the murderers of our la-
mented Master Hiram Abiff, I shall now confer upon SIGN.
you the degree of Master Elect of Nine. Come and con-
tract your obligation. First one raises the pen-
iard and makes the motion of
striking the other on the fore-
I—do solemnly promise in the presence of the head; the other places his hand
Great Architect of the Universe, and of the respectable on his forehead as if to exam-
brethren here present, and who compose this Illustrious me the supposed wound.
Chapter of Elected Masters, never to reveal Lhe secrets
Second raises the arm,
of this degree, with, which I have been or shall be lnade
acquainted, to any person whatever, but to a brother strikes at the other’s breast as
known to be of this degree, and in this I bind myself if with a poniard, and says,
by all my former obligations: Nekam.5’
I likewise promise to revenge masonry in general, and
particularly the most horrid murder that ever was com- Note Sl.—”Zleot of Nine. Clootob Naaonq’j—The auth degree coo-
mitted. ferred in the lodge of Perfection. Scotch Rite, and the ninth upon the
catalogue of that system. There Is a Master with the title of Moat
I also promise to protect and support the order and Potent, representing Solomon. with one warden styled Orand inspector.
representing Stolkyn, a Treasurer, Secretary, Master of Ceremonies and
n’y brethren with all my might, credit and power, and Captain of the Onard. the isiter representing Zerbal. The hangings are
also the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem. And if red and white. There are nine ilgbte. The apron is white, lined with
black and flecked with blood, having a bloody arm holding by the hair a
I fail in any part of this my present obligation and en- hloody head; on the movable part a bloody arm with a poinard. The
gagement, I submit to perish by the vindictive weapon, lewd is a poinard. The age is SilO. The lesson is prudence in lode.
meat. —MoMs’s Maaonlo Blotlonaq, hitlole Elect of Nina.
which shall be given me as an honorablc mark of this Iota U,—”According to the Masoretie pointing, Nahain. A Hebrew
order, and as a reward of my zeal, fervor and constancy. word signifying Vengeance, and a significant word in the high degrees.’—
So help me God, Amen. Mackay’s Encyclopaedia of Treemaacnzy. Loticla Nekam.
Moat Sovereign-Brother Stolkin, you will now cone
duct our new brother to his seat, to listen attentively te
the discourse by our Grand Orator.
Thrice ‘Respectable Brother Elected, the unanimity
Place your right hand on your heart and earnestness with which this respectable assembly
requested your pardon, dIsposed our heari~ to grant it,
say Nekab. especially as your crime was owing to an over zeal. In
this you have imitated Joabert, King Solomon’s favorite
as I am now going to inform you.
You, my brother, without doubt recollect the melan-
choly catastrophe of our respectable Master Hiram Abiff,
Aoa~ Cr.
whose death is the constant subject of our grief and
TOKEN. tears; and in this we take an example from the wisest of
kings, who bemoaned the irreparable loss he has sus-
Clinch the fingers of tained by his death. You will know that Solomon, on
your right hand, and hearing that he was missing, immediately put a stop to
at the same time ele- building and swore that no person should be paid his
vate your thumb. The wages until this great man was found dead or alive.
second seizes y o u r You will also recollect that brethren went out in search
thumb with the right of him, and that Stolkin at length found him assassin-
hand, at the same time
ated and buried under a sprig of acacia. Stolkin’s good
elevating his thumb; signifying the nine elected, eight luck on this melancholy occasion endeared him to the
close together and one by itself. King, and procured him his most intimate confidence.
PASS WORD :—Begoal-Kol. Solomon after having the funeral obsequies of that great
SACRED WORD :—Nekam; answer Nelcak. man celebrated with as much splendor and magnificence
BATTERY :—Nine strokes by eight and one; 0000- as possible, determined to take public satisfaction of the
0000 0. perpetrators of that horrid crime and sacrifice them to
AGE :—Full eight and one. the manes of his deceased friend. He issued a procla-
HOURS OF WORK :—From break of day until evening. mation promising a considerable reward to any person
MORAL :—That we should be careful how we suffer who should detect the place where the villains lay con-
ourselves to be led away by an excess of zeal, even in a cealed, who committed this horrid murder, declaring at
good cause, to execute on an individual the vengeance
the same time that he would even forgive the assassin
due for the violation of divine or human laws.
himself, providing he would make his appearance in his the traitor alive and make him an example to the latut
presence and ack~iowledge his guilt. But he must give posterity. The lots were drawn, and joy gladdened the
up his accomplices so as to bring them to condign pun- faces of those whose names came out first. They re-
ishment and thus expiate the greatest of grimes. ceived directions from the King to follow the unknown
This proclamation was out for a considerable time man who would conduct them to the cave which was the
without his rec~iving any intelligence concernixxg the traitor’s residence since his crime. They obeyed the
matter, when one day Solomon was sitting in his hall order and departed, but one of the nine named Joabert,
giving audience to more than ninety (90) masters or (whom you this day represented) animated with uncom-
other officers of the order, Zerbal the Captain of the mon ardour, and thinking his brethren walked too slow,
Guards, came in and informed him that a strange per- got ahead of them and was the first to come to the cave
son desired to be admitted to the King in private, as he or assassin’s asylum, which was at the foot of a bush that
had a matter of the utmost consequence and importance seemed to burn; and a star which had conducted them,
to communicate to him. appeared to be fixed over the cave. Joabert, inflamed
The brethren were alarmed at the readiness with with rage, entered it, and by help of a lamp (which hung
which the King consented to this private audience, for in the cave) saw the villain fast asleep lying on his back,
fear of any danger to his sacred person. with a dagger at his feet. Joabert seized the dagger and
Said audience proved of short duration and the king’s struck him with all his might, first on his head and then
speedy return removed their fears. He informed them on his heart, on which the villain sprang up with fury,
that this unknown person was acquainted with ~he re- but immediately dropped down dead at his feet, pro-
treat of a murderer of Hiram Abiff, and that he had nouncing only the word Nekam.
offered to conduct thither, such people as would choose Joabert cut off his head, then quenched his thirst at
to accompany him, to inform themselves of the truth of the spring in the cave and was joined by his brethren,
what he had asserted. The brethren all to a man stood whom he was just going to meet. They on seeing the
up and offered their services to the King on this occa- head of the traitor cut off, represented to Joabert that
sion. The King was highly pleased with their zeal, but he had commited a fault by his over zeal, and that by
declared that among such a number of virtuous brethren, thus putting an end to the villain’s life he had rescued
the casting of lots should determine who should have the him from the tortures which Solomon had prepared for
honor of being employed in this important matter, to him.
bring this odious victim, on whom he intended to wreak They assured hun that Solomon would not pass un-
his vengeance. Consequently the names of all the Inten-
noticed this piece of disobedience of orders, but would
dants of the Building who were present, were put into certainly punish him for it. They also stated that they
would intercede, however, with the king to procure his
a box, and he declared that those nine whose names
should be first drawn from the box should be the breth- pardon. After having quenched their thirst, Joabert
took the head and all walked back to Jerusalem. When
ren appointed to follow the unknown man, and bring
LW?URE. 175
they arrived, Solomon on seeing them was going to give Stolkin-A light, a poniard and a fountain, witb tha
orders for the intended torture, when he espied Aby- traitor Akirop or Abyram.
ram’s head in Joabert’s hands, at the sight of which he Most Sovereign—Of what use were these to you?
could not restrain his wrath. He at once ordered Stolkin Stoilcin—The light to dispel the darkness of the place,
to put Joabert t9 death, which order he would haye ex- the dagger to revenge the death of our respectable Mas-
ecuted if all the brethren had not thrown themselves on ter Hiramii Abiff, and the spring to quench my thirst.
their knees and begged him off, as the brethren of this Moat Sovereign—Where were you made a Master
Chapter have done for you, my brother. Elect?
You see what a deal of instruction may be drawn Stollcin—In the hall of audience in Solomon’s palace.
from the circumstances attending this history: Most Sovereign—How many Masters Elected were
First—By the death that this traitor suffered, that made at that time?
crimes never go unpunished. Sooner or later they meet Stollcin—Nine, of whom I was one.
with their deserts. Most Sovereign—From what order and number of
Secondly—You may learn from the danger which the people were they chosen?
impetuous Joabert was in, how unsafe it is to exceed our Stolkin—From upwards of ninety, mostly Intendants
ordcrs, and that it becomes a necessary duty literally to of the Building and some masters.
comply with the orders of our superiors. Moat Sovereign—What motive prompted you to be-
Thirdly—By the pardon procured for this zealous come a Master Elected?
brother, you may also learn how easily the heart of a Stolicin—The desire of revenging the death of Hiram
good king is influenced to be merciful. Abiff, by destroying his murderers.
You also see how useful it is to have friends who in- Moat Sovereign—Where did you find thc assassin?
terest themselves warmly for us on critical occasions. Stoilcin—In the bottom of a cave, situated at the foot
Most Sovereign—(Knocks eight and one; 000000000; of a burning bush near Joppa, not far from the sea.
all rise.) Moat Sovereign—Who showed you Ihe way there?
Moat Sovereign—Let us applaud our newly made Stolid n—An unknown person.
brother by the mysterious numbers. (All clap with their Moat Sovereign—What roads did you pass through?
hands eight and osie.) Stolkin—Through dark and almost inaccessible roads.
LECTURE MASTER ELECT OF NINE. Most Sovereign—What did you do when you came to
the cave?
Moat Sovereign—Brother Stolkin, are you a Master Stollcin—I laid hold of the dagger which I found
Elected? there and with it struck the villain so violently on the
Stollcin—The ballot has alone determined that matter hcad, then on the heart, that he expired immediately?
and I have been made acquainted with the cave. Moat Sovereign—Did he say anything before he died?
Moat Sovereign—What have you seen in the cave?
Stolkin-Give me first letter of the irat syllable,


and I will give you the first letter of the second syllable. Stolkin,—To call to my mind the traitor’s sleep, an4
Moat Sovereign-The first is N. Now give me the how often we may think ourselves secure after commit-
other. ting a crime, when we are in the most danger.
Stolkin—K. Most Sovereign-How did the Elected walk?
Moat Sovereig,~&—What do these two letters N a~id K Stolkin-Darknesa obliged them to put their hands
mean? before their eyes and heads, to prevent being hurt or
Btolkrn—Nekam, which signifies revenge. knocking themselves against anything. As the roads
were bad and uneven they were obliged often to cross
Most Sovereign—How was your election consumma-
ted? their legs over one another.
Stolksn—By revenge, disobedience, clemency and Most Sovereign-What does the dog represent that
eight and one. you see in the Chapter on the road near the cave?
Moat Sovereign—Explain this. Stolkin-The unknown person or the good citizen who
Stolkir~—By revenge I destroyed the traitor, by dis- conducted the Elected.
obedience I exceeded the orders given me by the king, Moat Sovereign—What does the naked bloody arm
and by clemency, through the intercession of my breth- with the poniard mean?
ren, I obtained the king’s pardon; and lastly, by eight Stollcin—The grief still subsisting for Hiram Abiff
and one, as we were only nine chosen for this business. though one of the murderers was punished, and it was
Moat Sovereign-What did you do after having killed done by a mason; and as yet some unpunished.
Moat Sovereign—What emblems do you use to express
the traitor?
StoLkw~—I cut off his head and quenched my thirst at the number of nine elected?
Stolkin—The first, by the nine red roses at the bottom
the spring, and being fatigued laid myself down to sleep
of the black order; second, by the nine lights in the
until my eight brethren entered the cave crying revenge.
Chapter; third, by the nine strokes of the scepter and
Moat Sovereign-Row did Solomon behave and re- mallet and fourth, by the nine kisses, four on each cheek
ceive you when you presented him the traitor’s head?
and one on the forehead. These are the emblems of the
Stolkin—With indignation, as he had proposed to nine elected. The red is the emblem of the precious
himself much gratification in punishing that villain,
blood that was spilt in the temple and ordered to remsin
and he even doomed me to death, but on account of my
there until revenge was fully completed.
zeal, forgave me. Most Sovereign—How do you wear that large black
Most Sovereign—What did the dark room represent ribbon?
into which you were conducted before your reception?
Stolkin-It is the representation of the cave where I Stolkin-From the left shoulder to the right hip with
found the traitor. the poniard hanging at the bottom of said order.
Moat Sovereign—Of what color is your apron?
Most Sovereign-How came you to be left there Stolkin—White skin, lined and bordered with black

and spotted with red; on the flap a bloody arm holding

a dagger, on the apron a bloody arm holding a bloody
head by the hair.
Moat Sovereign—With what is the Chapter of the
Elect hung?
Stolkin—With red and white mixed with flames,
white flames on the red, and red flames on the white. CLOSING CEREMONIES
The one indicates the blood that was spilt, and thc white MASTER ELECT OF NINE.
thc order of purity of the Elected.
Moat Sovereign—Why have you no more than one Moat Sovereign-(Knocks eight and one.)
Warden? Stolkin—(Knocks eight and one; All rise.)
Stollcin—Because the Chapters were always held in Moat Sovereign—(Makes the sign by putting his hand
Solomon’s palace, where no one was permitted but his on his forehead, and says;) My brethren let us renew
favorite who was privy to what passed. our obligations.
.11oat Sovereign—What more is to be done’
Stolkin—Nothing, as everything is achieved, and Hi-
All make the sign with their poniards together, first
ram Abiff avenged. at the head and then at the heart.
Moat Sovereign—Give me the pass-word? Most Sovereign—(Knocks eight and one.)
Stolkin—Begoal-Kol. Stolkin-(Knocks eight and one.)
Moat Sovereign—What is the great word? Moat Sovereign—Brethren, ignorance yields to uur
Stolkin—Nekam. repeated vows. Let us advance in our labors.
Moat Sovereign—Is there no other pass-word? I declare this college closed.
Stolkin—Yes, there are two more by which we know
~ne another, Joabert and Stolkin.
Moat Sovereign—At what time did the Elected sct
out for the cave?
Stolkin—Just at dark.
Moat Sovereign—When did they return?
Stolkin—At day break.
Moat Sovereign—How old are you?
Stolkin—Eight and one, perfect
Rage for a ilaltitude of Degveea—A Drill of Auaasalnatlon and Revenge
—Turns Lyncb Law Into a ReligIon—John Qnlny Adam. op Musonlo
Penaliles—Sweara to “Revenge Masonry In General”—Masonlc Murders
Proved in Conrt—”lbei we,, Not at all Aebamed.”
We are still in the purlieus of Solomon’s Temple.
The motives which made these degrees were: ‘I’he
rage of the French for a multitude of degrees; tlicir
willingness to pay for them, and the need of the Stuart
pretenders for money. Ramaay went to Paris in 1710,
seven years before Masonry was transformed from a
mechanic’s club to a rite of worship in the Londan
tavern. Ramsay took it at flood tide and it led him to
fortune. He invented the Royal Arch degree, and two
systems were drawn from and made out of it by Dunk-
erly and Dermott. Born of humble parentage Ramsay
was knighted by the Prince de Turenne. He in con-
junction with Jesuits developed a rite of six degrees,
called after himself. And, says Mackey, “that his high
degrees were afterwards expanded to an unreasonable
extent, was not his fault.” And he adds that the Royal
Arch “was adopted from Ramsay by the The Council of
Emperors of the East and the West and subsequently
passed over to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
where it still remains the thirteenth degree.” Macketj
Art. Ramsay. And w.hile the thirst for sccret degrees
produced them, as a good market produces its supply, it
was necessary that they should revolve around Solo- Scottish Rite. Lynch law is fearful, but this Ninth
mon’s Temple to give unity to the system by adding Degree turns lynch law into religion. It elevates and
degrees at the top of the York Rite. adorns lynchers. If Booth, who murdered Lincoln, had
But thiR Ninth Degree surpasses and excels the three been seized, lynched, his head cut of and brought into
preceding it, whIch are apologized for as “containing the Supreme Court at Washington by the hair, and the
little symbolic instruction, being “mere recapitulation,” bringer had been made Provost Marshal of Washing.
etc. ton; told to wear this blood-begrimed Masonic apron
This Ninth is the degree of “Revenge,” and the Rit- with a poniard for a jewel, or a pair of scales with a
ual is a drill of assassination. Joabert is sent to arrest scroll and a dagger on one plate and a decapitated head
Abiram, who, without proof produced, is said to be one on the other, and the word “Revenge” in large letters over
of the murderers of Hiram Abiff and finding him asleep the heads of the judges ;—blameless and beloved as Lin-
iii a cave, he cuts oI~ his head and brings it to Solomon coln was, and horrified as men were at his murder; if the
by the hair. He is reproved for his haste, but rewarded drama of this degree had been enacted in public upon
by being raised to the Ninth Degree, and given an lynching his murderer, it would have tended to throw the
apron, white with blots of blood on it, lined and bor- world’s sympathy on the assassin, and sunk the United
dered with black, while on the flap is a bloody arm States in the esteem of mankin’~ to a level with the
holding a dagger; and on the apron itself, a bloody arm thugs of India, or the cannibals of African lodges; who
holding a bloody head by the hair; and the cry of pledge fealty to their order by eating human flesh.
Vengeance! Vengeance !“ is repeated over and again Yet Maco~j and Macice7j (Notes 76 and 77) dwell, with
by Master and members in the cave and in the court. their accustomed relish, on the ornaments and teachings
Now, considering that these degrees overran France; of this degree; and the latter (Note 79) says: Barn~el
considering the ignorance of religion among all classes, and Robi.oii “have sought to find in the word (ven-
owing to the ignorance of the clergy and the fearful geance) a proof of the vindictive character of the Insti-
corruption of the church, no ingenuity of tution.” And he adds: “No calumny was ever ta,bri-
“Earth and bell confederate”
cited with so little pretension to trUth for its founda-
could have formed and let loose among the people a de- tion.”
vkce better adapted to form fiends to work the guillo- If history, and especially American history, presents
tine in the horrors of the revolution which followed,
my character capable of forming and uttering a correct
than this Ninth Degree of the Ancient and Accepted and dispassionate estimate of Masonry and its degrees,
Aud it is well known, or may easily be known by a
that character is John Quincy A-¶ams. And his weD
little conversation with Masons, that there is no hatred
known statement of this matter has been endorsed and
approved by thousands on thousands, including the more vindictive than that with which Masons retard a
45,000 Masons who seceded in 1828—32; which is this: seceder, who, for conscience sake, secedes and exposes
That “a humane butcher would not mutilate thd~ body the secrets if their order. And yet the gentlemanly
and scholarly Mackey (Note 79) says Of Robison and
of a hog, as Masons swear consent to be mutilated if
they fail to keep Masonic secrets.” No wise observing Baimel, who find in this Ninth Degree, proof that Ma-
man can place such Masons as Mackey, Macoy and sonry is a vindictive Institution: “No calumny was ever
othem, aside of Adams, Robison and Barns.l, without fabricated with so little pretension to truth.” And yet
seeing that something has happened to the minds of Robison knew whereof he affirmed. He had received,
Masons which makes them blind to common, plain re- carefully written out, in a box, twelve o’clock at night,
ligious truth. in Paris, from a Mason who was fleeing from France
A careful reading of this Ninth Degree, and others, with embezzled public funds, all the degrees of a “Per-
will satisfy 999 men in every 1,000 that the whole Ma- fect Scotch Mason ;“ Parfait Macon Ecosais. Though
sonic system and especially this Ninth Degree, is cal- under no obligation of secrecy concerning these “ineffa-
culated to harden men and make them vindictive snd ble” Ramsay and Jesuit degrees, he refrained from pub-
callous to deeds of blood. lishing their rituals so that outsiders could enter lodges
The Master of Ceremonies orders the candidate (who by them, but published the well known book for which
obeys) to kill and cut of a map’s head and follow him- Washington thanked Rev. Frederick Snyder, who sent
self to the presiding officer2of the lodge-meeting, with the it to him. This Robison and the celebrated Abbe Bar-
poniard in one hand~ and the gory head in the other. risel are accused by Mackey of “calumny,” because they
Is this lodge play, performed at midnight after prayer, say Masonry is proved “vindictive” by this Ninth De-
in the presence of the members, calculated to make them free, which swears initiates to “Revenge Masonry in
loathe assassination and reveuge? jeneral,” and that with a poniard in one hand mid a
The real purpose and object of this assassination drill bloody human head in the other, to show how his oath
is not to give zest to an evening’s entertainment. The bound him to “revenge” the lodge.
practical purpose and intent is expressed in the oath in But if Masonry is one consolidated mass of sworn
which the candidate is made to swear: crime, why are not more actual crimes committed by
“I likewise promise Lo revenge Ma.onr~i in g.neraZ.” ~!asonsl The answer is: For the same reason that
Popery does not burn heretics when she will lose more falsehood is solemnly sanctioned by men, not children,
than gain by it. Masonic crimes are plenty enough in and that by oaths and prayers to God, and “they were
Africa, as Messrs Hinman and Cole are witnesses, both not at all ashamed neither could they blush.” Jeremiah
of whom have been there; and the latter, Mr. Cole, was 6, 15.
born there, and l~as been in thc African lodges. Other
missionaries confirm their statements. But though
idolatry is practiced in Christian as well as in heathen
countries, the crimes of idolatry in Christian lands must
be covered. Nay; lodges sometimes go through the
farce of expelling men whose crimes have made them
outlaws; while in Africa where murder is not unpopular
it is well known that human flesh is eaten as proof of
fealty to the secret orders.
But we have murders enough proved in open courts
on the lodge, as of Pritchard, Miller, Morgan and
others, to show that Masonry is murderous in practice,
as its oaths prove it to be in theory; and is any one so
weak as to suppose the mass of Masonic murders are
not secreted as the mass of its proceedings are?
The thing, however, to be chiefly noted in this de-
gree is, that it is a lynch law execution of a supposed
murderer of J{iram by killing him in his sleep and cut-
ting off his head; when this very murder in the third or
Master’s degree has been executed by order of Solomon
in a totally different way. (See Bernard’s Light on
Masonry, Third Degree.)
Now, if this were all professed fools-play, legend,
liction or what not, the case were different and might
be endured. But this open historic contradiction and
eei~ting Jubelum” (Akirop;) in the West, one represent-
ing Jubela, (Guibs;) in the South, one representing
Jubelo (Gravelot) of whose blood the flies have sucked.
Each of these skeletons is armed with that tool with
which they perpetrated the murder of Hiram Abiff. The
Chapter is ‘lighted by fifteen lights, five in the East be-
fore the President, and five before each Warden.
CHAPTER XV ‘mLEs :—This meeting is styled a Chapter. The
President is styled Most Illustrious Master. The Senior
TENTH DEGREE on MASTER ELECT 0? Fxrrum.e’ Warden, Inspector, and the Junior Warden, Introductor.
At a reception [initiation] only fifteen elect are al-

lowed to be present in the Chapter, the others remain
CLOTHING :—Apron white, lined and bordered with
black. On the center is painted a square built city,
representing Jerusalem, three gates of which are seen
in the distance. Above the gates are three heads im-
This grade very properly follows that of Master Ele~ paled on spikes.
of Nine, as it gives the continuation and conclusion o, ORDER :—Ia a black ribbon from the left shoulder to
the history of events commenced there: the arrest anti the right hip. Where it crosses the breast, three heads
punishment of the two other criminals for the atrocioni
impaled on spikes are painted thereon.
crime they had committed, as related elsewhere.
JEWEL :—A balance, with a scroll, square and com-
DECORATIONS :—The Chapter represents thc audience pass, and dagger on one plate, and three decapitated
chamber of King Solomon, and is hung in black spread heads on the other.
with red and white tears; in the East is a skeleton repre. Note 5L—”And so we may through thee. mingled Engliab and French
gerruptione trace the genealogy of the word Juhelum; thu.. Ohiblim. Gib.
Not. 65.—”Maeter Elect of lifte,eu. (Sootob Kaeoaxy.J—The aeveuth Urn, Giballm. Chlhhelum. Jihlinme, Jihelum. Jahelum. and. Snaily. Juhelum.
It meant amply a Fellow craft, and wee appeopriataly given ae a common
degree conferred I. lbs Lodge of Perfection. Scotch Masonry, and the mine to a particular Fellow Craft, who wee Olatluguleled for hi. treach-
tenth upon the catalogue of that syate.. There are three officers, a Most m. In other word., he was designated, not by a special and dietinctive
name hat ha the title of hi. condition end rank at the Tem lo. Hew..
Potent Master. repreeenting Solomon; A Grand Inspector. repreeenting the Yellow Craft, who ieee at the head of a conepiracy. La F.I the name.
Stolkin. and a Junior warden. atyled lutroductor; other officera aa in the ef the other two Ruffians, they were readily conetructed out of that of
Be f~Iat5et one by a simple change of the termination of the word from
preceding grade. The aseembly Ia entitled a Chapter. The banging. are a in one, and from em to e in the other. thu. preserving, by a
red and white. The apron is white, lined with black, with a representatlom imilarity of name., the Idea of their relationship, for the old rituals
mid thet they were brothere who had come together out of Tyre. This
of the Temple. having tower, upon it; on the movahle part, three apikee. derivation emma to me to he eacy. natural end oomprebeuuibie. The
The jewel is a poinard. How, of work. 5 a. m. to 5 p. U. The leasne from lbllm4han
or rether from OThelim
that which one-halfto
ofhbelum, is oneword,
the Masonic that iehave
~nge extraordinary
Saderpone in their treneformetlon from heir w1j~,nel to their present
I. the certainty of divine Snatlce.”—Me.ria~a Naesml~ Dietlomay, Letiele Seem. —Meehay. Znsyelqaedia, .1 isle Reffiam.
Reeter Elect ef liftse.,
OPENING CEREMONIES The Master of Ceremonies retires to the ante-room,
prepares the candidate, conducts him to the door of the
MASTER ELECT OF FIFTEEN. Chapter and knocks five, 00000.
Introductor—[Stolkin] (Knocks five, 00000;) Illus-
Moat Illustrious Master—(Knocks five, 00000; and trious Master, there is an alarm at the door.
the five candles in the East are lighted.) Master--Brother Expert, pee who knocks at the door
Inapector—[Adoniram] (Knocks five, 00000; and the of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations.
five candles in the West are lighted.) Ezpert—(Goes to the door, knocks five, 00000; and
Introductor—[Stolkinj (Knocks five, 00000, and the opens it a little.) Who knocks at the door of our Chap-
ter to interrupt our deliberations? Who’s there?
five candles in the South are lighted.) Inspectot’—[Adoniraml it is an Elect of Nine; bro-
Master—Brother Inspector, what’s the clock? ther Joabert, who wants to know the other two ruffians”
Inspector—Most Illustrious Master, it is five o’clock of our respectable Master Hiram Abiff and to arrive at
and the dawn of justice and truth appears in the East. the degree of Master Elect of Fifteen.
Master—If it is five o’clock and the dawn of justice Ezpert—( Shuts the door and says:) Most fllustrious
and truth appears in the East, it is time to begin work. Master it is brother Joabert, who wants to know the
other two ruffians of our respectable Master Hiram Abiff,
Give notice that this Chapter of Master Elect of Fifteen Vote N.—’Eleot ci Fifteen. (ZIn jes Quinse.) The tenth degree In
is about to open. the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Bite. The place of meeting Is called a
Crapter; the emblematIc color I. hlsck strewed wIth tears; and the
Inspector—Brethren, you will please take notice that grincipal officers are a Thrice illustrious hiaster and two inspectors. The
bistory of this degree develops the continuation end conclusion of the
this Chapter of Elect of Fifteen is about to open. genlabinent Inflicted on three traitors who, just before the conclusion
at the Temple. had committed a crime of tj~e most atrocious charecter.
Master.—(Knocka fifteen, 00000 00000 00000.) Th~ degree is now more commonly called Zllnetrious Eln ci the hfteen.
The seine degree i. found In the Chapter of Emperors of the East end
Iuspector—(Knocks fifteen, 00000 00000 00000.) weet. and In the Rite of M~alm.’—Kaekeya ~eyole,aedlsci I.e..
ineeemry, haticle Elect ci Fifteen.
Introductor—(Knocks fifteen, 00000 00000 00000.) Mete U.—Ua*em The traitor, of the third degree are called
~amlaa In continental Maeonry and In the high degrees. The English
Master—I declare this Chapter of Master Elect of end American Mason. have adopted In their ritual the more homely ap.
piletion of Reflana. The fabricators of the high degrese ~
Fifteen open. yauiety of usass for thee. Ainaseins. —Machey’. Eneyclopsedia ciIve~
memy, hittele Re~U.
Master—(Knocks one and the [lodge] is seated.)
aaJ to arrive at the degree of Master Elect of Fifteen. them apprehended, and have requested him to cause
Master—Let brother Joabert be admitted. (Adoniram
and candidate enter, and make fifteen steps in a triangu- them to be delivered to those whom I shall send there
lar manner, and a~~vance to the altar.) •to secure them and bring them to Jerusalem, to receive
Master—Faithful Joabert, what do you wish? the punishment due for their crimes~
Iiaspector—(For candidate,) I wish to know the other I have selected fourteen of our most worthy brethren,
two ruffians of our respectable Master Hiram Abifi, and and zealous masters, and have also selected you as the
to arrive at the degree of Master Elect of Fifteen. fifteenth to proceed to the country of Cheth, and secure
Master—Brother Joabert, the zeal, fervor and con- the other two murderers and bring them to Jerusalem
stancy you have shown in the preceding degrees, and
more especially in the degree of Master Elect of Nine, to receive the punishment adequate to their crimes. Do
had it not been for the intercession of your brethren, you consent to make the number of fifteen for that pur-
would have cost you your life. pose?
It is now six months since the execution of Jubelum, Candidate—I do, most cheerfully.
of whom this skeleton in the East is a representation; Master-Having cheerfully accepted of the appoint-
since which time 1. have caused Bengabee’ one of my mnent, you will now together with the reBt of the breth-
Intendants in the country of Cheth, to cause diligent in- ren whom I have selected, proceed to the country of
quiry to be made if any person had taken shelter in those
parts who might be supposed to have fled from Jerusa- Cheth, and gain admission into the presence of King
lem, and I have just received in formation that several Maseha, and deliver to him this letter with a request to
persons answering the description of the other two ruf- apprehend if possible the other twp murderers of Hiram
fians have arrived there, and believing themselves se- Abiff and deliver them into your charge, to be secured
cure, have began to work in the quarries of Bendaca.” I and brought back to Jerusalem to receive the punish-
have also written to King Maacha” of Cheth to have ment due for their crimes. You will now depart and
Vote I1.—”Bengahee. [ScotchMasonry. i—A name Introduced In Scotch
Masonry in the degree of Master Elect of Fifteen. He was intendant’ of
Solomon In the country of Cheth. The name, however, Is not hietoricel.
execute my orders.
nor Is there any “Country of Cheth” on record.“—.Merrla’e Masonic Die.
tkeary’. Article Dengahee.
Master-Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guards,
Vote Sg.—”Dendskar. A signIficant word in the hlgb degree. One of
the PrInces of Intendants of Sciemon, In whose quarry some of the traitors
you will now assemble your guards and escort the breth-
spoken of In the third degree were found. He Is mentioned in the cats.
logue of Solomon’s princes, given in 1 Kings iv. 9. The Hebrew word Is
ren to the country of Cheth.
the macf him who dividee or pierces. In some old rituals we Captain of the Guards forms them into line and all
Indbenflao& a corruptlon.’—Maokey’s Enoyclc,aedh of Freemasonry, retire except the two Kings and Expert.
Article 3e.debar.
Mete *.—“Msaoha. In the tenth degree of the Scottish Rite we are
Informed that certain traitors fled to “Maacha. KIng of Cheth.” by whom
The Senior Warden now dresses in royal robes and
they were delivered no to King Solomon on his sending for them. In 1
Kings il. 59 we find ft recorded that two of the aervante of Shimei fled
takes the character of Maacha, King of Cheth, and takes
from erusalem to “AchIsh. son of Meacha. King of Oath.’ There can
he little doubt that the carelessness of the early copylats of the ritual
the East.
led to the double error of putting ~eth for Bath and of supposing that
Vasehe was Its king instead of It, kings father. The manuscripte of the
Embassy—(Knocks five, 00000.)
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite tao often copied by unlearned per.
sons, show many such corruptions of Hebrew names whIch moderil re-
Expert—( Knocks five, 00000; and opens the door)
searches must eventually correct. Delsunay. In his ~huIlenr.makes him Who’s there?
~~%Tgre. a,,d cells him Mahakah.”MaOhey’s ~neyologaedia of free.
Aisle Maseha.
Master of Ceremo.iies—An Embassy from Solomon, ante-room, with sleeves rolled up and working with
King of Israel to King Maacha of Cheth. hammer and chisel on some atone, who take the charac-.
Expert—Most Powerful King Maacha, it is an Em- ter of the other two ruffians. They are seized by Master
bassy from Solomon King of Israel, who desires an of Ceremonies and Candidate and bound in chains, and
audience with you~r majesty. are conducted to the door of the lodge.
King Maacha—Let them be admitted. Master bf (?eremonie8~~(Knocks five, 00000.)
Expert—(Goes to the door, knocks five, 00000; and Introductor—(Knocks five, 00000;) Most Illuatrious
opens it.) Let them be admitted. Master, there is an alarm at the door.
Master of Ceremonies with candidate and attendants Master—Brother Expert, see who knocks at the door
enter, approach the throne and kneel on one knee. of our Chapter to interrupt our deliberations.
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful King Maachs, Expert—(Goes to the door, knocks five, 00000; and
Solomon our King, hearing that a number of his subjects opens it.) Who knocks at the door of our Chapter to
had fled from Jerusalem and taken shelter in this coun- interrupt our deliberations?
try and are at tbis present time working in the quarries Master of Ceremonies—It is brother Joabert from the
of Bendaca, has sent this embassy into your royal pres- country of Cheth, having in charge the other two mur-
ence to ask permission to search in the quarries for the derers of Hiram Abiff.
other two murderers af our lamented Master Hiram Expert—Most Powerful, it is brother Joabert having
Abifi; to secure them and carry them back to Jerusalem in charge the other two murderers of Hiram Abiff.
to receive the punishment due for their crimes. (Hands
the letter to King Maacha, who opens it and pretends to Master-Let them be admitted.
read it.) Expert—( Opens the door.) Let them be admitted.
King Maacha—Illustrious Grand Captain of the Master of Ceremonies and candidate with two ruf-
Guards, you will assemble a sufficient number of your fians enter and proceed to the altar.
guards and conduct these brethren from Jerusalem to Master—Brother Master of Ceremonies, what tidings
the quarries of Bendaca, cause strict search lo be made do you bring?
therein, and if the murderers are found, let them be Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful King, the two
bound in chains and delivered to the embassy, to be sent ~‘emainingmurderers of Hiram Abiff have been found
back to Jerusalem, as I should be most happy in havinM in the quarries of Bendaca, have been seized, bound
my country cleared of such monsters. and brought back to Jerusalem, and we now have them
Captain of Guard—Attention guards. (All rise and before you for your righteous judgment.
form into line in the North.) Master-Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guards, let
Captain of Guard—Right face, forward march. (AU them be imprisoned in the Tower of Acbizer, and to-
morrow morning let punishment be inflicted upon them
retire but Expert and the two Kings.) adequate to their crimes, and their heads exposed at the
Master of Ceremonies and candidate with .Captain of gates of tbe palace with tbat of Akirop. Away with
the Guard and members find two of the brethren in the them I away with them, I say!
(Murderers are conducted out of the lodge.)
Master—To whom do we owe this signal service?
Master of Ceremonies—To Brother Joabert, who after
five days’ search discovered them cutting stone in the alaN.
quarries of Bendaea.
Master—And now brother Joabert, for the fervency Place the point of the poDiard under
and zeal you have shown for our order, in bringing to the chin, and draw it downward to the
condign punishment the murderers of our respectable waist, as if in the act of ripping open
Master Hiram Abiff, you will now approach the altar
the abdomen.
and contract your obligation, and be elevated to this
sublime degree in order that yau should become equal
with your brethren. (Joabert kneels at-the altar.)

I do promise and swear upon the Holy Bible,

never to reveal where I have received this degree, nor
even say who assisted at my reception, and I further-
more promise never to receive any in this degree with-
out a full power from my superiors.
Nor to assist at any reception unless in a regular
manner and Chapter of this degree.
To keep exactly in my heart all the secrets that shall
be revealed to me. And in failure of this my obligation,
I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly, and ANswER.
to be exposed for eight hours in the open air, that the
Give the sign of an Entered Apprentice
venomous flies may eat of my entrails, my head to be
with the fingers clinched and the thumb
cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world, and
I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on extended.
those who shall disclose this degree and break this obli-
gation. So may God help and maintain me. Amen.
Master—Rise Brother Joabert, I greet you, and with
pleasure put you in posession of the secrets of the de-


Brother Joabert, in the legends of masonry, the great-

est enemy of Hiram or Truth is called Akirop, or Ju-
belum. He had two companions to whom various nanws
have been given. You, brother Joabert, have pursued
and destroyed them all three. They represent, first,
TOKEN. ignorance or darkness, second, superstition or error,
third, egotism or ambition.
Interlace each other’s fin- In the legend or mythology of the Persians, they were
Ahiriman’ or the evil principle attended by darkness
gers of the right hand. and chaos.
In the mysteries of the Egyptians, they were Typhon”
the enemy and assassin of Osiris’ assisted by Serapis
and Amenthis. Among the Greeks they were Titan,
Python and Chimera.
Many myths of the overthrow of the enemies of man
and nature were invented. Now it is Jupiter, seconded
Token. by Apollo and Pan. Now it is Ormuzd,” aided by the
PASS WORD —Elign~im or Eliam. Mote gO.—~’Ahximan. The principle of evil in the system of zoroaster.
and as such opposed to Ormuad. the principle of good. He emanated.
SACRE]) WORD :—Zerbal, answer BenfaA. pure, from the primitive light, and was the second born—Ormuad being
the first; hut Abriman. yielding to pride, ambition and hatred .f the first
born, or principle of good, was condemned by the Eternal to dwell for
BATTERY :—Is fifteen strokes by five, 00000 00000 12.000 years in that part of space where no ray of lijht reaches, at the
end of which time the contest between Light and lIar nsm. or Good and
00000. Evil, will terminate See Zoroaater.~ —Mackay’s Ennyolopeadia of Free.
masonry, Aztiele Ahrlman.
HOURS OF WORK :—From five in the morning until Mote •I.—”Typhon. The brother and slayer of Osiris. in the EgyptIan
mythology. As Osiris was a type or symbol of the sun. Typhon was the
six at eve. symbol of winter, when the vigor, heat and, as it were, life of the ann
are deatro ed and of darkness as opposed to light.’ ‘—Maoksya Enoyalo.
MORAL :—That the unerring eye of justice will dis- Typhon.
Mote U.—”During the last age it was a fashion among the material
cover the guilty; and they suffer the punishment their philoaophero to erpiain all ancient mythology, and the mysteries in this
manner, in order to show that they bad no religious sense. This was
crimes deserve. carried co far that even christ was declared to be nothing but a symbol
of the sun and the twelve a~atlea were the twelve signs of the zodiac!
Master~(Resuming his seat.) And now my brethren we cannot admit that the Osirian myth is to he ezpiained soleiy from the
astronomical point of view. It had a higher meaning, and shadowed
join me in applauding the elevation of Joabert to the forth the great mystery ef the world, the conflicts of good and evil, of vice
and virtue, and snnouncea that even through persecution and death, ins.
degree of Elect of Fifteen. (All rise and together give tice and truth, and virtue. shail advance to a perfect victory; and that
the night of death shah yield to an immortal day.“—Macoy’s Encyolo.
the battery, 00000 00000 00000.) psedia and Dictionary of Frsemsaonry. hztiol. Osiris.
Master—Brother Adoniram, you will now conduct Mote U.—”Ormurd was the principle of good and the symbol of light,
and Abrimmn the principle of evil and the symbol of darkness. ii old
brother Joabert to his seat, to listen attentively to the Persian re~~ —Mackeys Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Az~
discourse by our Grand Orator.
Amahospands and Szeds. They all agu~e in fixing the Solomon having learned this, wrote immediately to
period of the victory in the zodical sign of Capricornus, King Maacha of Cheth, desiring him to give up these
when the sun begins his ascension and when nature re- two villains to the people he should send, in order to re-
sumes her work of annual reproduction. In the degree ceive at Jerusalem the punishment due for their crimes.
of Elect of Nine of which you have passed, you have In consequence of which, Solomon elected fifteen of
learned that Jubelusn (Akirop) one of the ruffians, wu the most worthy brethren and zealous masters, in which
killed in a cave. That skeleton in the East is a repre- number were included the nine that went to the cave of
sentation of him, with a setting maul with which he was Akirop. They began their march on the 15th day of
armed when he knocked down Hiram Abif. His head the month Tamoaz, which answers to the month of June,
Solomon had embalmed in order to be exposed until the and arrived on the 28th of the same month in the coun-
other two were found out. try of Cheth, and delivered Solomon’s letter to King
Six months after Akirop was killed, Bengabee” one Maacha, who trembled at the news and immediately or-
Solomon’s Intendants, made inquiry in the country of dered a strict search to be made for the two ruffians, and
Cheth, tributary to Solomon, when he learned that if found to be delivered to the Israelites, and said he
Jubels, 5’(Guibs) and Jubelo, (Gravelot) the two other would be happy in having his country cleared of such
asassins had relired there, thinking themselves safe. monsters.
Note W.—”Ueagabee. Found in some old rituals of the high degrees
for Beudekar. se the name of an Intendant of Solomon. It is Eangaher
in the catalogue of Solomon’s officers, 1 KIngs iv. 13, the son of Ocher. For five days there was a strict search made, when
or the son of the strong man.’ ‘—Maskays Rnoyolop.sdia of Freemasonry, Zerbal and Elignam were the first to discover them in
Article Bengahee.
Note SL—”Thoae who trace Specnlative Msaon.~ to the ancient solar
the quarries of Bendaca. They chained theni together
worship, of whom Ragon may he conSidered as the exponent. find in thin and loaded them with irons, on which were engraved the
legend a symbol of the conapiracy of the three winter months to destroy
the life-giving heat of ihe sun. Those who, like the disciples of the Rite crimes they had been guilty of, to have their approach-
of Strict Observance, trace Masonry to a Templar origin, explain the ing fate before their eyes.
legend as referring to the conspiracy of the three renegade knights who
falsely accused the Order, and thus aided King Philip and Po Clement
to abolish Tempiarlam and to slay its Grand Master. Hutc~¶nson and They arrived at Jerusalem on the 15th of the follow-
Oliver, who labored to give a Christian interpretation W all the symbols
of Masonry, referred the legend to ihe crucifixion of the Messiah, the
type of which is, of course, the slaying of Abel by his brother Cain.
ing month, and when conducted to Solomon, he charged
Others, of whom the Chevalier flamasy was the leader, sought to give it them, with the most striking reproaches of their black
a political significance; and, making Charles ihe First the type of the
Du~lder. symbollsed Cromwell and his adherents as the conspirators. The crimes, and ordered them to be put in the Tower of
Masonic scholars whose aim has been to identify the modern system of
Freemasonry with the Ancient Mysteries, and especially with the Egyptian,
which they supposed to he the germ of all the others, interpret the con-
Achizar, until the day they were t~ bc executed by the
Irstors as the symbol of the Evil Principle, or TIphon. alsying the Good
inciple. or Osiris; or, when they refer to the Zoroastic Mysteries of
most excruciating torments and death proportionable if
Persia. as Abriman contending against Ormuad. And hatly, in the
Philosophic degrees, the myth is interpreted as signifying the war of
possible to their crimes. On the day of execution they
Falsehood. Ignorance and Superstition against Truth. Of the supposed
names of the three Assassins there is hardly any end of variations, fog
were tied to two stakes by the neck, middle and feet,
they materially dlifer in all the principal Rites. Thus we have the three
JJJ’. in the York and American Rites. In the Adonhiramite system we
their arms behind them.
have Romvel. Oravelot and Ahiram. In the Scottish Rite we find the
names given in the old rituals as Juhelum Akirop. sometimes Ahiram.
The executioner then opened them from the breast to
Juheio Romvel and Juhels Oravelot. Schterke and Oterfut are in some the arae-pubi.s, and cross wise, and they were left in this
of the Oermsn rituals, while other Scottish rituals have Ahiram, Romvel
End Robhen. In all these names there is manifest corruption and the
tience of msny Masonic scholars has been well.nlfh exhauste4~ in seek. condition eight hours, in which time the flies and other
for some plausible and satisfactory derirstion. ‘—Mackey’s Enoycle.
geedia of Freemasonry. Artlois Assassins of the Third Degree, insects sucked their blood.


Their groans and complaint, were so lamentable, that Inspector—Because one of the villains had already
they even moved the executioner, who cut off their heads suffered before the other two were taken.
and threw their bodies over the walls of Jerusalem to Most Illustrious Master—What were the names of the
serve u food for the crows and wild beasts of the forest. two you brought to Jerusalem?
Thus, my brother, we close the history of Muter Elect Inspector—One was called JubeLa (Gi~ib) and the
of Fifteen. other JubeLo (Gravelot.)
Most Illustrious Master—How were they discovered?
LECTURE MASTER ELECT 01 FIFTEEN. Inspector-By the diligence of Bengabee, Solomon’s
Most Illuatrioua Master-Brother inspector, are you Intendant in the country of Cheth.
a Grand Master Elected? Most Illustrious Master-What method did Solomon
Inspector-My zeal and my work have procured me take to get them?
this degree. Inspector—He wrote to lvi sacha, King of Cheth, de-
Most Illustrious Master—Where have you been re- siring him to make a strict inquiry for them.
ceived? Most Illustrious Master—Who carried and delivered
Inapectot—By Solomon himself in his audience cham- Solomon’s letter to Maacha?
ber. Inspector—Zerbal, captain of Solomon’s Guards.
Most Illustrious Master—Did Maacha hesitate to
Most Illustrious Master-—When did he receive you, grant Solomon’s request?
and on what occasion? Inspccto.r—No; on the contrary he gave us guides
Inspector-When he sent me with my companions to and a guard.
find the two other ruffians. Most Illustrious Master—Where were they found?
Moat Illtsstrious Master—Were you inquiring after Inspector—In a quarry called Bendaca’s quarry.
them yourself? Most Illustrious Master—Who was this Bendaca?
Inspector—Yes, Most fllustrious Sovereign, and if I Inspector—One of Solomon’s Intendants, who had
had not been named by Solomon I should at my own married one of his daughters.
expense have gone to show my zeal in revenging the Most Illustrious Master—Row came these two ruf-
death of Hiram Abiff. fians discovered?
Most illustrious Master-You felt then a great joy Inspector—By means of a shepherd who showed us
when you saw those villains executed? their retreat.
Inspector—The three heads I wear on my ribbon are Most Illustrious Master—Who perceived them first?
a proof of it. Inspector—Zerbal and Elignam, after five days’
Most illustrious Master-What signify these three search.
heads? Most Illustrious Master—How were their chains
Inspector-—They are the heads of the three assassins made?
of Hiram Abiff. Inspector—In form of a rule and square, on which
Most Illustrious Master—What do you mean by three was engraved the crimes they had committed, in order
heads? Did you not tell me you went in search of two to have their approaching fate before their eyes.
villains? Moat Illustrious Master—When did you return to
Jerusalem? Inspector-He was so moved with their cries, that he
Inspector—The flfteenth of the month Ab, which an cut off their heads and flung their bodies over the walls
swera to our month of July. of Jerusalem, as food for the ravens and beasts.
Most Illustrious Master-How long were you on the Most Illustrious Master—What was done with their
voyage? ~monthexactly. heads?
Most Illustrious Master-How many masters were Inspector—They were fixed on poles by order of Solo-
elected by Solomon to go on this expedition? mon and exposed to public view, with that of Akirop,
Inspector—Fifteen, of which number I was one. in order to give an example as well to the people u to
Most Illustrious Master-Was there nobody else with the workmen of the temple.
you? Most Illustrious Master—What was the name of the
Inspector-Yes, King Solomon sent troops to escort first villain?
us. Inspector—According to the nine elected, they called
Most Illustrious Master—What did you do with the him Abyram, but the word is only an emblem, as it sig-
ruffians after you arrived at Jerusalem? nifies viLlain or assassin. His right name is Jubelum
Inspector-We carried them directly into the presence (Akirop) and he was the eldest of the three brothers.
of Solomon. Most Illustrious Alaster—On which gates were these
Most Illustrious Master-What orders did Solomon heads exposed?
give about them? Inspector—On the South, East and West gates; that
I1tspector—Afkr he had reproached them bitterly for of Akirop on the East gate, that of Jubelo (Gravelot) on
the enormity of their crimes, he ordered Achizar, Grand the West, and that of Jubela (Guibbs~) on the South
Master of the household, to confine them in the tower gate.
that bore his name, and that they should be executed Note S6.—”Ouibba. The names given to the Amasains of the third
the next day at ten o’clock in the morning. degree by some of the in,entors of the high degrees are of so singular
a form as to hu,e almost irresistibly led to the conclusion that these
Most Illutrious Master—With what kind of death liames were bestowed by the adhereuts of the house of 5tuaris upon
were they punished? some of their enemies as marks of infamy. 5uch. tot instance, is Romyel,
the name of one of the Assassins in certain 5cottiah degrees, which ii
Inspector—They were tied naked by their necks and probably a corruptIon of Cromwali, Jubelum Guibba, another name of one
.1 ihesa traitors, has m,,eh pussieS the Masonic etymologists. I think
heels to two posts, their bodies cut open from their that I have found its origin in the name of the Re,. Adam Oih, who
was an antiburgher clerg~ ni,,n of Edinburgh. when that city was taken
breasts to the ar’se-pubis and cross wise. lassession of by tbc young Pretender. Charles Edward, in 1745. the
•~iergy generally tIed. lInt Gib removed oniy three miles from the city.
Most Illustrious Master—Did they continue any time where, collecting his I yai congregation, he hnrled anathemas for five
in that condition? successive Sundays against the Pretender, and boldly prayed for the
,i,,wnfall of the rebellion. He subsequently Joined the loyal army, and at
Tnspector—They were thus exposed for eight hours Falkirk took a rebel prisoner. So active was Gib in his opposition to
the cause of the house of 5tuart. and so obnoxious had he become that
ji& the hot sun, that the venomous flies and insects should several attempts were made by the rebels to take his life. On Charlee
Edward’s return to Prance he erected in 1747 hia ~Primordisl Chspter~ at
suck their blood; which made them suffer even more Arras; and in the composition of the high degrees there practiced it is
y~y probable that he bestowed the name of his old enemy Gib on ihe
than death itself. They made such lamentations and most atrocious of the Asussins who figured in the legend of third degree.
cries that they even moved the executioner. The letter u was doubtless inserted to prevent the French in pronoune-
lug the name from falling into the soft sound of the 0 and calling the
Most Illustrious Master-What did he do with them word Jib. The additional h and a were the natural and customary results
of a French attempt to spell a foreign proper name.’—Maoksys RnqaJo.
afterwards? gaedi~ of Freemasonry Artiole Guibba.

Most Illustrious Master-For what reason were their

heads exposed on the gates of Jerusalem?
Inspector—Because they had each of them used their
violence at these gates of the temple on Hiram Abiff.
For when Jubela (~uibs) had struck him at the South
gate with a twenty-four (24) inch guage, Jubelo (Grave-
lot) struck him with a square at the West gate, and CLOSING CEREMONIES
Jubelum (Akirop) gave him the finishing blow with a
setting maul at the East gate, which killed him.
Most Illustrious Master—What is the word of the Thrice Puissant—Brother Inspector, are you a Sub-
Grand Master Elect? lime Knight Elected?
inspector—Zerbal and Benjah. Inspector-My name will inform you.
Most Illustrious Master—What is the pass? Thrice Puissant—What is your name?
Inspector~ELignam. Inspector—Emeth.
4fost Illustrious Master—What are the signs? Thrice Puissant—What signifies that name?
Inspector—Here they are. You comprehend me? Inspector-A true man on all occasions.
(he gives them.) Thrice Puissant-What time do you close the Chap-
Afost Illustrious Master—What are the tokens? ter?
Inspector—Here they are. (he gives them.) Answer Inspector-At dawn of day.
me. (Master answers.) Thrice Puissant-What’s the clock?
Most Illustrious Master—What’s the clock? Inspector—The dawn of day and tolerance,”5 pesce
Inspector—It is six in the evening. and harmony prevail.
Most Illustrious Master—Why six in the evening? Thrice Puissant-As day appears and tolerance,
Iuspcclor—BeCSUse it was at that hour when the last
peace and harmony prevail, give notice that the Chapter
of Sublime ‘Knights Elected is closed.
two SS5ilSSlfl5 expired, by which the death of Hiram is
Inspector—Sublime Knights Elected, you wili please
take notice that this Chapter is closed.
Thrice Puissant-Together, (Sublime Knights all
Clap seven, 0000000; and the Chapter is closed.)
lot. lW.—”Tols,ntimn. The pand characteristic of Masonry Is its
mnlarstion in religion and politics. In res~ci to the latter its toleration
~s no limit. The question of a mans political opInions I, not permitted
~ be broached in the Lodge; in reference to the formee it requires only
inst. te see the language of the old charge. Masons shall be of ‘that
geligion in which all men agree, leavIng their particoisr opinions to them.
in’~—Xseksga Eneyelepaedl. at lreeaassaq, hatlela !elustlee.
the fortune of war and the adoption of our present
constitution, twelve years before, had convinced the
world that there was to be a United States.
This Tenth Degree of the Charleston Rite, was the
seventh in the Ledge of Perfection, formed in the Jesuit
College (see Note 83) with intent, as its name indicates.
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS to lead and govern all the rest. The lodge was called
a “Chapter,” which means, a Dean and his clergy. The
ELEVENTH DEGREE OR SUBLIME KNIGHTS ELECTED. skeleton of Jubelum, one of the fabled murderers of Hi-
“The Dreariest of all Dreary 14o,.ense’—MaUiSe5I Countenaaoe of Es~S
ram, hangs on one side of the hall. The drapery, red
worshipers—Admits the Strong Man Armed. and white, the apron lined with black, and the jewel a
If it has been felt necessary by the Masonic authors poniard. The business, or burden, of the degree is the
of preceding degrees to apologize for some of them as killing of the remaining two murderers of Hiram, by
tame, “giving little or no symbolic information,” one ripping them open from the chin downward and allow-
would think this Eleventh Degree needed such apology ing “flies to suck their blood.” The emblematic color,
much more. The distinguished Dr. Leonard Bacon, a black, flecked with tears. (Note 85.) This degree
little while before he died, read over some of these de- passed from the Jesuit College into the Rite of The
grees, and in a letter to the writer, said: “‘Masonry Emperors of the East and West, and so was included in
seems to me the dreariest of all dreary nonsense.” And their patent to the Jew, Morin. And, though the three
that is pre-eminently true of this Eleventh Degree.
The lodge is still a “Chapter,” to please the Jesuits, assassins of Hiram had been killed, by the torture which
and the clothing of the members the same as in the each invoked on himself, in th~e third or Masters degree,
preceding grade; the three assassins have been killed which was adopted into this rite as a part of it, they
the second time, and it is too soon to invent a new are here killed over again, with new, diversified tortures;
lynching scene. No murder of a sleeping man in a doubtless because the Rite of Perfection invented in
cave; no bloody head held by the hair; not even a France and called “Scotch” by Ramsa~j, was intended
blood-smeared poniard is here to give relish to the game. to be an independent system, separate from English
Even poor Solomon is grown familiar as a half worn Muonry, to please the young French nobles who de-
coat or hat; so that his title as lodge master has to be
changed from “Most Illustrious” in the tenth degree to spised the English mechanics. But it became necessary
“Thrice Puissant” in this. In short, the degree is mere to unite the two, to overtop and bring English lodges to
repetitious dwelling like the dronings of a weary jug- support the Stuarts, and that the inventors might avail
gler. ‘What then caused this~ degree to be selected from themselves of English Masonry, which had already
thousands then in France? And what has kept it alive spread itself over Europe, as a market for new degrees.
for 133 years? The names of these imaginary assassins, invented at
The answer is given in Note 97, ‘which tells us that
the Appletree tavern in 1717, are Latin, Jtsbela, Jubelo Wolves shall succeed for teachers, grievous wolves.
Who all the ucred mysteries of heaven.
and Jubelum. But as there was no Latin language till To their own vile advantages shall turn
centuries after Solomon, any scholar can see the ridicu- Of lucre and ambition.
lous pretense of Solomon’s connection with Masonry cen- If ever the words of Paul, expanded by Milton, had a
turies after he was~ dead. Ramsay invented for the as- fulfillment, it was when Ramsay and the Jesuits ~n-
sassins a new set of names, (Mackey Ency. Art. Awze- vented these degrees for money and the hopes of promo-
sins) viz: Alcirop, Guibs and Gravelot, to hide from tion by replacing Popery on the throne of England
French aristocrats the ignorance of the English inventors crushing Protestantism in Europe, and free government
of the lodge. The story of sending to “Maacha, King of throughout the world.
Cheth” to find the last two murderers, is metamorphosed
from Shimei going to “Achish, son of Maachsh, King of
Oath,” I Kings, 2, 89, pursuing steadily the plan of
stealing from the Bible freely, everything but the one
Mediator and salvation through Him!; thus deceiving
multitudes into the belief that Masonry is very like the
Bible and equally good. But in the midst of this fraud-
ulent verbosity, the oath of this Tenth Degree has this
damning clsuse: After swearing consent to have his
“body opened and exposed eight hours to flies,” he is
made to swear: “I will always be ready to inflict the
same punishment on those who shall disclose this de-
gree.” This sworn assassination, by torture, increases in
intensity as the degrees increase. And yet Masonic
writers with a cool impudence, gained from worshiping
the “father of lies,” affirm that “Masonry knows no
punishment but expulsion from the lodge ! I!”
The venerable and beloved Dr. Aydelotte, President
of Woodward College, Cincinnati, when asked by a city
pastor, who had taken twenty-one degrees: “What je
the matter with Masonry ?“ replied: “Matter with Ma-
sonry! It is lie all over.” The holy man had long be-
fore renounced the three degrees he had taken. (See
the oath in the Ritual.) We resd from Milton:—
It is hung with black tapestry strewed with flaming
hearts, and is illuminated by twenty-four light..
TITLES :—The = [lodge] is called a Chapter. At an
initiation only twelve brethren are permitted to be pres-
ent. The Muter represents Solomon and is styled
CHAPTER XVII Thrice Puissant. Instead of Wardens, there is a Grand
Inspector and a Muter of Ceremonies.
ELEVflNTH Dmm OR SUBLIME KNIGHTS ELECTED.’ CLOTHING :—The brethren are clothed as in the pre-
ceding grade.
AQUARIUS OR THE WATER BEAREL APRON :—White, lined and bordered with black. In
This grade was originally instituted by Solomon as a the centre of the apron is a pocket on which is painted
reward for the zeal and constancy of the true and faith- or embroidered a poniard surrounded by nine flames.
ful craftsmen who were engaged in the construction of ORDER :—A broad black ribbon from the left shoulder
the temple. In this degree it is the duty of the Sub- to the right hip, on which are embroidered three in-
lime Knights Elected to prepare a proper code of stat-
utes for the Elected Knights of Nine and Fifteen. The flamed hearts’, or this motto: Vincere Gut Mon. At the
lecture explains the duties of the Sublime Knights, and bottom of the ribbon hangs a gold poniard with a silver
the mystic 0, which was composed of F. :.M. :.W. :.O.:. blade.
DECORATIONS :—This (lodge] is held in a lace rep- JEwEI,:—The same as the preceding degree, with the
resenting an ante-chamber in King Solomon~ palace. addition of threehearts inflamed, on the balance; one in
Note 31.—’Subllins Knight meet. Sometimes called ?wslvs Iliustrleua
Kaighta. The eleventb degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. This
the center and one at each end.
degree completes the series of Elect degrees, vIa: Elect of NIne. Elect of
Pifteen and Sublime Knight Elect. The legend of this degree speciflee
that after vengeance had been taken on the traitors. Solomon. to reward
those who had remained faIthful to their trust. as well as to make room
for the exaltation of others to the degree of Elect of Pifteen. appointed
twelve of these lattcr chosen hy theIr companions, to constitute a new
degree, on which he bestowed the titie of sublime Elect, and endowed
them with a certain command to provide supplies for the kIn and h
household; to see that the lazes were fairly assessed; to snperf tend the
collection of the revenue, and to protect the people against rapacity and
estortlon of the taz.gstberers. In this degree is shadowed forth the
great principle—free constitutions, without which liberty would often be
hut a nsme—the trial by jusy of twelve men, whose unanimous verdIct
is necessary to convict of crime. The assembly is called a Chapter. it Is
lighted with twelve lights, by threes, in the East. West. North and
South, esch three forming an equilateral triangle. The presiding officer
represents King Solomon, and is styled Thrice Illustrious Sovereign; the
two Wardens are styled Inspectors; the Chapter consIsts of twelve mcm.
bers only. The apron is white. lined, edged and fringed with ble k. and
the flap is hiack. In the middle of the apron is painted or embroidered
a fisming heart. The sash is a black ribhon. worn from right to ieft.
and on which, over the hresst. is paInted or embroidered a flaming heart;
and over that the words vinasi, aut Marl. The Jewel is a sword, worn
suspended to the sash. —Maceye Knayelopedla and Dictionary of irs.-
masonry. Artiele Sublime Knight me....
Thrice P,Liasant—Brother Inspector, what is your
duty to this Chapter? Abater of Cereiiiotties—(Knocks seven at the door.)
Inspector—To see that we are all secure. Iiispector—Th rice Puissant, there is an alarm at the
Thrice Puissant—Are you a Sublime K.night Elected? door.
Inspector—Thrice Puissant, my name will convinoo Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert see who knocks at
the door of our Chapter.
you. Expert—(Goes to the door, knocks seven and opens
Thrice Puissant—What time is the Chapter open? it.) Who knocks at the door of our Chapter?
Inspector-.—TWelve o’clock at midnight, the hour ot Master of C~eremonies—Brother Joabcrt, a Master
the reconciliation of reason and feeling. Elect of Fifteen, who has passed through all the preced-
Thrice Puissant—(Knocks seven, 0000000.) I declare ing degrees, and beseeches you to confer on him the de-
this Chapter of Sublime Knight. Elected open. (One gree of Sublime Knight Elected.
Expert—Thrice Puissant, it is Brother Joabert, a
rap; all are seated.) Master Elect of Fifteen, who has passed through all the
preceding degrees, and beseeches you to confer on hii~
the degree df Sublime Knight Elected.
Thrice Puissant—Has his conduct been without re-
proach and are the Illustrious Knights satisfied with it?
Expert—(To Master of Ceremonies.) Has his con-
Nate •S.—”Suhlime Knight heated. (Sublime Cb.vtlier sin.). Called
also Sublin,e Knight Elected of the Twelve. The eleventh degree of the
Ancient and Accepted 5cotttsh Rite lie legend is that it was instituted by
King Solomon after punishment had been inflicted on certain traitors at
the Temple. both as a recompense for the zeal and constancy of the litus.
trious Elect Fifteen, who bad discovered them, and also to enabie him
to elevate other deserving brethren from the loser degrees to that which
had been vacated by their promotion Twelve of these fifteen he elected
Sublime Knights and made the selection by hailot that be might give
none offense, putting the names of the whole In an urn. The first twelve
that were drawn he formed into a Chapter. and gave them command over
the twelve tribes, bestowing on them a name which In Hebrew signifies
a true man. —Maeheya Enayelapaedia of Freemasonry, Artlale Sublime
Knight Elected.
duet been without reproach and are the Illustrious 7’hrice Puisiant—Brother Expert, you will now
Knights satiaded with his conduct? teach brother Joabert to travel.
Master of Ceremonies—All here present are satisfied Expert divests him of his sword and compasses which
with his conduct. he hands to the Master of Ceremonies, makes the candi-
Expert—Thrice Puissant, all here present are satis- date cross his hands on his breast, and conducts him
ffed with his conduct. hrst to the West; causes him to kneel and say Civi.
Thrice Ptsissant—Then let him be introduced in a Thrice Puissant—Ky. (Candidate rises.)
proper manner. Expert conducts him to the South where he kneels,
from thence to the North where he kneels, and from
Expert—Let Brother Joabert be introduced in a thence to the East, in front of the Thrice Puissant, where
proper manner. he kneels also.
Master of Ceremonies puts a naked sword in his right Thrice Puissant—Brother Joabert, you have been
hand with the blade across his body, a compass in his caused to kneel at the four points of the compass in
left hand with the points to his heart. Thus arranged allusIon to the four gates of the temple, and the respect
he conducts him into the Chapter and seats him in the we should have to enter a p lace consecrated. You will
West iu front of the Inspector. now contract the solemn obligation of a Sublime Knight
Thrice Puissant-Brother Master of Ceremonies, why Elected.
have you led Joabert into our presence?
Master of Ceremonies—To beseech the Thrice Puis-
sant to confer this Sublime degree upon him, for by his I—promise and swear on the same obligatiQns I
valor, veracity and vigilance he has won the hearts of have already taken and contracted to keep secret the de-
his brethren, and.they have chosen him to represent gree of the Sublime Knights Elected, with which I am
them in this assembly of Sublime Elected Knights and going to be entrusted, as well in regard to masons under
to join you in studying the laws the Grand Architect has this degree as to the profane. I furthermore promise to
written- upon the hearts of all men, so that legislation adore my God, to be faithful to my country, to be char-
may be a unit and a blessing instead of being a curse. itable -to my neighbors and brothers, submitting myself
Thrice Puissant—The right of the masonic people to in case of any infraction of this my obligation, to have
representation, is consecrated from time immemorial; my body severed in two, my memory, lost and looked
and on this occasion it is with joy 1 learn the choice of upon as infamous and foreaworn. So God and his Holy
your fellows has fallen on Joabert. It is the just reward evangelists be my help. Amen.
of your merit, brother Joabert, and we greet you in this Thrice Ptsissant—( Puts his sword three times on the
assembly where you now may see the scales of justice candidate’s head.) Brother Joabert, I greet you as a
adorned by the symbols of the affections, to express Sublime Knight Elected, and pledge you in a cup of
that justice should be tempered with mercy, that the wine as generous as that poured out by GanymeJe to
law must be conceived in a spirit of love, and that the the Olympian gods, for it denotes our sincere feelings
happiness of the people does not exclusively depend towards you as a member of this Council, towards thosE
upon rigid expressions of wrong, but also upon a gener- you represent, as well as towards all mankind.
ous display of sentiment. (Wine is then poured out in three glasses, then the
Thrice Puissant, Expert and Candidate touch glasses.) Second — Take one
Thrice Puissant—Brother Joabert, we pledge you in the right hand of the
the wine cup and welcome you as a member of this other, and with the
Chapter of Sublime Knights Elected. (All three thumb strike thrice on
drixik.) Ihe first joint of the
Thrice Puissatlt—Arise Brother Joabert and receive S.condTokfl. middle finger.
the recompense due you. (He then decorates him with 3.&TI!ERY :—Twelve equi-timed strokes, 000000000000.
the sash and apron and gives him the sign, grip and HOURS OF LABOR :—From low twelve until daylight.
~iss woRn :.—Stotkin; (running of Water.)
MORAL :—That the true and faithful brother will
sooner or later receive his just reward.
Cross the arms on the breast, the fin- Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now con-
duct brother Joabert to his seat in the Chapter while
gers clinched, and thumbs elevated. our Grand Master of Eloquence delivers the discourse.

My dear brother, let your heart be entirely devoted

to enjoy the ecstacy of innocent joy, with springs of fuli
satisfaction to feel all the emotion that it will inspire
you with; bless a thousand times this happy day which
will open to you the perfection you desire. In short.
Sign. Sublime congratulate yourself with having reached the degree of
.5nlgbt Ulocted. Sublime Knight Elected which we have just given you.
TOKENS. Do not think that it is one of the imaginary and proud
titles which have neither origin or ground for it.
First—Present to each other Open the sacred books, search in the holy history and
the thumb of the right hand, the you will find the Epoch of your state. There you will
fingers clinched. One seizes the
see the excellence and privileges of it.
I should without doubt pass tjhe limits of an ordinary
thumb of the other and reverses ‘discourse if I was to take up time to let you know the
thrice his wrist. One says Berith, whole extent of it.
the other one says Neder, the first I will leave the natural curiosity to those who ought
then says Shelemoth. to be willing to know perfectly the state which they
have embraced, with care to muikis the necessary inquiry the customs which have been established for all thoe
for the knowledge you ought to possess. I will be who as well as you, attained to a degree as eminent am
satisfied to expose the duties and obligations of it.
this in which you are now clothed, and to whom is trust-
The promise you have just now made and contracted ed the glory of justice which you have in your hand.
in the quality of( Sublime Elected Knight, is the great- We mu4 now, my brother, explain to you the names
est and most solemn of them all. I will not speak to and letters which werc shown you when you were initi-
you of the prudence with which you have so often laid ated in our sublime degree and mysteries.
the law of, on yourself, you know that virtue too well, It is not one of the common names which has neither
and with the.practice of it it must be so familiar ~toyou sense, reason nor signification. It is a name which is as
that it would be needless to exhort you to it; and for those in use in eastern nations, showing the virtue of
that reason we fear no violation from your side. those who are found worthy of having it.
I shall only renew to you the importance of the prom- Yours in the quality of Sublime Knight Elected is
ises you just now have made and which are the chief Emeth” a Hebrew word signifying “a true man on all
matters of your obligation. There is no one in this de- occasions.” Can tl~ere be any better or more glorious
gree who has not submitted like you, and in short, if all name, and would it not be a shame and disgrace to any
men have indispensibly fulfilled those duties you just of us who should expose himself to do anything and be
now imposed on yourself, with what zeal, what eager- capable of degeneraling from it?
ness and what ardour, should not a Sublime Elected Now let us come to the allegorical explanation of the
Knight acquit himself. figures you have seen in the draft: they will serve to
We first promise to love and adore God. This is the instruct you in the sense and science of your state, and
natural law which is engraved in us. I say more, which teach you to unfold little by little, the moral sense. They
came into the world before us, and who is he that could contain the precepts you ought to follow, the principles
transgress this duty and not render the lawful tribute on which you ought to act, and the duties you have to
to him which is owing from us to the vilest creature he fulfill.
has formed, sustaining us only by the means of his power The Elected as you know, were those Solomon chose
which he may destroy or annihilate without our being to watch the work which was done in the temple after
able to accuse him of rigour and injustice. the death of Hiram AbuT. The temple was at last fin-
This is, my Illustrious Knight, the first of your duty, ished and completed to its last perfection. God appeared
that Reason teaches, Truth shows and Justice establishes satisfied with this building which was consecrated to
to us. him. It is that cloud in which theyhave been willing to
Youhave also promised to be faithful to your country. lob U.—”One of the word. in the high degree.. It signifies intsgri~.
UgU~, bsusss, and constancy in keepin~ a ~romiae. and esrciaiil
Is there any among us who does not feel it perfectly !rtth as OppoSed to falsehood. In e • a e tiightl
and is not fully convinced of the necessity of this part Uhot of Twelee of the sloycoth degree are called •Prlnces 3meth.’~ which
~ ezaited character who are devoted to trath.~—
of our obligation of loyalty, as we conform ourselves to of 1255580317, Aitiol. Imeth.
The pair of scales you perceive to be
trace the image of God in this draft by the triangle
which you see in the cloud; therefore it is very ~asy to an attribute of justice. It is here exposed
your sight to make you remember that

make from these two figures a jus1~ and true application.
Our hearts are the living temple, where are erected t is with that you ought to weigh your
altars which ought to receive the sacrifices which we proceelng and projects if you are in-
make to the Lora. It should always be a temple ivorthy Oul.saG Sy’oit dined to deserve the glorious name of
of him. We can never know too much how to employ Emeth. The sword with which you arc armed, and
our time for its construction, neither can we apply our- given you by the Thrice Puissant has been remittcd you
selves too much to carry offerings which may be agree- less for a mark of honor and discretion, than to be em-
able to him. serve, thsn to be used in order to fulfill the
To render ourselves worthy of his favors, we ought to solemn obligation you have contracted.
compare to that miraculous cloud which spread itself ~ The key which you also see in the draft
over the ark, by which God showed the favorable is a symbol to teach you to keep’religious-
alliance he had made with his people, which is the chief ly in your heart the secrets with which you
object of the draft now before you. In that box which are intrusted, as it is a sacred trust that these illustrious
hangs at the top of the draft, were deposited the hearts brethren have reposed in you.
of the victims who were offered to the Lord and which The zealous charity you ought to have for your brcth-
werc accepted sacrifices. ren, is figured to you by the emblem of an inflamed
If the gift you make of your heart is pure, it will be- heart, a true symbol. of it. As it is the prin-
come a true figure of it, and he will not reject the offer- cipal object, and most indispensable duty
ing of it if all that lies in it is worthy to be offered to of a mason to devote himself to prac-
him. tice virtue, what care ought not an
You also see the urn; it was therc Solomon ordered Elected Sublime Mason to have, never
the heart of Hiram Abiff15 to be deposited, as an to depart from this principle. He who is in the
authcntic mark of esteem and tenderness he had for him, superior degrees ought always to act effectually to ren-
which is without doubt a very urgent lesson, which in-
der himself worthy of that distinction. Charity is of all
vites us to re-inflame our endeavors in conducting our
actions of life, that we may be able to leave behind a
virtues, the principal one which satisfies humanity.
Instead of the inflamed heart, which was worn (at the
memory worthy to be consecrated with respect, esteem
and veneration. time of the written law) ~s a distinctive mark of the
Sublime Elected, we wear a cross the form of which
Vote 100.—”Xsaat of Hiram AblE. There Is a legend in dome of the
high degrees and in continental Masonry thai the heart of Hiram AblE is traced to you. It is the happy epoch of the law of
was deposited in an urn and pieced upon a inOnnment neal the holy of
hofles, and in sonle of the tracing hoards it is represented as a eymhoL grace we live in. Since upon the cross was spilled the
The myth. for auch it is. was probably derlyed from the cery common
custom in the Middle Ages of persons canaing their bodies to be diumem. precious blood of the Sovereign Redeemer to whom we
bered after death for the purpose of havIng parts of them burled in a
church or some piace which bad been dear to them in Iife.”—2Ia~sy’a are all indebted, we are all obliged to wear it, not as
Enoyolopaedla of Freemasonry. hittols Ksszt of Hiram AblE.
a mark which may please our vanity or our affections,
but as one of the attributes of our condition and a strik- Inspector—I had a sword in my right hand, the blade
ing object, capable continually to recall us to that divine across my body and a compass in the left the pointa of
author of nature, that Sovereign Master of our days who which rested on my breast.
has been willing to render himself a victim for the Thrice Puissant-Why the sword across your body?
iniquities of our fathers, and to withdraw them from Inspector—To remind me that my body alLould be
the everlasting torments they had but too much de- severed in two if I ~as vile enough to reveal the-myster-
served. ies of this degree.
You see also the two palm trees, very high and lofty Thrice Puissant—And why the points of the compass
which seem to spread their branches over the tomb of on your breast?
Hiram Abiff. They are the emblem of the everlasting Inspector—To show that my actions were encompassed
palm, at which we all of us aim, and which are traced as I was found worthy to receive the degree of .~ublime
for us to be deserving of it. Elcctcd Knight.
These, my Illustrious Brother are the chief objects of
our draft, which you ought to keep up to, and study the Thrice Puissant—How were you reported in the Chap-
same and be always the subject of your reflections. We ter?
flatter ourselves (having so fair a road before you that Inspector—By seven knocks.
you will follow it and never enter any other dangerous Thrice Puissant—What signify these seven- knocks?
path to scatter you from the many great duties you are Inspector—The seven years that were employed in the
to fulfill. You will find the exertion so much the more construction of the temple and its ornaments.
easy for it. In short, keeping firm to your obligations
and faithful to your promises, we shall find in you a Thrice Puissant—What is your sacred word in quality
brother zealous and officially charitable, worthy of bear- of Sublime Knight Elected?
ing the respectable name of Sublime Elected Knight, Inspector—A donai, which is God.
which you have now recejved. -
Thrice Puissant—And the pass-word?
LECTURE. Inspector—Stollcin.
Thrice 1-uiasani—Are you a Sublime Knight Elected? Thrice Puissant—What is the sign of the Sublime
Inspector—Illustrious Thrice Puissant, my name will Knights Elected?
inform you. Inspector—To cross the arms on the breast, the fingers
Thrice Puissant—What is your name? clinched, and thumbs elevated.
Inspector—Emeth. Thrice Puissant-What is the sacred sign?
Thrice Puissant-What means that name? Inspector—The promise I made, always to wear the
Inspector—A true man in all things. cross in remembrance of my faults, since they are de-
Thrice Puissant—How were you arrayed when intro- faced thereby.
duced in this Chapter? Thrice Puissant-What is the token of acknowledg•
ment? fore named them Inspectors, that they might be able to
Inspector—To take the right hand of a brother slid give him an account of what was daily done in the con-
with the thumb strike three times on the first joint of struction of the temple.
the middle finger. Thrice Puissant—In what manner were these Inspec-
Thrice Puissant—What signifies this token? tors employed to survey the conduct of the workmen?
Inspector—Lo9e to God, Fidelity to my countr~ and lnspector—.Ioabert had inspection of the tribe of
Charity towards my neighbors. JudaA.
Thrice Puissant—What did you see on entering the Stollein. had inspection of the tribe of Benjamin.
Chapter? Terry had inspection of the tribe of Simeon.
Inspector—Twenty-four (24) lights. Morphy had inspection of the tribe of Ephra.m.
Alycuber had inspection of the tribe of Manasseh.
Thrice Puissant—What do they signify?
Dorson had inspection of the tribe of Zebulofz..
I’ispector—The twelve”~ Masters Elected, snd the Kerimj had inspection of the tribe of Dan.
twelve tribes of Israel.
Berthem c-n had inspection of the tribe of Asher.
Thrice Puissant—What are the names of the twelve Tito had inspection of the tribe of Naphtali.
Masters Elected? Zerbal had inspection of the tribe of Reuben.
lnspector—Joabert, Stolkin, Terry, Morphy,’’ Alycu- Beniak had inspection of the tribe of issachar.
ber, Dorson, Kerim, Berthemen, Tito, Zerbal, Beniah,
Gaber had inspection of the tribe of Gad.
and Gaber. The first nine are those who went with the
stranger in search of Akirop, the last three make up the These twelve masters rendered daily an account as
number of twehe (12) Masters Electe6. Inspectors to Solomon of the work done by all the
Thrice Puissant—What employ did Solomon give rcspective tribes and they received the amount of pay-
them? ment to be distributed to all the workmen of every
inspector—To superihtend all the masters, and there- tribe.
Note 1O1.—~The nsme’ of the Twelve Illustrious Knights selected to
~reulde over the twel,e tribes, a. they have been transmitted to us in the
Thrice Puissant—What signifies the tomb at the West
ritual of this degree have undoubtedly aauumcd a very corrupted form. door of the temple?
The restoration of their corcect orthography, and with It their true
siguiflcstion. is worthy the attention of the Masonic student. ‘—Mackey’s inspector—It is the tomb where the body of the
~cycicpeedia of fr.emssewy• Article Snbilme KnIght Elected.
Note lOS.—Merphsy. The nsme of one of the twelve inspectors in the
respectable Hiram Abiff is deposited. Solomon had it
eleventh degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. This name, placed at the entrance of the temple to show the Israel-
like the others in the same catalogue. hida deSance to any Hebraic
derivation. They are sit either Freao~h corruptions. worse even than
jakmai for Shskiush, or they have some allusion to names or events con. ites how much he was affected at the loss of that grcaL
nected with the political intrigues of the exiled house of Stuart. which
bad. it is kuowu. a connection with some of the higher degrees sprung
man; dnd did it in honor of him whom he regarded and
up et Arras and other places where Masonry was patronized by the
iretcnder. This word Morphey may, for instance, be a corruption for esteemed as himself.
Murray. Jsmea Murray. the second son of Lord Stormoni. escaped to the
court of the Sluarts in 1715. He was a devoted adherent of the exiled Thrice Puissant—What signifies the I. ~.H.‘.S.~.
!an~lly and became the governor of the young prince and the chief mm’
ister of his father. ~ho conferred upon him the empty title of Earl of which you see in the draft?
D’,ohar. He died at Avignon in 1770 B~t almost every etymology of this
dud must be entirely conjecturaL~—Xackeya Encyclopaedia of Free. Inspector—The I.’. is the initial of “Jeva” the first
masefry. Article Morphey. pronunciation of the Ancient Masters Word; the H.’.
that of Hiram our respectable Master; and the S.:. that Inspector—Five.
of Stolkin who discovered the body of Hiram Abiff. Thrice Puissant-What do you call them?
Thrice Puissant—Give me a description of the urn Inspector—The a1k of alliance, the golden bor, the
which is on the top.
two palm trees, the candlestick’’ with seven branches
Inspector—In the urn is the heart of our dear Mas-
and the veil which is drawn up.
ter Hiram Abiff embalmed.
Thrice Puissant—What means the letters N.:. and Thrice Puissant
- —

C.:. on the urn? What signiftes the Ark

Inspector—Xinxe, a Hebrew ~vordsignifying the seat ~fljoi Alliance.
of the soul. Inspector—It waa
Thrice Puissant—And what means the key?
Ark of Alliance, the figure of Solomon’s
Inspector—The symbol tilat we only have the secret temple consecrated to God and contained the two tables
and depository of the mason’s secret, and ought to rule of the law which God gave to Moses on the holy moun-
our conduct so, to show by example that we are worthy tain when he contracted an alliance with the people of
of the trust and charge rcposed in us. !srael.
Thrice Puissant—And the balance? Thrice Puissant The —

inspector—Calls to the rcmembrance the obligations candlestick with a e v e n

laid on us, to be just to our brothers and neighbors, branches?
since we are thosc in whom King Solomon has put all Inspector—Represents the
his confidence by giving us power to exercise justice and seven planets and the seven
terminate disputes which may arise among masons gifts of the Holy Spirit.
from the apprentice to the degree of Sublime Knights
Thrice Puissant A nd

Elected, ~vhichis above them all.
what the veilisa of the tern-
Thrice Puissant—And the sword?
inspector—To make use of it as we ought to those ~le?
who do not walk in the paths of virtue, and are so vile ~ ..~ Inspectos’—Tlie figure cf
as to reveal the secrets they are entrusted with. Nuts 153.—’Golden Candleattek. The golden candleetick which was
made by Moses for the service of the tabernacle snd was afterwards de-
Thrice Puissaitt—How long did you take to complete posited in the holy pisce of the temple to throw light upon the sitar of
the temple? incense and the table of 5howbread,was made wholly of pure gold., and
had seven branches: that is. three on each side and one in the center.
inspector—Seven years to complete the whole; six for These branches were at equal dlslances. and each one was adorned with
lowers like lilies, gold knobs afier the form of an apple. and similar
its constructi6n and one for the ornaments and its ones resembling an almond. Upon the extremities of the branches were
seven golden lamps, which were fed wIth pure olive oil, and lighted
dedication. ev,ry eyening by the priests on duty. Its seven branches are explaIned
in the Ineffable degrees as symbolizing the seven planets. It is also used
Thrice Puissant—How long was the building? as a decoratIon in Chapters of the Royal Arch. hut apparently withont
any positive symbolic signification. “—Mackey’s Encyclopaedia ~ lass-
lnspector—T~venty cubits. msscma7, Article Goldea Oandlssttok.
Thrice Puissant—How many precious things have lots 104.—”The Symbolism of the veils, however viewed, whethe?
collectively or separately, represent the laborious. hut at last successfnl.
you in the Chapter of Sublime Knights Elected? search for divine truth —Mackeys Znoyolopaedia of Treemasmay, ArtIsle
Vehis, Symbolism of the,

the Babylonian Tapestry which Solomon placed in the - Inspector—That our hearts ought to be charitable to
temple to separate the holy places from the most holy
our brothers and neighbors.
and sacred place.
Thrice Puissant—And what the golden box?
Thrice Puissant—Explain to me the five letters you
inspector—In that box were deposited the hearts of have on your cross.
those viclims who~e sacrifice had been agreeable to God.
Inspector—The C.’. is the initial of Civi, (to kneel)
We also ought to deposit our hearts if our actions are K.:. that of Ky, (to riSe) E.’. that of Emeth, S.~. that of
as agreeable to him. Solomon and A.:. in the centre, that of Adonai.
Thrice Puissant—The palm frees? Thrice Puissant—What signify the four kneelingis
inspector—They represent the cherubim”’ which did you made before you came to the throne?
cover the Holy Ark with their wings, as also the joy Inspector—The four gates of the temple and the ri
which Solomon felt to see a puperb monument raised to spect we should have to enter a place consecrated to
the glory of the Lord. God.
Thrice Puissant—And what signifies the triangle with Thrice Puissant—What signifies the word Civi, that
the A. :.D. the Sublime Elected utter when Illustrious, Puissant
inspector—The cloud that spread over the ark when
goes to the throne?
Solomon consecrated the temple to show to Solomon it
was agreeable to the Lord. The letters signify Adonai. Inspector—Kneeling before the Great Architect of the
Thrice Puissant—What reward did Solomon bestow universe.
on the twelve Knights Elected after the consecration of Thrice Puissant—And the word Ky?
the temple? Inspector—Rise and receive the reward your zeal and
inspector—He styled them his beloved, instituted labor has deserved.
them Sublime Knights Elected, decorated them with a Thrice Puissant—What denote the three (3) knocks
broad ribbon with three (3) inflamed hearts and a sword given with the sword on the candidate’s head before it
of justice to it; saying to them, you have been the con- is delivered to him?
ductors of the works of the temple which I have inspector—Strength, Charity and Brotherly Love we
consecrated lo the Lord; be now the supporters of it
against infidels. ought to have for our brothers.
Thrice Puissant—What denote the three (3) inflamed Thrice Puissant—Why have the Sublime Knights
hearts? Elected naked swords in their hands in the Chapter?
Note 105.—”Cheruhim. The two cherubim that overtopped the mex~,- inspector—To be always ready to run to the assistance
seat or covering ot the ark, in the hoir of holles. were placed there by
Moses In obedience to the orders of God: ‘And thou shalt make two of our brethren in their defence and that of religion
cherubim of goid, ot beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends
of the mercy-seat. And the cheruhim shall stretch forth their wings on against infidels.
high, covering the mercy-seat with their wings, and their faces shall Thrice Puissant—Why is not your Chapter opened
look one to another; towards the mercy-seat shail the faces of the
cherubim be.’ ‘ (Exod. xxv. 17. 19)—Kackay’s Encyciopeadia of Vise-
masonry, Article Okenahim. until midnight?
Inspector—Because some of the Sublime Knights em-

ployed the day by fighting the infidels and the others in

deeds of hospitality, and at midnight they must meet
to account for what they have done.
Thrice Puissant—Why is the Chapter closed at break
of day? -

Inspector—To execute during the day what is ordered

to be done by the Chapter. CLOSING CEREMONIES

Most Illustrious Master—Brother Stolkin, what’s the

Stolkin—Victory is ours and Hiram is revenged.
Most Illustrious Master—Since victory is ours, and
Hiram is revenged, we ought to be satisfied and rest
Most Illustrious Master—(Knocks five; 00000.)
Stolkin—(Knocks five; 00000.)
Adoniram—(Knocks five; 00000.)
All—(Knock fivc; 00000.)
Moe; illustrious Master—I declare this Chapter of
Master Elect closed.

the degree was invented “to make room for the elevation
of others to the degree of the Elect of Fifteen.” The
same reason is given in Note 98. Conquerors and swind-
lers must go on. Ramsay and his Jesuits had created a
market for iww degrees and they must supply it. Stand-
ing armies are kept up by ambitious soldiers expecting
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS promotion. The old craft, Masonry, had been swung
from its moorings. The Jesuits had added “Select Mas-
ter, Perfect Master, Intimate Secretary, Provost and
The Force of a False RelIgion—Killing the Remaining Assassins of Hiram
—Swearing to Assassinate Secedera—To Repiac~ Popery on the Throne Judge, Intendant of the Building, Elect of Nine, of
of England.
Fifteen” and now they raise twelve of the fifteen to make
“There ye wise saints, behold your light, your star. room for “other deserving brethren of the lower de-
Ye would be dupes and victims, and ye are.
So shall my votaries wheresoe er they rave
Proclaim that heaven took back the saint It gave;
grees.” (Note 98.) And as each upper degree is
That Eve hut vsniahed troqi the earth awhile
To come again with bright unclouded smiie~
sworn to secrecy from the next and all below, it mat-
So shall they hnild me altars in their seal.
Where knaves shall minister and fools shall kneel
tered little what the grade was made of, so that it was a
—veiled Prophet of Ehorasasa. grade.
When Joseph Snzith lay shot in Carthage jail, men But then there must ever be, besides this, in a false
supposed Mormonism was done. They miscalculated religion, a putting the mind in a posture to receive in-
the force of a false religion. It was not intellect, rea- fluence from devils. This every degree has, whether
son, worldly prospects, or popularity that saved it. At dull or sprightly. The rap which opens the lodge puts
that time it cou]d offer neither. “The Lord looketh
the members in communication (en rapport) with
on the heart,” and Satan does the same, when he desires
to bring men to himself. Satan, and they became mesmerized by him; each in
proportion to the inward consent or prayer which they
Con~idered as addressed to human intelligence, noth-
yield to him. Observing men can see, in the faces of
ing would seem more contemptible than this Tenth De-
gree, and those immediate]y preceding and following it. nuns, Masons and mediums, an obvious similarity of ex-
And yet these degrees were culled from a mass of de- pression, or of no-expression which is maniacal or de-
grees which overspread France in 1754, which were moniac. And the power which produces that no-ex-
sent to this country by a Jew who had abandoned J’u- pression, is the power which keeps up the lodge.
daism Cor the lodge-religion in 1761. And, after forty The Monks of all ages have shown by their gross
years’ struggle, during the eventful period of our revolu-
tion, war and independence, which engrossed all minds errors and unclean lives that they havc communed with
for the time and hung doubtful as in a wavering bal- and been influenced or posscssed by uncican spirits. Tn
ance, the lodge then blazed out into this Scotch Rite of the early centuries there was a class of Monks in Mt.
thirty-three degrees, at Charleston, S. C., in 1801; after Atltos, called by a Greek name which meant “navel.

beiwlasre.” They would sit for hours gazing intently

on the center of their stomachs and claimed that after
gazing thus for a time they became completely illum-
inated; filled with a clear and wonderful light. But
like the whole ~4onkish tribe, they fell into stupid er-
rors and degrading vices. No matter what the posture CHAPTER XIX
or worship is, if it is not commanded of God, it is used TWELFTH DEGREE OR GRAND MASTER ARCHITECT.’’
by the devil; and this Eleventh Degree is such a pos-
ture and worship and so admits the “strong man
armed” to enter the palace of the human heart.
This is enough to explain the power of this stupid de-
But there is another element still. Its pictures rep- The first eleven degrees of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite are a complete course of architecture, and a long
resent “The Ark of the Covenant,” which was made by and serious study of human nature having been neces-
Moses, and “The Golden Candlestick” of the Old Tab- sary thus to lead man from his primitive state of naked-
ernacle, etc.; thus as Milton paraphrases Paul, already ness to the beneficent forms of society, it must be ac-
cited, these knowledged that a mason thus experienced in the prac-
“Grievous wolves
tical science of his profession, has a right to an increase
Turn all the sacred mysteries of heaven of knowledge; each mason has his peculiar talent and
To their owh vile advantegee merit, which deserves a proportionate reward, but a
Of lucre and amhitio~.”
mason who by dint of labor has succeeded in ascertain-
And this is done, not by Christian professors, but by ing the origin of things and in combining them together
“them that dwell on the earth ;“ (Rev. 18, 14) the same for the good of mankind, is truly a Grand Master Archi-
men who make up the lodges. And thousands mistake tect.
thc emotions produced by the sight of these once sacred Note iOL—”Orand Master Architect. The twelfth degree of the An-
cient and Accepted Rite. In this the prInciples of operative Masonry
implements in their midnight orgies for religion. become promincnt; it is a purely scientIfic degree. in uhich the rules of
architecture and the connection of the liberal arts with Masonry are
Thus he supports his cruel throne dwelt upon. Although the lectures on the Feliow.Craft degree illustrate
Dy mischief and deceit; architecture from the same point of viei~, the subject is susceptible of
great extension, and under the “Grand Master Archiiect~ numerous de.
And drags the sons of Adam down lalis illustrative of the temple dedicated to the Most high by the wisest
To darkness and the pit. man might be worked out. In the absence of distinct information urn
many points there is some exercise for the imasination in furnish ng
a complete description of 5oloinon~s Temple. which was an astonishing
sod magnificent work for the time In which It ~vssbuilt: and it seems
to have been distinguished from all other temples of remote antiquity
by its snmptuousness of detail. The principal oflicera of this de~a~
the Master, denominated Thrice illustrious, and two wardens. The body
Is styled chapter. and is decorated with white hangings, strewed with
crimson flames; the ornaments are the columns of the five ordera of archi-
tecture. and a case of mathematical instruments. “—Macoy’s Enoycioaeiis
sad DictIonary of rreeanaacnry, Article Grand Master ArchItect.

DECORATIONS :—This assembly is called a Chapter. It

must be hung with white tapestry strewed with red
The five orders of architecture should be delineated
in the Chapter: together with a representation ~ofthe
North Star in the North, and seven (7) small stars sur-
rounding it in form of the Ursa Major, signifying that OPENING CEREMONIES
as the North Star is a sure guide to mariners so should GRAND MASTER AROHITROT.’’
virtue be the guiding star of every Grand Master Archi-
tect. Most Powerful—(Strikes 0 00.)
Senior Warden~—( Strikes 0 00.)
TITLES :—The master seated in the East represents
Junior Warden—(Strikes 0 00.)
King Solomon, and is styled Most Powerful; before him Most Powerful—What is your duty Brother Inspec-
a table with a case of mathematical instruments upon it. tor?
The Senior Warden in the West is called Grand Inspect- Senior Warden—Most Powerful the Chapter is well
or; before him a table with instruments upon it. Junior tyled and the profane cannot penetrate into our mvster-
Warden in the South, the same. ies.
CLOTHING :—The brethren are clothed as in thc pre- Most Powerful—Are you a Grand Master Architect?
ceding grade, with the order, jewel and spron of a Grand Senior Warden—I know what is contained in a per-
Master Architect. Solomon wears a white robe. fect case of mathematical instruments.
APRON :—White lined and bordered with black. In the Most Powerful.—.What is contained in a simple case?
centre of the apron is a pocket. Senior Warden—A compass with five points, a par-
ORDER :—Blue ribbon from the right shoulder to the
allel rule, a scale, a compass of proportion, a protractor,
left hip, at the bottom hangs hangs the jewel. on which are engraven 180 degrees.
JEWEL :—Is a square medal with equal sides. On one
Most Powerful—Where were you received an Archi-
side of the medal must be engraved four half circles
Senior Warden~—In a white place figured with
with seven stars. In the centre is a triangle with the let-
~ ters G. A. interwoven thus. On the re-
Mete IOS.—”Bund Master Architect. (Grand Maitre Architect.) The
verse must be engraved the five orders of twelfth degree in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. This Is
tctiy a scientific degree, resembling in that respect the degree of
Architecture; on the top is a level, and below, fellow Craft. In It the principles of architecture and the connection of
the liberal arts with Masonry are unfolded. its officers are there—a Mae.
a square, compass and a cross; in the centre ter and two wardens. The chapter Is decorated with white and red
hangings and furnished with the fi,e orders of architecture and a case of
arc the letters B. :.M.:. Below the columns arc thcir init- mathematIcal Instruments. The apron is white, lined with blue, and the
Sewel Is a gold modal. on which are engraved the orders of architecture.
ials: Tuscan, Done, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. Ntis suspended by a stone.coiored rihhon —Machey~ Encyolopandle of
lrseaascnry, Article Grand Master Architect,
Moat Powerful—What do they mean?
Senior Warden—The white aignifies the purity of the
heart and the flames the zeal of the masters.
Moat Powerful—What do the stars in the North mean?
Senior Warden-~-That virtue should guide. every~ ma-
~n in his actions, as the North Star does the marinei
in his navigation.
Moat Powerful—What is the hour?
Senior Warden—The evening star has risen; night TWELFTH D~oux OR GRAND MASTER ARCHITECT.
and doubt prevail.
Moat Powerful—Since it is so, let us study to find IMITIATION.
out path. The candidate must be decorated as a Sublime Knight
Moat Powerful—(Knocks 0 00.) Elected.
Senior Warden—(Knocks 0 00.) Master of Ceremonies—(Knocks 0 00.)
Junior Warden—(Knocks 0 00.) Grand Inspector—Most Powerful, there is an alarm
Moat Powerfid—(Opens the case of instruments) at the door.
this box is opened. Moat Powerful—Brother Expert, ascertain the cause
of that alarm.
N. B—On a square altar is placed the balance of ~ie Expert—(Goes to the door knocks 0 00; and opens
preceding degree and at each corner of the altar, iou? it.) Who knocks at the door of our Chapter to interrupt
columns, Doric, Tuscan, Ionic and Corinthian, which our deliberations?
with the Composite Column supporting the balance Master of Ceremonies—Brother Joabert not being sat-
make the five orders. To ~ach string of the balance is isfied with the knowledge he has already attained, and
now attached a star, ~(totalsix stars) which with the the dignities conferred on him, finds he cannot measure
nine pointed stars already suspended to the balance, and distance beyond the reach of his limbs, nor can he find
which now represents the North star, makes the seven hia path through darkness, or in unknown places.
stars of the Ursa Minor. Expert—Most Powerful, it is Brother Joabert who,
not being satisfied with the knowledge he has already
attained and the dignities conferred upon him, finds he
cannot measure distance beyond the reach of his limbs.
nor can he find his path through darkness, or in un-
known places.
Moat Powerful—Let him be admitted.
Ezpert—Let him be admitted.
Master of Ceremonies enters with the candidate and Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, I am, (lifting
stands him between the altar and the West, facing the up his eyes.)
East. Most Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
Moat Powerful—Brother Joabert, what seek you here?
the Senior Grand Warden. (1[e turns and gives them.)
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, Brother Joa-
bert not being satisfied with the knowledge he ha~ al- [See pages 102 and 103.3
ready attained and the dignities conferred upon him Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you a Provost
finds he cannot measure distance beyond the reach of and Judge?
his limbs, nor can he find his path through darkness or Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful. I have dis-
in unknown places. tributed justice impartially to all the workmen.
Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, the desire to know Most Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
these things is most laudable and should be gratified the Junior Grand Warden. (He turns and gives them.)
and for the purpose of teaching them I have established
this school of Architects for the instruction of the [See pages 122 and 123.]
craftsmen employed in building the temple, to animate Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you an Inten-
them with a desire of arriving at Perfection in the Royal dant of the Building?
Art. But before you can be admitted as a member of Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, I have taken
this school of Architects, you must give me undoubted the five steps of exactitude, I have penetrated into the
proof of your knowledge and skill in the degrees you inner parts of the temple, I have seen the Hebrew
have already taken. character, the mysterious J5 without l~nowing what they
Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you a Secret nzeau t.
Master? Most Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, I have the the Senior Grand Warden. (He turns and gives them.)
honor of being received and acknowledged as such. [See pages 142, 143 and 144.]
Most Powerful—Give the Sign, ¶Poken and Word to Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you an Elected
the Senior Grand Warden. (He turns and gives them.)
Master of Nine?
[~e page 52.] Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, the ballot
Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you a Perfect
Master? alone has determined that matter and I have been made
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, I have seen acquainted with the cave.
the circles and the square placed on the two columns Most Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
across. the Junior Grand Warden. (He turns and give them.)
Most Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to [See pages 169 and 170.]
the Junior Grand Warden. (He turns and gives them.) Most Powerfut—Brother Joabert, are you an Illus-
[See pages 79, 80 and 81.]
trious Elected of Fifteen.
Moat Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you an Intimate
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, my zeal and
my work have procured me this degree.


Moat Powerful—Give the Sign, Token and Word to take three square steps to the Senior Warden who will
the Senior Grand Warden. (Re turns and gives them.) invest you with the Sign, Token and Word of a Grand
[See pages 197 and 198.1 Master Architect.
Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, are you a Sublime He does as ordered when the Senior Warden invests
Elected Knight ?~ him as follows:
Master of Ceremonies—Most Powerful, my name will
Moat Powerful—Give the Signs, Token and Word to Slide the right hand into’palm of the
the Junior Grand Warden. (He turns and gives them.) left as if holding a pencil in one hand,
[Seepages 218 and 219.1 and in the other a tracing board; make
Most Powerful—Brother Joabert, it gives me joy un- the motion of tracing a plan on the
speakable to find you thus skilled in our Royal Art, and palm of the left hand, every now and
as a reward for the faithful and meritorious, I will now
confer upon you the degree of Grand Master Architect; then directing the eyes towards the
Grand Master as if drawing by dicta-
come and contract your obligation. tion.
Master of Ceremonies then causes him to take three
square steps to the altar, where he kneels and takes the
sign Grand Master.

I—promise and swear on the obligations I have

already taken and contracted t~ keep secret the degree
of Grand Master Architect with which I am going to be
entrusted; as well in iegard to masons as to the profane. Join right hand to the other’s
I further promise to adore my God, to be faithful to left, interlacing the fingers;
my King and Country, to be charitable to my neighbors place the left hand on the hip;
and brothers, submitting myself, in case of any infrac- the brother will do the same
tion of this my obligation, to have my body severed in with his right hand.
two, my memory lost and looked upon as infamous and
foresworn. I further promise and consent that my name
may be written in red letters and hung up in the Chap-
ter as a mark of my infamy. PAss-WORD :—Rab-banaim.’”
So God and his Holy Evangelist keep me; amen. SACRED WORD :—Adonai.
Moat Powerful—Arise Brother Joabert, you will now Note IW.—”Rsbblnicsl Hebrew. and signIfying tbe c~Ief of the creSt.
teds. • A significant word Ii~ the high degrees. ‘—Xsekey’s Eae7ciopaedJa
St bseme.soar.• Artlol. Babbsaaizm.
BATTERY :—Three stroke, by one and two; 0 00. the parallel ruler, second, the tracing dividers, third,
MARCH—Make three step so as to form a square, the the scale of parts, fourth, sector, fifth, the protractor;
first step slow, the two others somewhat quicker. and behold a Lao the Polar Star. Brother Joabert, by the
HOURS OF wORK—Open on the day when Solomon help of these we are enabled to measure all distances
commenced thet building of the temple. Close ‘on the and guide ourselves through darkness and unknown
day the temple was completed. places.
MORAL—That virtue is as necessary as talent to every First—The Parallel Ruler
Grand Master Architect. enablcs us to draw two lines
Senior Warden—Brother Joaberi, you will now take equi-distant from each other at
three square steps to the altar and face the Moat Power- The ~ 3ul~. every point; so that they never
ful. (He does so. can meet, which signifies that the agreement of the
Moat Povierful—Brother Joabert, Solomon determin- works of the Grand Architect is determined by means
ed to form a school of Architects for the instruction of of equalizing opposition of forces; and hence, that in
those who conducted the work of the temple, to encour- human government the division and balancing of powers
age and improve such as were worthy, and to promote is essential.
from thence those whose zeal and discretion should make
them deserving the highest degree of perfection, induced
him to create the degree of Grand Master Architect..
Solomon, full of justice, and foieseeing the events
which were likely to take place, willing to recompense
The Tracing Dividers.
the zeal and virtue of the Sublime Knights, that they
Second—The Tracing Dividers enable us to draw
might approach nearer the Celestial Throne of the Great
distinct and perfect circles and to mark the points they
Architect of the Universe, induced him to cast his eyes
give us. This signifies that we must have a distinct do-
on those who were last made Illustrious Knights in or-
uign before we act.
der to effect the promise which God made to Enoch,
Noah, Moses and David, that if through ardour they
penetrated into’ the bowels of the earth, it would not The Scale of Parts.
avail unless divine providence permitted it. Third—The Scale of Parts enables us to make all our
The impravements you will now make, Brother Joa- designs proportionate, so that all the parts and incidents
bert, iu the study of geometry will no doubt procure you will agree together in fulfilling the object we seek to
the means of unfolding the most sublime knowledge. accomplish. This signifies that truth is self consistent and
Upon the altar now before you, behol4 a case of mathe- every distinct truth agrees with all other truth, hence
matical instruments for that purpose, containing first, so that one deed may not ultimately clash with another.


becomes my duty as the Most Powerful to call your at~
Fourth—The Sector enables us to tention to that great power of attraction known as the
adapt our proportions to the limits as- North Star, and although it does not shed as brilliant
rays of light as others, yet it is of equal importance, and
signed. This teaches us to reduce our
designs to the measure of our~ means in fact, without its assistance all mankind would be like
a blind man groping his way over the trackless ocean or
and time. through the prairies of forests, which stand as tempo-
rary barriers to the walks of man and the waves in the
The Sector. exercise of their irresistible power, advance or recede as
Fifth—The Protractor enables us to nature or God directs, and as the needle is ever true to
draw angled from a given point and to the pole by which the mariner can at all times know
protract and measure lines at all distances. the course be is pursuing. Let it teach you this moral:
The Protractor. You are now on board the ship of life, tossed about
This shows the necessity of having a fixed and sure on the boisterous sea of trouble, bound for eternity. The
beginning in order to discover truth, or to act with breakers of malice and pei~secution surround your craft,
confidence. the quicksands of deceit and hypocrisy are beneath
Sixth—The North Star demonstrates the universal you, close under your lee are the rocks of perdition.
harmony and stability of the works of the Grand Archi- Now my illustrious brother, is the auspicous moment,
tect of the Universe. In fact the whole planetary system place your trust in the Great Architect of Heaven and
presents a field worthy the attention of the whole civi- Earth, take justice for yoir Polar Star, prudence at the
Iized population of the globe, and more particularly the helm, temperance for your guide, let your sails fill with
members of the masonic institution—which was orig- the gentle breeze of charity and you will in the end
inally a school of science. find yourself moored in that peaceful harbor, where
Each and every planet has by the Grand Architect of the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at
the Universe been assigned to ~omedefinite position and rest. (Shuts the case of instrumenta.)
all of them so arranged b’y divine wisdom to act in con- My brother, apply these to all things, moral, mental,
cert with each oth&; the combination of which pro- social, religious and political and then we will be proud
duces to our view an arrangement, the extent of which of you as a Grand Master Architect, to which dignity
the human mind cannot comprehend. Some of them are you are now admitted and to which you are now de-
designed to shed light to this planet, earth, and among voted, which will procure you knowledge sufficient to
those and the greatest of all is the Sun which spreads take away the veil from before your eyes which yet re-
light and lustre to all within its circle. mains there and will enable you to arrive at the perfect
You, my worthy brother, having passed through the and sublime degree. By practicing the many valuable
intermediate degrees and having been endorsed by lessons you have learned in the preceding grades, and
these Grand Master Architects who now surround you, above all the study of geometry, and by making virtue
and among whom you are now admitted a member, it your guide through the journey through life, we hope
and trust that you will be fitted for the dirties of a
Grand Master Architect, and gain admission into the

secret place where you may rest from your labors, and
with joy unspeakable, contemplate the pillar of beauty.
My brother, the history of the degree which you have
just now taken is short. [would merely say to you that
masonic traditiQn informs us that King Solomon es- CLOSING CEREMONIES
tablished this grade with a view to forming a school of GRAND MASTER ARCHITECT.
Architecture for the instruction of the craftsmen em-
ployed in the building of the temple and to animate Most Powerful—Brother Inspector, give me the sign?
them with a desire of arriving at perfection in the Inspector—( Gives it.)
Royal Art.’” He was a prince equally renowned for his Most Powerful—(Opens his ease of instruments and
justice, wisdom and foresight; he therefore desired to says:) Let us work, (all the brethren present arrange
reward the faithful and meritorious craftsmen, so that their instruments on the table three by three.)
by perfection in the Art, they might be better prepared Most Powerful—(Puts his left hand on the comp.i-~
to approach the throne of God. of proportion, leaning on his right.) Brother Inspedoi
do you know only this work?
He accordingly, for this purpose cast his eyes ~ipon Inspector—I comprehend another.
the Grand Masters of the workmen. The Sublime Most Powerful—Give me the token.
Knights Elected as persons properly qualified to assist Inspector— (Advances and gives it.)
him in preparing for the fulfillment of the promise Most Powerful—Give me the pass-word.
made to Enoch, to Moses and to David, that in the full- Inspector—Rab.
nes of time, God would dwell in a axed temple and that Most Powerful—Go on, Brother Inspector.
his name should be there. Inspector—Ba.
Thus my brother, ends the degree of Grand Master Most Powerful—Make an end.
Architect. Inspector—Naim.
Most Powcrful—(Makes a triangle with his compacs
Nots 110.—If I were to deSne qFreemasonry as I ahould any that
it ~us an art which taugi~t the construction of a spiritual temple. Just and rule and says,) my dear brethren, we will finish.
na the art of arebitecture teaches the conatruction of a material temple. All—(Replace tTieir instruments in their cases) we
And I should Illustrate the train of tdeaa by which the Freemasons were
led to symbolise the Temple of Solomon as a spiritual temple of mans finish.
usture, hy borroidug the language ~ St. Peter. wbo says to his Christiun
initiates: ‘Ye also. ~s Uyeiy atones, are built up a spiritual house. • And Most Powerful—Brother Inspector, what’s the hour?
with great emphacia. and me attli more illustesti,e, would I cite the
language of the Apostle of the Gentiles—that Apostle who, of all others,
moat delighted in symbolism and who aaya. •Know ye not that ye are the
Inspector—The two principles are reconciled, and
temple of God, and that the spirIt of God dweileth In you?,, beauty is generated, the morning star has risen.
And this is the reason why Freemasonry is called an art. Most Powerful—(Strikes 0 00.) Brother Inspedor
Baying thus determined the conditions under which Freemasonry be-
comes an art the next inquiry will be why it has been distinguIshed give notice that this Chapter is closed.
from all other arts In being designated. par szo.l1.nss. the Loyal hit. Inspector—(Strikes 0 00.) Brethren you will please
And here we must abandon all thought that this title comes in any
way from the connection of Freemasonry pith earthly monarchs—from take notice that this Chapter is closed.
the patronage or the membership of kings. Freemasonry obtains no addi-
tion to its intrinsic yalue from a connection with the political hesds of
states. Kings, when they enter within its sacred portsls. are nolonlet
Junior Warden—(Strikes 0 00.) Brethren you will
hinge. but brethren.”—Nankey’s Xnoyelopaedia of FresmasoarT, Artiab please take notice that this Chapter is closed.
Ley~ hit.
All give the sign and the Chaptcr is closed.
lodge, would compare favorably with other town, and
lodges in the country, and Judge Whitney testified that
there were upright citizens who were members of that
lodge; yet, to put mathematical instruments in the
hands of any lodge in the United States, with a view to
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS learn or practice the science of geometry or architecture
would be simple bald imposture; an imposition which
TWBLFIH Duouz OR GRAND MASTER A3OHITRO~. would justify the belief that the men who practiced it
Masonic .Toua.Soolery and Sbam—The Imposition of Pretended Sciantlie had other, ulterior and sinister objects, which they were
Inatruetion—Objact in Falsifying History. seeking to conceal by so shallow a pretense.
Macoy (Note 107) declares this degree “purely scien- The only rational object and use of this Twelfth De-
tific.” And, though the lodge is still called a Chapter pee is that it gives a drill requiring the candidate b~
by the clerical inventors, mathematical instruments give the signs of the French degrees from the Fourth
and columns representing the five orders of architecture up to the Twelfth; to unify and strengthen the impos-
are introduced, and the lodge-master, now called “Most ture, an object kept constantly in view.
Powerful,” opens a case of instrumenti upon a table It is noticeable that no prayer is inserted in this de-
surrounded by members and says: “Let us work.” gree; not even to the “Grand Architect,” Adonai, or
And after their going through some ceiemonial shams, other impudent substitutes for..the Bible names of God,
says: “We will finish.” And all respond, “We finish ;“ which appear in the prayers or this rite.
and put up their instruments. Now to see that thia is It is noticeable also that The Most Powerful calls
mere tom-foolery and sham, one has only to look on a Masonry, “The Royal Art,” a title given it by Charles
Masonic procession and~see who compose it. II, (see Rebold, p. 54,) which leads Mackey (Note 110)
Judge Daniel sH. Whitney, of Belvidere, Boone to a dishonest attempt to disprove the true historic
County, Ill., while Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 60 source of that title, because, forsooth, kings who join
in that place7wrole to the Grand Master of the Grand the lodge are only “brethren.”
Lodge of Illinois a letter dated July 6, 1861, in which And yet, Mackey himself, in his articles on Rameag,
he says: Stuart Masonry, etc., gives abundant proof that our
“I find myself associated as a Mason with drunkards, Scottish Rite sprung up in France, where and when
blackguards, loafers, gamblers, whore-masters and mur- “the lodges were composed of Scotch conspirators and
derers.” accomplices of the Jeauits.” (Art. Stuart Masonry.)~
And being tried for this and other statementi, Judge That they by Masonry restored Charles and Popery to
Whitney gave in proof facts, from the criminal records the British throne, and that Ramaay altered Masonry
of the county, etc. Now the town of Belvidere and its to suit the French nobility, and that the title “Royal

Art,” given Masonry by Charles, was adopted and used

in that French system, sent here by Mann; and that
our American Masonry u that system. And this

attempt to obliterate the meaning of the title, “Royal

Art,” in this degree, to make the lodge popular in our
Republic, by denying its history and well known source CHAPTER XXI
is a part of its one grand system of fraud and falsifica-

Mackey’s home was Charleston, S. C., the seat of the
Pike Suprema Council, whose rite was brought there by
Morin from a “Council of Emperors” in Paris. And
the attempt to obliterate the Romish and “Royal” Origin
of the Scottish Rite can only succeed by abolishing his-
tory. As well attempt to prove that its Supreme Coin-
mandcr, Pike, did not fight against the United States This is an important arid interesting grade ~n the
flag at Pea Ridge; and that “Empire” was not the ob- ineffable series for this reason; the more a Freemason
ject of the secession rebellion. progresses in the study and practice of his Sublime Art
the more he feels a desire to penetrate Ihe secrets of
nature and to approach us Divine Author. Matters
that have only been obscurely hinted at and darkly
shadowed forth in the preceding grades, in this, rapidly
U culminate towards the development of the grand mys-
tery of masonry, fully explained in the Sublime Degree
of Perfection.
The dark clouds and mists that have hitherto veiled
the sacred mysteries now begin to be dispelled; the
glorious dawn illumines the East with its bright efful-
gence and its rays penetrate into dark and hidden places.
Vote IU.—”floyal Aich Masonry. That dl,Ision of specnlati,e Vasonry
whicb Is engaged in the investigation of the mysteries connected with the
Royal Arch, no matter undcr what name or in what Rite. Thus the
mysteries of the Knight at the Ninth Arch constitute the Royal Arch
uasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottiah Rite Just as much as those
of the Royal Arch of Zeruhhebei do the Royal Arch of the York end
American Rites.’ —Mackeys Encyclopaedia of Freemaaonry, Article Royal
h,ch Masonry.
In this degree, the candidate travels successively The third officer represents Jabulum or ~~abulOna~ the
Through the Nine mystic Arches of the First Cause or Grand Treasurer, seated in the North, clothed in a blue
Principle, Existence, God, Immortality, Fortitude, robe, and wearing round his neck a white ribbon from
Toleration, Power, Mercy and Joy, which is the term of which is suspended a Golden Key; on the ribbon is pain-
every successful. labor. ted the initials 3. :.V. ~I. .0. ~.L.’.meaning 1’nveni Ver-
This degree is closely connected with that which bum in ore leonts.
follows it, and forms a beautiful, solemn and impressive The fourth officer represents Joabert, seated in the
introductory to it. South, and is styled Grand Secretary; is clothed in blue.
DECORATIONS :—This assembly is styled a College,
The fifth officer represents Stolkin, seated in the
West, and is styled Grand Inspector. He is clothed in a
and as much as possible ought to be holden in a most
secret place, a vault under ground without doors 6r win- blue robe, wearing the order and jcwel, with a sword ii
dows; in the centre of the top of said vault must be a his hand.
Not less than three can be initiated at one time.
trap door large enough to admit a man. The vault is
supported by nine arches, on each of which is written All the other brethren are clothed in black robes and
one of the following names: Principium, Existens, Po- caps, with the apron, order and jewel of the degree.
tens, Eternitas, In.finitum, Solus~ Misericors, Sapientia, APRON :—Purple silk, bordered with white, on it a
Juatus. triangle.
SASH :—A broad purple ribbon, worn from the right
This college should be hung with red and white hang-
ings and illuminated by nine lights; three in the East, shoulder to the left hip, (in some lodges instead of the
sash a collar of the same color is worn) to which is sus-
three in the West and three in the South.
pended the jewel.
TITLES :—T here mnst be five officers in the college.
JEWEL :—A Golden Triangle, on one side of which is
The Master seated in the East under a canopy, repre- engraved the Delta of Enoch with rays; on the other
sents Solomon, and is styled Thrice Puissant Grand the trap-door of a vault.
Master. He is clothed in a yellow robe, over which he
Not. 1IS.—”Zahelon. The Greek form of Zehulun. the teuth s~,b ..f
wears a royal mantle of blue satin; a crown is upon his Jacob. Delannay (ThuInane. p. 79) says that some rituallats suppose that
head and a scepter in his hand; he also wears the order it is the true form of the word of which abnlnm is a corruption. This
is incorrect. Jahulum Is a corrupt form of Giblim. Saholon has no con.
and jewel. nection with the high degrees. azcept that in the Royal Arch ha represent,
one of the stones in the Pectoral. —Maoka~’s Ene~e1easi1a of Vise.
The second officer represents Hiram King of Tyre, masonry, Aetisi. Zabulo..
seated on the left of Solomon, clothed in a purple robe,
over which he wears a yellow mantle, together with the
order and jewel; a crown is upon his head and a sword
in his hand.

Inspect or—A golden triangle, replenished with a
great light, on which was engraved by Enoch, the great
and mysterious name of the Great Architect of the
Unii erse.
OPENING CEREMONIES Thrice Puissant—Who are you.
Inspector—I am what I am, my name is—.
ROYAL ARC H’’ DEGREE. Thrice Puissant—Do you know the true pronuncia-
Thrice Puissant—Brother Inspector, what place tion of the name of the Great Architect of the Universe?
we in? Inspector—It is a sacred name only known by the
Inspector—Thrice Puissant, we are in the most sa- Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons.
cred place in the earth. Thrice Puissant—What is your quality?
Thrice Puissant—How came you in this sacred place?
Inspector—By an effect of providence. Inspector—A Knight of the Royal Arch.
Thrice Puissant—Explain this to me. Thrice Puissant—how were you received in this de-
Inspector—I dug in the ancient ruins of Enoch.155 gree?

penetrated through nine arches un- Inspector—Solomon in company of hiram King of
der ground, and in the end I found Tyre, to recompense my zeal and constancy, created me
the Delta which God had promised
the Holy Patriarchs should be into this degree, ~ith Joahert and Stolkin my compan-
found in fullness of time. ions.
Delta. Thrice Puissant—Have you anything else to desire?
Thrice Puissant—What is the Delta? Inspector—Yes, the Sublime Masonry known by the
Note 112.—”The history of the degree has been a subject of much die.
pute. but all agree that it is the birth of the 18th century. The best
name of Perfection.
subetautiated theory is tbat to~ the learning and talent of Chevalier Thrice Puissant—God may perhaps permit one day
Ramsey, tutor to James the Second. the germ of the degree is due. and
that its origin must he set at about the year A. D. 1740. The peculiar that your wishes may be accomplished, and recompense
form of the degree differs~greatiy in different countries, we hove the
sutberity of tbe masonic traveler. K. 0 Cooke, that the English Royal you according to your deserts.
Arch system has no other resemblance to the American form th~zi the
one word which conatitutes the mystic key to the whole; that in bbstor~. Thrice Puissant—(Strikes five; 00 000. All rise and
purposes, order of succession, terms, paraphernalia and obligations the
two are radically different In all countries it is esteemed as the oem.
piement of the Master Masons degree.—Morrbs Masonlo Dictionary.
form a circle round the Ark.)
Article Royal Arch Mason. Thrice Puissant—Let us pray.
Note 114.—”Enocb. The degeneracy Of uankind became so great be-
fore the flood, end their perveralons cE pert antediluvian Masonry an
grievous, that. s~cording to our tradlth,ns. gijoch feared the geaulne PUAYER.
secrets would be lost and awaliosued • in the predicted deluge. To
prevent which he hid ibe grand secret. engraven on a uhite oriental Great Architect of the Universe, adorable God in all,
porphyry stone. in the bowels oS the earth; end being apprehcnaiee that
the morality end science wbich had been embodied in Freemasonry with be so kiuid and exact our desires in this moment when
inch care would be absorbed in the gensfal destruction, to preserve the
principles of the science. he huilt two puller. near the spot where they we beg thy divine goodness. In thyself is the true wis-
were concealed, with an inscription in hieroglyphics. importing that nenr it
was a precious treasure, which had been dedicntcd to Ond “—Maccys dom to which we aspire, and by the strength of thy
Zaoyelopeedla sad Distisnazy of Vreemae~av, Article Enoch.

favor we may hope for thy wisdom which shall make

the beauty we dare to consecrate to them: That is to
say, its beauty may purify our hearts in which we de-
sire continually that you may reside. Amen.
Thrice Pui4ant—(Strike~ ive; 00 000 with his
Hiram King of Tyre—( Strikes five; 00 000; with his
Inspector—(Strikes five; 00 000 with his hands.)
Treasurer—(Strikes five; 00 000 with his hands.) INITIATION.
Secretary—(Strikes five; 00 000 with his hands.)
Solomon and Hiram now kneel down at the Delta or Master of Ceremonies prepares the candidates in the
Ark, with the sign of admiration, after a little while ante-room as Grand Master Architects.
they help each other and rise; and all the brethren Master of C~emonies—(Knocks five; 00 000.)
Inspector—Most Thrice Puissant, there is an alarm
kneel and make sign of admiration. at the door.
Thrice Puissant—(Strikes one; 0. All help and raise Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, ascertain the cause
each other.) uf that alarm.
Thrice Puissant—Brother Inspector, give notice that Expert—(Goes to the door, knocks two and three,
this Royal College is open. then opens the door.) Who knocks at the door of our
Inspector—Brethren you will please take notice tJiaL college to interrupt our deliberations?
this Royal College is open. Master of Ceremonies—These three whose names are
Thrice Puissant—(Strikes one; 0. All ~etire to their Toub, Bahani, Hamelabel; Light, Labor and Affection,
places.) aspire to recover the true name of God, which has re-
mained buried for ages under the ruins caused by
superstition and despotism.
Expert—Are they willing to descend into the bowels
of the earth to seek for the treasure?
Master of Ceremonies—They are.
Note 115.—’Rclal Arab of hasay. The system of Royal Arch
Masonry invented early in the last century by the Chevalier Ramsey. it
Was the first fahrlcatlon of the Royal Arch degree in an independent
form, and, although rejected by the English bisanna. ha heen adopted
as the heals of the system in many of the continental Rites. The thir-
teenth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rita is ioobahiy p
very fair representation of it, at least substantially. it ezeroisect some
Influence also upon Dermoit and Duockerley In their oompn~Ition ef their
Royal Arch a/stems. —Machays Ineyclogeedia of Jrsamaseesy, Artisle
inqaL Arab a £sma~s
Expert—(Shuts the door.) Thrice Puissant, there are Thrice Puissant—My brethren, Enoeh” before the
in the ante-room three brethren who aspire to recover flood, desiring to preserve the knowledge of thc name of
the true name of God, which has remained buried for God for future ages, and hoping that one day the de-
ages under the ruins caused by superstition and despot- scendants of Noah might be able and worthy of learn-
ing it, built a sacred vault in the bowels of the earth,
closed the entrance with a key-stone and marked the
Thrice Puissant—What are their names? spot by means of two pillars, Strength and Beauty.
Expert—Toub, Bahani and Hamelabel; Light, Labor On the pillar of Beauty, he inscribed the methods of-
~nd Affection. Art, and on the pillar of Strength, he inscribed the rules
Thrice Puissant—Are they willing to descend into the of moral action.
bowels of the earth to scek for the treasure? In the vault below, lie had placed the Cubic Stone of
Expert—They are, Thrice Puissant. Wisdom, by which a knowledge of the name of the
Thrice Puissant—Let them be admitted. Great Architect of the Universe niight be obtained.
Expet—(O pens the door.) Let them•be admitted. Heretofore, my brcthren, you have not been able to
Mastcr of Cerernonies—(Enters with the candidates open the sacred vault which is symbolized by the Holy
md conducts them to the Altar.) Thrice Puissant, I Ark before you. If your intentions are good, your mind
~‘iavethe pleasure of introducing to you three, brethren, clear and your hands diligent, God will permit you to
whose names are, Toub, Bahani, Ilanielabel; Light La- remove thc key-stone and penetrate the depths.
bor and Affcetion, who aspire to recover the true name of Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you u~ill now cause
God, 3vhicli has remained buried for ages under the one of the candidates to remove thc lid of the Ark, and
ruins caused by superstition and despotism. lift the first of the Arches. (Which is done.)
Thrice Puissant—How can thcy hope to find it, bro- Expert—Principiurn.
ther Inspector? Thrice Puissant—God is tne principle, the owner of
Inspector—With ~eetion for their motives, thought all things, the great supreme cause and Universal Fa-
for their guide and labor as their means, they hope to ther.
rcmove the ruins and penetrate the depths which conceal Thrice Puissant—Brother Expcrt, you will now cause
the treasure they covet. ne of the candidates to lift the second of the Arches.
Thrice Puissant—Brethreu, you are at liberty to per- (Which is done.)
form the ~ork you propose, and may the Great Archi-
tect of the Universe crown your efforts with success. Note l16.—”Enoch. (Sootch Kasonryl—The name of thi, patrIarch is
liatriatuied in Scotch Idosonry In the decree of Knights of the Ninth 07
Brother Expert, lead the candidates to the place of Royal Arch. lie was born A Ii. 622. and was translated witbout seeing
death. A. it i)87 lie is fahied to have built a ,.nhtprranean temple upon
neareh. the npot afterwards known as hit lturiiih. This he dedicated to Ged.
Therein tic dip. aited the Se. rein of incituile ~t.,su.,ry. ehich remolned
(Expert leads the candidates to the East in front of unitiscorered ut Ii the days if Sulomon lie is,, ia lit t~ o great nitiara.
respeutively of brass end marble and upon theni indicatod by hieroglyphics
the fact that the smered treasures lay beneath —Mnrraa~a Masonic Die-
the Ark of Alliance.) Usmary. Article Eacek.
Expert—Ezistena. Thrice Puissant—God is love, his unbounded and
Thrice Puissant—-God is life; in him we live and have inexhaustable mercy is our trust and our hope, and
our being. giveth joy throv.ghout the Universe.
Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause
one of the candidates to lift the third of the Arches. one of the candidates to lift the eighth of the Arches.
(Which is done.) (Which is done.)
Expert—P ens. Expert—Sapientiez.
Thrice Puissant—God is power, all. things are subject Thrice Puissant—God is wisdom, he knoweth all
to his unlimited dominion and irresistible strength. things, past, present and future, and there is no mystery
Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause unknown to him, fo~ his understanding is the arch of
one of the candidates to lift the fourth of the Arche.. nature.
Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause
(Which is done.) one of the candidates to lift the ninth of the arches.
Experi—Eternalis. (Which is done.)
Thrice Puissant—God is eternal, without beginning Expert—Justus.
and without end, unto him the past, the present and the Thrice Puissant—God is justice, his mercy and truth
future are one. giveth the weight on onq side, and on the other, his
Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause judgments are perfect.
one of the candidates to lift the fifth of the Arches. Expert—(Raises his hands in admiration, bends the
knee to the ground and exclaims,) Jehovah.
(Which is done.) Thrice Puissant—My brethren, when of old, the
Experi—Infinitum. chosen three had traveled the nine arches, tthey
Thrice Puissant—God is infinite, he dwelleth in all, adant
Dome andon
beheld the caine to
with all, and beyond all. He is the centre which hath Delta, whichupon
the the
true Cube
of the Great Archi-
tect of the Universe was impressed in letters of dazzling
no circumference. He is the light which shines in every light, they fell on their knees, made the signs of admira-
direction, without measure or limit. tion and. exclaimed, Jehovah, as you have done. But
Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now cause they were not able to pronounce the ineffable name.
one of the candidates to lift the sixth of the Arches. Nevertheless they hastened to inform Solomon and Hi-
(Which is done.) ram King of Tyre of their wonderful discovery, and the
Expert—Solus. two kings caused the Cube Stone and Delta to be placed
Thrice Puissant—God is one. Than him there is no in a sacred vault of nine Arches similar to the ancient
other. His design and will are single and immutable. one. This sacred vault was beneath the temple im-
mediately under the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of
Thrice Puissant-Brother Expert, you will now cause Alliance was preserved.
one of the candidates to lift the seventh of the Arches. Note 1SY.—”Ouhiosl Utous. This symbol is called by the Vueaeh
(Which is done.) Masons p1mm euhisue and by the German ouhik stein. It is the Perfect
Ashier of the Unglish and American systems. See Ashlaw. le,feet.’—
Expert-Misericora. Mashers ~qeIopeedia of lreemasoury. Artiels Ouhital Eteas.
And to reward the three discoverers of.the lost word, power in me vested as Thrice Puissant Grand Matder
he appointed them the guardians of the inestiniable of this Royal Lodge, I do hereby proclaim you Knights
treasure. Are you willing to accept the office? ‘of the Royal Arch, and faithful guardians of the Sacred
Expert—We are. Treasure. Arise Sir Knights, [greet you.
Thrice Puissant—Brethren, the Great Architect of Thrice Puissant—Brother Expert, you will now con-
the Universe hith done you the greate-t of favors, it is duct the candidates to our brother Inspector in the West.
him who hath chosen you to discover the most precious who will invest them with the secrets of ibis degree, as
treasure of masons, and you are his elected. T give you a reward for their labors.
joy of it. Brother Expert you will now eonduet the can- Expert conducts them to the Inspector who gives
didates to the Altar, there to contract the most solemn them the sign.
obligation, and I will reward them for their labor.
raise the hands
I——do promise before the Great ArchiteeL of the
Universe and this Puissant Royal Assembly, never to to heaven, the
reveal the secrets which are to be entrusted to me, es- head leaning on
pecially what is to be revealed to me of the sacred mys- the left shoulder,
teries. I promise to renew my zeal for masonry, and fall on the right
my friendship for my brethren, and never to separate ‘knee.
myself from this Ro•~al Lodge but by leave from the Second—Ado-
Most Powerful Grand Master, and of his Grand Officers.
] promise never to reveal or consent that a mason Tation, fall on
shall be received into this degree, but according to our both knees.
laws. I further promise to ~observe at all times, the
Statutes and Regulations which shall be prescribed to First Sign. Royal Arch.

me by this Royal L~dge and to acknowledge at all times

the Council of Prinees of Jerusaleni and of the Royal
Secretary for the Sovereign Chief of the Royal Art, it TOKEN.
furnished with authentic title, and submit myself to
their decrees, to sign my submission to the most authen- Place your hands beneath the other’s
tic act of it. arms, as if to help him to rise, saying
And if I fail in this, my present engagement, I con.
sent to suffer all the pains of all my former obligations, at the same time, Be of Good Cheer.
my body to be exposed as food to the ferocity of the The other returns the token, saying
wild beasts. Jabulum.
Go God help me in righteousness and equity.
Thrice Puissant—By virtue of the authority and
BATTERY :—Five strokes, by two and three; 00 000. characters and a flaming light around it, which he had
SACRED WORD :—Jehovah. seen before.
HOURS OP LABOR :—From evening until morning. Enoch being full of the spirit of the most high God,
Inspector—Brother Expert, you will now conduct the built a temple under ground and dedicated it to God,
brethren to the East, to listen to the discourse by tho accompanied with nine arches, one above the other, in
Grand Orator. the same form as that he had seen in his dream.
Methuselahise the son of Enoch, constructed the build-
DISCOURSE BY GRAND ORATOR. ing without being acquainted with his father’s motives.
My brethren, it is my intention at this time to give This happened in that part of the world which was
you a cl.earer account than you have yet been acquainted afterwards called the land of Canaan, and since known
with of masonry, of which at present you barely know by the name of the Holy Land. Enoch”’ caused a trian-
the elements. In doing this, it will be necessary to ex- gular plate of gold to be made, each side of which was a
plain to you some circumstances of very reronte antiq- cubit long. He enriched it with the most precious stones
uity. Enoch,’” son of Jared, was the sixth son in descent and encrusted the plate upon a stone of agate of the
from Adam and lived in the fear and love of his God. same form. He then engraved upon it the ineffable
God appeared unto him in a dream and spoke to him by characters and placed it on a triangular pedestal of
inspiration and communicated to him as follows: As white and black marble, which he deposited in the
thou art desirous of knowing my name, follow me and deepest arch. When Enoch’s temple was completed, he
I will acquaint and teach thee. After this a mountain made a door of stone and put a ring of iron therein by
seemed to rise to the heavens, and Enoch”’ was carried which it might be occasionally raised, and placed it over
there, when God showed him a golden triangular plate, the opening of the arch, that the matters enclosed there-
enlightened brilliantly ~nd his ever blessed name en- in might be preserved from the universal destruction
graved thereon in Hebrew characters. He gave strict Note 110.—Wa son. Methuselah. constructed the building, although
orders never to pro~nounee it. he was not acquainted with his fathers moUves Lot the erection. This
temple consisted of nine brick Yanits, situated perpendicularly beneath
After that Enoch seemed to be carried under ground each other and communicating by apcrtures left in the arch of each
perpendicularly through nine arches, and in the ninth yagit.’ —Machey’s Enoyciopeadla of Yreemaeoary, Article Zuoch.
Note 1*l,—”Enocb then caused a triangular plate of gold to be made.
arch he ~aw the tame brilliant plate with the same each aide of which was a cuhit long, he enriched it with the most precious
Note 11S,—”Znoch. Though the Scriptures furnish hut a meagre se- stones and encrusted the plate upon a atone of agate of the mm. form.
count nf Enoch. the traditions of Freemas.,nry closely
theconnect him. by
institution. On the plate he engra,sd. in ineffabie characters, the true name of Deity,
itumerous circumaiauc’ea. with the cans historj of and, placing It on a cuhical pedestal of white marble, he deposited the
Mackay’s Encyclopaedia of rreemasonq, Artic a Eacek. whole within the deepest arch.
Note 1l9.—”’The circumstances which ocurred at that time are recorded when this aubterransan building was completed he made a door of
~n a tndition which forms uhot hus icli culled the great Masonic stone, and, attaching to It a ring of Iron. by which it might be occasion-
‘Legend of 5noch.’ and nhirh runs to this effect ally raised, he placed it over the opening of the uppermost arch, and so
Hooch, being inspired hy the licat High. e,i,i in cowmemoratiou of a
wonderful yision. heilt a ten,i~ie under ground end dedicated it c God. covered it over that the aperture could not be discovcreL Ruoch himself
—Machey’s Encyclopaedia ct r-eamaaanry, Article Eanch. was not permitted to enter it but once a year.”—Mackey’s Znc~o1cpeedia
etirsemaacnry. Article R~ooh.
impending, and none but Enoch’” knew of the treasure the marble pillar hieroglyphics, signifying that there
which the arches contained. And behold the wickedness was a most precious treasure concealed in the Arches
of mankind increased niore and became grievous in the under ground, which he had dedicated to God.
sight of the Lord, and God threatened to destroy the And he engraved on the pillar of brass, the principles
whole world. of the liberal arts, particularly of masonry. Methuselah
Enoch”’ perceiving that the knowledge of the Arts was the rather of L*imech who was the father of Noah,
was likely to be lost in the general dcstruetion, and be- who was a pious and good man, and beloved by God.
ing desirous of preserving the principles of the sciences And the Lord spake unto Noah, saying: “Behold, I will
for the posterity of those whom God should be pleased punish the sins of mankind with a general deluge. There-
to spare, built two great pillars on the top of the high-
“‘ fore build an ark capable of containing thyself and fam-
est mountain; the one of brass, to withstand water, the ily as also a pair of every living creature upon earth,
other of marble, to withstand fire, and he engraved on and those only shall be saved from the general destruc-
tion which I sin about to inflict for the iniquities of the
Note ifl.—”A uriter in the Freemason’s Quarterly Review soya, on
this auhiect, that “ it aecuip pruhshie that Enuch introductd the speenle’ people.”
tive principles into the Masonic creed. and thai he orIginated its ixciusive
character,” which theory moat be take.,, if it is accepted at all. nith And God gave unto Noah”’ a plan by which the Ark
very considerable modititationa.
The )ears of his life may aiso be supposed to contain a mystic meaning. was to be constructed. Noah was one hundred years in
for they amounted to thrt’e hundred and sixty’llve. being ex4ctiy equni
to a aniar revoiution. in sli the ancient rites this unmht’r has occupied a building the Ark; he was six hundred years old when it
prominent place, because it uss the represenlative of the annual course
of ihat tuminiry uhi, h. as the great froetiller o~ ihe earth, was the was finished, and his son, Seth, was ninety-nine. His
peculiar object of divine norahip. “—Mackeys Encyolopsedia of Freema-
sonry, Artiole Enoch. father, Lainech, had died a short time before, aged 7i l~
Note i23.—”Enoch hitoseif is but the symbol of initiatIon, and his years. There was not at this time any of the ancient
iegend is intended sy,uboiicaiiy to express the dot trim’ that the irue
Word or diviun ti nib it its ~ireserved in the antleut i,,itlatlo,ta. ‘‘—Mackeys
Epoyciopaedia of Freemasonry. Article Enoch, Legend of,
patriarchs living save Methuselah, the grandfather of
Note 134,—The legend goea~on io’~inform us that after Enoch had Noah, who was about 969 years old, and it is supposed
conipieted the subterraittun temple. tearing that the principics of those
arts and ecininwes uhitli he bad coitivateil nith so much aaaiduity would that, he perished in the general ruin.
be l’tst in ibtit general ditltruction of which he had re(elvt’d a prophetic
vision, he erected tao pillars—the one of marble to withstand the influ- The Ark being finished, Noah agreeable to the instruc-
ence of lire, and the other of brass, to resist the action of aster. On
the pliiar of brass he engraved the history of the creation. ihe prineipiea tions he had received from the Most High, went into it
of the arts and ci leuces. and the doctrines of Speculative e’reemaaonry
as they acre pructited in his times: and on the one of marhie he with his family, and took with him such things as he
inscribed characters In hlerogij phics. Importing that hear the spot where
the~ stood a precious iretisure usa dt’poslted in a sobterranean fault. was commanded. The flood took place in the year of
Josephus girt’s on account of these plilars in the itrat book of his An-
tiquities. lie aawll,es them to the children of Seth. ahith is hj no Note hiI.—’iloah. in all the old Masonic manuscript Constitutions
means a contradli tion of the Masonic tradition, since Enoth was olin of that are extant, Noah and the flood play an important part of the ‘Legenti
these children. ‘1’het lb Ir inventions.’ says .the historian. ‘might not of the Craft.’ Hence. sa the Masonic system heeaine developed, the
be lust before they uui.rt’ aulilelently knoati. upon Adam’s prediclion Patriareb was looked upon as what was called a patron of Masonry. And
that thi’ world ntis to he destroyed at one lime by the force of fire and this connection of Noah with the mythie history of the Order was reD’
hit another time hr the violeitte nod quantity of water, they made two dered still eloser by the Infijence of many symbols borrowed from the
pill irs—the one of hrick. the other of atone: they inscribed their dis- Aukite worship, one of the moat predominant of the ancient falibs. So
coteries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed latimately were incorporated the legends of Noah with the legends of
by the flood, the piiiar of atone might remain and exhibit those dis- Ussonry that Freemasons began, at length, to be culled, and are still
corci lea 10 mutiklnd. and also Inform them that there was another pills, jiled ‘Nosehidac,’ or the descendante of Noah, a term first applied by
of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Sirlad to this Anderson. and very frequently used at the present day. ‘—Mackey’s Zn-
dat.” ‘—Maskey’s Encyclopaedia of rreamsaoary, Article Enoch. welcpsedia of lreemasoniy, Article Noah.

the world 1656, ~nd destroyed most of the superb mon~i-

him and then gave him the true pronunciation of his
znents of antiquity, Holy name by which he woul~d always be invoked.
The marble pillar of Enoch fell in the general destruc- It was at this time that Moses replied, “Who Mi
tion, but by divine permission the pillar of brass with- Thou?” .“Godsaid ‘Wk4 fl’fl~4 ~I’flt4is mytrue name,
stood the water1by which means the ancient state of the I sin a strong and zealous God.”
liberal art. and particularly Masonry has been handed Solomon being the wisest of princes had fully in
down to us, remembrance the promises of God to Mose5, that some
of his successors ml fullness of time should discover his
We learn from Holy Writ the history of succeeding holy name, and his wisdom inspired him to believe that
times till the Israelites became slaves to the Egyptians, this could not be accomplished until he hqd erected to
from which bondage they were freed under the conduct the living God a temple in which he might deposit the
of Moses their leader to go and take the promised land. precious treasure. Accordingly Solomon began to build
We also learn from the annals of those that were found in the fourth year of his reign, agreeable to the p1st
in the archives of Scotland, that in a certain battle the ~ven him by David, his father, upon the Ark of alliance,
Ark of Alliance was.lost. in a forest and the same was He chose a spot for this purpose, the most beautiful and
healthy in all Jerusalem.
found again by the roaring of a Lion who cessed to roar On digging for the foundation of Solomon’s temple,
and crouched on the approach of the Israelites. Said lion they found an ancient ruin of a very large edifice and
had a short time before devoured a great number of the a quantity of riches, such as Vases, Gold and Silver
Egyptians who had attempted to carry away the same. Urns, Marble Porphyry, Jasper and Agate Columns,
The lion keeping in his mouth the Key of the Ark, and with a number of precious stones which were all carried
on the approach of the High Priest he dropped the Key to Solomon.
This virtuous King presuming that on that spot be-
and retired at a distance, crouching and tame, not offer- fore the deluge perhaps, a temple had been erected and
ing the least violence to ~,hechosen people. fearing it had been dedicated to the service of some
The same Divine ~historyparticularly informs us of false God, and fearing lest the true name of Deity might
the different movements of the Israelites until they be- be profaned in that place, he would not build there,
came possessed of the land of promise and of the suc- after which they were unable to find any more precious
ceeding events until Divine providence was pleased to treasure.
gave the sceptre to David, who though fully determined The temple of Solomop was built am we are instructed
by masonry and as we know by the melancholy death
to build a temple to the Most High, could never begin; of Hiram Abiff.
that honor being reserved for his son. Solomon in building, caused to be erected under
The Bible also instructs us that Moses was well ground a cavern of nine arches, and which he named the
beloved of God and that he spoke to him on Mount Sinai Secret Vault. In this sacred vault he caused to be de-
in a burning bush and communicated to him his Divine posited a triangular pedestial of white and black marble
Laws, and many promises renewing an alliance with with the ineffable name of Deity encrusted thereon, on
a triangular plate the ssme as was deposited by Enoch.
known to the two Kings and the deceased. These
This Solomon called by inspiration the pillar of beauty, brethren went to the two Kings and entreated tllem to
for reason of the beautiful arch which t supported, and introduce them into that secret place. When the two
the sacred treasure which pros idciice had debigned to be Kings were renewing their alliance, Solomon answerea
encrusted thereon. them with arms extended and head inclining, in this
the Sacred
To arrive at tlong
narrow Vault,
were arches
obligedfol-to way: “You cannot expect it, God will admit you one
of nine
pass throughanother day to the knowledge of wllat yOU now desire.”
lowing one by a eomiiimiieation under ground
from the palace of Solomon. Some days after Solomon sent for three Masters
To this place Solomon used to go in company of named Joabert, Stolkin and Guiblim arid gave them
Hiram King of Tyre snd Hiraiti Abiff privately, to orders to search once more in the ancient ruins where
enter on holy matters. they had already found many treasures, in hopcs of find-
The loss of Hiram Abiff deprived the two Kings of ing more.
this satisfaction as the number of tx~o ~tas insulficieiit to They departed to fulfill the King’s orders and after
enter there and as three were absolutely necessary. they arriving at the designatgd spot, Guiblim in working with
were at a lobs who they should choose to supply the place a pick-axe, met with a large iron ring. He at once hailed
of Hiram Abiff. Some Master Intendants, Sublime his companions and they concluded something of ex-
Elected Knights and Grand Niaster Architects wcre traordinary value must have been deposited there. The
informed of the presence of the King of Tyre at Je-
rusalem, and they were not ignorant of the fact that three brethren then labored with great ardour and zeal
when Hiram Abiff was alive that Solomon had a partic- with shovel and crow and cleared away the earth that
ular place under ground called the Secret Vault’” only covered the ring, when they found it was fixed to a per-
Nets 126.—vault, Secret, As a symbol, the Secret vault does not
feet square stone, which ‘vith great labor and pains they
present itaeif in the primary degrees or hissour) It is found oni, in
the high degreca, sach sa the Royal Arch of all the Rites, where it playa
raised and found it covered a most dismal great cell.
an important pan. Dr Oliver, in his Nistonoal Landmarks. (vol ii..
p. 434.1 gives. whiie referring to the building or the second Tempte. the
Guiblim proposed to descend, and for that purpose
following general detail of the Masonic legend of this vault
‘The foundations of the ‘i’emiile were opened, and cleared from the
they fixed a rope around his body and let him down, with
acLumulation or rubbish, that a level might he procured fur the rum-
meacement or the hoiidinh While engaged iu eacavatiout for this par.
the understanding that if he wished to be raised, he
poae. three fortunate sojourners are said to have discovered our ancient
stone of fonudation. nhicb had been deposited in the secret cr1 p1 by should make it manifest by shaking the rope. Guiblim
Wisdom, strength and Besot?, to prevent the communication or ineffable accordingly descended and found himself in an arched
secrets to profane or unworthy persons. The discovery having bee,, mm-
niunicated to the i,rince. prophet and priest or the Jews the stone vii.
adopted as the chief corner-stone of the reeditied building, and thus vault, in the pavement of which lie found another open-
became. In a new slid more expressive sense, the type of a more excel-
lent dispensation. An avenue was also accidentally discovered. sup-
ing. He descended into that, and there also he found
ported by seven pair of ililara. perfect and eutire. vihich. from their
situation, had esesped the fury of the finmea that bad consumed the TI-nt.
another opening through which he went, which brought
pie. sad the desolation of war that had destroyed the elty. The Se, ret
vault ~bich bid been built by Solomon as a seenre depository for rer- him into a third vault and made the like observation of
tam secrets thot would inevitably have been lost without some an, h
expedient for their preservation, communicated by a subterranean ave- a fourth opening but was afraid to pursue his search; he
nue with the kings palace; but at the destruction of Jerusalem the
entrance having been closed by the rubbish of falling buildings, it bad therefore shook the rope and ascended,
been discovered by the appearance of a keystone amongst the founda-
tions of the sanctum sauctorum. A careful Inspection was then made. He acquaInted his companions with the observations
and the invaluable secrets were placcd in safe custody. ‘—Maeksya
Eacyolopsadla of rre.maao~r7, Articl, vault. Secret. he had made and proposed they should descend in turns
to make further observations, but they positively refused. and both exclaimed, Hamaluhick Guiblim, that is co may:
Guiblim acc-ordingly descended on the following condi- Guiblim is a good man, we must keep and recompense
tions: that through every arch he would shake the rope him. They then examined the gold plate on which they
slightly, and if he wished to ascend he would shake the perceived some characters which they did not under-
rope violently. stand. Said plate was encrusted on the top of an agate
When he arrived in the sixth arch he shook the rope stone of the same form. They admired the plate with
and was hauled up again. He told Joabert and Stolkin respect and conceived that the characters meant the
that he had been in six arches and had observed an Sacred name of God, which name was only known to
opening to descend further, and proposed for one of Solomon, Hiram King of Tyre and Hiram Abuff. It
them to descend as he had worked hard and was afraid seemed to them that after the death of Hiram Abiff the
to venture. This however frightened Joabert and Stol- two Kings not being a sufficient number could never be-
kin so much that they absolutely refused to go down. stow this degree upon those who aspired thereto, bul
This raised the zeal of Guiblim, and with a lighted 11am- they hoped to receive it by the circumstances of theli
beau he descended on the former conditions. When he finding the precious treasure. They concluded to raise
was entering the ninth arch a parcel of the stone and the Cube Stone on which this golden plate was fixed and
mortar fell suddenly down from the top and his flambean carry it to Solomon. It was at break of day when they
went out when he perceived the rays of the sun penetrat- wived. The King of Tyre being with Solomon in his
ing lively, briskly and directly on a golden triangular apartment, who on beholding the precious treasure were
plate adorned richly round with precious stones, the struck with such admiration that they both mutually
brightness of which so affected Guiblim, it almost de- made the sign of admiration and fell on their knees.
prived of sight. He immediately made the sign of ad- Solomon first recovering from hip surprise and seeing
miration which was the same as Solomon and Hiram King Hiram still on his knees and not yet recovered,
King of Tyre had made&when they desired to be admit- Solomon raised him and said Hamaluhick Guiblim.
ted in the Sacred Y~ult and Sublime Degree. The two Kings examined the characters of the gold
Guiblim fell prostrate on his knees, his right hand plate and found it to be the ineffable name of God, but
before his eyes, his left behind his back. Shaking the could not explain any part thereof to the three elected.
rope three times, on which Joabert and Stolkin drew Solomon told them that the Great Architect of the Uni-
him up ani~ he recounted to them the amazing things ho ?erse had bestowed on them the most signal favor, and
had seen in the ninth arch. By this account to them had chosen them to discover the most precious and rare
they proposed to descend together by a rope ladder made treasure of masonry. You are his Elected and I wish
for that purpose. The three accordingly descended, in you joy! In recompense for their zeal, fervor and con-
the ninth arch and being amazed as was Guiblirn, they stancy he created them Knights of the Royal Arch, as
also fell prostrate thereat, and after having got the they were the only ones that discovered the same and
better of their surprise they went and raised Guiblim by which discovery the arch was called the Royal Arch.
He also promised to give them an interpretation of the plate on the pedestal. The two Kings seemed gloriously
sacred and mysterious characters which they saw on the vejoiced in work with the trowel on that thing which
Golden Triangular Plate. God had destined should be done by their hands only.
The three elected observed to Solomon that the first After they had finished their work, the whole five
word he and thee King of Tyre spoke to them was the trated themselves to adore the Great Architect of
same they had mutually pronounced in the Ninth~Areh Lroa
eUniverse, giving him homage, thanks and praise for
on seeing the treasure. his favorable decree in their favor. The brilliancy of
the plate, the splendor of the rubies and diamonds,
They also recounted to the two Kings everything they placed one on the other, was sufficiently light for the
had done and seen, by whieh~they had precisely found place without the aid of artificial light.
the Sign, Token and Word of this degree, known by the
After their work was done the two Kings changed the
title of Knights of the Royal Arch. Solomon then ex- name from Secret to Sacred Vault, known only by the
plained to them that the promise of God was accom- Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons.
plished of his promise to Noah, Moses and David his It was now time to recompense the three Masters and
father, that one d.ay the true name of ~iini by which he Knights of Royal Arch, Guiblim, Joabert and Stolkin.
was to be invoked should be diseovQred on a golden The two Kings accordingly gave them the degree of
plate, but should be forbidden to write it aiid jiave per-
Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons, explaining
mission only to letter it for their consolation, but never the Sacred Word engraved on the golden plate, which
to pronounce or speak it, and to be very eireum~peet in was the true name of the most Sacred Omnipotent, and
lettering it. told them it was the name by which he would be invoked.
You know the Master’s Word was lost at the construc- A pronunciation which has suffered much and hath been
tion of the temple by the tragic scene of Hiram Abiff, greatly corrupted. It is very certain that from the
our Grand Master Architect; aiid now my dear brethren different varieties of this word, the Moors have taken
we are happy to hav~ at this present moment the true their Jubar, and the Latins their Jupiter, as the true
characters which we intend soon to give you the interpre- pronunciation was not a little lost of the greatest of
lation and pronunciation of. We have now nothing to names.
do hut to recompense you with justice, to the merit due Moses having been taught by the Great Architect
your work. You are now stamped by the divine hand himself, relative to the efficacy of this great name provi.
and certainly merit this signal favor. ded in Egypt agajnst Drought, Hunger and Sickness.
The two Kings and three Knights took the precious The new elected brethren, Guiblim, Josbert and
treasure and carried it to the Sacred Vault by the private Stolkin, took their obligations before God and the two
way through nine arches, of which none had any knowl- Kings, never to pronounce that word fully and never to
edge but themselves. They arrived at the pillar of permit any mason to receive this Sublime Degree before
Beauty, and thereat, worked together to enerust the ~ had given long proof of his zeal and attachment for
the craft and also to use the same ceremony to comxaum- was obliged to give the pass-word SkibboletA” three
cate this mysterious history of the Divine Delta, near times with an aspiration.
the Burning Bush where God made the ancient fathers There were besides the above number 3,568 Masters
promise the same. who had served at the construction of the temple, and
The number ~ofthe Grand and Sublime Elected waa becoming jealous on seeing a preference given to the
at first three, then five, and continued so until the temple above 25 ~?ifasterswhich chagrined them much as they
was completed and dedicated, when King Solomon as e had frequently seen the King’s apartment shut against~
reward for their faithful services, admitted to this degree them, consequently they sent deputies to Solomon to
the twelve Grand Masters, who had faithfully presided ascertain the cause of that preference.
over the twelve tribes, also one other Grand Master Solomon after hearing the complaint of the deputy,
Architect. replied as follows: Those 25 Masters have deserved
Nine Ancient Grand Masters, eminent for their virtue, this preference by their zeal in working the hardest and
were chosen Knights of the Royal Arch, and shortly have always shown invaluable constancy, consequently
after were admitted to the Sublime Degree of Perfec- I have loved and cherished them. Your time has not yet
tion. come. Go, God will permit you one day to be recom-
The nine Knights to be admitted to the Sacred Vault pensed as you deserve.
were obliged to tyle the doors of the nine arches which One of the deputies being of a passionate disposition
led from Solomon’s Palace to said Vault. and dissatiafied with the reply of Solomon, answered:
The most ancient was placed at the door near the We also have claims for a higher degree. We know how
Sacred Vault, and the others by degrees to the ninth the word was changed and can travel into foreign coun-
door near Solomon’s Palace or apartment, never permit- tries and receive master’s wages as such. Solomon be-
ting an entrance to any except the Grand Elect, Perfect ing struck with this reply, but at all times full of
end Sublime Masons, giving the Signs, Tokens and wisdom and goodness did not rebuke, but thus addressed
Words of each ArclL him: Those Ancient Masters deserve the degree of
I will now give you the pass-word for each arch. The Perfection, as they have been in the ancient ruins and
penetrated into the bowels of the Earth and took from
pass for the first arch is Jub, to the second Jeo, to the
Note 133.—”l.t, an ear of corn; and 2ndi~, a stream of water. As
third Jua,”’ the fourth Hayak, the fifth Gotha, the sixth the Ephraimitea were desirous of crossing the rtyer. it is probable that
Adonai, the seventh Jacl&anai, the eighth Ilciencharn, this second meaning suggested it to the Olleaditee as an appropriate
test word on the occasion. The proper sound of the first letter of this
word I. ab, a harsh breathtng which I. ezceedingl~ difficult to he pro.
the ninth Jachabuium. Those are the passes for each asunced b7 persons whose ,oeai organs haye not been accustomed to it.
arch. bch was the case with the fiphealmites, who snhstitnted for the aspire.
Uon the hissing sound of a. Thei, organs of roice were incapabia of
The brother who gave the sacred word on the inside e aspiration, and therefore, as the record has it, they ‘could not frame
to pronounce it right. • The lesrned Durder remsrks (Orient. Gnat, II
133.) that in Arabia the diference of pronunciation among p~raona oi
Note 137,—7uL A corrupted form of the Tetragrammaton, and a Yarions districts is much greater than in moat other places. and inch
Significant word in the high degrees. —Maeh.~’s Eno7.1e~aadla at Free. as easlif accounts for the circumstance mentioned in the peesage of
maso~. Artieie Ins. Judges. —Maebe~a Raqotoaedia St rreemaaesz~, Aitlele saibbelath.
them an immense treasure to embellish God’s temple.
ajvived at the designated spot found such strange things
Go in peace and do as they have done. Work to adorn
theywere at a loss to account for the seine, but imagined
the temple of the mighty God, and he will recompense
that the presumptuous masters were enveloped in the
you as you deserve.
ruins” which they saw had fallen in.
Those masters being proud and !ain, and much ~fright-
Upon strict search they found a few pieces of marble
ened at the reply of Solomon, returned and made a re-
on which were engraved some Hieroglyphics which they
port of their embassy, and not having been reprimanded,
took possession of, carried to Solomon and reported ae.
ambition also mixed with jealousy, agreed to go together
cordingly. Solomon put those pieces together and sent
for some learned brethren who deciphered those charac-
to the ancient ruins. They discovered the ring to lift the
trap and with a ladder of ropes entered the arches with ters, when he ascertained they were the ruins of the
lighted flambeaus.
Temple of Enochisi which he had built and consecrated
to the true God, which he had built before the flood and
God desirous-of punishing those masters for their vain
and proud ambition and to give a clear proof of his
which was destroyed in the Deluge which swept away
justice and providence, pronounced their doom for their every thing but the nine arches under ground where was
insolence, insomuch that when the last of them entered
deposited the Delta or treasure so often spoken of to
the arches fell in upon them successively one after the
Moses and David by God, together with the brazen pil-
lar from which the history of the Ancient Masters is
other, with all their appertenants, in consequence of
which the ancient word,13’ which had been corrupted,
was entirely lost with them and known only to those we Brethren meditate upon the grandeur of our mysteries,
have spoken of before. the ultimate knowledge of which you have not been
After Solomon had heard what befell those masters, made acquainted, but by your zeal, fervor and constancy
he sent Guiblim, Joabe~t and Stolkin to inquire the we hope one day to see you attain the degree of Perfec-
circumstances. tion, which is the ultimatum of ancient masonry.
They accordingly Aeparted at break of day, and having Note l1S.—”The vault was, therefore, in the ancient myaterlee, sym.
belle of the grave; for initiation was symbolic of desib: where alone
Note 129.—’The WORD, therefore. I conceive to be the symbol of Divine Truth is to be found. The Masons have adopted the same idea.
Divine Trutb~ sod ail Its modifications—the loss, the substitution, and They teach that death Is hut ihe beginning of life; that if the first or
the recovery—are but component parts of the mythical symbol wbich rep. evanescent temple of our transitory life he on the surface. we must
resents a search after truth. In a general sense, the word ilseif beIng descend mb the secret vault of death hefore we can find that sacred
thcu the symbol of Divins Truth, the narrative of its loss and the search deposit of truth which is to adorn our second temple of eternal life. It
for its recovery becomes a mythical symbol of the decsy and loss of the is in this sense of an entrance through the grave into eternal life that
line religion among the ancient nations, it and after Ihe dispersion on we are to view ths symbolism of the secret vanit. Uke every other
the plain of Shinur, and of the attempts of the wise men, the philos- myth and allegory of Masonry, the historical relation may he true or it
ophers, and priests, to find and retain ii In their secret mysteries and may he false; it may be founded on fact or he the invention of imagina-
initiations. ~ihich have hence been designated as the Spurins Freemasonry tion: Ihe iesson is stili there, and the s~mboliam teaches it czclusive
of Antiquity of the history. “—Mackay’s Inoyelogaadia of Yreemaso.ry. Article vault,
“lint there is a special or individual, as well as a general interprets. least
tion. and in this special or individual InterpretatIon the word with its Note l31.—”On the death of Enoch, Methuseish, and Lamech, and the
accompanying myib of a lose, a substitute, and a recovery, becomes a destruction of the world by the dein e. all knowledge of this temple. and
symbol of the personal progress of a candidate from his first Initiation of the sacred treasure which it contaVued. was lost until. in after tim~. it
to the completion of his course, when he receives a full deveinpmnent of was scridentaliy discovered by another worthy of Freemasonry, who. ilke
the mysteries. “—Mackey’s Encyclopaedia of Frsemasanry, Article Lost Rnoch. was engaged in the erection of a temple on the acme spot.”—
Word, ~skeys rp.cyeiop.sdla at Freemasonry, Article Ranch.
284 TrnuTUZNTN oi aoi’.aL ARCH DUGURN.

Solomon—By virtue of the power vested in me, I

decorate you with the jewel of the order of this Royal”’
Degree. It is a representation of the Delta found by our
Ancient Masters, which you are to wear from a purple
ribbon round your neck. Its color expresses the love and
friendship we ever ought to have for the order and our
brethren in general. Brother Expert, you will now con- CLOSING CEREMONIES
duct the brethren to seats in the college. Duom.
Rots 188.—it can never he too often repeated that the WORD Is. In
Masonry, the symbol of TRUTH. This truth I. the great object of pill- Selomon—Brother Inspector, what are you?
suIt In Udmonry—the scope and tendency of all Its tovesttpatlons—ths ln.pector—I am that I am; I have seen the resplen-
promIsed reward of all MasonIc labor. Sought for dIlIgefitlY In every
degree, and constantly approached hut never thoroughly and Intimately
embraced, at length, In the Royal Arch the veils which concealed the
dent Delta bearing the Ineffable name, and the Cube
object of search from our view are withdrawn, and the inestImable prIze
Is revealed.
Stone upon which it was placed by Enoch.
‘This truth, which Masonry makes the great object of Its inveatlia- Solomon—Did the Cube Stone bear any inscription?
tions. I. not the mere tenth of science, or the truth of hIstory. but Is
the more Important truth wb’ch Is synonymous wIth the knowledge of the Inspector—Yes, J. .V. ‘.1. ‘.0. .L.’. one letter on each
nature of God.—that truth whIch is embraced In the sacred Tetragram-
maton. or omnlfic name. Including in its sIgnIficatIon hIs eternal, present. face of the Pedestal; Juveni Verbum in ore Leonia,
past, and future existence, and to w~ich he hImself alluded when ha
declared to hoses. I appeared unto Abraham. unto Isaac. and unto
which reads; I have found the word in the mouth of a
Jacob by the name of God AlmIghty; but by my ogme Jehovah was Lion and that we will defend the name of the Grand
I not known unto them.’
“The dIscovery of thIs truth Is then, the essentIal symbolIsm of the Architect of the Universe with the courage of LAons.
Royal Arch degree. Wherever It Is practlced.—and under some peculIar Solomon—Have you anything else to desire?
name the degree Is found In every Rite of Maaonry.—this symbolism is
preserved. However, the legend. may vary, however the ceremonies of
receptIon and the prelImInary steps of InItIatIon may dIffer, the consum’
Inspector—Yes, to read the Ineffable name according
5~Ion Is always the same—-the great dIscovery whIch represents the
to its true pronunciation.
attainment of 1’ruth.”—Kacksy5 lnoycloiiasdl& of Fesemasonry. Article Solomon—God will permit one day that your wishes
3q51 Arab ~tgree. may be accomplished. What is the clock?
Note 188.—”Among the many precious thIngs whIch were carefully
reserved In a ucred vault of KinK Soiomon’s Tem pIs was a portraIt of
lbs monarch. paInted by Adonlram. the son of 3lkauah. priest of the second
court. ThIs vault remaIned undIscovered tIll the tIme of Herod. although
the secret of Its existence and a descrIptIon of its localIty were retaIned by
the descendants of Rlkanab. ~ TIme sped on: the Itomans invaded
Deltaln; sod, previous to the crucifixion, certaIn membere of the oid town
guard of EdInburgh. among Whom were several of the Royal Order, pro-
eeeded to Rome to enter into negofiationa with the soverci a. From thence
they proceeded to Jerueslen’. a~.d Were present at the Ireadfoi scene of
the crucifixion. They succeeded in obtaining the portraIt, and aim the
blue veIl of the Tenipln rent upon the terrible occasion. I may dIsmIss
these two venerable relIcs In a few words. Wilson, in hIs Memorials of
Uiinbergh (2 you., publIshed by Hugh Patton). In a note to the Masonic
Lodges, writes that thIs portrait was then In the possessIon of the breth-
tea of the Lodge St. Dsvld. This is an error, and arose from the fact of
the Royal Order then meeting in the Lodge St. David’s mom in Rindfoa’d’a
Close The blue veil was converted Into a standard for the trades of
Udinburgh, and became celebcated on many a battle-field. notc.~ly in the
Pleat Crusade as ‘The Blue Blanket. • 7mm the presence of certain of
theIr number in Jerusalem on the occasion in question, the EdInburgh City
Onard were often called Pontins Pilate’s Prgptorlans. Now, these are
facts well known to many X.llnbnrxbers stIll eiive. ‘—Maokq’s Isoyde.
lingua of Fraamaaoaiy. Article Royal Ordar of leotlsad.,

Inspector—’Tis evening.
Solomon—Since it is evening, acquaint the brethrm
that I am going to close this respectable lodge by the
most perfect and mysterious numbers.
Inspector—Bicthren, you will please take notice that
our Thrice Puissant Grand Master is going to close this HISTORICAL ANALYSIS
respectable lodge by the most perfect and mysteriour
Solomon—(Strikes five; 00 000.~ Fa~* History and False Rellgion—Aclwowiedged FabrIcation yet
Sublime—”Infamoua Scheme for Lucre and Ambition”—Wriz.
Grand Trea.surer—(Strikes five; 00 000.) ing Latin Before it Existed.
Grand Secretary—(Strikes five; 00 000.) This singular medley of false history and false rehg-
Grand Inspector—(Strikes five; 00 000.) To order, ion seems to have originated with Remeay in France
brethren. as part of his “system of Masonry culled Scottial&,”
All form a circle at the altar, kneel and make the sign which, says Rebold, p. 8~, “had a political object; no less
of admiration; also another sign by placing the right than to make Masonry subservient to the Stuart party
hand on the back, after which they help one another to and an aid to the Catholic church, by restoring the pre-
tender to the throne of England ;“ which, continues Re-
risc, the Kings first and then the other bt’ethren. All bold “served as a basis for all the Masonic systems in
then make an obeisance to the Kings. France and those exported to different countries on the
Solomon—This Royal Lodge is closed with ail its globe.”
honors. Mackey. a better authority, also speaks of “Ramsay’e
degree, (Royal Arch), from which all the continental
systems originated.” And these writers tell us that
Dermoit, who split the London Grand Lodge by seces-
sion, twenty-two years after it was formed at the Apple-
tree tavern, and Dunicerly, the bastard son of George
II, both “fabricated” Royal Arch degrees, for the lead-
ing ideas of which they were indebted to Ramsay.
The only interest we have in the origin of this de-
pee, which Dermott called the “root, heart and marrow
of Masonry,” and of which Oliver said: “It is inde-
icribably more august, sublime and important than any
which preceded it,” is to show that it is a patchwork
~roduction of apostates and adventurers, distinguished
or neither virtue, piety or patriotism. All the Masonic
writers agree that it was “invented,” “falMcated” and

think this were enough; a story, “legend,” invented and the believing Pagan centurion i~ accepted who may.
about the discovery of the ineffable name of God It neither. Yet this infamous scheme for “lucre and mi-
Similar treatment of Washington: a fiction got up and
bition” has convinced thousands that their gold plate,
acted year after year, about his name and character,
like those of the Mormon, has revealed truth outside of
professedly fa4se and without foundation, would subject
the inventors, if not to abhorrence, certainly to con- and beyond the Bible. And the popularity and power of
tempt. But here are men inventing, acting and selling the falsehood, in both cases, depend on the multitudes
acknowledged fictions about God, and writers pronounce who believe the lie and pay for it. The foot note 113
it “sublime I” says: “The peculiar form of the degree differs greatly in
Scholars know that the Jewish Rabbis, in the decline different countries.” Indeed!! So we are not sure we
of religion, in reading the Scriptures, paused and passed have any Royal Arch degrees” after all I For the form
over the name of Jehovah in silence, and then read on.
This was while the Hebrew language was written with-
of a degree is the fact of it. One gives us the Arch of
out vowel points, so that when the Masorites came to Enoch, another the Arch of Zerubabel, another of Jo-
supply vowels the pronunciation of the name was for- siah, in whose reign “The Book of the Law” was found
gotten and the vowel sounds of another name of God in the rubbish of the Temple, where it was left when
were affixed to the consonants of the word Jehovah, to the temple was forsaken for the lodge-worships and
supply the place of the sounds which had been lost by whoredoms of Baal! But if half a dosen men give as
this Jewish superstition. The “word” never was lost, many totally different and conflicting accounts of one
but the sounds only. The letters which these schemers
pretended to have found at the bottom of an under-
fact, we know that it is a lie and not the truth I Or, as
ground pit, nine arches deep~ on a triangular glittering Mackey himself calls it in foot note 115 “a fabrication
gold plate, are taken f~om our Hebrew Bibles, just as of the Royal Arch Degree,” which, though “rejected by
they stood when th~ books were written, and as they still the English Masons,” is now the Thirteenth Degree of
stand. And- outside the Hebrew, the Greek Zeus, the “TI&e Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” which now
Latin Deus, the Saxon God, and even the Indian Mani- leads the Masonic world I (Read the Note.) And if
tou, in the hands of the Holy Spirit, can convey to the
further proof of imposture and imposition were want-
penitent soul correct ideas of God, though each word
sounds differently from the other. Nothing necessary to ing, it is at hand.
salvation is lost; and if there was, Masonry has not This degree starts before tne flood, (see Note 118,)
found it. It has found nothing. The thing lost was a when Enoch’s Arches were built. Now when the can-
sound, and Masons do not claim to have discovered on didate “removes the keystone and penetrates the depths,”
that golden plate the sound of God’s name. The French
Mason still says “Dieu,” and the Englishman, “God;” he finds on the several arches, as he opens them. th.


N • ~—
0 ~








that far onward and above the steps he has already taken What an encouragement for a freemason to pursue hi.
freemasonry is to develop itself on a still larger scale. course and reach the last term of his painful and glo.
The Sacred Vault”’ is the last place of rest in the rious career.
mystic field of the first efforts of Freemasonry and proph~ The ceremonies in this degree are sublimely grand
esies its future~triumphs. The candidate looks for the and imposing and are calculated to give us exalted
last time at the mystic furniture of the Solomonian views of the Grandeur, Power and Majesty of God.
School, such as the Altar of Sacrifices, typifying materi- The lecture and history of this degree are rich to
al worship; the Altar of Perfumes, typifying intellectual profusion with valuable and interesting matter relating
religion; the Brazen Sea, typifying impenetrable in-
finity; the Loaves of Shew bread, typifying the mystic to the symbolism and instruction contained in all the
communion of mankind; the Golden Tray and Trowel, preceding degrees of Symbolic and Ineffable Masonry.
typifying the fusion of all the races of men and the DECORATiONS :—The lodge represents a subterranean
secret of their alliance, despite the many differences of vault painted red or hung with red hangings. In the
customs and laws which divide the sons of the Almighty West is a part of Enoch’s pillar, consisting of pieces
Father. found among the ancient ruins. In the East is the
On one side and in the past appears the formidable Pillar of Beauty, the Burning Bush and a Transparent
God of by-gone generations; his names are inscribed on Delta, with the Hebrew letters “Jod. :.He. :.Vau. :.He. :.“
the Breast Plate of the High Priests of the Jews. On
the other side and far in the future, the Eternal, Good, inscribed therein.
Simple, Benevolent, Merciful, Eouitable and ever con- The lodge is illuminated when at work by twenty-
soling Father of mankind, whose titles are written with four (24) lights distributed as follows: nine in the East,
the blood of that Sublime Teacher, who first of all pro- three in the North, seven in the West, before the Senior
claimed the existence of a God of Love and Love only. Warden and five before the Junior Warden in the South.
PTJRNITURE :—Consists of the Holy Bible, Square and
late 1W.—’~ln the early ag~a. the cave or vault was deemed sacred.
‘me first worship was in cave temples, which were either n~turaI or Compass and Triangle, the Altar of Incense, the Altar
formed by art to resenible the excavation, of nature. Of such great
extent was this practice of subterranean worship by the nations of antiq- of Sactiflce, table of Shew-Bread, Brazen Layer, Ark of
ulty. that many of the form. at heathen temples, as well as the nave.,
aisles, and chanceis at churches subsequently built for Christian worship, the Covenant, Tables of the Law, Golden Candlestick,
are said to owe their origin to the religious use of caves.
from this. too, arose the tact, that the initiation into the incient Two Brazen Columns, Golden Urn of oil, Golden Vase
mysteries was almost always pertormed In subterranean edifices; and filled with water, Golden Goblet filled witll wine, Gold
when the place at initiation, as in so me of the Egyptian temples, was
really above ground, it was so constructed as to give te the neophyte
the appearance, in its approaches and its internal structure, of a vault. fling and Trowel, a Silver hod of ointment and the
ha the great doctrine taught in the mysteries was the resurrection from Cube Stone. Before each of the officers is a white tri-
the dead—az to dis and te ho Initiated were synonymous term,’.—it was
deemed ~per that there should he some formal resemblance between a
descent into thegrave and a descent Into the place ot initiatinn. ‘Happy angular table.
ii the man,• says the Greek poet. Pindar. who descends beneath the
hollow earth having beheld these mysteries, for he knows the end as The assembly is styled a Grand Lodge of Perfection,
well as the divine origin of llte: and In a like spirit 5o~lhocles ex-
claims, “Thrice happy are they who descend to the shades below after
having beheld these sacred rites. for they alone have life In Hades.
and consists of but twenty-seven (27) members. It
while all others suffer there every hind of evil. ‘—MaekaVa heyclopsa. more are made they must become honorary members.
ila of Nrsemasonly, Aitiela vault, bw.~

TITLES :—There are ten (10) officers in a urand ~ glationed in the South near the Altar of Sacrifices b.o
of Perfection. tween the Junior Warden and Secretary; Jewel a Scroll.
First—Thrice Puissant Grand Master, represent. Ninth—The Grand Master of Ceremonies represents
King Solomon, stationed in the East. He is the first Stolkin, stationed in the North between the Treasurer
officer in the Lodge and presides over the work and con- and Captain of the Guard; Jewel a Staff. Re prepares
fers all the degI~ees of the Ineffable series. His official
Jewel a Crowned Compass with a Blazing Sun in the mud conducts the candidate.
centre. Tenth—The Grand Captain of the Guards represents
Second—Deputy Grand Master represents Hiram Zerbal, stationed in the l~orth between the Ilaster of
King of Tyre, seated on the right of Solomon in the Ceremonies and Senior Warden.
East; Jewel a Crowned Compass with a Moon in the Besides these the Thrice Puissant appoints a Ilotipit-
centre. able Brother, stationed in the North between the Master
Third—Senior Grand Warden, represents Adoniram of Ceremonies and Treasurer; Jewel a Winged Rod. He
the son of Abda stationed in the West; Jewel a Golden
Trowel. takes charge of the charity fund and visits vick brethren.
Fourth—Junior Grand Warden represents Moabonlsv Also a Grand Tyler stationed at the door of the en-
stationed in the South; Jewel a Sword. trance; Jewel is a Flaming Sword.
Fifth—The Grandon Keeper
5 stationed the left of
of the
the Seals,
Thrice represents
ELECTION :—Takes place every year, on the third day
Galaad,” of the month Adar. Besides this day lodges are re-
Jewel an Ivory Key.
Sixth—The Grand Treasurer represents Guiblim, quired to observe the St. John’s day and to cekbrate on
stationed in the North before the table of Shew-bread; the fifth day of October, annually, the building of the
Jewel is a Golden Key. first temple, also the fifth day of the month Ab, in com-
Seventh—The Grand Secretary represents Joabert, memoration of the dedication of that temple.
statiosled in the South before the table of Perfumes; CLOT RING :—AlI the officers are dressed as in the pro-
Jewel a Gold Pen. ~
Eighth—The Graud Orator, represents Abdamon’” ceding degree, except they wear the apron, order and
Note 157.—”Moabcn.—Thta word is found In some of the high degrese
jewel of this degree; the officers wearing their official
accordIng to the French ritual, where It is explained as expressing the
satisfactIon we feel in seeIng the crime ana the criminal punIshed.’ ‘mess
is no snob word In Hebrew. sad the explanation Is a fanciful one. ‘me
word I. undoubtedly a 0.11k corruptian. first In sound and then In
The collar worn by the officers is a broad white watered
Irtiera. at the Master’s word. “‘—Meokey’s Encyclopaedia of frasmasowy,
Article Keabon.
ribbon, with a white and red rosette at the bottom from
Note laS.—’‘Galahad. Also apelled Galaad.. Mast probably a corruptiou which is suspended the official jewel. All wear swords.
of Gilsad. Said In the old rItuals to have been the keeper at the Seals
In the ~eottiah degree of KnIghts of the Ninth Arch or Sacred vault of The brethren wear black, loose gowns with hoods behind
James vi ‘—Mackay’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Article Galahad.
Note l3fi.—”Abda,ncn, The name of the orstor in the 14th degree of
at back of neck, white gloves and purple and red turbans.
the RIte of Perfection, or the Sacred vault ot James vi. it mesas a APRON :—White, lined and bordered with crimson, a
Servant, from ahad, ‘ta serve.’ sithough aomewhst corrupted In its trans.
misaton into the rituals. LEaning 5575 it Is the Hebrew Nab4aana.,
‘a servsnt;’ hut there Is noanch word In Hebrew.”’—Machsy’s r~eyele.
airrow blue ribbon is set across the edge. In the centre
~aedia of Frssmsscnry. Article Abdamon. of the apron is painted or embroidered a square flat

stone, within which is engraved an iron ring fastened

GIRDLE :—Of a Perfect Mason, is made of varionq
colored silk, arranged in the following combinafion:
ORDER :—A crimson collar, with white and red rosette
at the bottom, from which is suspended the jewel. OPENING CEREMONIES
JEWEL :—A gold compass crowned and extcnded to GRAND ELECT, PERFECT AND SUBuXE MASON.
ninety (900) degrees. Between the arms of the\compaes
is a medal, on one side of which is engraved a sun, on Thrice Puissant—Brother Senior Grand Warden, are
we tyled in this Sacred Vault?
the other a blazing star with the Delta in the centre; on Benior Grand Warden—Thrice Puissant Grand Mas-
the quadrant are engraved the figures 3-5-7-9. tsr, we are all tyled, and in security from cowans.
Each Knight wears a wedding ring, in the interior of Thrice Puissant—Since we are well tyled and in
which are engraved on one side the name of the Knight security from cowans, my most dearbrethren let us pray
and the date of his reception and on the other these to the Great Architect of the Universe that he may
words: “Virtue unites what death cannot separate.” enlighten and inspire us; let us pray with one knee on
On the Table of Perfumes when an initiation, must be the ground. (All form a circle round the Altar and
kneel on the left knee.)
the Hod and Trowel, with oil to anoint and a pan with
burning coals for incense, and on the table of Shew- OPENING PRAYER.
bread must be the cup with wine for libation, also a gold Almighty and Sovereign Architect of Heaven and
ring to present to the candidate, besides all the jewels Earth who by thy divine power dost ultimately search
necessary for the candidate. the most secret recesses of thought, purify our hearts by
the sacred fire of thy love, guide us by thy unerring
hand in the path of virtue and cast out of thy adorable
sanctuary all impiety and perverseness. We beseech
thee that our thoughts may be engaged in the grand
work of our perfection, which when attained will be an
ample reward for our labor. Let peace and charity link
us together in a pleasing union and may this lodge ex-
hibit a faint resemblance of that happiness which the
elect will enjoy in thy kingdom.
Give us a spirit of holy discrimination by which we
may be able to refuse the evil and choose the good, and
also that we msy not be led astray by those who un-
worthily assume the character of the Grand Elect. May
a sweet perfume ascend from the Altar of our hearts - Long as I lit., this ring PU weal,
and be acceptable to three, 0 Jehovah, our Adonai. Symbol of an alliance, dear
To every brother’s heart;
Finally be pleased to grant that all our proceedings And bless the sacred ti, that binds
In vlrtne~s chain, for virtue Joins
may tend to our glory, and our advancement in right. What death can never part.
eousness. Ble~s and prosper our works, 0 Lord.. Amen.
(All rise and sing the following ode, at the Altar.) Thrice Puissant-Brother Senior Warden, what con-
ducted you hither?
Ajr—”lndian Phllo..pker.’~ Senior Warden—Thrice Puissant, it is the love of
No Solar beam nor Lunar ray masonry, my obligation and a desire to the perfection
fllum~d lb. dark, the marrow way,
That led me to the door, of masonry.
I found myself a Knight. and them Thrice Puissant-What have you brought here?
The sacred yanit I entered In,
Dy mystic numbers four. Senior Wardeta—A heart zealous for friendship and
Twss there, Impressed with holy awe, love of virtue.
A gold engra Yen plate 1 saw, Thrice Puissant-What are the proper qualities for
With dasallng splendor chine,
To us. the Grand Elect alone acquiring this?
Its secret characters are known, Senior IVard.eta—The first two conduct us immediate-
ly to the third, and when these are properly attained
Ibis precious Ireacure. long concealed,
was by three worthy Knights r.. they lead us to happiness and ‘~
Where cyst a Temple stood,
Thrice Puissant-What is the true disposition of an
Its ancIent rulna they erplored Elect and Perfect Mason?
And foond lb. Grand Mysterious Word. Senior Warden—To divest his heart of iniquity, vin-
Made known before the flood.
dictiveness and jealousy; to be always ready to do good
Pulmled waa then the promise made.
And Beauty’s plllar~ancn dIsplayed
and never employ his tongue in calumniating his bro-
The treasure ilijy bad found. ther.
Their ancient zeal and pIety.
TheIr daikgerona toll and constancy, Thrice Puissant-How are you to behave in this
Were with due honor crowned. place?
Hours lIke those, we all shall prove. Senior Warden—With profound respect.
Who, mIred In pure and social love, Thrice Puissant—How comes it that rich and poor,
Perfection’s work pursue.
May lb. SublIme Grand Architect prince and subject are here always friends and brothers?
Ry his nnerrlng laws direct Senior Warden—Because there is something in that
The honored, chosen few.
Delta, (pointing to it) repeated on the pedestal and
May all, who friendships feast partake,
The good pursue. the bad forsake,
firmament which is greater than you.
And may each rite and aign, Nets 14.—”A French system founded by do Bonneville. 1754. whIsk
A happy, lasting Influence shed; ainuined that the Freemasons were lbs. lineal deacendants of the Tom-
The quadrant crowned, the oil the bread,
The golden ring, the wine. ~srs.degrees.
and therefore
Stephen that
Morinall and
Knights some
It had
and additiona Into the rIte, and transplanted It in the Dulled Slates
nude, the name of the Ancient and Accepted rite.~’—Ks.ey’a~syh.
pelts asS Utetiemy d F,esmase.y, hat. Posfestlam, EMs aS

Thrice Puissant—Why is the Delta the subject of Thrice Puissant—Where is the divine wisdom dis-
your respect? played?
Senior Warden—In the hearts of the worthy, upright
Senior Warden—Because is contains the sacred name
brethren who compoes this respectable lodge, of which
of the Eternal God, known, revered and exalted in you are the supporter.
Heaven and on eartb by the name of the Great Archit?ct Thrice Puissant—And now my respect*ble brethren,
of the Universe. I am going to enforce your designs to this effect.
Thrice Pu~.ssan i—What age are yau? Brother Senior Grand Warden, announce that I am
Senior Warden—Three times three, the perfect num- goiug to open this lodge of Grand Elect Perfect”’ and
ber 81, when properly repeated by our mysterious calcu- Sublime Masons by the mysterious numbers, 3-5-7-9.
lation. Senior Warden—Brethren, you will please take notice
Thrice Pui8sant—Haw, my brather, can you demon- that the Thrice Puissant Grand Master is going to open
this lodge of Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons
strate this? by the mysterious numbers 3-5-7 and 9.
Senior Warden—I am a Perfect Sublime Elect Ma- Junior Wardet~—(Claps three slow; 000, all na..)
son, my travels are finished and it is now time for me to Senior Warden—(Claps five slow; 00000.)
reap the fr’uit af my labar. Thrice Puissani—(Claps seven slow; 0000000, all are
Thrice Pui8sani—What did yau contract when you ~iIent for a moment.)
were made a Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason? Thrice Puissant—(Claps three; 000.) To order my
brethren; (all make the sign of obligation.)
Senior Warden—I contracted an alliance with virtue
Note Z41.—~Tbo Lodge in which tbe fourteenth degree of tbe Ancient
dnd the virtuous. and A~eepted Scottiub Rite a coofened. In England and America this
degree is calied Grand Sleet Perfeet and Sublime Mainon. hut the Frencb
Thrice Puiuant—What mark have yau got to shaw deuignate it Grand Scottish Mns3n of the Saered Vault of James VI..
or BUM ~cmia dO k Vout. User.. du laquos VI. Tbls Is one of
it? the eyldencq.—and a Ye~ pregnant oae—of tbe influence ezercised by
the exiled Stnafls and their adherents on tbe Mainonry of that time i~
Senior Warden—This gold ring, a symbal of purity. making it an instrument fcq the restoration of James II., and tben ot hia
son, to the throne of 3ngland.
Thrice Pui8sant—What’s ~he clock? This degree, as concluding all refecence to the Brat Temple. ha. been
‘ailed the ultimate degree of ancient Masonry. It Is the last ot what
Senior Warden—Higti twelve. i• technically styled the Ineffable degrees, bec,uae their inatruetlons
relate to tbe Ineffasle word.
Thrice Puissant—What do you understand by high It. place of meeting Is called the 5acred vault. Its principal offi.
era are a ‘Thrice Pulagant Grand Maiter. two Grand Warden., a Grand
twe!ve? Treasurer, and Grand Secretary. In the first organjmation of the Rite
in this country, the Lodges of Perfeetlon were called SuhIIme Grand
Sdnior Warden—Because the Sun at ith zenith darts Lndges. and, hence, the word “Grand’ is itill affixed to the title ot
tbe officer..
ts rays perpendicularly into this lodge, intimating the Tbe tollowiiig mytbical bistory is connected with and related in this
de~~•n tbe Temple was finished. tbe Mamma wbo bad been employed
time to work efficaciously to the end of our perfection,
and to profit by it8 generosity. in constructing it acquired immortal honor Their order became inoi,
Iloiforml7 pstablisbed and regulated than it bad been befotp. Their
Thrice Pui8san i—Where will you find materials? autlon and icser,e in admitting new memberu produced aeuect. mmd
merit alone warn required of the candidate, With thou. principlc In-
Senior Warden—In the trea8ury and virtue of the mtilfrd into their minds. many of the Grand Sleet left tbe Temple after
its dedicatI~rn. und. diaperuing themaelyes among the neigbboring nationa.
pe?feet masons, ~n regularly composing my actian~ iI’ instructed all who applied and wee found wcrtby i~ the sublime dev~g
•f Ancient Croft Masonry.’ —Msok.~. EaqoIapa.dla of Szmsuaamq.
my heart by the square avid cornpass of itivine wisao’~ AitioI. ?STfOtiOU, Lode, .(.
102 muD m~aw, m,uor *u~ U~3UXB MASONs. OPINING CER3MONIES. IW


Place the right hand on the left side of Raise both hands open to heaven,
the abdomen and draw it quiekly and the head inclined forward. the eyes
directed upwards; afterwards place the
horizontally across the body to the right first two fingers of thc right hand on
side. the lips.

Sign of Obligation Sign of Admiration.
8. 3. P. and 8. Mom.

Thrice Puis.gant—To the glory of the Grand Architect

of the Universe, and under the auspices of the Su-
preme Grand Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General of the 33d degree for the Northern Jurisdic-
tion of the Western Hemisphere in the valley’” of—
Raise the right hand, open, to the left and by virtue of the authority on me conferred by this
cheek, the palm outward, atQthe paine time Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection, I declare its works
graaping the elbow with the left hand. thereof now opened.
Thrice Puisaant—(Strikes three; 000, Senior Warden—Brethren, this Sublime Grand ~ of
all then make the sign of admiration.) Perfection is opened.
Thrice Puissant—Together brethren, (all make thc
first sign.)
kL~~ Thrice Puiaaani—Brethren will now cover and be
Warn at VIz~ seated.
Not. ML--”!n the capitulat degree. .t the Fftncb Rit.. thu w~~d
Ia umd inintead ot Orient. to designate the seat of the Chapter. Tb..
en such a bcdi a document would be dated from the Valley ot Path.’
hatead of the Orient of Pail.. “—Kaokuv’u 2aq.lo~a.di& ~f 2isgma.
mi, Litluls VSMq.
-Second Guard—How does he expect to gain admis-
Master of Ceremonies—By the pass!’
Second Guard—Give me the pass.
Candidate—(Prompted by Master of Ceremonies)
CHAPTER XXIV Second Guard—Pass.
They then proceed to the door of the lodge and knock
3, 5, 7 and 9.
Stmuxu MASON. Junior Grand Warden—(Knocks 3, 5, 7 and 9.)
INITIATION’. Senior Grand Warden—(Knocks 3, 5, 7 and 9.)
The candidate must be prepared in the ante-room as Thrice Puissant Grand Master— (Knocks 3, 5, 7, and
a, Knight of the Royal Arch by the Grand Master of 9.) Brother Junior Grand Warden go and see who
Ceremonies. He then conducts him to the entrance of knocks at our door as a Grand Elect, Perfect and Sub-
the narrow passage and gives him the first pass-word, lime Mason.
and orders him to knock 3, 5, 7, and give the pass-word Junior Grand Warden—(Goes to the door and knocks
Shibboleth three times with an aspiration. 3, 5, 7, 9, opens the door and says:) Who knocks at our
N. B.—In the ceremonies of initiation the narrow door as a Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason?
passage can be represented by passing through three (3) Who is there?
ante-rooms and giving the alarm at each door or in any Master of Ceremonies—A Sublime Knight of the
manner as best suits the situation of the room. Royal Arch, who desires perfection in being introduced
First Guard—Who comes there? into the Sacred Vault.
Masier of Ceremonies—At Sub~lime Knight of the Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Let him be intro-
Royal Arch who desires perfection in being introduced duced in a proper manner.
into the Sacred Vault. The door is then opened by the Captain of the Guard
First Guard—How does he expect to gain admission? who says, let him be admitted. He enters and is con-
Masier of Ceremonies—By the pass. ducted round the lodge to the Altar, they at the same
First Guard—’Give me the pass. time pointing their naked swords at his breast. As he
Candidale—Shibboleth, Shibboleth, Shibboleth. enters the Thrice Puissant says:
First Guard—Pass. Thrice Puissant—The Lord is in his Holy Temple.
They then Vroceed to the second door and knock 3, His eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men.
5. 7. Hiram King of Tyre—Lord, who shall abide in thy
Second Guard—Who comes there?
Masier of Ceremonies—A Sublime Knight of the
Royal Arch who having passed the first guard, desires Thrice Puissant—He that walketh upright and work-
perfection in being introduced into the Sacred Vault. eth righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart.
Senior Grand Warden—He that sweareth to his m Muter of Ceremonies—Thrice Puissant Grand Mas-
hurt and changeth not his oath, who swearei~Ji not by the tsr, he asks the Perfection of Masonry and to be taught
name of God profanely. the true pronunciation of God’s Ineffable1 ca name.
Thrice Puissant—Brethren, do you consent that tills
Master of Ceremonies—What man is he that desiroth
Knight of the Royal Arch shall be raised to the degree
life and loveth max~y days that he may see good? of Perfection?
Thrice Puissant—Keep thy tongue from evil and thy (The brethren consent by holding up their right
lips from speaking guile; depart from evil and do good, hands.)
seek peace and ensue it. Thrice Puissant—Before I initiate you my brotlicr,
Senior Grand Warden—Thus saith the Lord of Hosta, into the sacred mysteries of Perfection, you must answer
amend your ways and your doings and I will cause you the questions I am now going to demand of you; other-
to dwell in this place forever. wise you must~ be sent back.
King of Tyre—Who can say I have made my heart Thrice Puissant—Are you an Entered Apprentice?
clean, I am pure from sin, for there is not a just man on Candidate—Thrice Puissant, my brethren know inc
the earth who dceth good and sinneth not—no not one. to be such.
Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
Thrice Puissant-But whoso confesseth his sins and the Junior Grand Warden.
forsaketh them he shall have mercy, saith the Lord of Candidate gives them by advancing by the Entered
Hosts. Apprentice step.
Senior Grand Warden—Thus saith the Lord, Heaven Thrice Puissant—Are you a Fellow Craft?
is my Throne and the earth is my footstool. Where is Candidate—I have seen the G.~. and know the pass-
the house ye have builded unto me? For all these things word.
hath my hands made. But to this man will I look, even Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and that thc Senior Grand ~Varden.
trembleth at my word. Candidate gi’~ Fellow Craft step, etc.
Thrice Puissant—Are you a Master Mason?
King of Tyre—From the rising of the Sun, even unto
Candidate—I know the Sprig of Acacia, and every
the going down of the same, my name shall be great thing it consummates.
among the gentiles, and in every place incense (at this Thrice Puissant—Give the Pass, Sign, Token and
word the coals which are in the pan on the Altar of per. Word to the Junior Grand Warden.
fumes are lighted and the incense burnt) shall be offered Candidate gives Master’s step, etc. (as soon as he pro-
unto my narie, and a pure offering, for my name shall nounces the real word I Mah-hah.bone] the brethren run
be great among the heathen, said the Lord of Hosts. and lunge their swords at him.)
(Master of Ceremonies then orders the candidate to Net. 148.—The variona dcgveea and orde~a ~if Scotch Maaonry awe
Seemed Ineffahie hecanee of the many Hebrew name, of Deity intcoduced
Seto them. The pronunciation of aeme of theae names cannot be made
make the sign of ‘admiration.J ~‘ meetal Ilpe. “—Mm,iaa Kaae Dietimry, ktiola Iaatabla Ma.
Tlwicd Puissant—What do you want, my brother?
Thrice Puissant—What have you done? You aifright Thrice Puissant-Give the Sign, Token and Word to
us my brother on speaking this word so high. We are the Senior Grand Warden.
always ready to rnuiish the indiscretion of those persons Candidate Gives them.
who pronounce this word so high and loud for fear some Thrice Puissant-Are you an Intendant of the Build-
of the profane might hear you, but as you did not do it ing?
with a bad intention we freely forgive yon. Candidate—I have made the five steps of eiactitude,
Thrice Puissant—Are you a Secret Master? hive penetrated into the innermost part of the temple,
Candidate—I have passed from the Square to the have seen the effect of the great light in the middle of
Compass, I have seen the tomb of our respectable Mas- which I perceived certain Hebraic characters which were
tar Hiram Abiff and have shed tears thereat. unknown to mx..
Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
the Senior Grand Warden. the Senior Grand Warden.
Candidate gives the Secret Master’s step, .etc. Candidate gives them.
Thrice Pussant—Are you a Perfect Master? Thrice Puissant-Are you an Elected Knight?
Candidaie—I have seen the three circles and the three Candidate—One cavern received me, one lamp lighted
perfect squares placed on the two columns across. me and one fountain refreshed me.
Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to Thrice Puissant--Give the Sign, Token and Word to
the Senior Grand Warden. the Senior Grand Warden.
Candidate gives them, and as soon as he pronounces Candidate gives them.
the word “Jeva” or “Jehovah,” all cry out, what do you Thrice Puissant—Are you a Grand Master Elect?
say? Candidate-—My zeal and labor have procured me
Thrice Puissant-We are always alarmed when we this degree.
hear this word given, and are always ready to put any Thrice Psd~sant-Where were you received and by
man to death who dare to pronounce it, or the least whom?
syllable of the sacred mysterious name. Candidde-—By Solomon himself in his study.
Thrice Puissant—Are you an Intimate Secretary? Thrice Puissant—When were you received and on
Candidate—My curiosity is satisfied which had almost what occasion?
cost me my life. Candidate—When he sent me with my companions
Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to to search for the two other ruffians who destroyed our
the Senior Grand Warden.
Candidate gives them. Grand Master Architect Hiram Abiff.
Thrice Puissant—Are you a Provost and Judge? Thrice Puissant-How came they to be discovered?
Candidate—I render justice to all workmen without Candidate—By the indu~try of Benjah or Bengabee.
any distinction. Solomon’s Intendant in the county of Cheth.

Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to Thrice Puissant—I presume, my brother, you are ac-
the Senior Grand Warden. quainted with that mysterious name?
Candidate gives them. Candidate—I am not; my time has not expired; the
Thrice Puissant-Are you a Sublime Knight Elected? Sacred name is only known by the Grand Elect, Perfect
Candidate—Myi name will inform you. and Sublime Masters. All my hope is in God, that I
Thrice Puissant-What is your name? shall arrive at a knowledge of it in fullness of time.
Thrice Puissant-What is your quality?
Candidate—Emerk is my true name. Candidate—Knight of the Royal Arch.
Thrice Pui.ssant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to Thrice Puissant—What is your name?
the Senior grand Warden. Candidate—Guibelim or Jahbulim.
Candidate gives them. Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word to
Thrice Puissant-Are you a Grand Master Architect? the Senior Grand Warden.
Candidate—As I possess all the science of mathema- Candidate gives them.
tics, I know also all the attributes. Thrice Puissant—What do you now desire, my bro-
Thrice Puissant—Give the Sign, Token and Word t. ther?
Candidate—The Sublime Degree of Grand Elect, Per-
the Senior Grand Warden. fect and Sublime Mason.
Candidate gives them. Thrice Puissant—(Giving the sign of Admiration.)
Thrice Puissant—What is the Most Sublime Degree God will permit you this day to receive what you so
you have received in Masonry? much desire.
Candidate—The thirteenth, which I received by per. Senior Grand Warden—Brother Grand. Master of
nii~ion of Divine Providence. Ceremonies, you will now retire with the candidate until
Thrice Puissant—Explain this to me, my brother. he is wanted. (Master of Ceremonies and candidate re-
Candidate—I searched in~ the bnknown ruins and at Thrice Puissant—My dear brethren do you again con-
length found the Divine Delta”’ which had been prom. sent that this Knight of the Royal Arch be passed to
ised the Holy Patriarcfi~s should one day be found. the degree of Perfection? (All hold up their right
Thrice Puissant—What do you understand by the hands in taken of consent.)
Divine Delta? Thrice Puissant—Let us applaud by 9-7-5 and 3, to..
Candidate—It is a triangular gold plate filled with gether, brethren. (All applaud.)
rttys, on which was engraved by Enoch the sacred name Thrice Puissant—Brother Captain of the Guard let
of Almighty God. the candidate be admitted.
Captain of Guard—(Goes to the door, gives it.) Let
Note 144.—”Tbe name of the toneth letter of the Greek alphabet. Ta
the candidate be admitted.
t~’rm It Is a trange. and was conaldered by the ancient Sgyptlana a Master of Ceremonies enters with candidate and con-
aymhol of See, and also of God. In the Scottish and French syatema. and
alan that of the KnI ducts him around the ~ flodge] and to the Altar, dur-
1btu Tem~,lar the tria loot delta I. a aymhol of the
Unspeakable Nam.~. —Kaoq a me7alag~6Ja aM DietIonaa~ at lie. lug which the Thrice Puissant recites:
maa7. AaUd. Da~ta. Thrice Puissant—And Moses called all Israel and said
unto them, hear U Israel the statutes and judgments aervant~ his ox, or his ass, or anything that is thy neigh-
which I speak in your ears this day, that you may learn, bor’s. These words the Lord spake unto all your assem-
keep and do them. bly in the mount, out of the midst of the fire of the
The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. clouds and of the thick darkness with a great voice, and
The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers but he added no more, and he wrote them in two tables of
with us, even us who are all of us here alive this day.
stone and delivered them to me.
The Lord talketh with you face to face in the mount Thrice Puissant-My brother, do you know in your
out of the midst of the fire, (I stood between the Lord conscience since you have been made a mason of having
and you at that time to show you the word of the Lord behaved falsely to any of your brethren or of having
for ye were afraid by reason of the fire and went not up
hurt them in their character or family, religion or
into the mount) saying I am the Lord thy God which
brought thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of Candidate answers as he thinks proper.
bondage: Thou shall have none other God before me. Thrice Puissant-Have you ever communicated or let
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in escape from you any of our mysteries to cowans?
vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh Candidate answers.
his name in vain, keep the Sabbath day t~ sanctify it as Thrice Puissant—What would you have done to the
the Lord thy God hath commanded thee, six days shalt assassins of our respectable Master Hiram Abiff had you
thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh ‘day is lived in those days? Would you have revenged his
the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do death?
any work, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy Candidate—I would have done as Joabert did
man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thine ox, nor Thrice Puissant-Have you always been mindful of
thy ass, nor any of thy eat~le, nor the stranger that is the obligations you have contracted in the presence of
within thy gates, that thy man servant and thy maid the Grabd Architect of the Universe?
servant may rest as well as thou. Candidate answers.
Honor thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy Thrice Puissant-Did you ever find anything in your
Ood hath commanded thee, that thy days may be pro- obligations which was contrary to and against your re-
longed and that it may go well with thee in the land ligion, the state or anything else which could hurt your
which the Lord thy God giveth thee. delicacy?
Thou shalt not kill, neither shalt thou commit adul-
Candidate answers.
tery, neither shalt thou steal, neither shalt thou bear Thrice Puissant-Remember, my brother, if you ap-
false witness against thy neighbor, neither shalt thou
proach cool and indifferent to our sacred mysteries you
desire thy neighbor’s wife, neithcr shalt thou covet thy will be the more blamable after receiving the Degree of
neighbor’s house, his field, his man servant or his maid
Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Muon than you would
have been before, and will have more to answer for at holy zeal, drag by confession your sins and mortify them
the great and awful day of judgtnent, when the secrets by hatred thereof, offer them up in a renewed consecra-
of all hearts shall be disclosed. This degree, my brother, tion as a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing unto God.
you are now about to receive is the Perfection of May we all offer up to him on the altar of our hearts
Masonry. You will be bound to the order by an in-
dispensable obligation, which is now unknown to you, sacrifices of humility and praise, with the fire of fervent
but when it is communicated I hope it will be perma- charity. Let us offer a sacrifice of joy in the tabernacle
nently fi~zed in your recollection. of the Lord and sacrifice the sacrifice of thanksgiving
My dear brother, demonstrate to us the goodness of wherefore to do good and communicate; let us forget
your heart by a steady pursuit of virtue and a sincere not, for with such sacrifice is the Lord well pleased.
love for all good brethren, but particularly for those Let us pray.
who receive you into their fellowship and have given
you their support and protection, who are your fellows INITIATORY PRAYER.
and superiors. What do you say?
Candidate—I will. Almighty and Sovereign Grand Architect of the Uni-
Thriee Puissant—My dear brother, as you are now verse, thou who ridest in the Heavens by thy name Jali,
desirous of being taught the true pronunciation of God’s let all the earth keep silence before thee; there is no God
Ineffal~le name, are you ready to ventureyour life in the like unto thee in the heavens above nor in the earth
defense of that supreme mystery when it shall have been beneath. Thou who keepest covenant with and showe~t
entrusted to your care and are you desirous of contract- mercy unto thy servants who walk before thee with all
ing your new obligation?
Candidate—: am, most sincerely. their hearts, when we draw nigh thy majesty, may we
Thrice Puissant—If you are go, my brother, and wash ever preserve thy love and the characters of thy ineffa-
your hands in the Brazen Sea to prove your innocence ble essence engraven indelibly upon our hearts.
and that you have not revealed any of your former en- 0 purify our hearts we beseech thee by the fire of
gagements; our forefathers used the same ceremony thy love and guide our feet in the way of peace, the per-
when they were accused of crimes to prove themselves
guiltless. feet path that shineth more and more unto the perfect
Thrice Puissant—Brother Master of Ceremonies, con- day. May we all have an interest in that covenant which
duct the candidate to the Brazen Sea. Let him purify is well ordered in all things and sure; may we dwell to-
his hands and then conduct him to the Altar of Sacri- gether in unity and be all of one mind, having compas-
fice. sion one toward another and love as brethren.
Master of L’eremonies—Leads him to the Brazen Sea, May all Elect Masons like the Elect of God put on a
causes him to wet and wipe his hands, and leads him to charity which is the bond of Perfection; may our loins
the Altar of Sacrifice,, causes him to recline his hea8
against it, takes an axe and holds it suspended over the be girt with the girdle of truth and, finally having been
bare neck of the candidate. When he says, before this faithful in all our course, may we be brought to behold
Altar of a broken and contrite spirit, with the fire of the light Ineffable and be admitted into that sacred

place where the Sun shall no more give light by day; Royal Degree without distinction of riches or poverty,
neither for brightsiesa shall the Moon give light, but the noble or ignoble birth, and to give no other prefcrenct
Lord our Adonai shall be unto us an everlasting light but to those who are greatest in virtue.
and our God our glory. Amen. That I never will refuse to acknowledge a brother
Thrice Puissant-My brother, you are now in; the ‘who is a good man in any situation, country or condition.
most sacred and secret place in Masonry, the sacred in which he may be placed. ro support him if he is in
mysteries of which are now going to be revealed to you want, if I can do it without injury to my family.
as we repose the utmost confidence in your discretion. I do furthermore swear that I will, if possible, meet
Come, my brother, add to our satisfaction by swearing my lodge at least twice a year, namely, on the 27th of
fidelity to us. December and the 24th of June, and as often as my
Master of Ceremonies—Leads the candidate eight affairs will conveniently permit; I promise to visit my
quick steps and one slow to the Thrice Puissant, having brethren in sickness and help and assist them with my
the sign of Elected Master on him, when he kneels and counsel, with my purse and with my arm; to give them
contracts his obligation. consolation and assistance, whether in affliction or in
OBLIGATION GRAND ELECT, PERFECT AND SUBLIME MASON. pain, and in the common vicissitudes of life.
I furthermore swear that I will never lie with my
•I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy brother’s wife, nor dishonor his sister, daughter nor any
Bible, and in the presence of the Grand Architect of female of his family, knowing them to be such.
the Universe and this respectable lodge of Grand Elect, I further promise that I will never make, or assist in
Perfect and Sublime Masons, to be faithful and true to making, or by my presence, give sanction to the making
my religion.
of any person to the degree of Grand Elect, Perfect and
I do furthermore swear that I will never take up arms Sublime Mason who is not or has not been a Master or
against my country or ever Lenter into any conspiracy or Nominal Past Master of a regular Symbolic Lodge.
cabal against the same, or come to a knowledge of such I furthermore swear that I will not acknowledge
intention from any other without communcating it to belonging to or be a member of any Sublime Lodge
the proper authorities. that may be established within the distance of twenty-
I do furthermore swear never to reveal, either directly five miles of one already legally and properly estab-
or indirectly, to the Grand Master Architect or Knight lished.
of the Royal Arch, or to any person or persons whatever In failure of this, my obligation, I cot.sent to have my
to whom it doth not belong, the mysteries of this our belly cut open, my bowels torn from thence and given
Sacred and High Degree, or any other matter or thing to the hungry vultures.
that shall occur or take place in our lodge. So God help and maintain me in triith and equity.
[ promise an equal regard for my brethren of this Amen.

Thrice Puissant—My brother, salute the Bible three and poor and fallen into decay thou shalt relieve him.
times. (Candidate obeys.) dive of thy bread to feed the hungry and of thy wine to
Thrice Puissant—Rise, my brother, and receive the cheer the sorrowful, and forget not to pour the oil of
same consecration which every successive Champion of consolation into the wounds which sickness and afflic-
the Secret Vault has received since its discovery. tion may have rent in the bosom of thy fellow traveler.
Thrice Puissant—Brother Master of Ceremonies, con- By kindness and commiseration fail not to pour the
duct the candidate to the Altar of Perfumes (obeys and balm of oil and wine into the bleeding heart.
causes him to kneel). Our labors of duty and love will soon be over.
Thrice Puissant—By the power transmitted to me As the lightning writes its fiery path upon the dark
and which I have acquired by my assiduity, labor and cloud and disappears, so the race of men walking amid
integrity I make sacred your heart, lips and eyes with the surrounding shades glitter for a moment through the
the Holy oil that apointed the pious Aaron, the penitent gloom and vanish frcni our sight forever.
David and the Wise Solomon. Thrice Puissant— (Now presents him with first the
May your heart ever throb with a hope of immortality, bread and then the wine.) Eat with me of this bread
may your lips ever invoke the true name of the Grand and drink of this wine out of the same cup with me that
Architect of the Universe, and may your eyes behold we may learn- thereby to succor each other in time of
him face to face and not fail when they awake in the need by a mutual love and participation of what we
dazzling glory of his presence. I now stamp you with possess. (Both eat and drink.)
the seal of the Grand Architect of the Universe (stamps Thrice Puissant—(Presents to him a gold ring, say-
him), to the end that you may always live in his adorable ing:) “Receive this ring and let it be remembered by
presence and that he may always be in your heart and you as a symbol of the alliance you have now contracted
mind and that an ardent zeal and constancy may always with virtue and the virtuous.” You are never, my dear
be the rulc of all your actions. brother, to part with it while you live, nor to bequeath
Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will conduct the it at your death except to your wife, your eldest son or
candidate round the lodge to the table of Shew-bread. your nearest friend.
Thrice Puissant—(Rehearses.) Behold how good and Candidate—I promise.
how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in (All now partake of bread and wine awl makE ~
unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head libation according to ancient custom, a~ practiced at the
which ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, Sacrifices.)
that went down to the skirts of his garments. Ointment (Thrice Puissant now returns to the throne
and perfume rejoice the heart; so doth the sweetness of hiram, King of Tyre—Thrice Pui~sant 6rand Mas-
a man’s friend by hearty counsel. ff he reprove me it ter, shall we now communicate the true Pronunciation
phAll be an excellent oil. If thy brother be waxen old of the ineffable name to the candidate?
Thrice Puissant—Brother Hiram, to the best of your
ability give the mystic name which the High Priests of
the Israelites knew how to utter. (All form a circle
round the Altar.)
!hrjo. Pulaaant—Lol ~4atnre guards our vestal fire.
which never, never can espire.
with hearts that never change or falter, 1’lace the right hand on the left side of
we here aurrouud our common Altar.
Religion builds it, and a beam
From Heavens own Throne, no fitful gleam,
wraps it in fiamea. While band in hand.
the abdomen and draw it quickly and
we round this Disaing Alter atand.
horizontally across the body to the right
tat us. as Elect Masons true
virtues eternul league renew:
While celebrating friendship’s feast side.
May love he onr ever welcome guest,
And now in adoration bow
To him to bears and seals each vow.
Glory to God who reigns above
And to our fellow creatures love.
(All kneel and communicate the word “Jod.‘.He.~. sign or Obligation
I. U. P. and 5. Masse.
Vau. .He. around the Altar; Hiram King of Tyre,

the Thrice Puissant and candidate together. AU rise.)

Thrice Puissant-Have a care, this pronunciation is
probably erroneous, and it is vain for man to suppose FIRST TOKEN.
that God has a proper name, or if he has one that it
could be uttered by the human voice. Thp various Join the right hands, re-
words by which he has been addiessed in different ages verse theni thrice. The first
and countries are all equally holy and true, if he who brother says, “Berith” the
speaks them has a pure conception of the Divine Attri- second says, “Keder,” the
butes and perfect rove toward the Divine Entiety. first then saya,”Shelentoth.’~
His name is unutterable; no lips can speak it, no ear
can hear it, but it resounds in the heart of him who
loves and adores. We greet you, my brother, as a
Knight of the Sacred Vault.
Thrice Puissant—Brother Grand Master of Cere- WORDS.
monies, you will now communicate to the candidate the First Pass II’ord—Shihboleth.
Signs, Token and Words. First Covered Word—Jabuluin.

Second Covered Word—Makobirn, Interpreted,”That’s
SIGN OP FIRE. he I He is dead.”
Second Pass Word—El-Hhanan.
Rai~e the right hand open to the left
cheek the palms outward, at the same t4me
grasping the elbow with the left hand. SIG& OF ADMIRATION.

Raise both hands opened to heaven,

the head inclined, the eyes directed up-
wards, afterward place the first two
£ngers of the right hand on the lips.

Give the Master’s Grip,

one says, can you go fur-
Sign of Admiratioe.


Seize each other’s right hand, grasp each

other’s right shoulder with the left hand
and then pass left hands behind each
Second Token. other’s back as if to bring one anoiher
The other slips his hand along the Third Token.
other’s forearm up to the elbow.
Each then places his left hand on WORD.
the other’s right shoulder and bal- Third Covered Word—.Adonai.
ance thrice, the legs crossed from Third Pass Word—Bea Makeb, Bamearah, interpre.
the right. ted, “Thank God we have found.”
SACRED WORD :—Jehovah. The Girdle was used to bind on the garments and
GRAND WORD :—Jod. ‘.He. ~.Van.‘.He.. The grand in- prevent them from flying open and discovering our
effable and real name of the Almighty Grand Architect nakedness and is an emblem of charity, to the observance
of the Universe, and never to be pronounced. of which virtue you have been laid under new obliga-
BATTERY :—Twenty-four strokes by three, five, seven tions.
and nine; 000 00~00 0000000 000000000. The Girdle was also used for ornament and, beauty.
MARCH :—Eight hurried steps and then one slower, Let it be your endeavor to be adorned with and rich in
altogether nine. those virtues which its various colors represent.
AGE :—Seien times seven years. These are arranged by three, five, seven and nine.
HOURS OF WORK :—From high twelve till midnight. The three are blue, red and yellow, by a due mixture
Thrice Puissant—My dear brother, I now salute you of which the primitive colors” are formed.
as a Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason, and with The five consists of these three and a green aicd purple.
great pleasure decorate you with the symbols of the The seven of the five with white and black.
grade. And the nine of these seven and stone and flame
COLLAR :—This coHar of flame color is emblematic of colors.
ardent zeal, affection and charity. The Blue”5 is an emblem of friendship and fidelity.
CROWN :—The crown on your jewel is a symbol of the The Red”’ of zeal.
royal origin of the grade. The Yellow’” which resembles gold, of wisdom, which
COMPASS :—The compass extended to ninety degrees Nets IU.—’Golus Symbolism of. wemyss I. his Claris Symbelica,
says ~Coior,which is outwardly seen on the habit of the body. Is nym.
denotes the extensive knowledge of the Grand Elect. boliralir used to denote the true state of the person or subject to which
it is a”piied. according to its nature. This definition may appropriately
SUN :—In the centre, that our actjons should be as be borrowed on the present occasion, and applied to the system of Ma
sonic colors. The color of a vestment or of a decoration is never arbitrarily
open as the full blaze of the noonday sun and our char- adopted in Frcemasonry. Every color is selected with s view to its
power in the symbolic alpbabet. and it teaches the initiate some instruc~
ity as diffusive as its beams. tive moral lesson., or refers to some important historloal fact in the
JEWEL :—This jewel suspended on your breast should system,” ‘—Mackeys Esayelepeedia of Fresmassery, hatiels OsIm. lym.
beilsa of.
remind you to be attentive to your duties and admon- Note 147. “DIne. This ii emphatically the color of Masonry. It is the
ishes you ever to walk so a~ to adorn your station. appropriate tincture of the Ancient Crsft degrees. It is to the Mason
a symbol of universal friendship and begevolence. because. as it is the
GIRDLE :—I also invest you with the girdle of a Grand color of the vault of heavea, which emhraces and covers the whole
globe, we sre thus reminded that in the breast of every brother these
Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason virtues should be eqoally as extensive. ‘—Mackeys Zacyotopasdia ci
4’ was used of old to strengthen the body Freemasonry, hillel. Dine.
and to Girdle’
enable man to continue and persist in his labors. late 14*,—”wbere red is not need historteally, and adopted as a
memento of certain tragicel circumstances in the history of Masonry
It is therefore an emblem of activity, promptness and 1
it is alwsys. under some modification, a symbol of seal sod fervency.~
Note 145.—”Girdle. In ancient aymboiogy the girdle warn always con- —Mackeys EncyclopaedIa of Freemasonry. Article Red.
sidered as typical of chastity and purity, in the Brahmanicsl initiations.
the raudidate was prr’seoted with the Zennar, or sacred cord, as a part Nats 149,—’Ysllow. Of all the the colors, yellow seems to be the
of the ancred garments. and Gibh~ nays that ‘at the age of puberty least important and the least general in Masonic symbolism, In other
the faithful Persian wns investe4 yith a mysterious girdle; fifteen institutions it would bays the same insignificance, were it not that it
~enuiiections were required afire he 3ut on the sacred girdie.~ The oid has been adopted as the representative of the sun, and of the soble
Tempiara assumed the obilyntions of poverty, obedience and chsatity4 metal gold. Ihus, in colored hiasonry, the small dots, by which the
and~ girdle was given them, at their initiation. as n symbol of ‘the gold in. an engraved coat of arms is designated, are replaced by the yel.
inst of the three vows As a symbol of purity, the girdle is slill used
low color. La colombiere. a wench hersidic writer, u,s. (Science Esro.
in many chivalriC initiations, and may be prnperiy considered as the ique. p 30.) in remarking on the connection between gold end yellow
aririogue of the Mssonc at,ron.~—M*Oh5F’5 Enoyalopandia of mesas-
that as yellow, which is derived from the sun is the moat exaltsu&
of colors, so gold is the moat noble of metsia.~ —ibokeys Zasyolopesilo
scm?. Article Girdle. of Fresmasemny, Article Fellow.

said the wisest of Kings, is better than fine gold.

Thus, my brother, by your uleritoriotifi ~nd blameless
The Green”’ is an emblem of hope.,
conduct, constancy and integrity you have attained
The Purple”’ of dignity and majesty of conduct. the tith,’ of Grand Elect, Perfect ~nd Sublime Mason,
Purple is a Tyrian color and reminds us of the alliance which is the summit of Ancient Craft Masonry, and
into which you have now entered.
upon your arrival to which I sincerely congratulate you.
The White’’ is an emblem of innocence.
I most earnestly rccolIlillend to you the strictest care
The Black”’ of modesty and seriousness of demeanor.
and circumspection in your walk through life that the
The next color is that of stone, as stone is distin- sublime mysteries of this degree be not profaned, and
guished for firmness and durability; so this color teaches
as to what remains of completing ~‘ourknowledge in the
us constancy and decision’ of character. Ancient 5’~tate of Mnconrv I will cttll sour attention to
The flame color reminds us to cultivate ardent affec- our Grand Orator, who will now (leliver the discourse of
tion and charity. The various colors united in this gir- tllis degree.
dle are expressive of that unity and the olive interwoven
of that pesec whIch should link us together. DISCIM’ll’.” BY OIINND os troa.
And as these colors shine in your girdle, so let the
My dear brother, “lieu the Tenipl&’ of solomon was
virtues they represent shine in your heart and life.
fini-hued tim-c nw~on- ~ihtowele emplo~’ed In the con-
Your apron I now invest you with is white, lined and
~trnction of that ~tatel~’td dice acquired inllnortal honor—.
bordered with crimson; these colors symbolized have ‘i’Ia’ir order bet tulle lttOi’e uniformh~’ v~tablIshed and
already been explained to you. re’.rulated than it had been before. Their thelicacy in
Note lao,— This idea ot the unchangipg immortality ot that which is
divine and trite, was always connected by the ancients with tbe color
atlinitting hew lnelltbt’r— ilito tlteil’ ordet’ brought it to a
of green. Among the Egyptians, the god Phtha, the active spirit, the high degree of re~peet, as tlte merit of each candidate
creator and regenerator of the world, the ~goddesss Pascbt. the divige
proserver, :tnd Thoth, the instructor ~of uteri in ihc sacred doctrines of
truth vere alt painted Ic the hieroglyphic s’stem with green flesh.”—
was tIle only t’iiIg tltc~’ paid attention to, WitlI these
Mackeys Enuyulopaedia of Freemasonry Article Green. principles instilled ilIto tlwir minds many of the Grand
Note 151.—Among the gentile nationa ot antiquity purple was cou~
sidered rather as a color of dignity than of veneration. Bud was deemed
Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons being able workmen
an emblem of exalted office. Hence Homer mentions it as peculiarly
appropriated to royalty, and virgil speaks of purpura regum. or ‘the pur. left Jerusalem after the dedication of the temple and
plc of kings.’ Putty says it was the color of the vestments worn by dispersed themseli’e~ among the hteighboling kingdoms,
the csrly kings of Rome~ and it has ever since, even to the present
time, bee,, cotisidered as the becoming insignia of regal or supreme instructing all wIlo applied and ~t’erefound worthy of
authority ‘‘—Mackey’s Enoyclopsadia of treemasonry, Article Purple,
Note l58.—’White, White is one of the most ancient sa welt as receiving the Sublime Mysteries of thIe Royal Art.
most extensively diffused of the symbolic colors, It is to he found in Notwitllstanding these precautions the order in the
sil the aucient mysteries, where it conatititted, as it does in Masonry.
the investiture of the candidste. It always, however, and everywbefe three first degrees Inilltiphied over the face of the earth,
has borne the same sianifleation as the symbol of purity and innocence.”
—Mackeys Encyci,paedia of Freemasonry, Article White. so that their numbers were without i,toasurc, And by
Note IN—Black. Black, in the titisonic rittini, is cnnstnnt!y ike
symbol of grief, This is perfectly consist’nt with its use i~ the world their indiscriminate nrlitiis~ion tlteir seoret’~ were dis-
where black has from remote antiqttity been adopted as the gttrmeni
ot mourning, ‘—Machey’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. Article 31Mb. closed, their knowledge became common ;illd the degrees
fell into great disrepute. The Grand Elect and rerfect This wise King knew the force of his most Holy name;
Masons were so cautious in concealing the mysteries of .he also knew that he had appeared to Moses in the
the higher degrees of masonry that they determined to Burning Bush and had declared to him his true name,
initiate only as far as the third degree.
You are aware, m~y brother, that many unworthy ma- and that he was the only Patriarch who knew it; also
sons of the lower degrees have by their imprudence that he would be invoked by no other name- in the tem-
suffered their signs and tokens to be discovered by ple.
cowans. These occurrences chagrined the Perfect Ma- My brother, the real and ineffable name of the Grand
sons, who were but few in number, and they endeav- Architect of the Universe as given by God to Moses was
ored to stop the evil, but all their exertions were fruit- the Master’s Word. When our Grand Master Hiram
The Craft degenerated, as receptions were obtained Abiff was killed, by his courage and magnanimity its
too easily. discovery was prevented, which frustrated the hopes of
The intervals of the degrees were broken into too his murderers. It was then determined never to entrust
hastily, and mere amusement was Xreferred to useful a secret of so much importance to any person; and
strdction. Innov2tions increase and new doctrines another word was used in its stead until the discovery
were introduced which destroyed all the old and useful of the brilliant Delta by the Knights of the Royal Arch
regulations of the order. in the ruins of Enoch, on which was cngraved the
These differences occasioned disputes, quarrels, heart
burnings, jealousies and dissensions, which in the end
Ineffable name which constihites the Perfection of Ma-
produced the discovery of the mysteries of the first three sonry.
degrees to the vulgar and profane. Solomon, King of Israel, and Hiran~, King of Tyre,
How happy it is, my brother, that those unguarded communicated the interpretation of the characters on
brethren were ignorant of the Sublime Mysteries of the the brilliant Delta to none but the Grand Elect, Perfect
Grand Elect,. Perfect and Sublime Masons. Let us, my and Sublime Masons, under whose immediate protection
brother, endeavor to prev~ent these degrees from sharing they placed it in the Sacred Vault under the Sanctum
the same unhappy fate by preserving them in their Sanctorum of the temple, by which cowans have never
Ancient Perfection as we have traveled to obtain the
knowledge of the Ancient Elect, and to imitate them in been able to discover the place where the Sgcred name
their devotions, whose principal study was the contem- was deposited, as a strict gwird was kept to prevent the
plation of the adorable attributes of the Grand Archi- admission ‘of any but the Grand Elect, Perfect and Sub-
tect of the Universe. lime Masons.
Solomon expressly chose this word for the Ancient
Masters to fill the princival workmen with veneration The temple was begun in the fourth yearof the reign
for the great and eternal God, to whom the temple was of Solomon, the third after the death of David, four
dedicated and also to incite them to perform their hundred and eighty years after the passage of the Red
s~veral duties cheerfully while employed in erecting a
temple to his Holy name. Sea, and on the second day of the second month, called

Jyar, in the year of the world 2992, and was completed 0n the second day he admitted the Masters and
in a little more than seven years. .Knighta Elected into the middle chamber and there
After a solemn invocation of the blessings of the made them promise in the most sacred manner never to
Eternal God at tfie dedication of the house erected to depart from the principles of virtue. To bear in their
his name, Solomonc held a feast with all the children of recollection the conduct of their respectable and much
Israel for fourteen days, during which period lie gave lamented chief as a model, to live in unity with each
audience to all the workmen. other in their wants and necessities and to faithfully
The first ~ss the Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime guard the mysteries of the order and never communicate
Masons who were introduced mb the Sacred Vault, and them to any but those who had merit sufficient to de-
at the same time the Grand Master Architects were in serve them.
the King’s apartment. He then gave them the degree of Grand Master Archi.
lie admitted to the degree of Perfection some of the tect and decorated them with the honors thereof, and
most virtuous of the brethren and made them most also bestowed on them some other favors and permitted
solemnly promise tc. live together in peace, unity and them also either to remain in Jerusalem or retire as they
concord, and to exercise the works of charity and be- thought proper.
nevolence in imitation of their deceased chief, and to On the third day lie gave audience to the Fellow
make justice and equity the babis of their actions;~to Crafts in the Eastern part of the temple and rewarded
observe a profound silence of thii~ degree and not to re- those who appeared to him to be virtuous with the de-
veal it to any person but thosc who are entitled to re- gree of Master.
ceive it and had given proof of thicir zeal, fervor and On the Entered Apprentices he conferred the degree
constancy in support pf the craft; to assist each other of Fellow Craft and introduced them into the Porch of
and to relieve their mutual wants; to inflict vengeance the temple; he then made them promise never to forsake
on traitors and to punish perfidy and injustice. those principles of virtue, of which their Ancient Chief
The King then blessed them in the name of the Lord was a memorable example; to live united and mutually
God of Israel and showed them the Ark of Alliance to assist each other in carefully preserving the Signs,
opened, from whence the Eternal Jehovah, the Grand Tokens and Words, and never to communicate them to
Architect of the Universe, delivered his oracles. any but those whose unexceptionaWe characters entitle
He ordered many sacrifices and admitted them to a them to that favor. He then made them several presents
libation, embraced them and gave each of them a gold and permitted them to retire out of the city if they
ring as a proof of the alliance which they had formed pleased and to enable those to prosecute their journey
with virtue and the virtu6us and made them several with ease and satisfaction, and as farther reward for
presents with permission either to remain in Jerusalem
their good conduct lie gave orders to his Intendants to
or to travel into foreign countries. defray their expenses. Thus far this wise and virtuous

King of Israel behaved worthy of himself and gained As an adequate punishment for the licentiousness of the
universal favor; but in process of time, when he had ad- people, God permitted divers nation to make war on
vanced in years, his understanding became impaired and them and to pillage their country. Ten of the tribes
fell from the house of David and elected Jeroboan
he grew deaf to the voice of the Lord and was strangely their King, by the style of King of IsraeL
irregular in his conduct. Rehoboam governed the tribes of Judah. In this
Proud of having erected an edifice to his maker and manner were the tribes of Israel divided and under two
much intoxicated with his great power, he plunged into distinct governments for 254 years, when the ten revolt-
all manner of licentiousness and debauchery and pro- ed tribes, having become weak and degenerated by
faned the temple by offering incense to the Idol Moloch following the wickedness and idolatry of the Kings who
instead of offering it to the living God. governed them, fell a prey to Shalmaneser, King of
Assyria, who in the reign of Hosea, King of Israel, be-
The Grand Elect and Perfect Masons saw this and sieged the city of Samaria, laid their country waste apd
were sorely grieved and fearful that his Apostasy’” utterly extirpated their government; such was the
would end in some dreadful consequence and perhaps wretched fate of a people who disdained subjection to
bring upon them their enemies~ whom Solomon vainly the laws of the house of David, and whose impiety
and wantonly defied. The people, copying the folhes ended in their destruction.
and vices of their King, became, proud and idolatrous, In the third month of the reign of Jehoiachin, King
neglecting the worship of the True and living God for
of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, took the
city of Jerusalem and carried off the King captive and
that of idols. cut into pieces all the vessels of the temple. Zedekiah
Those masons who had instructed their children in the was then made King of Judah and had reigned eleven
paths of virtue, agreeable to the principles of their or- years.
der, endeavored by their council and example to deter On the seventh day of the fifth month called Ab,
their fellow citizens from in~-piety~and licentiousness but Nebuzaradan, Captain of the’ Guards, entered Judah
without success. A gre~t majority of good masons left with fire and sword, took and sacked the city of Jerusa-
leni, razed its walls and destroyed that superb model of
Jerusalem that they might not behold the dreadful excellence, the temple. The people were carried captives
punishment which awaited the idolatry of the people. to Babylon and the conquerors carried with them all the
Note 154.—”The Temple was completed in the year of the world treasures of the temple. This happened in the year of
5000. Thus far the who King of Israel had behaved worthy of him.
seif. and gsiue& unlverssj admiration - hut In process of time, when the world 3470, 470 years, 6 months and 10 days after
he had advanced in years, his understanding became impaired; be grew its dedication.
deaf to Lie voice of the Lord and was strangely irregular In his con-
duct. Proud of having erected an edifice to his Maker, and Intoxicated
with hia great power. he plunged into all manner of iiceuiiousneas and
The Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons who
debanchery. and profaned the Temple. by offering to the idol Moioch that
incense which should have been offered only to the living Qod.
were at Jerusalem at that time exerted themselves ‘with
The Grand Elect and Perfect Masons saw this, and were sorely great bravery and fortitude in its defense, but without
guieved. afraid that his spostasy would end in some dreadfni conse-
quences, and bring npon them those enemies whom Solomon had vain- effect, for as soon as the temple had fallen into one
gloriously and wantonly defied. The people, copying the vices and general heap of ruins they directed their whole attentioD
follies of their king, became proud and idolatrous, and a~leci~ the
worship of the tine God for that of idrle.’~—Maeksys Enoyclopaedia of
Vx..masanry, Article Perfection. Lodge of.
to the preservation of the Sacred Vault from injury and
the golden plate from being discovered. by the Grand Elected to this day.
For that purpose a part3’ fought their way into the Once a year the High Priest, in the middle of a num-
Sacred Vault, where they found the golden plate on the ber of brethren who had received the degree of Perfee.
agate stone uninjured. (They alno discovcred the body tion, formed themselves in a circle to spell the Sacred
of (lalahiad. son of ~ophoris, a considerable man among word and, at the same time the people without the tem-
the Perfect Mssons and chief of the Levitas.) ple were ordered to make a great noise lest they should
Galahad was the guardian of the Sacred Vault and be overheard. By which means the habit of writing or
took care of the burning lamp. I-us fortitude and pronouncing the great and awful name was lost, as they
magnanimity was not excelled by Hiram Abiff, who 400 were uncertain of the number of letters which composed
years before lost his life rather than to reveal the Mas- it and of the real interpretation and sublime meaning
ter’s Word. Gelaha preferred being buried under the or the great name of their God. It defines his essence,
ruins of the temple rather than to discover to the bar- his existence, his unity, his goodness and his eternity in
bari~.ns by his coming out of the place where the greatest one word.
treasures were deposited. They then cried Bea-Makeh The Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons who
and Bawcarah; that is to say, “Thank God, we have had penetrated into the ruins of Enoch and who ac-
found it.” quired the inestimable treasure left Judali and went into
This is the grand password and known by those who other countries. Some went into Egypt and Assyria and
are guardians of the sacred treasure. others crossed the Sea and went into Europe; many set-
It is difficult to express the excessive joy which they tled in England, Scotland and Ireland. They retained
felt on the disco~erv of the Sacred Word, and, being their virtue and faith inviolable and afforded each other
fearful that the sacred characters should be found out, those fraternal acts of kindness which endear us to each
they defaced it and broke down the tables of gold, as other and gave to the world such striking proofs of
they found it impossible to carry away the agate trian- wisdom, virtue and integrity that they became the ad-
gular stone. They therefore overset and broke the miration of the people among whom they lived. In con-
pedestal on which the Saertii name had been deposited. sequence of which innumerable applications were made
They took from Galahad the robes of the enief of the to them for initiations.
Levites and retired, well satisfied with their success and The good brethren chose from among them such as
determined that in future no trace of the Sacred name were found famed for the exercise of virtue and morality
should be found but in the hearts cf good masons. From and invited them to deplore the uncertainty of human
this determination we derive the custom of spelling the events.
most holy name of names, letter by letter, without giv- They also laid before them the conduct of Solomon
ing a syllable. This word was used in the temple when as a memorable example to shun vice and practice vir-
it was rebuilt under the order of Cyrus and is observed tue in imitation of their beloved and much lamented
Master Hiram Abiff. They exhorted them to invoke Iigionu and benevolence which binds our members to-
the blessing of the adorable, I am, who was, and is, and gether in one band, in every clime and in every station
will be the eternal father of those who love him and of life.
obey his laws, many of them were initiated agreeable The great political revolutions which have so fre-
to their wishes. quently changed the form of Empires have never af-
When the Princes of Europe united their forces to fected our glorious profession. We possess all the
conquer the Holy Land and deliver Jerusalem from principles and forms in their pristine purity.
the hands of the barbarians who had it in possession Let us, my brother, offer our prayers at the throne of
a number of the Grand Elect with other masons volun- mercy that we may never be divided. Amen.
tarily offered their services in so holy an enterprise LECTUBE GRAND ELECT, PERFECT AND SUBLIME MASOH.
upon condition of being allowed the privilege of choos-
ing their own Chief, which was granted them. They Thrice Puissant—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
hoisted their own standard and departed. what are you?
In the tumult and disorder of war they still retained Senior Grand Warden—Thrice Puissant, I am a
and exercised the most virtuous principles, union and Grand Elect, rerfect and Sublime Mason. There is
harmony reigned in their tents. They lived together nothing but what is revealed to me.
without distinction of rank and acknowledged no general Thrice Puissant-Where were you received?
but in time of action. They gave mutual assistance to Senior Grand Warden—In a place where the rays
each other and extended their charity to the indigent of the Sun and Moon are not wanted.
and distressed, even among their enemies. Thrice Puissant-Where is that place situated?
Senior Grand Warden-Under the Sanctum Sancto-
In action they were valiant and~enterprising and ren-
let. 155.—”The tendency of all true Masonry is towards relillon.
icred such signal service to~ the confederate army that If it make any progress. its ~rogrem is to that holy end.
its ancient landmarks, its su lime ceremonIes. its profound .ymhola
they received from them the highest honors. snd allegoriea.—aIl inculcating religious doctrine. commsndlng reilglons
observance, and teschlng religious truth. and who csn deny that it is’
The Princes were surprised at the prodigies of valor eminentlys religious instItutiOn?
Hut, besides, Masonry is, in mU iii forms, thoroughly tinctured with
which were performed by the masons, and when they a true devotional spirit, we oven and close our lodges wIth prayer; we
invoke the biessing of the Most High upon all our labors; we demand
learned that their courage and zeal, their virtue, their of our neophytes a profession of trusting belief in the existence and the
anperintending care of God; and we teach them to how with humility and
disinterestedness and union were founded on the broad reverence at his awtul name, while his holy law is widely opened upon
our altars. Freemasonry is thus identified with religion; and although
basis of the mystic institution they solicited the honor a man may be eminently relIgious without being a Mason. it is impus-
sihie that a Mason can be irue and trusty~ to his Order unless he is a
of initiation. respecter of religion and an observer of religious principle.
But the relIgion of Masonry is not sectarian, It admits men of every
The rrinces promised a strict observance of all the creed within its hospitable bosom, rejectIng none and approving none foe
his peculIar faith. It is not Judaism. though there is nothing in it
to offend 5 Jew; it is nut ChristianIty. but there is nothing In It repng•
laws and regulations of the Craft and were initiate agut to the faIth of a Christian. its religion is that general one of
into the masonic mysteries. They were instructed is astare and primitive revelstion.—hsnded down to us from some ancient
and patrIarch si priesthood—in wbieh all men may agree and in whlcb
no men can differ.”— Machey’s Eneylmlopinedi* of lreemaaofhl. jyticie
our history and taught the mystery of universal rem Religion of Masonry.

rum of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in a lodge knocks?

and sacred place called the Sacred Vault. Senior Grand Warden—Nine loud knocks, which
Thrice Puissant—Who introduced ~ou into that
mark the age of a Perfect Master, and which, when
Senior Grand Wa,’den—Thic most wise and puissmtimt represented by the numbers of the Grand Elect, Perfect
of all Kings. and Sublihe Masons, make eighty-one.
Thrice Puis.sant—Tn what way did you enter that Thrice Puissant—What followed these nine knocks?
place? Senior arand Warden—The door of the ninth vault
Senior Grand Warden—Through a long narrow pimo-
sage colnposed of nine arches. was opened and I entered into the most Holy and sacred
Thrice Puissant-How ~vereyou introduced into this place of all the earth, at the same time I pronounced
lIoly Vault? Shibboleth,’5’ Shibboleth, Shibboleth, with an aspira-
Senior Grand Warden—By three knocks. tion.
Thrice Puissan 1—To what do these three knocks .il-
1’hi’ice Puissant—What is the meaning of that word?
Senior Grand Warden—To thie age of toy apprentIce- Senior Grand llo,’den—It is the first password and
ship and the number of Knights Elected who penetrated signifies plenty.
into the bowels of the Earth and took from thence the Thrice Puissant—What dId you perceive on entering
precious treasure of the Grand Fleet, Perfect and Sub-
lime Masons. that holy place?
Thrice Puissant—What folhouetl these knocks? Senior Grand Warden—The most brilliant light,
Senior Grand Warden—Five other knocks, which which dazzled my eyes and struck me with amazement.
distinguished the age of the Fellow Craft and also the
Thrice Puissant—What was the brilliant light that
number which was completed by the arrival of Guibhim,
Joabert and Stolkin with t~ie precious treasure which so affccttA you?
Divine Providence had ordained to be deposited in the Senior Grand Warden—It was the Ineffable and real
Sacred Vault, where these three brethren found it; name of the Almighty and Grand Architect of the Uni-
Solomon, King of Israel, and Hiram, King of Tyre, verse, engraven on a triangular plate of gold upon an~
nlaking the nunmber. agate stone, which had been deposited there by one of
Thrice Puissant—What answer was made to these
five knocks? Mote 156.—”Slgniiles an ear of corn and a stream or Sood of water.
The name given to a test or criterion by which the ancient Jews sought
Senior Grand Warden—Seven other knocks, which to distinguish true persons or things from false The term originated
thus After the battie gained by Jephtbsh over the Epbratmites, (Judges
alluded to three things: First, the Age of a Master. ill I the Gileadites. e(O,flanOE’d b3 the former, secured all t~3e passes
of the river; and, on an F.phraimite attempting to cross, they asked him
Second, that there were chosen seven Expert Brethren If he was of Ephraim. If he saId no. they bade him pronounce the
to replace our Grand Master Hiram Abiff. Third, that word Shibboleth which the Ephraimites from inability to give the
aspirate. gave Kibboleth. By this means he was detected as an enemy
Solomon was employed seven years In the construction and imniedtfltelv slain In modern times this word has been adopted
into ~olItienl end ether organleations as a pass or watchword.
of the temple. Macny a Encyolopsedla anal DiotiOnalT of I’reembsony, hz’tlole Ihib.
Thrice Puissant—What answer was made to the seven

the ancient patriarchs and was found by the Knights by the pious and zealous masons, after the destruction
of the temple by Nebuzaradan, being fearful that the
of the Royal Arch. Divine Delta should fall into the hands of the impious,
Thrice Puissant—What do you call the Pedestal on the sacred name would be profaned.
which it was placed? Thrice Puissant-What have you perceived in the
Senior Grand Warden—The Pillar of Beauty. degree of Illustrious Knight?
Thrice Puissant-In what manner did we receive this Senior Grand Warden-Twelve great lights.
brilliant Delta? Thrice Puissant-What do they allude to?
Senior Grand Wardeui—By the laborious search of Senior Grand Warden—Twelve masters who were
the Ancient Knights of the Royal Arch, who discovered elected by Solomon to carry on the works of the temple
this inestimable treasure among the ruins of the temple after the death of Hiram Abiff and who commanded
built by the Patriarch Enoch. the twelve tribes of Israel.
Thrice Puissant—Explain the name to mel Thrice Puissant—What were the names of the twelve
Senior Grand Warden—I cainnot. masters?
Thrice Puissant—How will you make me sensible Senior Grand Warden—Joabert, Stolkin, Terry, Mor-
that you know it? phey, Alycuber, Dorson, Herim, Berthemar, Tito, Zer-
Senior Grand Warden—Makobin and Machbenah’5’ bal, Benachard and Tabor, the first nine were those who
were substituted in the place of it. were elected to search for the traitor Jubelum (Akirop),
Thrice Puissant—What is the meaning of tltt-e one of the assassins of Hiram Abiff.
words? Thrice Puissant-Over what tribes had they the in-
Senior Grand Warden—Understanding, Knowledge spection?
and Wisdom. Senior Grand Warden—Joabert over the tribe of
Thrice Puissant—To whom d~id God first communi- Judah.
cate this Word? Stolkin over the tribe of Benjamin
Senior Grand Warden-To Enoch before the flood, Terry over the tribe of Simeon,
by whose care it was preserved and transmitted to us, Morphey over the tribe of Ephraim,
and also to Moses, when the Almighty showed hilnself Alycuber over the tribe of Manasseh,
to him on Mount Sinai. Dorson over the tribe of Zebulun,
Thrice Puissant—What became of the word after- Herim over the tribe of Dan,
wards? Berthemar over the tribe of Asher,
Senior Grand Warden—It was effaced, and the Gold. Tito over the tribe of Naphtahi,
en Plate on which it was engraved was melted down Zerbal over the tribe of Reuben,
Benachard over the tribe of Issach 5?,
Note 1I7.—”Macbenac means in O.lic tbe blesseS son.’ This word
the Stuart Masons applied to their idol, the Pretender, the son of Charim Tabor over thd tribe of Gad.
1.”— Mackay’s EnayoiopsediA of lreeinssoazy, Atieie Mae.
These masters superintended the working of the at.the east door of the temple?
tribes, paid them their wages, and rendered daily an Senior Grand Ward,~n—It is the tomb wherein was
account of their proceedings to Solomon. placed the body of our much lamented and respectable
Thrice Puissant—Do the lights allude to anything vaster Hiram Abiff, which Solomon caused to be erect-
else? ed there as a testimony of the high esteem the brethren
had for that Great Architect.
Senior Grand Warden—To the twelve Princes of Thrice Puissant—What is the meaning of the Bal-
Solomon, and their governments, who furnished suste- anco?
nance for the workmen and the King’s household. Senior Grand Warden—It teaches us tc be just and
Thrice Puissant—What are their names and the equitable.
countries over which they presided? Thrice Puissant-What signifies the Sword which
Senior Grand Warden—Hur, the son of Hur, Inten-
the Grand Master of Ce~emonies held naked in his hand
at your entrance?
dant General in Mount Ephraim.
Senior Grand Warden—It is employed to defend our
Aminadab; son of Aminadab, in the region of Dor, illustrious Grand Master and to punish those who shall
he was married to Yaptha, Solomon’s daughter. depart from virtue, and shall be so perfidious as to re-
H..,ed, the son of Hosed, in Amboth and all Hoper, veal the secrets committed to their care, Solomon gave
etc. those who were deserving, the name of favorite, and
Baana, son of Basna, in Taawich Megiddo, etc. constituted them Sublime Knights, decorated them with
Deter, son of Dett=r,in Mahaz-Bethshemeshi, etc. a large black ribbon, on which wis painted a flaming
heart opposite their breast. He desired them not to
Geber, son of Geber, in Ralnoth Gilead, etc. travel without this mark of distinction, and instead of
Ahinadab, son of Jctdo, in Mahanaim, etc. the poniard gave them a sword of justice and said: “As
Ahimaaz, in Napittali, married Basmoth, Solomon’s you have been the conductors of the work of the temple
daughter. you are now to defend it with the sword.”
Baana, son of Hushica, in Asheraloth, etc. Thrice Puissant—What is the meaning of the inflamed
Jehoshaphat, son of Pernah, in Issachar, etc. heart?
Shimei, son of Elah, in Benjamin, etc.
Senior Grand Warden—The ardent charity we should
have for each other.
Gebor, son or Un, in the country of Gilead, etc. Thrice Puissant—What is your word in quality of
Thrice Puissant—Why do the Secret Masters wear the Knight Elected?
ivory key? Senior Grand Warden—Beguel-Kol, and signifies by
Senior Grand 1Vard~’n—To remind them that the him or through him every thing was discovered, there
Grand Elect, Perfect slid Sublime Masons are the only are three pass-words necessary to be known, first Nekam
depositaries of Ancient Masonry. The secrets of which
which signifies vengeance, second Stolkin, the name of
must be carefully locked up from the profane.
him who found the body of Hiram Abiff under the sprig
of Acacia, third Joabert, who cut off the head of Abiram,
Thrice Puissant—What is The meaning of the tomb (Akirop) and brought it to Solomon in compauy with

his eight companions. was a squarer and polisher of marble in the quarry of
Thrice Puissant—What is the meaning of the eight Gibelum, near Joppa, not far from the sprig of Acacia,
lights together and one by itself? when the body of Hiram Abiff was found, he was not
Senior Grand Warden-The nine elected who went enrolled among the workmen of the temple, but for this
in search of Jubulum, (Akirop.) piece of essential service Solomon rewarded him and
Thrice Puissant-Have you received any distinction enrolled him among the workmen and changed his name
since you have been made a Knight Elected? to Guiblim because he continued to walk therein.
Senior Grand Warden-Solomon being willing to re- Thrice Puissant—What signifies the three lights plac-
ward the trouble of the Elected, advanced them to the ed at the door of the Elected Knights?
Senior Grand Warden—The three Fellow Crafts who
degree of Sublime Knights and joined to their chapter
assassinated our respectable Master Hiram Abiff.
three zealous brethren to make 4heir number twelve. He
Thrice Puissant—What was their origin and what
showed them the riches of the temple and gave to each
were their names?
a golden key that they might be distinguished from the
rest of the brethren, and gave them the name of Emeth Senior Grand Warden—They were from the tribe of
Dan, and sons of the same parent, they were called first
or (Amar-Jah,) a word which signifies truth, or a true
man on all occasions, he also gave them command of the
Jubelum, (Akirop) and by some Aben, (Akirop,) the
second was Jubelo, (Gravelot) and the youngest Jubela,
twelve tribes of Israel.
Thrice Puissant—Have you penetrated any farther?
Thrice Puissant—What became of the two younger
Senior Grand Warden—Solomon soon after initiated
me into the degree of Grand Master Architect, to re- brothers of Akirop?
Senior Grand Warden—They fled to the country of
compense me for my zeal, fervor and constancy, and in
the end to lead me to the celestial throne.
Thrice Puissant—What was the name of the stranger
Thrice Puissant-How came they to be discovered in
who acquainted Solomon with the place where the trai-
that country?
Senior Grand Warden—By the assiduity of Bengabee
tor Jubelum, (Akirop) had secreted himself?
Senior Grand Warden—His name was Perignan”’ he
Solomon’s Intendant in the country of Cheth.
Thrice Puissant—What method did Solomon take to
Note SIS.—Peitamn. whe,, the Rio degrees were arat inyeoted.
the legend referred ~o an unknown perioD, a tiller of the soil, to whom
King Solomon warn indebted for the information which led to the dia-
have them arrested?
rosen of the craftamen who had committed the crime recorded in the Senior Grand Warden—He demanded them of MWa-
third degree. Thu unknown person, at Orat designated aa •l’Inconnu.
afterwarda recelsed the name of Perignan. and a degree between the cha King of Cheth, to whom he wrote on that occasion.
ale .f nine and the eli ef iftean waa inatituted. which was called the
Rio of Perignan.’ and, which became the auth degree of the Adorn-
hiramite Rite. I am ntterli at a bee ca to the derisation or radical
Thrice Puissant—Who was the bearer of Solomon’s
Ue*niog of the word. hut am inclined to the tbeor~ which glsca to
this. as well aa to man7 other worda in the high degrees, a reference
letter to King Maseha?
to the adherenta. or to the enemiea. of the eniled honac of Stnart. fnt Senior Grand Warden—Zerbal, Captain of the King’s
wboee sake ceseral of theaedefreea were eatabliahed. ‘—Kanhe~’a Zuap’.
elegmadla of lreemaaon,7, lenignan

guards. iinmber 1 was one.

Thrice Puissant-Did the King of Cheth hesitate to Thrice Puissant—Were there no other persons?
deliver them up? Senior Grand Warden—There were troops which
Senior Grand Warden—No, he gave a guard to escort were sent as an escort.
the messengers an~ search with them. Thrice Puissant—What was done with the two assas-
Thrice Puissant—Where were they found? sins when they arrived at Jerusalem?
Senior Grand Warden-]n a quarry called Bendaca.
Senior Grand Warden—They were carried before
Thrice Puissant—Had not Solomon an intendant of
that name? Solomon to whom they confessed their guilt, after
Senior Grand Warden—He had, one who was married which they were confined one day and one night in a
to one of his daughters. dungeon in the tower of Achizar, after which they were
Thrice Puissant—How came they to discover the two led to execution.
assassins? Thrice Puissant—What kind of punishment did they
Senior Grand Warden-By the intelligence of a
shepherd who showed them the place of their retreat. receive?
Thrice Puissant—Who were the persons who saw Senior Grand Warden—At the hour of ten in the
them first? morning they were tied, naked, to two stakes, their arms
Senior Grand Warden—Zerbal and Elignam, after and legs extended, their bodies were then opened from
five day’s search. their necks to the middle and in that condition they
Thrice Puissant—In what manner were they carried were exposed to the heat of the sun for eight hours dur-
up to Jerusalem? ing which time the flies and other insects feasted on
Senior Grand Warden—In chains, with their hands their blood and entrails. At length their cries were so
fastened behind their backs. lamentable that it drew tears from the executioner, who
Thrice Puissant—What was the form of the chains?
Senior Grand Warden—A square, a rule and a mal- in commiseration of their suffering severed their heads
let, on which was engraved the kind of punishment they from their bodies, which were given to the wild beasts
were to suffer at Jerusalem. for food and their heads were placed on the South and
Thrice Puissant—On what day did they arrive at West pinnacles of the temple. The head of Akirop
Jerusalem? who was killed sometime before was placed on the East
Senior Grand Warden—On the fifteenth day of the pinnacle, as a memento to the people to avoid such
month Nissan, anna 3775; which answers to the month
horrible crimes.
of April. Thrice Puissant—What are the words of the Elected
Thrice Puissant—How long was it before the assas-
sins were executed? of Fifteen?
Senior Grand Warden—One month. Senior Grand Warden—Zerbal and Elignam; the first
Thrice Puissant—How many masters did Solomon is the name of the Captain of lhe Guards who appre-
send to search for them? hended the assassins in the quarry, and the last God’s
Senior Grand Warden—There were fifteen, of which
people~ - Senior Grand Warden-Guibelum.
Thrice Puissant-What hour was it when the two Thrice Puissant—What is the sign of the Knight of
ruffians expired? the Iloyal Arch?
Senior Grand Warden—At six in the evening ven- Senior Grand Warden—That of Admiration.
Thrice Puissant—What is the Token and Word?
geance was completed. Senior Grand Warden-Here it is, (he gives it), the
Thrice Puissant—What is the meaning of the letters word is Jabulum.
B. ~.N.~ which you see in the triangle of the Inti- Thrice Puissant—Are you a Grand Elect, Perfcct and
mate Secretary? Sublime Mason?
Senior Grand Warden—The alliance of Moses and Senior Grand Warden—I have penetrated into the
Aaron, the same of Solomon with Hiram King of Tyre; most sacred place of all the earth.
Thrice Puissant—What is the name of that place?
they also signify alliance, promise and perfection. Senior Grand lVarden—It was first called the Secret
Thrice Puissant—What is the word of the Grand Vault, but after the Divine Delta was placed therein it
Master Architect? was called the Sacred Vault.
Senior Grand Warden—Rab-Banain, (master build- Thrice Puissant—Where do the Grand Elect, Perfect
er.) ~ndSublime Masons Work?
Thrice Puissant-In what manner were you after- Senior Grand Warden—Tn a holy place under ground.
wards rewarded? Tiwice Puissant—Where is that place situated?
Senior Grand Warden—Under the Sanctum Sane-
Senior Grand Warden—Divine providence was gra- torum of the temple of Jerusalem.
ciously pleased to direct my researches into the boweh Thrice Puissant—What is the work of the Perfect
of the earth, wherein I discovered the brilliant Delta on and Sublime Mason?
which was engraved the sacred name of the Almighty. Senior Grand Warden—Respectfully to preserve in
As a reward for my zeal Solomgn gave me the degree our hearts the sacred mysteries of masonry. To sanctify
of guardian of the narrowapassage which leads to the those who have been initiated. To practice the purest
Sacred Vault. morality, and to aid and assist, to succor and defend
Thrice Puissant-What quality did you receive on our worthy brethren.
that occasion? Thrice Puissant—Where do the Perfect and Sublime
Senior Grand Warden—That of Knight of the Royal Masons travel?
Arch. Senior Grand Warden—Through all the Equators of
Thrice Puissant—By whom were you received? the Globe to spread the knowledge pf their divine
Senior Grand Warden—By Solomon King of Israel Thrice Puissant—What does the Sacred Vault con-
and Hiram-King of Tyre. As a reward for my labor tam?
they also gave the same rank to my two companions Senior Grand Warden—The precious treasure of the
Joabert and Stolkin. Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons.
Thrice Puissant-What was your name then? Thrice Puissant—What is that precious treasure?
The eighth: put your hands, shut,
Senior Grand Warden—The Divine Delta on which
is engraved the sacred name of the Almighty God. to your mouth, as if to pull out
Thrice Puissant—Where is that precious treasure your tongue, then place it on your
deposited? heart. The ninth, raise your hand
Senior Grand Warden—On a pedestal which is called
the Pillar of Beauty. as if ~u had a poniard in it to
Thrice Puissant—What is your name? strike a brother’s forehead, to
Senior Grand Wdrden—Jabulurn or Guibelum. show that vengeance is eomp,leted.
Thrice Puissant—What does that name signify? Thrice Puissant—What are the
Senior Grand Warden—Elected friend, favorite and
zealous brother.
Thrice Puissant—How many figurative signs have Senior Grand Warden—The
the Grand Elect. Perfect and Sublime Masons? principal ones are three in
Senior Grand Warden—Nine, but three are most
necessary to be known. Eighth alan.
number: first, that of Inti-
Thrice Puissant—Give me thc principal ones?
Senior Grand Warden—The first is cutting your belly ni a t e Secretary, B. .N. ..5.~.
across, in token of your obligation. The second is rela- which signifies promises of a
tive to the burning bush, and the third is silence, by complete alliance (see p. 3’18)
putting the first two fingersof the right handonthelips. The second, Circumspection:
Thrice Puissant—Go on my brother and givo me the advance the hands reciprocally
six others. first to the master token, then
,S~’njor Grand Warden—The fourth is Admiration, (see
to the wrist, then to the elbow,
page 323.) The fifth: and the ~vord is Gabaon.’
interlace] all y~our fin- Tbe third is Defiance, Resis-
gers, hands raised over tance and Remembrance: ad-
the head, palms out vance reciprocally the hands
ward. (this sign serve as in the fourth degree, draw-
to call a brother.) the Token of Circumspectiuii
Note ib9.—’Gabaon. A signiSant word in the high degrees Oliver
sixth Admiration, (see ansa. (Landm., I. 335.) In philosophical Masonry, heaven, or. more
correctly speaking. the third heaven. is denominated Mount Gahaco.
which is feigned to he aecesaible only hy the seven degrees that rem.
page 323.) Answer, muses the binding staircase These are the degrees terminating in the
Royal Arch.’ Gabeon is (leSned to signify a high lace. • it is the
look over your ehoul- ~epiuagint nod viilgate form of Gshaon, which was Ii~e city in which
the tehernecle was stationed during the reigns of David and Solomon.
The word means a city built on a bill. ajid is referred to in 2 CbCon
ders alternately. The I. 3. ~5oSolomon. and all the congregation wiih him, went to the high
piaco that was at Giheon: fur there was the tahernacle ot the con~
seventh, clap your gregation of God.’
in a ritual of the middle ci the inst century. it is sold that Osbanon
hands on your thighs. Is the name of a Ilaster Mason. —Kankey’s Enoyolopaeiia. haticle
ing them to each other three
times; then place the left hand on Xings, Solomon and Hiram, who were seized with sur-
th~ brother’s back, then on his .prise. when they beheld the sacred name on the Goldcn
neck as if to raise him. Plate which was brought to them by Guibelum, Joabert
Thrice Puissant-What are the and Stolkin.
pass-words? Thrice Puissant-What signifies the sign of cutting
Senior Grand Warden-There your belly.
are three principal ones: the first Senior Grand Warden—An allusion to the wounds of
is Shibboleth three times with an our respectable Master Hiram Abiff.
aspiration. The second is El- Thrice Puissant-What are the tools of a Grand
Hanan. The third is most essen- Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason?
tial to be known and is Bes-Mak- Senior Grand Warden—A shovel, Crow and Pick-axe.
eh, ~amearah, which is interpret- Thrice Puissant—What use do they make of them?
ed “thank God we have found it.” Token or Reeistane~ ~od Senior Grand Warden—They served to discover and
Thrice Puissant—Wliat are the eov~reff words? raise the square stone on the top of the arches which
Senior Grand Warden—There are~tF~ee: The first were built by Enoch and also to break the pedestal on
is Guiblim or Jabuluni. The second is Makobim, which which the treasure was deposited when the temple
interpreted; “That’s he! He is dead !“ The third is was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and to prevent the
Adonai, Supreme lord of all, sacred name of names from falling into the hands of
Thrice Puissant—Give me the word? the profane. They melted down the plat~ and determin-
Senior Grand Warden—Thrice Puissant, I cannot, I ed never to write, engrave or pronounce it, but to treas-
am riot able to pronounce it Machbenah and Mah-hah- ure it in their hearts.
bone, were substituted in~ its place. You know what I Thrice Puissant—When the Grand Elect came to the
mean, Adonsi is the last covered word for this myster- Vault did they find anything besides the pillar of
ious one. Beauty?
Thrice Puissant—How do you enter into a lodge of Senior Grand Warden—Yes, they found the body of
Perfection? Galsad.
Senior Grand Warden—With firmness and constancy Thrice Puissant-Who was Galaad?
in my heart. Senior Grand Warden-He was the son of Sophoris,
Thrice Puissant-Why do you always stand in a lodge a considerable man among the Perfect Masons, and
of Perfection in a posture of surprise? Chief of the Levites, Galaad was the guardian of the
Senior Grand Warden—In allusion to Moses who was
obliged to stand in that position when he received the Sacred Vault, and to him was entrusted the care of the
table of tne laws from the Almighty, and also the two lamp which burnt without ceasing in that Sacred and
Holy place. His fortitude and x~aguanimity were not ex•
celled by Hiram Abiff, who 400 years before lost his life Senior Grand Warden—Forty years, and died when
rather than reveal the secrets of a Master Maaon. So
Galaad preferred being buried under the ruins rather
he was ninety-four, and was buried in Jerusalem.
than to discover to the barbarians by his coming out of
Thrice Puissant-Who was king of Jerusalem after
the place where the greatest of treasures were deposited. 8olomon?
Thrice Puissant—What did the Grand Elect do ~with Senior Grand Warden—Rehoboam, his son.
the body of this worthy chief? Thrice Puissant-Did anything remarkable happen
Senior Grand Warden—They wished to follow the in his reign?
example of Solomon, by burying him with every masonic Senior Grand Warden-God permitted the kingdom
honor and then to erect a superb monument to his mem- of Israel to be divided as a punishment for the sins of
ory, and perpetuate to future generations, the heroic
sacrifice he had made of himself to preserve the inestim- the people of Jerusalem as had been predicted by the
able treasure of the Sacred Vault of which he was the prophets.
faithful keeper, but ‘the distress in which the brethren Thrice Puissant—Relate to me the punishment of the
were involved by the capture of Jerusalem prevented it. kingdom of Judah.
They took away his habit, consisting of his Tiara and a Senior Grand Warden—When the crimes of the pee-
robe of fine linen which they burnt, and they interred pie had become insufferably great, God permitted
his body in the ruins of the Sacred Vault under the
Pillar of Beauty. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon to make war upon
Thrice Puissant—Hour did Solomon live after the them, who following the predictions of the prophets
dedication of the temple? sent Nebuzaradan his general, who reduced all Judes
Senior Grand Warden—This ~vise king, this king so witn fire and sword, took and sacked the city of Jerusa-
virtuous whom God had appointed to rule over the chil- lem and reduced the temple of the living God to a heap
dren of Isracl became deaf to the voice of the Lord, an~l of ruins. The conquerors carried with them as captives
was strangely irregular in his conduct. Proud of having
erected an edifice to his maker ~nd intoxicated with his
into Babylon, Zedekiah and all his people, also all the

power he plunged into all rnanncr of licentiousness and ornaments and treasures of the temple. This happened
debauchery and profaned the temple of the Most High 470 years, 6 months and 10 days after its dedication.
by offering incense to the idol Moloch. which only should The Grand Elect and Perfect Masons who were at Jeru-
have been offered to the living (lod. These crimes pene- uslem at this time exerted themselves with great bra,-
trated deeply into the hearts of the good masons, the Nate 150.—”Zedeklaia. & personage in some of the high deg~ees.
greater part of whom voluntarily exiled themselves from wiume meianchoi tate is described in the Second Book of Kings and in
the rophecies of Jetemlah. He was the twentieth and last king of
their country, that they micht not be spectators of the Judd. when Nehuchadnesgar had in his second siege of Jeruaakm
depesed Jehelachin. whom be carried as a csptlye to Babylon. he placed
punishment which they feared the Almighty would in- Sedekiab on the throne in his stead. By this act’ Zedeklab becume trib
utawy tn the king of the ebaidees, who ezacted from hIm a solemn-
flict upon Jerusalem. They accordingly left Judei seth of Ideilty and obedlenee. Th’n oath he obsersed no longer than
and went into foreign countries among strangers. tIll an opportunIty occurred of YloIating It. in the language of the
author of the Books of chronicles, ~he rebelled agaInst King Nebuchad.
Thrice Puissant—How many years did Solomon mar. who had made hIm swear by Ood.~
This course soon brought down upon hIm the yengeance of the
reign? Ofeuded monarch, who inyaded the land of Judah with an Immense
gg~. ‘—Eaeknga Enqolope.edia at 1seeinasonz~, Article 5s4.kish.
ery and fortitude in its defence, but without effect, for gal and Malachi.
soon beholding the temple of God falling into one gen- Thrice Puissant-Who was it gave liberty to the
tiral heap of ruina~, they directed their whole attention Iaraelites and permitted them to return to their own
to the preservation of the Sacred Vault from injury and country?
the Golden Plate from being discovered. For this pur- Senior Grand Warden-Cyrus,”’ king of Persia, who
pose a party of them fought their way into the Sacred was the conqueror of all the East. He not only gave per-
Vault where they found the golden plate on the agate mission to the Israelites to return to their own country
stone uninjured. Their joy was excessive on this occa- and rebuild the city of Jerusalem, but also presented
sion. They all cried out Bes-Makeb Bamesrah, that is, them all the sacred vessels which had belonged to the
“thank God we have found it.” temple, and which had been preserved by the care of
Thrice Puissant—What did they do after this dis- Mithridates, the second treasurer.
covery? Thrice Puissant-Where do the Grand Elect, Perfect
Senior Grand Warden—They retired contented, re- and Sublime Masons work this day?
solving that in future they would never trust this holy Senior Grand Warden—In a place chosen to re-estab
name to be written or engraved, but to preserve it faith- lish the edific&which had been ruined by the traitors.
fully in their hea~rts and that their descendants should Thrice Puissant-What are the wages of our success?
only know it by tradition, from thence arose the custom
Senior Grand Warden—Virtue, which all may obtain
of pronouncing the letters only, without joining the
syllables which was observed afterward in the temple
who desire it.
which was built by Cyrus. Thrice Puissant-What recompense do you expect?
Thrice Puissant—How long did the captivity of the
Senior Grand Warden—The destruction of vice and
brethren continue a fter the destruction of the temple by
the knowledge and love of my brethren.
Nebuchadnezzar? Thrice Puissant-What do you find in the place which
Senior Grand Warden—The first captivity was sev- has been chosen?
enty years as was predicted by the prophet Jeremiah. Senior Grand Warden—Dead Bones, Blood and a
Thrice Puissant—How did the Israelites behave in Burning Lamp.
Babylon during their captivity? Thrice Puissant-What did you do with the lamp?
Senior Grand Warden—They repented of the crimes Note i61.—”I’he personal relation, to Gad’s people, which were sus-
tained by this might: conqueror. are fnIl of masonic Interest. The JewIsh
of which they were guilty and by example of the Grand nation had been broken up by Nebuchadnessar Ifty years before his
conning. and the remnant, not destroyed, carried away to Dahylon.
.Elect, who were with them, they worshiped the only where Cyrus found them. Be became to them 5 generous liberator and
a Just guardian of theIr rights. Nearly 250 years before that perIod.
true and living God as the prophets had before written the h Iseish had sunounced hIm by mae as ‘the Shqbsrd of the
Lord,’ who should perform slI Gods pleasnee and rehalld the city and
Thrice Puissant—Who were those prophets? temple.—Imlah ill,. This he hsstened to do. snd only two years attN
his conqneet of Bahylon. issned his celebrated decree, which was. Ia
Senior Grand Warden—Habalckuk, Zechariah, Hag. effect. the re-establIshment of the JewIsh ustlon. ‘—Eawls’a Nasunle

Senior Grand Warden— I put it out.

Thrice Puissant-Then you were in darkness?
Senior Grand Warden—No, Thrice Puissant, I had
no aecasion for lamp or light, I was enlightened by ibo
effulgence of the most brilliant and Divine Delts.
To be taken by e,ery broiher when adranced to the degree ot GRAND ELECT, PERFUCT AND SUBLIME MASON.
Grand Elect. Perfect aud 5ubimme Masou.

In presence of the Grand Architect of the Univerae, Thrice Puissant—Brother Senior Grand Warden from
and of this respectable assembly of Freemasons, I whence came you?
Senior Grand Warden—Thrice Puissant, from Judea.
solemnly promise to obey the general regulations of the Thrice Puissant-What did you bring from thence?
Supreme Grand Council for the jurisdiction of the Senior Grand Warden—The precious treasure of the
Western Hemisphere, and to acknowledge said Supreme Grand Elect engraven upon my heart, which I will give
Grand Council as the only authority of the Scotch Rite you.
in said jurisdiction, and I further promise and swear Thrice Puissant-Approach my brother, (the Senior
that I will have no intercourse as a mason of said Rite Warden leaves his seat and approaches the Thrice Puis-
with any masonic body of masons pretending to be sub- sant with the sign of admiration and whispers in his ear
ject to any masonic authority of said Rite in this juris-
the ineffable word, letter by letter.)
diction other than said Supreme Grand Council of
Thrice Puissant—(Strikes three and says,) breth-
ren will please form the chain around the altar, (all
which the I1lu~trious brothcr is now Sop. kneel on left knee and rorm with hands above their
ereign Grand Commander. So help me God. heads,) the Thrice Pirissant then whispers in the ear of
the brother next to him the ineffable word, that brother
gives it to the next and so on until it reaches the Thrice
Puissant again.
Thrice Puissant—My dear brethren, the word which
was lost is found, engraved in the deepest part of our
hearts, let us retire in the dark and purify our hearts
from all uncleanliness. Let us pray.

Direct our steps, Oh Adonsi, Supreme Lord and Mas-

ter of the Universe, grant that we may shun the paths
of the wicked and not fall into the pit which our ene-
mies have made for us, that the effulgenoe of divine wis-

dom may enlighten us, that we may possess the means of Sublime Degree of Perfection?
being charitable by the gifts of this providence, and Bel&ior Grand Warden—The Eternal, “Beatitude”
grant oh Lord that we may not be unsuccessful pur for which he will ever sigh without ceasing, and which
labor; blesa and sanctify our works that we may kii jw he can only acquire by his good works.
and acknowledge(thy power and strength and grant that Thrice pui.uant~~Brother Senior and Junior Grand
the virtue which masonry teacheth may be firmly en- Wardens, acquaint the brethren that I am going to close
grafted in our hearts. And the honor and glory shall be this lodge of Perfection by the mysterious numbers, 3, 5,
ascribed to thy most holy and mighty name. Amen. 7 and 9.
(All now take their places.) Senior Grand Warden—Breth~n you will please take
Thrice Pu~ssant—Brother Senior Grand Warden, notice that the Thrice Puissant Grand Muter i~ going
what’s the clock? to close this lodge of Perfection by the mysterious num-
Senior Grand Warden—Thrice Puissant it is mid- ben 3, 5, 7 and 9.
night. Junior Grand Warden—Brethren you will please take
Thrice Puiwznt—Why do you say it is midnight?. that the Thrice Puissant Grand Master is going
Senior Grand Warden—Because after labor comes to close this lodge of Perfection by the mysterious num-
rest and night is the time of iniquity. bers 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Thrsce Puissant—What brought you here? Thrice Puiuant~~(KflOCks three; 000. All rise.)
Senior Grand Warden—The desire of practicing in S~giiior WardeR~(Kflocks three; 000.)
common with my brethren the arts of virtue, justice and Junior Warden~—(K~flocks three; 000. All make the
charity. sign of Admiration.)
Thrice Puinant—What is it that atiracts you here? Thrice puia&znt~(XflOcks live; 00000.)
Senior Grand Warden—The brilliant and adorable 8enior Warden— (Knocks five; 00000.)
Delta. Junior Warden~-~(KY1ocks five; 00000. All make the
Thrice Puissant—How comes the Delta so often men- uign of Admiration.)
tioned in this degree? Thrice pui.asant~—(KnoCks seven; 0000000.)
Senior Grand Warden—To learn the power, goodness, Seiiior Warden~~-(KnOCks seven; 0000000.)
mercy and majesty of the Grand Architect of the Uni- Junior Warden—(Knocks seven; 0000000. All make
verse, the God of Heaven and Earth, the Eternal Father the sign of Admiration.)
of nature. Thrice Puj.,saiii—(KnOCks nine; 000000000.)
Thrice Puissant—What do you carry from hence? Se~iior Warden~-(KnockS nine; 000000000.)
Senior Grand Warden—A great deiire of doing good. Junior Warden~—(KnOcks nine; 000000000. All make
Thrice Puissant—What can a Grand Elect, Perfect the sign of Admiration.)
and Sublime Mason desire more when he is come to the Thrice Puiueant—To the glory of the Grand Archi-

tect of the Umveree and under the auspices of the Sn.

preme Grand Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of the 33d degree for the northern jurisdiction
of the Western Hemisphere in the Valley of New York,
and by virtue of ~heauthority on me conferred by. this
Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection, I declare its works STATUTES AND REGULATIONS
thereof now closed. Brothers Senior and Junior Grand
Wardens, officers and brethren of this 8ublime Grand FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF ALL
lodge of Perfection, I admonish you to retire in peace, RuouI~An Lon~rn ov PERFECTION
to practice virtue and religion and to always live as be- TRANSMITTED BY THE
comes those who live in the immediate presence of the
Grand Architect of Ihe Universe, and may God bless our TEE ROYAl SECRET, AT Bm~uN, P&nis
country and our arms.
AND Bonmux.
Thrice Puissant—Together brethren, (all clap, 3, 5, 7
and 9.) ARTICLE 1ST.
No lodge of Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mas-
ters can proceed to work by electing officers or receiving
candidates unless warranted by a Charter from the Sub-
lime Princes of the Royal Secret or from a Grand In-
spector of the order or his Deputy, duly signed and
sealed, wilhout which they are to be regarded as irregu-
lar, and the work declared null.
No lodge or Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Main-
ters can correspond with any other such lodge, except
such as are reported by the Secretary General of the
Grand Council to the Grand luspector or his Deputy,
and by him communicated.
Whenever a lodge of Perfection is made acquainted
with the existence of another lodge of Perfection not
included in the list furnished itself by the Grand In-
spector or his Deputy, it should at once advise the
Grand Inspector or his Deputy thereof, that it may be
made known to the Grand CounciL

ARTICLE 4TH. the White Eagle, Knights Rose Croix, Patriarchs

If any brethren assemble irregularly for the purpose Noachite, Knights of the Royal Axe, Grand Pontils,
of initiating persons into this degree, they should be Knights Princes Adept, Knights of the White and
reprimanded, and no mason of a regular lodge can Black Eagle, Sovereign Princes of the Royal Secret and
recognize or visit Ihem on pain of sneh penalties as the the Grand Inspectors and their Deputies as his chiefs,
laws of the lodges of Perfeetion shall prescribe. whom he must promise to respect and their Council te.
follow in whatever they direct. He must also promise to
ARTICLE 5TH. increase in zeal, fervor and constancy for the order, to
If a Royal lodge of Grand Elect, Perfect and Sub- the end that he may one day attain to the degrec of
lime Masters should expel one of its members for mis- Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason, and to be
conduct, information thereof must forthwith be given to submissive and obedient to the statutes and regulations
the Grand Inspector or his Deputy, that he may be able heretofore made, or that may hereafter be made by the
to notify thereof the-other regular lodges and the Grand Sovereign Princes, chief of the order of masonry, and
Council. If a regular lodge should violate the laws mi- that he will pay them all the honors to which they are
posed upon it by the solemn provisions of our secret entitled and to add more force to such obligation, he
constitutions or should refuse to submit and to ask for- must sign a submission in due form.
giveness in the most humble manner by a petition
signed by all the members eonfessing their fault, show-
ing at the same time that they have eeased to work un- Every lodge of Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime
til sueh time as it shall please the Grand Couneil of the Masons should have nine officers, including whom the
Sublime Prinees to relieve them from interdietion, to number of members should not exceed twenty-seven.
pardon them, and receive them again into favor. The Thrice Puissant is not counted among the nine
officers. He represents Solomon. Hiram King of Tyre
ARTICLE 6TH. sits on his right, in the absence of the Grand Inspector
Any new lodge that may eome into possession of new or his Deputy.
degrees, relating to the order in general should im- First—The Qrand Keeper of Seals, representing
mediately make the same known to the Grand Inspector Galahad, son of Sophonia chief of the Levites, who sits
or his Deputy. on the left of the Thrice Puissant.
ARTICLE 7TH. Second—The Grand Treasurer, representing Guibu-
The present statutesand regulations must be read to mm, the confidant of Solomon, who sits in front of the
every brother when he takes the degree of Royal Arch. table of sLew-bread.
He must promise punctually to obey them, and at all Third—The Grand Orator, representing Abdamon,
times to recognize the Knights of the East, Princes of who explained to Solomon many enigmas and the
Jerusalem, Knights of the East and West, Knight~ of
hieroglyphics engraven on the pieces of marble found the 3d day of the 12th month Adar, which answers to
in the ancient ruins of Enoch on the mountain of Acel- the 21st day of February, that memorable day of the
dema”’ who sits near the Altar of Incense in the North. year 2995, when the precious treasure was found by
Fourth—The Grand Secretarij, representing Joabert, three zealous master masons under the ruins of our an-
the favorite of the two allied kings who sita in the cient patri.rch Enoch. The mode of electing either of
South opposite the altar of incense.
the officers or a candidate depends on the particular
Fifth—The Senior Grand Warden, representing laws of the lodge, but when the officers have been elect-
Adoniram, son of Abda, Prince Harodim of Labanus
who after the death of Hiram Abiff was inspector of the ed they must take an obligation to the Grand Inspector
laborers on Mount Libamis and the first of the seven or his Deputy, that they will perform the duties of
secret masters, who sits in the West. their office with zeal, constancy, fervor and affection
Sixth—The Junior Grand Warden, representing Ma- towards their brethren.
habon, the most zealous master of his time, and a great ARTICLE 10TH.
friend of Hiram Abiff, who sits in the West, on the left
of the Senior Grand Warden. Everything like party organization and cabal is ab-
Sea,enth—The Grand Master of Ceremonies, repre- solutely prohibited in conneetion with the election of
senting Stolkin, one of the three who discovered the nine
officers, on pain of.expulsion and erasure of membership.
arches and the Delta, who sits in the North. ARTICLE 11TH.
Eighth—The Captain of the Guards, representing All the brethren must, in open lodge, wear all their
Bendia or Zerbal, who held that office during the allianee decorations. A brother who eni ers a lodge without his
of the two kings and who sits between the two Grand ornaments or the insignia of some higher degree shall
Wardens. lose his right to vote at that meeting, and pay into the
Ninth—One Tyler or two, that the lodge may be well treasury such fine as the lodge shall impose.
Lodges of Perfection are to be held on specified days
The Thrice Puissant and other officers are to be elect- and at fixed hours, whereof the brothers shall have due
ed every third year. No one but a Prince of Jerusalem and regular notice from the Secretaiy, in order that if
can be elected to preside. The election is to be held on business of importance prevents any brother from at-
Note IU.—’Ao.ldsma. From the 5yro.Cbaldsic. meaning ash of
blood. so called beraume it was purchased with the blood-money which tending he may a~¶vise the Secretary thereof by letter
was paid to Judas tacariot for betraying his Lord. it is situated on
the slope of ibe bills beyond the vs hey of Hinnom and to ihe south on the morning of the day of meeting, whereof the
of Mount Zion. The earth there was believed. hy earl, writers, to
have poaseased a corrosive quality, by means of which bodies deijoalted Secretary shall inform the lodge in the evening. This
in it were quickly consumed; and hence it was uaed by the Crusaders.
then by the Knight. Hoapitailers. and afterward, by the Armenians. a.
the brethren shall not omit, under such penalties as the
a place of aepulture. and the Empreas Helen is said to have built
a charnel-house in its midst. Dr. Robinaun (Ulbileal Rasesrobes. I..
Thrice Puissant and the lodge may determine.
~ . 524.) says that the field is not now marked hv any boundary to di..
ingulab it from tbe rest of the field. and the former charnel-house is ARTTCLE 13TH.
now n ruin. The field of Aceldama is referred to in the ritual of the
Kn%bts Templars. ‘—Mackey’s Eucyolopasdia of Freamasom. Article
All loages of Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Ma-
sons mi~st mutually visit each other, by deputations a, their plaees will be filled by sueh brethren higher in de-
correspondence, as frequently as possible and communi.. gree as the president shall appoint and so with all other
cats to each other whatever light they may acquire. offleers.
The Grand Secretary shall issue to every brother who All matters whatever must be proposed by a Grand
is about to travel, a certificate signed by the Thrice Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason and the members
Puissan., the Wardens and the Grand Keeper of the will vote in order commencing with the youngest, and
Seals, who shall there affix the seal of the lodge and whenever a candidate is proposed to the lodge it must
counlersigned by the Grand Secretary. The signature be shown that he respects and is attached to his relig-
of the brother to wftom it is granted must appear in the ion, that he is a person of true probity and discretion,
margin. and that he has given proofs of his zeal, fervor and con-
stancy for the order and his brethren.
The Grand Elect, ‘Perfect and Sublime Masons may ARTICLE 18TH.
admit to the degree of Perfection such brethren as are When the Wardens are n,otified by the Thrice Puis-
worthy thereof, and who have held offlee in symbolic sant of his intention to hold a lodge, they must attend
lodges, and to all the degrees that precede that of Per- and with all their might advance the prosperity of the
fection to wit: Seeret Master, Perfect Master, Confi- lodge. The Master of Ceremonies must also be notified
dential Seeretary, Provost and Judge,~Intendant of the in advanee that he may prepare the hail.
Buildings, Elect of the Nine, Elect of the Fifteen, Illus- ARTICLE 19TH.
trious Knight, Grand Niaster Arehiteet and Knight of
the Royal Arch. The Grand Keeper of the Seals, will have the Seals
The Thriee Puissant may confer three degrees at one ready for reeeptions, set everything in order, and affix
and the same time on each brother by way of reward for the seals to all eertifieates or other documents signed by
zealous serviec, and may at last eonfer the degree of the officers of the lodge.
Grand Elect, Perfeet and Sublime Mason when the ARTICLE 20TH.
proper time has elapsed.
The Grand Orator will deliver a discourse at each re-
ARTICLE 16TH. eeption (initiation) enlarging therein upon the excel-
Besides the feast days of the 24th of June and 27th lence of the order. He will instruct the new brethren, ex-
of December, the Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime plain to them the mysteries and exhort them not to
Masons, must every year, on the 5th of October, cele- slacken in their zeal, fervor and constancy, that they
brate the rebuilding of the first temple of the Lord. may attain to the degree of Grand Elect Perfect, and
The Prince ‘who is oldest and highest in degree, will Sublime Mason. If he has noticed any indiscretions on
preside, and if the two Wardens be of inferior degree, the part of any brethren or any dispute aipong them, he
will advise the lodge thereof, that it may endeavor to ARTICLE 2-ITII.
bring about a reconciliation. The Captain of the Guard ~cesthat the Tyler does
ARTICLE 21ST. his duty, and it is his business to see the lodge well
tyled. He reecives all visitors wearing his hat and
The Grand Treasurer will safely keep all funds de-
sword in hand, unless they are Princes masons in whose
voted to eharitabte purposes, as well as moneys received
presenee lie is uncovered. lie will advise the ‘rhricc
for receptions. He will keep a regular book of aeeounts,
Puissant whenever a visitor desires to be admitted, will
at all times ready to be examined by the lodge, and as
assist in examining him, and will in all eases preeede
eharity is an indispensable duty among masons, the
the brethren in the eerernonie~ of instruetion. When he
brethren should vol ontarily contribute to the fund for
reports that the visitor is a Prince mason, sueh visitor
that purpose, eaeh according to his means. will be received with all the hionor~,, the brethren form-
ARTICLE 22ND. ing the vault of steel with their swords, and the Grand
The Grand Seeretary will keep a reeord of all the Master of Ceremonies eondueting him to the foot of the
tra.nsaetions of the lodge, plainly written, and always throne and afterwards to an elevated seat near the
ready to be inspected by the lodge, the Grand Inspector Thrice Puissant.
or his Deputy, he will dispateh all orders issued by the ARTICLE 25Th.
Thrice Puissant within such time that they may reaeh If any lodge is for good cause dissolved or teniporarilv
interdieted, the ofijeers thereof must deposit the thartcr,
their destination in due season. He must prepare all
regulations and statutes, and all the papers of the lodge
requisitions that are to be transmitted to the lodge to
with the Grand (ouneil if there be one, and if not with
the Grand Council, the Grand Inspector or his Deputy, the Grand Inspector or his Deputy, where they will re-
or into foreign eonntries and li’e will take the greatest main until the lodge is allowed to resume labor, and if
possible care to keep the business of his offlee in perfect the members of sueh lodge ~.liouldnot submit to the de-
order. cision of the Grand Council, their disobedienee with
their names, degrees and eivil eharaeters, are to be noti-
fied in writing to all the recognized lodges in the two
The Master of Ceremonies must repair to the temple Hemispheres, that they may incur the contempt of all
in due season so as to have everything ready that the mas~as.
work may not be delayed. He is always one of the ex- May the Grand Architect of the Universe avert so
sminers of visiting brethren and introduces them ac- great a misfortune and inspire us to seleet good men for
cording to their degrees, consequently he ought to be at
our brethren, that thereby the order may attain Perfee-
all points instructed in the several degrees and possess
the confidence of the lodge.
ARTICLE 26TH. fore closing any lodge ineuleate that duty on the breth-
If any member of the lodge that has been dissolved by ren in the usual manner and form.
the Grand Council, shows that body by petition, that he ARTICLE 32 ~D.
is innocent, he shall be restored to favor and affiliated If a member be siek, any member knowing thereof
with another lodge. must forthwith inform the Thrice Puissant in order that
ARTICLE 27TH. he may receive the neeessary attention, and the Brother
Hospitaller must visit him to see that he is properly
Nothing that is done in a lodge should be made known cared for.
oat of the lodge, except to a member of the same, .under
such penalty as the lodge shall inflict. ARTICLE 33nn.
When a brother dies, all the brethren are obliged to
ARTICLE 28TH. attend his funeral in the usual manner.
No visitor can be admitted until the lodge is opened, ARTICLE 34TH.
nor until he has been scrupulously examined by two well If a brother meet with misfortunes, it is the duty of
informed brethren and he shall take his obligation also every brother to visit him.
unless more than one member of the lodge shall state ARTICLE 35TH.
that they have seen him sit in a rgularly constituted If the Thrice Puissant be not present at a lodge meet-
lodge of at least the degree of that which he seeks to ing, for one hour after the hour fixed for opening, and
visit. there be five brethren present the oldest offleer will for
the time take the throne and proeced regularly with the
ARTICLE 29TH. work, provided the Grand Inspeetor and his Deputy are
Every lodge may have two Tylers, whose good char- absent, but if either of them be present, he shall he
acter should be known. They will be clothed at the invited to take the throne, with all the honors, the same
expense of the lodge and wear the proper jewel at the honors being paid the Deputy as to the Inspector in the
button hole of their coats. absence of the latter.
To secure regularity in the lodge the Thrice Pujasant
The Knights and Prinees Masons being the great Master and the Grand Inspector or his Deputy must
lights of the lodge, all complaints against them shall be keep a list of all the members of the lodge, showing the
made in writing and presented at the next lodge meet- degree and eivil eharaeter of each, to be laid before the
ing. The lodge shall hear and decide and if a party Grand Couneil and transmitled to all the regular lodges.
things himself aggrieved he may appeal to the Grand They will also advise the Grand Tnspector or his Deputy
Council which shall determine in the last resort. of every matter of interest communicated to the lodge.
Secrecy as to the mysteries being of indispensable If the members of any lodge deem it necessary to
obligatioD the Thrice Puissant Grand Master shall be- make any alterations in the present constitotiona and

regulations, that ean only be done by petition in writing 1762, and transmitted to the very Illustrious and ver~~
presented to the lodge prior to the annual feast. If the Puissant Prince Stephen Morin, Grand Inspector of all
members, upon mature consideration of the matter pro- the regular lodges in the new world.
posed, find nothing therein contrary to said statutes and At the Grand Orient of Berlin under the Celestial
regulations, the proposition in writing shall be trans- Vault, the day and year above mentioned and certified
mitted to the Grand Couneil of the Prinees, and if they by us, Grand Inspectors General and Deputies, the 22nd
approve it, it shall be sent to the Grand Inspector or his of December, 1768.
Deputy for the Distriet, who shall decide thereon, none [Signed.]
of our aneient customs, obligations or eeremonies being Etrenne Morin.
changed, nor the force of our present eonstitutions and Mose.s Cohen.
regulations diminished, on pain of interdiction.. Spitzer.
Whereof all lodges of Grand Elect Perfect and Sub- Hyman Isaac Long.
lime Masons and of Ancient Masons, regularly estab-
I ished under our protection shall so govern and direct
themselves for the future, in every place in the world
where our order is established, being under the direction
of the Inspector, his Deputy or the Princes Masons, in-
dividually or in Grand Council if there be one; whereto
to give force and actuality, we have resolved to create
Inspeetors and Deputy Inspectors who shall travel by
land and sea, to take note and observe in all lodges
regularly constituted.
A eopy of whieh laws and regulations shall be de-
livered to our aforesaid Delegates, Deputy Inspectors
with authentic Patents and Powers in due form that
they may be recognized and duly empowered in the
exereise of their,funetions.
So decreed by our Chiefs and Worthy Protectors in
lawful assembly of true science and ample power as
representatives of the Sovereign of Sovereigns.
Done at the Grand Orient of Paris, Berlin and Bor-
deaux, in a holy plaee under the Celestial Vault, nesr
the B. ~ the 25th day of the 7th month of the yeer
1688 to the Jesuits’ College in Paris, and their recogni-
tion by the French King, France became the breeder of
volcanoes for all Europe, and, that America should
receive the Freemasonry which now covers the United
States, from such a source, is as if Benedict Arnold and
Aaron Burr, both of whom were Masons, had formed a
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS system of secrat lodges to “elevate mankind,” and Eu-
rope had received and adopted them! The very terms
FOURTEENTH DEGREE, OR GRAND ELECT PERFECT AND and titles of this degree—”Grand, Elect, Perfect and
SUBLIME MA.SoN. Sublime Mason,” are fit for the dialect of a mad house;
Lcd em Diamolved b7 the Lutheran Retormation—TItie, Fit for the and they recall to mind the Scriptare: “ is in
Dialect of a Mad.houae—Traveatiea Chriatlan Ordluancem—The Cata.
comba of a New worahlp—inidellti It. Mother, Rebellion it~ Cradle—
their hearta while they live, and after that they go to the
Conjuring and Legerdernialn—Satan SW. their Heart. with Uea. dead.” Bat there is a method in this madness. It makes
That this was one of the degrees is proved money like Mormonism and Popery. And, like literal
by its name in France :-‘—“Grand Scotch Mason of per- madness in rabid animals, its venomous virus produces a
fection, of the Vault of Jas. VI.’, Mackey, (Note 141) zeal of proselytism, like the restless longing of hydro-
phobia to bite itself into whatever living thing is free
admits this name to be proof that it was invented and from it. And this degree reveals the secret of this ter-
used by Jesuits to destroy Protestantiam and restore the rible moral enemic.
Stuarta; (see Art’s Lodge and Rite of Perfection,) but We assume that Christianity, the Bible of the Christ-
framed by Ramsay in the Jesuits’ College at Paris. At ian nations, is true, and that the vagaries of the heathen
first the rite was fourteen degrees. Afterward it was tribes is untrue. And, if so, then that which attempts
enlarged by Dc Bonneville to twenty-five, (1754,) in the entire subversion of the Christian system, is not a
the same college. Then, four years later, it was merged local, particular evil, like robbery or fraud, but a funda-
mental, and universal one; and this total subversion is
in “The Council of Emperors, 1758; and sent by them precisely what is attempted by ‘this degree. Thus.
to the United States, by the Jew, Morin;—inereased in 1. It acorns and scoffs at the God of the Bible. We
Charleston, S. C., in 1881, to 330, where it stands now. read in its Ritual:
England was Protestant.—The German Lodges, Re- “The candidate looks for the last time on the Solo-
bold says, p. 54, were nearly all “dissolved” by the. monian school.” “On one side, and in the past, appears
Lutheran. Reformation. Germany has a Protestant the formidable God of by-gone ~erations; his name is
Emperor; England a Protestant government; and inscribed on the Breast-plate of thp High Priest of the
Jews. On the other side, and far in the future, the
France, unhappy France, fell between the upper and Eternal, Good, Simple, Benevolent, Merciful, Equitable
nether millstones of a corrupt church and infidel lodges, an& ever consoling Father of Mankind, whose titles are
whose Grand Orient has since voted to strike from its
written with the blood of that Sublime Teacher, who
Ritual the words: “The existence of God, and the im- first of all proclaimed the existence of a God of Love
mortality of man!” After the flight of the Stuarts in .~d Love only.”—Ritual page 595.
It requires but a glanee at this plain paragraph to see seat and headquarters of the Supreme Council, were
that it is a seoff at the Jehovah of the Old Testament, combined in a conspiracy to break up the country; and
who is the Jesos Christ of the New. And its ignorance all the while this oath was being administered by and to
equals its impudenee. The name of this same “Sublime conspirators! to quiet the fears of Northern Masons and
Teaeher” is dropped from the Scriptures quoted .in the insure the suceess of the Rebellion. The effect of such
Lodge, in many of the degrees; and his religion, on the wholesale fraud and sanetimonious false swearing,
altar of the lodge, is put on a level with the worships whether intended or not, could only be to make Christ’s
of “four-footed beasts and ereeping things.” See Note religion of sincerity and truth, an impossibility Within
155 of this degree. And as to Christ teaehiing a “God of its influence.
Love only;” “The Seriptures,” whieh Christ endorsed, 4. But that the intention of the framers of this degree
teaehi that “Justice and judgment are the habitation of was to make a clean riddance of Christianity is proved
His throne !“ Nay, this same “Sublime Teaeher” said by history, a~d is evident from the degree itself.
of sornc: “These shall go away into everlasting punish- The eminent French patriot, poet and historian, La-
ment.” martine, writing of the times when this degree and its
2. This degree makes a false use of the Deealogue,
Seottish Rite originated, says: “The Spirit of Philos-
and a profane use of the Lord’s Supper.
~Vhilethe eandidate is led into and around the lodge, ophy had organized oeeult associations after the image
the Thrice Puissant reads the ten Commandments; of Freemasonry.” “Between the initiated and exist-
knowing, as he must, that the Deenlogue is not the Ma- ing institutions, the war was concealed, but the more
son’s law of life, but the Lex Naturw or Law of Nature. deadly.” “These lodges were the ealaeombs of a new
(See the Ritual, page 812.) Maekey says: “The ten Worship.”—Htat. the Girondists, vol. 1, p. 188.
(‘onzniandments are not obligatory upon a Mason!” (See What that new underground religion was, is seen on
Art Decalogue.) And on page 319 of the Ritual, the
Thriee Puissant and Candidate take solemnly conse-
the preceding page: “Frederiek the Great was the
eraled bread, and drink wine from a eup. The obvious corrupter of the Empire.” ~‘ * * “Military men,
and intended effect of whieh must be to degrade the edneated in Ihe Sehool of Frederick, aeademies modeled
Deealogue, and rival and run down Christ’s commemora- after the genius of Voltaire; colonies of Jews enriched
tii’e supper. by war, and Freneh refugees formed the public mind.”
3. Then the eandidate is made to swear (p. 817), not p. 187. And again on the next page: “The sect of
to “take arms,” or “enter into any conspiracy against hi. Illuminees, founded and guided by Weishaupt, was
country.” Nevertheless the ten Lodges of the District
of Columbia all entered into sueh a conspiracy before the spreading in Germany in eonjunetion with the Freema-
Rebellion, and Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of eons and the Rosicrucians, p. 187.
this Rite, initiated, in Federal Lodge, Washington, and This testimony of Lamartine is mild, impartial, relia-
fought Indians against the Union at Pea Ridge, Ark. ble, and concurrent with all the sound writers of that
And years before, Southern Lodges, and Charleston, the day. And never, perhaps, since the march of time be-

gan, were the destinies of society in the hands of men so Jews, who, in reading, paused and passed it. That is
completely abandoned of God and goodness as the per- not recovered. Our word Jehovah was formed, as we
sons named above and their followers and associates. and Freemasons now pronounce it, by uniting its own
Voltaire’s writings guided, and his spirit animated them. consonants with the vowel sounds of A donai. That tri-
And his commoli reference to Christ, was in the words: angular plate, had there been one, could not speak.
“Crush the wretch I” And these minds controlled the They pretended to find letters on it, and shout that they
ideas which controlled the public mind and thought have found the true name of God; and some of them
when and where The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite hint that our Savior stole the name out of the latter
was born and named, “Rite of Perfection;” and such Temple, to conjure and work his miracles by! while
men were its god-fathers. Its mother was infidelity, their whole trick is the conjuring and legerdemain of
and its cradle rebellion. And whether the pretence of which they accuse Christ I
Mitchell and Daleho that the Charleston Supreme Coun- But what do they mean to accomplish by it? We an-
cii, and its “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” were swer, what they mean is, obviously, what they get, viz:
chartered by the infidel monarch, Frederick, in 1786, be money and power over mind. And what the devil, who
fact or fiction, the double-headed eagle, which was inspires them, means, is equally plain. He knows that
the banner of both Frederick and the Charleston Coun- “This is life eternal, to know the living and true God
ci!, proves the identity of their spirit, nature and intent. and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent.” He knows, too,
But what is this degree in itself? Its legend says that the Holy Ghost is ready to lead penitent, believing
that the real name of God was lost, till it was found by men to God through the one only and Eternal Mediator
Masons, engraved on a three-cornered gold plate, in —“The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,”
“the ruins of Enoch.” Whether the Mormon, Jo. Smith, and so He is the Eternal Soul of the Old Testament and
who was a Mason, took his story of gold plates from this the Subetance of the New. And Satan. wishes to keep
one, or invented a like legend of his own, the two are men from coming to Christ to be saved. And if he can
so stultify and besot men that they will believe that
similar in origin, nature, and effect. They both utter-
ly destroy Christianity, while pretending to favor ani Ramsay “fabricated” this degree, and yet that it tells
expand it. truth and “elevates men” !—That the story is manufac-
tured, made up, and yet the name is real, and Masonry
If we turn to the Ritual (page 320,) we see in this de- a good thing! Then he has accomplished the ruin of
gree men kneeling, and repeating the Hebrew names of every such deluded man! He has taken away God, and
the consonants which spell Jehovah, which consonants the only Mediator by whom finite creatures can come to
they say they found on that three cornered gold plate, in Him; and set his dupes to gazing on imaginary letters,
a cave dug before the deluge. They hear no name pro. on an imaginary gold plate! And this is as good as
nounced. The letters were never lost. The pronuncia- worshipping the moon, or praying to spirits (devils,)
tion of the name was lost, by the silence of superstitious
382 .‘,ATAN FILLS Tiik:lit hEARTS ~lfa1 LILS.

WitI) one’s fingers on a table ;—he accomplishes a double

purpo~e ;—ht=plucks men from God and chains them to
himself ;—he sets them, to “behold and wonder,” and
theui lie knows that they will “despise and perish” as they
do ;—he inserlsthimself into their worship ;—me~meri-
zcs them as conjureis mesmerize men ;—charms thcm as
serpents charm rabbits and birds ;—fills their heai’ts with
lies as hc did Ananias and Sapphira ;—“possesses” them, FIFTEENTH DEGREE OR KNIGHTS OF THE EAST OR
in short. And if he fails to convince their understand- 5’
or “blind” their minds, he drags them, perhaps,
DECORATIONS —This assembly is styled a Council, two
into vices to disable them for doing good.
apartments are necessary, the first is the apartment of
~ueh is this Fourtecnth degree of The Ancient and the East representing a Palace, fitted up in the eastern
Accepted Scottish Rite. Of course, all who receive it style with water green hangings, with throne, canopy.
aiitl the degrees prceeding it, do not become its vietinis, etc. Over the throne is a Sun, etc., behind the throne
but multitodes do. And when once he has set up his may be a representation of the dream of Cyrus; in the
strong hold in the pulpit. lrnr, press, and above all, in West are two arm-chairs.
colleges and schools; SECOND APARTMENI’ is the hail of the West and
“Ten thousand rove the nooda and br,ikes among.
represents the ruins of the Grand Lodge of Perfection
~stw.,rdand some neatward and all wreng
at Jerusalem, with red hangings, and illuminated by
All lose the way to God. None “find rest to their souls.” seventy lights, in groups of seven each or usually twenty-
five, viz: Three in the North, five in the South, seven
after Satan enters into them, as he entered Judas and
in the West, and nine in the East, and the Delta, making
Ahithophel. But ~veare “complete in Christ,” bceause twenty-live. In the passage between these two rooms
lie is our way to God, who is Infinite a~d Immovable. Note 1U.—”Knight of the East or Sword. The 15th degree of the
Ancient and Accepted rite it refers to those valiant Masons who, with
trowels in band and sworda by their aides, were every ready to construct
and defend the Iloly City and 5nnctuary. It is founded on the eircum-
stance of the assistance rendered hy Darins to the Jews. who, liberated
ftom their captivity hy Cyrns had been prevented hy their enemies from
rebuilding the temple. This degree requires three aparments. styled Mali
of the west end Hail of the East. between which must be an ante-
chamber or passage, representing the road from Jerusalem to Perala.
The first apartment represents the encampment of the Masons among
the ruins of Jerusalem. The hangings are crimson. The mom is
lighted with 70 lights. disposed in groups of 7 each, in commemoration
of the 70 yeara’ captivity. The second apartment represents the
council chamber of Cyrus, King of Persia. and should he decorated
according to the customa of the Orientais. In the ante-room. soparat-
ing the two apartments. must be a solid bridge, resembling stone.
with a representation of running water under it. The jewel, of gold.
is three trianglea. one within the other, diminishing in size, and
inclosing two naked swords, crossed hilts downnard. resting on the
base of the inner triangle ‘—Maooya Enoyolopudia and Dtatioaaq
lPsemusonry. Article Knight of the Ealt or Swond.

should be a wooden bridge guarded at both ends by triangles. The Captain of the Guard is clothed as the
armed men. other brethren, wearing the sash and jewel. All the
brethren wear green mantles or cloaks trimmed with
eed, and the sash and jewel, and armed with swords;
Sovereign Ma~ter, represents Cyrus. two cross swords are embroidered on the front of the
Master of Cavalry, represents Senior Warden. sword belt.
Master of Infantry, represents—Junior Warden. ORDER :—Water green colored sash with a green rosette
Master of Palace, represents Orator. at’ the bottom, worn from right to left.
Master of Finance, represents TFeasurer. JEWEL :—The same as the Grand Master Architect,
Master of Dispatches, represents Secretary. with the addition of two steel cross swords on it, or
Master of Ceremonies. suspended from it.
Captain of the Guards. APRON :—White, lined and bordered with green, two
CLOTHING :—The Sovereign Master, Master of Palace, vross swords, painted on the flap. On the apron are
and the Master of Dispatches are clothed in Royal Robes. three links of a chain of a triangular form, below them
The Sovereign Master wears a crown and uses a Scepter.
an arched bridge, on the center arch the letters L.
All the brethren in Robes of Red or Yellow, with caps
or turbans, with a sun embroidered on the front. The 0.~.?.•.
Sovereign Master, Master of Palace and the Master of BANNER :—Green silk, bordered with red, on it a lion
Dispatches, each wear a red or green collar round the And a wolf, emblems of the tribes of Judah and Benja.
neck, from the end of which is suspended a Golden Sun. min.
SECOND APARTME!JT :—Sovereign Master is Styled
Thrice Excellent. Wardens are styled Excellent War-
dens. All others are styled Venerables. All wear a
water colored girdle fringed with gold.
In the second apartment the presiding officer in the
first part of the reception represents Ananias, seated in
the East and styled Sovereign Grand Master, clothed as
the other brethren, hut wears a crown and holds a gavel
in his hand. His jewel is three triangles interlaced,
suspended from the end of the order.
In the second part of the reception he represents
The Senior Warden sits in the West clothed as the
other brethren; his jewel is a square ~vithin three trian-
The Junior Waiden’s jewel is a level ~ ithin three
K~TOIIT5 OF TiIF~ EAST Oil s~voRD. 387

Sovereign Master—Sil’ Knight, Master of Cavalry, is

that sutlicient?
Master of Cavalry—It is not, Sovereign Master, we
should be ~atisfied that all present are entitled to a seat
in the Council.
OPI~NING CEREMONII~S Sovereign Master—Satisfy yourselves, Sir Knights,
KNIGHTS OF TILE EAST on SwORD.’” Masters of Infantry and Cavalry. (They leave their
[All the oflicers being at tileir stations except the stations and receive the pass-word from each Knight
Sovereign Master.] and return.)
Master of (Javalr~—Sir Knights, the Sovereign Mas- Master of Cavalry—Sovereign Master, all present are
ter has o,rdered us to asselnbie to hold a Council, let Knights of the East or Sword.
us be attentive to what lii will propose to us. Here he Sovereign Master—Together, Sir Knights. (All clap
comes! [Sovereign Master enters, marches up to the Ave and two; 00000 00.) Glory to God and our Sover-
throne, strikes one with the poninich of his sword and eign.
brings it to a s~llllte. All return the salute.] Sovereign Master—I declare this Council of Knights
Sovereign Master—Sir Knigllt, Master of Cavalry, of the East or Sword open. ITe then strikes and says,
what is your duty? be seated, Sir Knights.
Afaster of Cauoh~q—To see that tIle Council is secure,
that none may titter who are not true Knights.
Sovereign ALmlcr—Szm’ haigllts, Masters of Cavalry
and Infantry, Illake your inspection. (Thc~ leave their
stations, e=~ait1inehotlI doors and return.)
Master of Cavalry—Sovereign Master. the guards are
at their posts, tile Council is secure, and we may deliber-
ate in safety.
Note 154.—”Enigbt of the East or Sword. [Scotch Masonry.]—Thc’
first dcgit’t’ (cinfc’rreil in the Cinnill of Prlo.’eo cit Jcrus,clc uc $eictch
~i.csnnry,s.d tlcc’ ti I Ic’entb ci~on the en to usc. ut ttcict s.c .Ini. The
c,Illcc,r’c .rc. C3rus the ~overt’Igci Nel.iu.ic. lb. Spitter Ii. nirol. the
.tu,iii.r Cencral, Ouncid Muster cf the Psicci. t~r.cnd Mustir if Cere’
•co.,.ic~. On. uid ?.inntc’r of Itislo I he,. ii ccl ~rii nil t’.i~ito ii if (luard.
The hangings of the Oeuucccll th,.nctcer ore cc ntt’r-grt~ei. tii[c.’t rc , ef [hi’
ii., ii of the Vc’orkmecc. red. Ilici c nrc’ sevc’u.t3 light liii’ .i vr~,ct is
~chftp, lined and edged ‘c [tic grcn•cc, ,. nil iits
1cli~ a . i lii to of three
link’.: icpon the niccyoble pirt, tic.’ crenocil swords cccl. the scime
,s the Orand Master Architect. cc filch ice tcigu’thcr wIth • rcc”””t ticcords
st the hot [em. I lent fcc c,~cc’,c, I lc,• uuid if Ihe arctic c .c’:crs cit esp—
tIvIt~ hour to close, the i’c.mplettoe cit the ciceocid T.’ei~ili’. Age 7O.’
—Mania’. Masonic Dictionary. Azticlo Knights ot the Epat or Sword.
Master of Ceremonies—A Grand Elect, Perfect and
Sublime Mason, who solicits the honor of being created
a Knight of the East or Sword.
Captain of Guard—Is this an act of his own free will
and accord?
Master of Ceremonies—It is.
CHAPTER XXVI Captain of Quard—By what further right or benefit
does he expect to obtain this privilege?
FIFTEENTH DEGRER OR KNIGHTS OF THE EAST 03 Master of Ceremonies—By the benefit of the Sacred
~iiwORD. Word, and with your assistance we will give it. (The
Captain of the Guard retires and the word is given as in
INITIATION. the lodge of Perfection, when all rise.)
The first part of the initiation is in the Grand lodge Captain of Guard—Who is this brother, venerable
of Perfection. The Master of Ceremonies prepares the Grand Master of Ceremonies, and whence comes lie?
candidate as a Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason, Master of Ceremonies—His name is Zerubbabel’” a
conducts him to the door and knocks 3, 5, 7 and 9. Prince of the house of Judah who comes from Babylon
Captain of Guard—Tbrice Puissant Grand Master, to view the ruins of the temple’ and the holy city.
there is an alarm at the door. Captain of Guard—What does he desire?
Thrice Puissant—See the cause of that alarm, vener- Master of Ceremony—To offer his sei~vices to his
able Captain of the Guard. [Captain of the Guard goes brethren who have returned from captivity.
to the door, knocks 3, 5, 7 and 9, opens it and says:]
Captain of Guard—Let him wait a time with patience
What is the cause of this alarm? and I will inform the Thrice Excellent Grand Master of
Note 165.—Knight of the East. (Oheuliar 5’ OrIent.) This is lot. 1U.—”Thls eminent Prince who in wisdom. Influence and seal
a degree which has been extensively diffused through the most lm~ for God’s honor, was only second to Solomon himself, Is Introduced
portant Rites, and it ewes its popularity te the f.ic’t that it commemo. into the degrees of Royal Arch and Red Cross Knight, also into varloos
rstecs in its legend and its ceremonIes the labors ef the Macions in the degrees of Sc~otcb Masonry, occupyIng the seine relation to the second
construction of the second Temple templeAfiolomon did to Ihe first. So prominent. Indeed, was his
“1, it is the fifteenth degree of the Ancient sad Accepted Scottish positlo., that the Second Temple I. most frequently called after his
RIte, the description of which will apply with slight modtficstions to name, The name Z.rubhahel signifies ~begottenIn Babylon,’ referring
the same degree in all the other Rites, It is founded upon the history he his nativity. He I. called ‘the son of Shealtiel. He was the
of the assistance rendered by Cyrus to the Jews who permitted the, ace, or head, of the Iribe of Judah. at the time of the return from
to relorn to Jerusalem, and to commence the rebuilding of the house of
the Lord, Zerubbobel, therefore, as the Prince of the Jews, and Cyrua f~ flahylonish ca1’ tivity.
of his countrymen
himself,B, and
C. pisied
536. himself
Of the atdecree of Cyrus
the head
avaiL, ‘whose spirit GeS had raised to go up to buIld
of those
the tdng of Persia, sa his patroci, sre Important personages in the the House of the Lord which Is in Jerusalem.’ It was probable that
dramo of reception; which Is conducted wIth grest impressi,enesa
e,en in the old and somewhat Imperfect rItual of [be Inst century, he was In the service of the King of Babylon. for he hsd a Chaidaic
hut which has been greatly Improved, I thInk. is the modern rituals mane. 5heebbsssar. and was appointed hy Cyrus governor of Jades.
ado~d by the Supreme Ceciccells of the United Stales. BeIng armed with s grant from thai King. of timbe, and stone for
n of a Knight of Ihe Rail Is as hroad green watered the building, and of money for the expenses of the buildere. he col-
ribbon, worn as a baidric from left to right. The sash or girdle is lected the materials, including cedar trees fro~ Lebanon, and got
of white watered silk, edged above, and fringed below with gold. Os together masons and csrpentera to do the work by the openin of
it is ecnbrcildered a bridge, with the letters L. D. P. on the arch, and second year of their return. But ml~~~ntatlens at the Court of
also on of her parts of [he girdle human heads, and mutilated limbs. Persia esat a blight upon the prospect, and for many years Cue work
and crowns, acid swords, The apron Is crimson, edged with green. of building ceased. In the second year of Darina, however. B C, 520.
a bleeding head and two swords crossed on the flap, sad on the apron a favorable decree was secured, gained, according to masonic tradition.
three trlanglea Interlaced formed of trIangular links of chains. The by a personal appeal from Zenibbahel, who had spent some of the
~ triangles interlaced enclouiaf two naked swords,’~— ~re of Ils youth with Darius. while the latter was a private
~n.”—Merriaa Masonic Dictionary
Enayplopasdia of Freemasonry, hat ole Knight of the bat.
5 Astisle Zasubbehel.
his request. (Captain of the Guard enters, approaches
T/srice Excellent—My brother, tllis lodge has been
the throne, knocks 3, ~? 7 and 9.)
selected to rule and govern the remnant of the children
Thrtcc Excellent—What is the cause of this alarm?
Captain of Guard—Thrice Excellent Grand Mast*I,
of Israel, who have returned from captivity where they
there ts without1 a Grand Elect, Perfect and Su~b1iIlIe
had been carried after the destruction of Jerusalem and
King Solomon’s temple by Nebuchadnezzar”’ King of
Mason who solicits the honor of being created a Knight the Chaldeans. We cannot receive you as befits your
of the East of Sword. rank, for we are poor and discouraged, as our once noble
Thrice Excellent—Is this an act of his own frcc will city still remains in ruins. But we welcome you, and
and accord? rejoice that you have not forgotten your brethren, and
Captain of Guard—It is. thank you also for your kind offer.
Thrice Excellen t—Wllo is this brother, venerablt’
. Master of C~rsmonies— (For Candidate) Thrice Ex-
Captain of the Guard, and wllence comes he? cellent Grand Master, this is the first year of the reign
Captain of Guard—his name is Zcrubbabel’~ of Cyri~slsa King of Persia, and he hath made a procla-
Prince of thc house of Judah, who comes from Bab~lon mation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in
to view the ruins of the temple and the holy city. writing, saying, “thus saith Cyrus King of Persia. The
Thrice Excellent—What does lIe dcsire? Lord God of Heaven hath given me all the kingdoms
Captain of Guard—To offer his scrviccs to his breti’. of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him an
ren who have rcturned from captivit~. Ilouse at Jerusalem.” I have come hither at the re-
Thrice Excellent—You will retire and let this Prince quest of my brethren to offer up our prayers unto the
of the house of Judah be admitted. God of Israel, that lie will cause Cyrus the King to re-
Captain of Guard—(Havmlig opened the door) it is member his proclamation and set free all the children
tile order oI~ the Thrice Excellent Gland Master, that of Israel now in bondage, and let them go up to Jerusa-
lem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the
this Prince of the house of Jimdali bc admitted.
Mote 168.—’ ‘Nebuchadnessttr was engagcd during his whole reIgn
Thrice Excellent—(Knoeks three; 000. All rise.) In wars of conquest. Among ntb,’r nations who fell beneath his
victorious arms was Judes. whose king, Jeholakim. was slain by
(Master of Ceremonies and candidate enter, approach itehuchadneaaar. and his son. Jehotachin. ascended the Jewish throne.
After a reign of three years. he was deposed hy Nehochadnessar. and
the altar and salute.) hIs kingdom given to his uncle, Zedeklah. a monarch distinguished for
his vIces. Having repeatedly rehelled against the Babylonian king,
Note 157.—”Tliici traditional history relotes that 2erohbabel. for Nebuchadnemar repaired to Jerusalem. and after a sIege of eighteen
the protfiction of hit people, armed 7 000 Masons, and placed them In months, reduced it. The cite was leveled with the ground, the Temple
the ‘.an to repel such as should oppose theIr march to Judes. Their pillaged and burned, and the inhabItant., carried captive to Babylon.”
mureb cuss unimpeded as far en iii.’ bank, of the Euphrates. where —Mackey’s Enegolopeodia of Freemasonry, hztlole Nsbuehada.asar.
th”y found an armed force opposed to their paaaage. A confliel
ensued, and the enemy was cot to pieces •‘r drowned at the i)aa~sg.. lots 1U.—”The Jews. who bad been carried away by Nehuehad-
of the bridge. The emblenotie color of the degree is In itll~nloti ii’ esmar on the destruction of the Temple, were then remaining sa
this circumstance The journey ceenpird four months. ned in aeveut captIves in Babylon. These Cyrus released A. M. 8466. or 3. 0. 586.
days from thrir arrival the work of restoring the temple wan coot- and soot them back to Jerusalem to rebuild the house of God, under
menced. Tue workmen were dIvided Into clascies. over each of which the care of Joshua. Zermibbahel. and Haggal. Hence, from this con.
a ,hlcf. with two aqeletants, cicina t,iaoe,l F’.very degree of etch class nectlon of Cyrus with the history of Masonry, lie plays an buportant
was paid according to Its rank find ci, h cItes lied Its diStineilve modes pert In the ritualS of many ‘of the high degrees.“—Mackay’s Emepolo-
of recognition ‘—Macoy’s Encyclopaedia and Dmotiosary of Freemasonry. 9eeiia of Freemasonry. Article Cyrus.
Articlo Knight of the East or Sword.
Lord God of Israel which is in Jerusalem. Thrice Excellent—(To candidate) Again we thank
TArice Excellent—Brethren let us offer up our prayer, you Zerubbabel for your kind offer. We will also furnish
for the success of the noble prince Zerubbabel.
you with an escort to the Persian frontier while we offer
PRAYER, KNIGHTS OP THE EAST OR SWORD. up our prayers for your success.
Thou, 0 Lord, wilt save the afflicted people and wilt Thrice Excellent—Excellent Senior Grand Warden,
level the high towers of pride. By thine aid have I run you will take a sufficient number of guards; let Zerub-
through a troop of enemies, and by my God I lesped in babel”’ view the ruins of the temple and the holy city,
safety over a wall. and conduct him to the Persian frontier, for he bears
As for God, his way is perfect, the word of the Lord the tears and distresses of his brethren.
is tried, he is a buckler to all those who trust in him, for Thrice Excellent—Brethren, I declare this lodge ad-
who is God save the I,~ord? Or who is a rock save our Journed.
God? He teacheth me to war, so that a bow of steel is Master of Ceremonies and Senior Warden conduct
broken by mine arms. Thou hast also given me the
shield of thy salvation, and thy right hand hath holden the candidate to the ante-room, divest him of his orna-
ins up, sud thy strength hath given me power. I have ments, bare his head and neck and bind his waist with
pursued mine enemies and overtaken them, neither did chains, throw a black veil over his head, etc., meanwhile
I turn sgain until they were consumed. I have wounded the brethren retire to the first apartment, representing
them and they were not able to rise, they are fallen the court of Cyrus, when the officers take their stations.
under my feet for thou hast girded me with strength unto Master of Ceremoniea—( With candidate knocks 5 and
the battle. Thou hast subdued under me those that rose 3 on the door.)
up against me. Therefore will I praise the Lord for-
evermore. Amen.
Master of Infantry—Sir Knight, Master of Cavalry,
Master of Ceremonies—(For candidate) Thrice Ex- some one knocks as a Knight of the East or Sword.
cellent Grand Master, I will now retire, and after I have Master of Cavalry—Sovereign Master, some one
visited the ruins of the temple I shall return to Babylon, knocks as a Knight of the East or Sword.
and if possible obtain an audience with Cyrus”’ the Sovereign Master—Sir Knight, Captain of the Guard
King and remind him of his proclamation, and en- see who knocks. (Captain of the Guard goes to the
deavor to obtain the liberty of our brethren in captivity, door, knocks 5 and 2, then opens it.)
to enable us to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the house lots 171.—”Zercijhhabel. in writIng the life of Zerubbabel In a
of the Lord. Masonic point of view. It is Incumbent that reference should be made
to the legends as well as to the more strictly historical details of his
lots 1YS.—TbIs dIstInguIshed character. the found.’, of the Peg’. eventful career, ~W’~ ihe traditIons of the Royal Arch, and some
I. Introduced In Scotch Masonry In the degrees of KUIEbS other of the high degrees. Zerobbabel Is not less Intimately connected
and Grand Master Ad.vitam; in Chivalri. Masonry, in the than Ia Solomon with those of Pyinbollr or Ancient Craft Masonry. ~‘o
degree of lCulgbt of the Bed Cross, and In Chapter Masonry, in the understand those traditioss properly, they moat be placed in their
dagree of Royal Arch. appropriate place In the life of him who plays so Important a part
“Re defeated the Median King. shoot B. C 1159. and began a in them. Some of these legends have the concurrent auppoet of
Scripture, some are related by Josephus. and some appear to have
career of cooqoest. which made him the hero of the Rast. Thirteen no historical foundation, without, therefore, vouching for theIr authen-
he defeated Crwsus and conquered Lydia. He captureS tIcity, they must be recounted
~‘bylon,3. c. M5. He fell In battle. B. C. 823. HIs monument is 1 to make the Masonic life of the builder
Sill shown at Paseryad,. In pnod preservatIon. “—Noiris’s K~Ie of th complete. ‘—Knoheg’s aoyeiopaadls of Freemasonry.
~onary. ArtIcle Oysm Astasm
Captain of Guard—Who knocks, and “dIaL do you
desire? blood, descendant from the race of David, and tribe of
Master of Ceremonies—I beg if possible, that ~ou Judah, but a captive and slave by misfortune.
would procure me the honor of speaking to the king. Sovereign Master—What is his name?
Captain of quard—Who are you? Captain of Guard—Zerubbabel.
Master of Ceremonies—A Jew by nation, a Prince Soverei~’n Master—What is his age?
by blood, descendant from the race of David and the Captain of Guard—Seventy years,
tribe of Judah, but a captive and slave by misfortune. Sovereign Master—What motives bring him hither?
Captain of Guard—What is your name? Captain of Guard—The tears and distresses of his
Master of Ceremonies—Zerubbabel.”’ brethren.
Captain of Guard—What is your age F Sovereign Master—Let him be admitted. (Captain of
Master of Ceremonies—Seventy years. the Guard opens the door, they enter and the Master of
Captain of Guard—From whence came you? Ceremonies conducts him seven times round the room
Master of Ceremonies—From Jerusalem. while the following is read:
Captain of Guard—What motives bring you here? Sovereign Master—By the rivers of Babylon, there
Master of Ceremonies—The tears and distresses of we sat down, yea, we wcpt when we remembered Zion,
my brethren. we hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst
Captain of Guard—Wait a while and I will go and thereof, for there they who carried us away captives re-
intercede with the king for you. (Captain of the Guard quired of us a song, and they who wasted us, required
shuts the door and approaches the altar.) of us mirth, saying sing to us one cf the songs of Zion.
Captain of Guard—Sovereign Master, there is with- How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
out one who desires the honor of being admitted into if I forget thee 0, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget
your presence. her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue
Soverci~qn Master—Who is he? cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem
Captain of Guard—A Jew by nation, a Prince by above my chief joy.
Kate lV3.—”Zen,bbabel (sown In Babylon), a Prince of Zudab, non
of shealtiel. of the royal housc of David. was the leader of the first Remember, 0 Lord the children of Edom in the day
colony of Jews that returned from captivity to their native land undcr
the permission of Cyrus. carrying with them the precious vessels of Jerusalem, who said, raze it, raze it, even to the
belonging to the temple for the service of God. With the aid of
Joshua and his body of priesta Zerul’hahel proceeded, on his arrival foundation thereof. 0 daughter of Babylon, who art to
in Jerusalem. to rebuild the fallen city, beginning with the altar of
burnt-offerings, in order that tbe dolly services michi be restored. ‘rho
samaritana. however, having been offended at beIng expresaly excluded
be destroyed, happy shall he he who rewardeth thee as
from a share in the land, threw ohatarles in the way to hlndhr the thou hast served us. Happy shall be he that taketh and
work, and even procured from the Persian court an order that It should
be stopped. Accordingly. everythIng remained auspended until the see- dasheth thy little ones against the stones. (When this
ond year of Darius Ityataspla in. C. 521 ~. when the restoi’stion was
reaumed and carried to completion, through the Influence of Zerubbabel
with the Persian monarch This sublect Is heantifullv exemplified in
is ended they halt in front of the Master of Cavalry.)
the degrees of the Rast end Sword and the Knight of the Red Cross.” Master of Cavalry—What motives bring you hither?
Maooy’s Encyolopsedie and DIctionary of rreemnaaonry. katie!. ZerubbebeL
Master of Ceremonies—I am come to implore the


bounty and justice of the king. brought him hither, permit him to approach our pres-
Master of Cavalry—On what occasion?’ ence with his face uncovered.
Master of Ceremonies—To beg grace for my brethren, Master of Cavalry—Brother Master of Ceremonies,
masons in captivity for seventy years. cpnduct the candidate to the East. (Master of Cere-
Master of Cavalty—Who are you? monies cQnducts him to th~ East, causes him to kneel
Master of Ceremonies—Zerubbabel a Hebrew Prince, before the Sovereign Master and takes the veil off his
sprung from the race of David. head.)
Master of Cavalry—What is the grace you-would ask? Sovereign Master—This is indeed Zerubbabel, who
Master of Ceremonies—TO see my brethren set free, saved my life at the risk of his own. Arise’ Zerubbabel
to suffer them to return to Judea and rebuild the tem- and prefer your request. (Master of Ceremonies causes
him to rise and says:)
ple, revive the laws of the God of Battles and the ordin- Master of Ceremonies—(For candidate) Sovereign
ances of Moses. Master, the tears and lamentations of my fellow captives
Master of Cavalry—Brother Master of Ceremonies, and the remnant of our people at Jerusalem have com-
let the candidate face the East. (Master of Ceremonies pelled me to appeal to your justice and mcrcy. Many
causes him to do so.) remain here in bondage and all anxious for the happy
Master of Cavalry—Sovereign Master, tbere stanais day to arrive when they shall be engaged in rebuilding
here in the West one who desires the honor of being the holy city and the house of the Lord. They have
admitted into your presence. prayed me to obtain an audfence with your august
Sovereign Master—What brings him hither? majesty to implore your clemency and that you will be
pleased to restore to those their freedom who are now in
Master of Cavalry—lie comes to implore your bounty bondage, to enable them to return to the land of their
and justice. fathers and to aid and assist in rebuilding the house of
Sovereign Master—On what occasion? the Lord.
Master of Cavalry—wTo beg grace for his brethren, Sovereign Master—(To candidate) Zerubbabel, I have
masons in captivity for seventy years. often heard of your fame as a wise and skillful mason
Sovereign Master—Who is he? and I have a profound veneration for that ancient and
Master of Cavalry—Zerubbabel, a Hebrew Prince, honorable institution, and a sincere wish to become a
sprung from the race of David. member of the same; I have also, like yourself lamented
Sovereign Master—What is the grace he would ask? the seventy years’ captivity of the Israelites. I now
promise to grant your request if you will communicate
Master of Cavalry—To see his brethren set free, to to me the secrets of masonry which distinguished the
suffer them to return to Judes and rebuild the temple, Jews from all other nations.
revive the laws of the God of Battles and the ordinances Master of Ceremonies—Sovereign Master, when our
of Moses. Grand Master, Solomon King of Israel communicated
Sovereign Master—Since motives so praiseworthy have to us the first principles of masonry, he informed us

that equality was its foundation. Equality does not shams. Their God, whom they call their mighty God,
reign here. Your rank, your superiority, your titles and has appeared to me in a vision, and methought this God
your court are not admissible in the place where instruc- threatened me like a roaring lion ready to fall upon and
tions are given in our mysteries. Solomon also taught devour me, methought I heard th~sc words from his
us that Truth w~s a divine attrib~’tp and the foundation mouth wl~ich signifies in our language, render my people
of every virtue. To be good and true was the first lesson their liberty, or thou shalt die. Alarmed at the sight,
we were taught in masonry. My engagements are sacred I endeavored to escape by flight but my feet refused to
and inviolable, I ani unable to revcal our secrets, and if obey. Then I saw Nebuchadnazzar and Belshazzar,
liberty is to be obtained at such a price, I would prefer Kings of Babylon, lying prostrate and loaded with
an honorable exile or a glorious death. chains, and above them in a bright glory the ineffable
Sovereign Master—Sir Knights, I admire the discre- name. Amazed and terrified, I awoke. From you therc-
tion and virtue of Zerubbabel. He deserves liberty as a fore, beloved Princes, [ expect counsel in this matter
reward for his firmness. Zerubbabel, you are free. as regards what I must do to the people of IsraeL (All
Guards free Zerubbabel from those chains and that garb observe a profound silence for awhile.)
of slavery. (The brcthrcn take off his chains) and may Master of Palace—Sovereign Master, the voice which
those badges of scrvitude never again disgrace the you heard in your dream was that of thc Great ‘~rc1ii-
hands of a mason and more especially those of a Prince tect of the Universe, who long since through his proph-
of the house of Judah. Sir Knight, Master of Cere- ets foretold your coming, and gave you dominion over
monies conduct Zerubbabel to the seat of honor. the East. The captives are the children who have been
Master of Ceremonies—Sovereign Mdster, permit in bondage seventy years. The God of their fathers
Zerubbabel to thau,k thee for thy great clemency and whom they call their mighty God, commands you to free
favor, and at the same time to again urge the prayers them from bondage, and permit them to return to thcir
and entreaties of his brethren in bondage. In the first own country, that they may assist their brethren in re-
year of thy reign, thou didst issue thy Jioval Proclama- building the house of the Lord. The chains upon the
tion and promised to give them their liberty and permit prostrate Kings, warn you of your fate should you re-
thcm to return to the land of their fathers and aid and fuse. The roaring lion represents his anger that will
assist their own kindred and brethren in rebuilding the overtake and destroy you if you disobey his commands.
house of the Lord. Wilt thou not harken unto their Thus, Sovereign Master do I interpret your drcam and
voice that thou mayest reign in peace and prosperity on would counsel you to render the people of Israel their
thy throne that God hath given thee? liberty and live.
Sovcreign Mastv’r—Princes, Generals and Knights, I Sovereign Master—Grand Master of Palace, I will
have for a long time meditated to give the captive ma- harken unto thy voice. Zerubbabel, I consent that Israel
sons their liberty. It troubles me to see those people in be sent at liberty, even that they are permitted to
return to their own country or remain in my dominjoiw, of the unhappy remnant of the fraternity which have
and that you may go and build a temple to the mighty been freed from captivity. (Captain of Guard shuts
God, and that the vases and all the other ornaments of the door.)
the old temple be raised and restored to you for the Captain of Guard—Thrice Excellent Grand Master,
ornamepts of the New. Further, I appoint you chief it is Zerubbabel, Prince of the house of Judah, who
over all the Jewihh nation and command that they obey wishes to see his brethren that he may inform them of
you as such, and as an authentic mark of my good will I his deliverance from Babylon and that of the unhappy
arm you with this sword. (Invests him with it) to com- remnant of the fraternity who have been freed from
bat with your enemies and to make you formidable to bondage.
ouch of your brethren that might combat against you. I i’hrice Excellent—(Knocks 5; 00000. AU rise.) Let
also invest you with this green sash and apron, (invest. Zerubbabel be admitted. (Captain of Guard admits
him) in imitation of those worn by the ma~ons employed them, they enter and halt at the altar.)
at the building of Solomon’s temple. I will now deliver Alt-Health to Zerubbabel Prince of Judah.
you in charge of Nebuzaradan, my general who will in- Captain of Guard—Thrice Excellent Grand Master, I
struct you in the art of war and give you guides and an introduce to you Prince Zerubbabel .who wishes to be
escort to conduct you in safety to your brethren, where received into the bosom of our fraternity.
you will found the new temple. Thus I decree Grand Thrice Excellent—Zerubbabel 1 welcome you, and
Master of Cavalry. You will now retire with Zerubba- would be much pleased to hear an account of your
bel and instruct him in the art pf war, procure guards deliverance.
and an escort for him to conduct him in safety to his Master of Ceremoniea—(For candidate) Thrice Ex-
brethren. (After he retires the brethren go into the celleut Grand Master, on my arrival at Babylon, Cyrus
second apartment and the officers take their stations. me permission to enter his court and approach the
When all is ready the Master of Ceremonies conducts
him to the bridge which he attempts to cross, but is
rave of his throne and implore his bounty for my breth-
ren in captivity. He was touched with the mysteries of
opposed by the guards who rob him of his apron and the fraternity and armed me with this sword for the
sash. He attacks them and drives them off, crosses the defence of my brethren and honored me with the titi.
bridge and arrives at the door of the second apartment of brother among his companions. He granted me my
or lodge of Perfection, and the Master of Ceremonies freedom and committed me to the care of his faithful
knocks 5 and 2.) subjects who conducted me on my journey and assisted
Excellent Senior Warden—Thrice Excellent Grand me in conquering my enemies at the passage of the
Master, there is an alarm at the door. river Euphrates, where notwithstanding our victory we
Thrice Excellent—Venerable Captain of the Guard, lost the marks of distinction which had been given us by
see the cause of that alarm. (Captain of the Guard go.. the king.
to the door, knocks 5 and 2, then opens it.) Thrice Excellent—My brother, the loss which you
Captain of Guard—What is the cause of this alarm? have met with shows that the justice of our fraternity
Master of Ceremonies—Zerubbabel, Prince of the would not endure the triumph of pomp and grandeur.
house of Judah, I wish to see my brethren, that I may In decorating you with those honors, Cyrus was not
inform them of my deliverance from Babylon, and that guided by that spirit of equality which has always char-
aeterized you. By this loss all the marks of distinction dishonored and losing the title of a freemason, and of
received by you from that Prince have disappeared, but being deprived of the advantages of the Council. So
you have preserved that of Freemasonry. But before I God maintain me in uprightness and justice. Amen.
communicate to you those secrets, wi~eh since our cap- Thrice Excellent—Venerable Master of Ceremonies,
tivity have been~ preserved among the remnant of our you will now conduct our brother to our Excellent Sen-
fraternity, we must require of you assurances that you ior Grand ‘Warden who will invest him with the signs,
have not lost the sentiments or knowledge of masonry grip and words of this degree. (Thrice Excellent re-
during your servitude. How far have you advanced in turns to the throne, seats the brethren and the Master of
masonry? Ceremonies conducts the candidate to the Senior War-
Master of Ceremonies—( For candidate) To that of den.)
Perfection. Excellent Senior Grand Warden—My dear brother, I
Thrice Excellent—Oive me the sign. rejoice at the favors yob have received from our Sover-
Master of Ceremonies—(Gives it) or more generally eign Cyrus, for by his bounty you and the nation have
the candidate. become free. He has armed you with a sword to. defend
Thrice Excellent—Give to the Master of Ceremonies yourself against your enemies. I will now decorate you
the grip and words. with this sash, worn from the right shoulder to the left
Cand:date—(Gives them.) hip, and now put you in possession of the signs, grip
Thrice Excellent—Sir Knights, I believe Zerubbabel and words of this degree, which are as follows:
is worthy to participate in our new mysteries. What say
you? (All answer by holding up their swords.)
Thrice Excellent—Venerable Master of Ceremonies,
you will conduct Zerubbabel by three steps to the altar
and there let him kneel and contract his obligation.
(Master of Ceremonies causes him to advance by three
steps and kneel at the altar, when the Thrice Excellent SIG~l, KNIGHTS OF THE EAST OR SWO~.
leaves the throne, goes to the altar and administers the Raise the right hand to the left shoul-
following obligation: der and move it downward to the right
OBLIGATION KNIGHT OF TilE EAST OR SWORD. hip, with a serpentine motion as if to
I—promise and swear in the presence of the Great represent the motion of the waters of a
Architect of the Universe, and before all the brethren, river; then draw the sword and bring it to
Knights of the East here present and assembled, on the the guard as if to fight.
faith of an honest man and freemason, to be faithful in
my religion and laws of the state, and as far as in my
power never to reveal the mysteries of the degree of
Knights of the East, and never receive into this degree
any brother but conformable to the ancient statutes and
constitutions of the order, under the penalty of being

those, and those only we communicate our seciets with
pleasure, and we require as a pledge that they should
Seize mutually bring with them some remains of the monuments or or-
the left hands, the
arms lifted and ex- Riaments of the old temple. Those which you received
tended as if to~re- from Cyrus are aufilcient.
pulse an attack; at The object of our labors is to rebuild the temple of
the same time make the Great Architect of the Universe. This sublime work
with the right hand has been reserved for you.
the motion of clear- The engagements into which you, with us have en-
ing the way; then
tered under the name of Zerubbabel require you to aid
point the swords to
each other’s heart. and assist us in rebuilding the temple in its original
One says Judah the splendor. The sword which Cyrus has given you is to
other answers. be used in defending ydur brethren and punishing those
Benja~min. who would profane the august temple which we raised
Token. to the, glory of the holy one of Israel. It is on these
MARCH :—Proceed proudly by five long steps and hold
conditions you participate in our ceremonies. Vener-
the sword high.
BATTERY :—Seven strokes by five and two.
able Master of Ceremonies, you will now conduct
Zerubbabel to the brethren and satisfy them that he has
AGE :—Seventy years.
PASS WORD :—Iaaborou, hammain or liberty of pass-
the signs, grip and words, after which you will conduct
age. him to our Thrice Excellent Grand Master in the East.
GRAND WORD :—Shalal, Shalom, Abi, in Latin Re-
(Master of Ceremonies conducts him to the North and
East ,columns and he each Knight the signs, grip
storavit pacem patri. lie resotored peace to his co~mtry.
and words. He then conducts him to the Thrice Excel-
lent Master.)
Senior Grand Warden—(Continuing) My brother, the
Thrice Excellent—My brother, your deliverance by
destruction of the temple subjugated masons to such
Cyrus and having been ereatcd a Knight by him, I now
severe calamities we feared that their captivity and dis-
persion might have impaired their fidelity to their en-
present you\with this trowel. (Presents it,) a symbol
of your new dignity, that hereafter you may labor with
gagements, and for this reason we have been obliged
a trowel in one hand and use the sword with the other
while rebuilding the temple to remain in a secret and
to defend ourselveR against our enemies should we ever
retired place, where we carefully preserve some of the be attacked, for in that manner we have proceeded to
ruins of the ancient temple. rebuild it.
We do not introduce any to that place unless we know [Presents him with sash and girdle.]
them to be true and worthy masons, not only by their Receive this girdle as a mark of true knighthood,
signs, grips and words, but also by their conduct. To

which you acquired at the River Euphrates by the vic- ordered the links of their chains to be made of a trian-
tory you obtained over those who opposed your passage. gu~iar”’ shape in order more fully to insult the captive
Jews, who he knew had a profound religious veneration
(Presents him with a green rosette.] and respect for the triangle or delta. Great was the
Though we do not admit among our ceremonies any sorrow of the masons when they witnessed the destruc-
of the decorations which were given to you by Cyrus, tion of the temple, the grandest work of human hands,
yet we are willing to preserve their remembrance by a which had been directed by the Great Architect of the
rosette of that color. Universe himself. Their tears never eeasd to flow, un-
[He affixes it to his coat and presents him with the til the day of their liberation, when they were permitted
collar and jewel.] to build it anew, after the model of the former one.
This collar and jewel is the badge of the Knights of
This grace, after seventy years of captivity was ac-
corded to them by Cyrus King of Persia, a prince fa-
the East or Sword. May justice and equity, represented nious alike for his brilliant victories and great human-
by the sword, be your guide. ities. This great conqueror, master of the Eastern
(He next presents him with the gloves.] wOrld had a singular and remarkable vision. He ap-
Knights and Princes, I hereby declare Zerubbabel to peared to hear a voice from the Heavens directing him
be a chief and a ruler over the labors of masonry. to give liberty to the captives. The Prophet Daniel,
who had become one of the favorites of the monarch
Zerubbabel, ascend the throne of the Sovereigns of our
lodge, preserve the triangular stone of this edifice, and and arrived at honor and rank in his court, explained to
him the true interpretation of the vision.
rule the workmen as Solomon, Hiram and Joabert have Zerubbabel, a Prince of the house of Judah, having
done before you. [Seats him on his right hand.I gained admission to the presence of King Cyrus dc-
Thrice Excellent—Join me Sir Knights! [All clap manded of him the freedom of his nation and permis-
three times with their hands and at each time say with sion to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.
a loud voice, Zerubbabel.] The King graciously granted the request and made
restitution to him of all the treasures which had been
Thrice Excellent—Illustrious Grand Orator, you have
carried away from the holy temple by his predecessors
the floor. and honored Zerubbabel with the title of Knight of the
ADDRESS BY GRAND ORATOR. order, and directed that every facility and assistance
should be afforded him and his compatriots, and issued
My brother, after the destruction of the holy city and a royal edict to that effect. Then Zerubbabel assembled
the temple by Nebuzaradan, he took all the prisoners all the Israelites, the number of whom were forty-two
whom he had captured and carried them away into thousand three hundred and sixty (42,360) exclusive
captivity into Babylon, making his triumphal entrance Net• 173.—”ChsIn. TrIangular. One of the legends of Freeinauonrl
leNa us that when the Jewls~ Masons were carried ma capHvea from
into Babylon with an immense number of these un- lerusalem to Babylon by Nebuebadneasar. they were hound by trL&ngular
ebalom. which was Intended am an additional Insult because to them
fortunates in chains, not excepting even the unhappy the triangle, or delta. was a symbol of the Deity, to be uaed only on
mewed ocesslona. The legend is of course apocryphal, and Ba worth
king Zedekish himself, who died three years after. He
g~ except am a ~~~ndary symbol. —Ua*e,~m ~eyeiqma~Ia d

of the slaves. He then made choice of those freemasons seseted on the field of battle on which an Holocaust to
who had escaped the fury of their enemies at the dc- the God of armies was offered.
struction of the temple to the number of seven thou- The Israelites then passed the river and arrived at
sand (7,000) whom he created Knights, and placed at Jerusalem, where after seven days rest, with the assist-.
the head of th~ people to fight such as ance of a number of Jews who had escaped from the
their passage into Judes. might .oppoee fury of the war and the rigors of the captivity had been
After Zerubbabel had received from the Grand Tress- wandering, dispersed and miserable near the ruins
urer all the riches of the temple he took his departure which had once been the scene of their grandeur.
accompanied by his people, on th~ day which corre- Among this number were several Grand Elect, Pei.
aponds with the 22nd of March. feet and Sublime Masons,’who had received a knowl-
He prospered on his journey as far as the banks of edge of the mysteries from their ancestors and met
the Euphrates which separates Judes from Syria. together secretly to mourn over the misfortunes of their
The Knight Masons who arrived there first, found brethren and to practice the ceremonies of their order.
armed troops to prevent their passage on account of the These zealous masons sought among the rubbish and
treasul’es they carried with them. The remonstrance of ruins for the entrance to the sacred vault, which had
the Knights and the Edict of Cyrus”’ were equally un- not been discovered by the enemy at the destruction of
available to restrain their insolence and they fell on the the temple, and after diligent search were successful
Knights Masons but were repulsed with such ardour
that to a man they were either drowned or cut to pieces and used to meet there and practice their mysteries,
at the passage of the bridge. being animated with the hope of some day seeing their
After this victory”’ Zerubbabel caused an altar to be labors renewed. They continued to elect a chief to
Note 174.—”Oywua. Thia prince was mentioned by the prophet lasish,
preside over their assemblies until Zerubbabel’s return
two hundred years before he was horn mm the reeto of the temple when they began the foundation and work of the new
at Jerusalem. And accordingly, miter tl,e seventy yes’~’ofesptivit.~
Babylon were accomplished. It pleased the Lord to direct him to fasue
the following proclamation. The Lord God of Heaven bath given me all temple.
the RI~~ms of the earth. and he bath charged me to build him am
house at Jerusalem, which is In Judab. Who Is there among you ot all Hardly was the work begun however, when the
hia peoplet his God be with him, end let him go up In erusalem whieb Knights Masons were disturbed by false brethren from
Ia in Judab, end build the house of the Lord God of Israci he is the
Oo%wbicbia in Jerumalem. ‘—Ma.oys Euoyoloj,emdia and Dtotieuas~
Aztieh Oyrus. Samaria, who, jealous of the glory the two tribes of
Note lYS.—”Their peogreas homewards was not altogether unattended Judah and Benjamin, were to acquire being now free,
with danger; for traditlon Informs us that at the river Euphrates they
were opposed hy the Assyrlana, who. incited by the temptation of the
vast amount of golden vessels which they were carrying, drew up is
resolved to declare war against them in order to defeat
hostiie array, and, notwithstanding the remonatran~ of the Jews. and
the edict of Gyros, disputed their pammage. Serubbabei, however, repulsed
their design of rebuilding the temple. Zerubbabel be-
the enemy with such ardor as to ensure a signal victory, moat of the
Asayrlans having been slain in the battle, or drowned in their attemnt to
lug informed of their intentions ordered that all the
cross the river In their retreat. The rest of the Journey was unfi,ter.
rupted. and, after a march of four months. Zeruhbabel arrived at Jern..
workmen should be armed with a sword, so that while
1cm. with his weary foilowers. at seven o’clock in the morning of the they worked with a trowel they might defend them-
d of June. five hundred and tbirty.five years before Christ. ‘—Naehsy’s
opeadia ml lummaaengy mole Sasubbabel selves and repulse the enemy when required.

The construction of the new temple lasted forty-six Master of Ceremonies—In my heart.
(48) years, beginning in the reign of Cyrus and ending Grand Orator—What is the surname of a Knight of
in that of Artaxerxes, and constructed in the same man- the East?
ner as the first one by Solomon. .lfaster of Ceremonies—That of a Freemason.
This second ~temple having been destroyed ~bythe Grand Qrator—Why are you a Freemason?
Romans, the Knights Masons of the present age de- Master of Ceremonies—Because the masons who
scendants of those who constructed it are obliged under wrought in the temple of Solomon were qualified such,
the guidance of a new Zerubbabel to raise a third temple and of course they and their descendants were declared
to the glory of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. exempt from any and every charge and duty; even that
of going to war, their families being called free by
LECTURE KNIGHT OF THE EAST OR SWORD. excellence, but in process of time having been subdued,
they only recovered their right through the bounty of
Grand Orator—Venerable Master of Ceremonies, are King Cyrus, who confirmed it to them, thus, therefore
you a Knight df the East? they are called most free.
Master of Ceremonies—I have received that charac- Grand Orator-.-Why did Cyrus give the Israelites
ter, my name, my robes, my sword and niv firmness, their liberty?
well assures you thereof. Master of Ceremonies—Because God appeared to him
in a dream and charged him to set his people free and
Grand Orator—By what means did you arrive at this allow them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the tem-
high degree? ple which had been destroyed.
Master of Ceremonie8—By my humility, my patience, Grand Orator—What are the duties of a Knight of
and frequent solicitations. the East?
Grand Orator—To whom did you apply? Master of Ceremonies—To love and adore God, to
Master of Ceremonies—To a King. hold tradition in honor, to succor our brethren in
necessity, to anticipate their wants, to receive with
Grand Orator—What is your first name?
friendship strange brethren, to visit the sick and com-
Master of Ceremotiies—Zerubbabel. fort them, to aid in burying the dead, to pray for those
Grand Orator—What is your origin? that are under persecution, to love mankind in general,
Master of Ceremonies—I am an Israelite of the tribe avoid the vicious, never frequent a place of debauchery,
of Judah. nor women of infamous life, to be religious in adoring
Grand Orator—What is your prc~fession? your maker, and an exact observer of the laws of his
Master of Ceremonies—Masonry. country. In fine, to follow the precepts of masonry in
all its points and render justice and honor to the Princes
Grand Orator—What buildings did you erect?
of Jerusalem, and respect to all superior orders.
Master of Ceremonie8—Temples and tabernacles. Thrice Excellent—Brother Orator, you will now read
Grand Orator—Where did you construct them, being the statutes and general regulations of the Knight. of
deposed of land? the East. [He does so.]
A Jewish D~gree—”3eUeve a Us That Tbe7 All Might be Daed.”
CLOSING CEREMONIES This is a Jewish degree. There is no hint as to who
invented it. But “The Kni~iht of the Sword” was the
KNIGHTS OF THE EAST OR SWORD. 15th in the “Rite of Perfection,” which the Jew, Mann,
brought from France. This rite had 25 degrees. But
Thrice Excellent—(Strikes 5 and 2 with the pommel Macag says (Encyc. Art Rite of Perfection,) Stephen
of his sword,) Princes and Knights, this council is Mann and others introduced some modifications and
additions into the rite and transplanted it into the
dosed. United States, under the name of “The Ancient and Ac-
Thrice Excellent—(Together all clap 5 and 2.) Glory cepted Rite.” But who are Stephen Morin and others?
Robert Folger, 33, and “Ex-Secretary General,” says
be to God, Honor to our Sovereign and prosperity to
that thirteen out of sixteen of them were Jews; of
the Knights of the order. AU retire. course, ex-Jews, for some of the degrees compliment
Christ, which sincere Jews will not do. They were there-
fore Jews who retained nothing of Judaism but its
hatred of Christ—(Foiqer’s History, p. 88.) Hence
this fiimsey degree bespatters the Jews with praise.
7,000 of them cut to pieces and drowned an armed force
in the Euphrates, “to a man,” as Jack Falstaff deniol-
ished his enemies, in fiction, (see Note 187), and the
Ritual (p. 399), makes King Cyrus say, as the candi-
date’s chains are being taken off: “May those badges of
servitude never again disgrace the hands of a Mason;
and more especially, those of a Prince of the house of
Judah I’~ Their leader, Morin, was afterward cashiered
and recalled by the body which appointed him, for
falsehood, and forgery of Masonic Constitutions, and
sunk out of history. No one knows where he died.
(See Folger, p. £1, Doc.) And the whole web-work of
this degree shows its Jewish origin. Though, in the
preceding degree God is insulted as a “formidable God,”
and the candidate is told he is to leave “the Solomonian,
mystic furniture behind him,” yet the stories of this do-
gree are Jewish ;—the Scriptures read are Jewish;—the
apron given by Cyrus is of the pattern worn by the
builders of Solomon’s temple, and Solomon himself is
referred to by nanie four or five times in this degree.
In short, the degree came from 4ewa,
the brains
strained through the brains of ex
destroying Christianity, like that of Judas, in betraying
Christ, was money.
But, in Note 171, as if to crown the infamy of this
degree, and its fellows, we have these remarkable words SIx’rERNnI DEGREE OR PRINOES op JUuSAIZM.’”
from Mackey:—
“Some of these legends have the concurrent support of DECORATIONS :—Two apartments are used in the cere-
Scripture; some are related by Josephus; and some ap- inony of reception.
pear to have no historical foundation.” FIRST APARTMENT :—Called the hail of the West,
Now if a rational, deliberate, artful design was formed representing the hall of the Knights of the East or
to destroy popular confidence in the Bible, this was the Sword at Jerusalem, hung with yellow colored hang-
way to do it :—To form a mass, or degree, made up of ings. The East represents the interior of the Sanctum
inspired Scripture, uninspired human history, and mere Sanctorurn, with the sacred furniture in its proper
professed fiction, all mixed and mingled together indis- place; in the first part of the reception a large curtain
criminately; and to go through solemn repetitions of or veil is drawn across in front of the entrance to it, in
this mixture, night after night, for weeks and months the third part of the reception this curtain or veil is
and years; attended with oaths, solemnities and prayers; drawn aside. In front of said curtain in the East is a
with promises and threats of murder, by mangling, if the canopied throne elevated on five steps, covered with yel-
sacred thing should be revealed f—in short, to do just low colored cloth; near it is an altar covered with the
what is done in the actings, and repctitions of this and same on which is a sceptre, sword, trowel and scales.
other degrees; and to charge and collect vast sums of A bal;ince held by a hand is painted on the front of said
money for them ;—together, forms a compound of jug- altar. All the officers occupy small thrones covered with
glery, deceit, fraud, swindling, and profanation, which the same cloth. The hall in the last part of the re-
devils only could have invented, and bewitched men only ception is illuminated by twenty-five lights, in groups
could practice. It contains the swindling of lotteries of flue each.
and mock auctions. It blends Bible with fiction, and Mote 176.—’‘Prince of Jeruislem. The lath degree of the Ancient and
An•ept.ul rite. Tt,e history of this degree is founded Upon the ineldeots
treats them as alike true and sacred. And the dupe ttWI .. .srr,d during tbe building of the second temnpi.’. at whieb time
the Je~a were much annoyed by the eot,staggt and malIcIous iuterteregmce
swallows the compound and ruins his soul as the bedv of taint itomaritans tbeir ahcP’ut enemies. This degree Is ilosely eon.
he. led oith, and a continuation of. the degree of the Knight of the East
is ruined by eating sawdust in meat, or sand in sugar. end ~~~ord. to ~tbleh the reader Is reterr..d for a more detailed sl,,tetneimt.
‘th..r,’ at,,.uld be too principal apartments in addition to the snie•rnom.
If the Meson believes it, he trusts in lies. If he dish.- ‘Ib- liret uptitment represents the eourt of Zerulihabel at J.’rusaicm.
lieves it, he despises the Bible. And while the Holy Ti,.• imangiugs are of seliron color, except the East. whIch is hung with
hhite. i,lu,•. red and violet colors. in stripes. The sceond apartment
Spirit is grieved and insulted and driven away by its r.~preae,,ta the couueil “h.~anber of Darius. King of Persia. The hangIngs
are green. time thr,,ne anti canopy sagron color. In It Is no Masonic
prayers, the devil enters the worshippers who are left ftrnlt,.re —Macaye Enoyclopaedla ~ndDictionexy of Preeaaaonsy. Aillole
Prises of Jaqaiem.
“to believe a lie that they afl miqht be damned.TM

SECOND APARTMENT :—Is red, representing an eastern Tebet.

talace and should be fitted up with as good taste and
Inowledge of eastern customs as may be suggested.
TITLES —The officers of a Council of Princes of
INSTALLATION :—The 23d of the month Adar, on
which days a feast should be held.
Jerusalem shall be styled and take rank ap follows: DRESS :—The officers and brethren are clothed in
First—The Most Equitable Sovereign Prince Grand yellow robes and caps, with red gloves and swords,
Master. Jewel, hand of justice and mallet. with a shield and cilirass.
Second—The Grand High Priest, Substi~ute Deputy. OFFl~ERS :—Wear their official jewels suspended
Jewel, a circle surrounding a Delta. from yellow collars.
Third—Most Enlightened Grand Orator. Jewel same
BRETHREN :—Wear the sash with the jewel sus-
sa in the lodge of Perfection.
Fourth—The Niost Enlightened Senior Grand War- pended from the bottom of it.
den. Jewel, pillar of strength and a shield. SASH :—Yellow, edged with gold, worn from right
Fifth—The Most Enlightened Junior Grand War- to ~ft. On it is embroidered a balance, a hand of
den. Jewel, a compass resting on the segment of a justice, a poinard, five stars and two crowns.
circle. JE~ELL
1”—A gold medal. On one side is engraved
Sixth—The Valorous Grand Secretary and Keeper of a hand holding a ‘balance in euipaise, on the other a
the Seals and Archives. Jewel, a balance in equi- two edged sword in a perpendicular position, hilt
poise. down, with the~ ,,~tters D. ‘.Z.’. one at each side of it
Seventh—The Valorous Grand Treasurer. Jewel, an and five stars surrounding the point.
oblong square and a vase.
APRON :—Red, lined and bordered with yellow; on
Eiqhth—The Valorous Grand Master of Ceremonies.
Jewel, a trowel and a plumb. it are painted the temple, a square, a buckler, a tri-
Ninth—The Valorous Grand Master of Entrances. angle and a hand. The flap is yellow; on it is a balance
Jewel, a spear. and the letters D. .Z.
Tenth~—The Valorous Grand Hospitaller. Jewel, as GLOVES :—Red.
in the lodge of Perfection. BATTERY :—Five, [in some councils] five times five.
Eleventh—The Valorous Grand Tyler. Jewel, a flam-
ing sword. AGE :—Ninety-two years.
All the jewels should be of gold and on square medals. HOURS OF WORK :—From sunrise until the middle
MEETINGS :—Arc called conventions, the brethren Val- of the day.
orous Princes. Note 1Th —“The jewel is a model of gold; on which is engrawed a
QUORUM FOR BUSINESS :—Five members of a Council hand, holding an equal bsLancet a double-edged awe?d, surrounded
of Princes of Jerusalem shall constitute a quorum for by five stars; on one aide of which is the letter D. and on the
other the letter Z, the initials of Deriua and Zenibbabel. The
opening and transacting business, provided always the Princes of Jerusalem are sometimes styled ‘Chiefs of Masonry, and
Most Equitable, the Grand High Priest or either of the awe authorized to visit and Inspect all lodges of Inferior degrees.’
—Macag’s ~aeye1opacd1a and Dieliousry of N~eeumeefzy, hillel.
Wardens ~vn presexit. Puma. of Jesusmiesm.
ELECTION :—Axniually on the 20th of the month
you ~that he is about to open this Grand Council. Be
attentive to what he proposes.
Most Equitable—Most Enlightened Senior Grand
Warden, what’s the clock?
OPENING CEREMONIES Senior Grand Warden—Most Equitable Sovereign
11’ Prince Grand Master, it is five in the morning.
Most Equitable—(Kiioeks three; 000; All rise.)
Most Equitable—Most Enlightened Senior Grand
Warden, how comes it that we use two apartments lfl Order Valorous Princes! Draw swords! Carry
this degree, one yellow and the other red? swords! Present swords!
Senior Grand Warden—Most Equitable Sovereign Most Equitable—To the glory of the Grand Archi-
Prince Grand Master, because one apartment repre- tect of the Universe, in the name and under the aus-
sents Jerusalem an holy place, where the first temple pices of the Supreme Council and Sovereign Grand
was erected, and the other red, Babylon, in allusion to Consistory of Supreme Chiefs of Exalted Masonry for
the blood that was shed in the different combats that the United States of America, their territories and
were fought on the road between Babylon and Jerusa- dependencies and by virtue of the authority on me
lem by the Knights Masons when they returned from conferred. I declare the works of—Council of
captivity. Princes of Jerusalem opened.
Most Equitable—It it is so, Most Enlightened Sen- Most Equitable—Carry swords! Return swords!
ior and Junior Grand Wardens, acquaint the Valorous Most Equitable—(Together! All give the sign and
Princes here present that I am going to open this battery.)
Council. Most Equitable—(Knocks one; 0.) Be seated Valor-
Senior Grand Warden—Valorous Princes, the Most ous Princes.
Equitable Sovereign Prince Grand Master, informs
you that he is about to open this Grand Council. Be
attentive to what he proposes.
Junior Grand Warden—Valorous Princes, the Most
Equitable Sovereign Prince Grand Master informs
Note 1~S.—Vrtnce of Jerusalem. [Scotch Masonry.1—Tho second
degree conferred in the Council o( Princes of Jerusalem. scotch
Essonry. and the sliternth upon the catalogue of thai system. The
omcers are. Moat Equitable, representing Zerubbabel; Grand High
Priest, representing Jeshua; a senior and Junior Most Enlightened
Grand warden, Grand Keeper of the seals and Archives, Grand
Treasurer. Grand Master of Ceremonies, Grand Master of Entrances
and Grand Tyier. The apron is white, bordered with gold lace and
lined with aurora color; on it are the emblems of the degree. Tha
lewel Is a square silver medal, displaying on both sides a balance
In equlpolse, Iwo-edged sword, with five stars surrounding the point
and the letters D. and Z. on opposite sides. Hours of work, sum-
else till sunset ‘—Merits’s Mmaoofe Diettinacy, hillel. Vita., of
mfumst Jo sauhij
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70 0OUTJJ L12JA5[ 5 ~$ ~aq q~mu. tia tiosmed Lus 0$ uO;$deo
1221 223 paw ‘51030 g3,saa;2222 B jo EB(d;36164 emuqa. Bql 03
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q~iix S5STj~ (~ep;puto OIL)—e9~uofa9.59o Jo ~/“N
‘11010 3601 10 10.1(111 HDIKUAOS
I congratulate you my brother on the recovery of the
word, which entitIes you to this degree of Perfect Ma-
sonry. [shall make no comment or eulogium on it. Its
sublimity will no doubt be duly appreciated by you.
You perceive, no doubt, with satisfaction, that you~were
not deceived when you were promised an aim Sublime SIGN OP RECONCILIATION.
which makes you perfect in the mysteries of masonr’
and unveils to you its allegorical emblems. To that Raise right hand and with index fin-
point we are about to arrive. Now that you have at- ger point upward.
tained this high estate in masonry, you have found in it
all that is beautiful and good; you have become per rect. ANSWUB.
The sublime and the true have been developed to your
eyes. It is not enough, my brother, to have been ab]e~ Point downward with index finger of
merit and acquire it, you must more and more render right hand.
yourself perfect in it aiid study to draw from it fQr the
future all the fruita possible, and rhay you my dear
brother long enjoy it among us. Grant us that friend-
z~hip, which is the bond of all associations, and be as- Utgu
sured of ours, which you have now acquired.
I will now instruct you in the signs, tokcns and worda
of this degree.



Cross the arms on breast with hands ox. Cross the legs, the right behind the left.
tended and eyes raised to heaven.
J ________________


this Sovereign’” Chapter of Rose Croix, I do hereby
constitute and ‘creale you a Sovereign Prince of Rose
Croix de Herodem and Knight of the Eagle and Pelican
that you may eljoy now and forever all the privileges,
prerogatives and titles attached to this sublime degree,
as virtue and humanity are the foundations of it. I
hope my brother never to see you diehonor the ribbon
with which you have been invested.
ANIWUL lot. l~5.—3ose Croix. loywelga Wrtnm ot. 3e~au.e Ct Lb gtit
Importance In tbe Masonic •yatem. and of the many privileges pcfl~aed
~ L..~LL.J by it. PO,S~S.Ou,. the epithet of •Soverei a ba, been almoet univeruatty
Same except ieii leg th. right beitowed
the Motbeiupon the ot
Ooarn’II degret of Prince
tbe Ancient Lc
me roix. Reeentlv.
Beottish Rite at bowe.e~.
tnn be. diucarded thu title, and dhected thut tbe word Soverelgn abali
•nlv ~Drtiedto the tbirty.tblrd degree of the Rite; and tbia I. now
3 Soutbern 5u~isdictton ot tbe United fitatee. ~MaokJ~ra
Yrmmaaonh7. Axtici. Na.. O,.4z, Uo~ez.tgs Wilma

Give the sign of the Good Shepherd; face each other,
bow; place reciprocally crossed hands on breast and give
the fraternal kiss and pronounce the pm word.
PASS WORD :—Emniaiiuel.
SACDBD wow:—I. :.N. :3 :.I.:. Mn; lettered by Uie
persons giving it alternately. They are the initials of
the latin worda; Jeaus, Kazarenue, Rew, Judaorue*
signifying Jesus of Nazareth, King of th~ Jews. [In
Latin I and J are interchangealle.]
Maater—Go, ~nybrother, and make yourself known to
all the members of this Sovereign Chapter and return
again. (Candidate passes from one to another whisper-
ing the pans-word in the ear of each, then returns and
kneels before the alt&r when the bret)2ren gather around
him and each places his right hand on him.)
Maagcr—(Investiflg candidate with ribbon and jewel
of degree.) By virtue o~ the authority vested in me by
of Robert Bruce~ the hero of Bsnnockburn; and deriving
.this degree from Scotland, then the leading nation of
pure Bible ChristianityI But, as here stated by Clavel,
(Note 186.) the degree was invented by Jesuits, to
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS popularize and protect priestcraft and the ~Romishsu-
EIGHTEENTH D10~, OR SOvEREIGN PRINCE OF ilos: perstition, from atheism which is born of priestcraft
CRoIx DE HEBODEM, AND KNIGHT OP THE which makes the lovely and simple religion of Christ so
EAGLE AND PEUCAI~T. shockingly abhorrent that men revolt at it, and mistak-
Pretended Seoteta Origin Cf Degree Futge.—To Steat the Poputarity of
Robert Brnce.—Roae Croix HeLL, a Murnontc Cartcatn*w.—itnpndebt and ing priestism for Christianity, flee to atheism to get rid
Detatible Mimicry.
of it. To comprehend this, read carefully thin expose,
The review of this degree appropriately closes Vol.
1, of this work. To understand it, read carefully the which, depicting the hall or halls where this, so called
foot-notes, taken from the masters of Masonry, and “emincntly Christian” degree is enacted, thus describes
seers of religious antagonism to the Bible and God. its lodge room:
From these Masonic teachers we learn that this degree “The First Apartment represents Mount Calvary, and
of the Rose (or blood-red) Cross “was founded by the is hung with black,” and lighted with wax candles.
Jesuits for the purpose of counteracting the insidious “The Second Apartment contains a transparency rep-
attacks of Free Thinkers upon the Romish Faith,” resenting the ascension of Christ ;“ and
(Note 186.) This testimony of Clavel is obviously true.
“It is conferred in a body called a Chaptcr,”(Note 188) “The Third Apartment represents Hell” as a lake of
which is the Romish name for a Dean and his Clergy. boiling brimstone, out of which “human beings encir-
“The word is now exclusively appropriate for lodges cled with flames,” are attempting to crawl, while “devils
conferring degrees higher than the Symbolic,” or Old with pitchforks” are pitching them back. Such is the
York degrces, (Mackey’s Cyclopaedia, Art. Chapter.) room, and such the drapery of the rooms where thin de-
These “higher” degr~es, we need scarcely say, are gree of the Rose Cross is enacted, of which the Masonic
French; inventedin the JesLits’ College of Clermont, Lexicographer, Mackey, says, “everything, in short,
Paris; and that. at the time when Scotch mind led the
Protestant world. Scotland had overthrown and ex- about the degree is Christian.” See (Note 198.)
pelled Popery without shedding a drop of Popish blood; This is about as just, fair, and true a picture of Bible
though her own martyrs shed plenty I France then led Religion as would be a painting of the Slavery-Re-
the false worships of the Anti-Christian world, by infi- bellion, representing it as a Hell of War, Poverty,
delity and superstition in the form of atheism and Liquor, Poison, Arson, and Negro-whipping with Robert
Roinanism. And this Rose Cross degree was falsely de- Toombs, Jefferson Davis, John B. Floyd, Judah P.
rived from Scotland by Oliver, who said it was instituted Benjamin and others, creeping up the banks to get out;
by Robert Bruce, in a mountain called “Herodem,”
(Note 187.) This stupendous falsehood was invented with Johan Most and his Anarchists thrusting them
for the double purpose of giving Masonry the popularity back with hot pitchforks, over the dead line of Libby and
Andersonville, with Lincoln in the distance looking ou procure the crucifixion of Christ; and then seize the
smiling. Cross on which the world’s horror was enacted; to turn
Doubtless the Hell of the Bible, which is a hell of sin It into an idol, draw away the sinner’s attention from
and wrath made by sinners, and preferred by them to the sufferer; and cheat mankind out of salvation by his
Heaven, is hotter than flames, and more offei~sive than death.
brimstone. But this Rose Cross Hell is a Masonic Now when you have waded through the gewgawa and
caricature invented by priests, to scare sinners and keep trumpery of these two devil caricatures of the Revela-
them paying Peter’s Pence, to support them in luxury tion, ma(le by these 17th and 18th degrees, whcre the,
and vice. Such a Hell is in short a stupendous Masonic most sublime and awful realities are degraded by the
falsehood; a double-acting caricature, to manufacture a most impudent and detestable mimicry; as “the angels
Romish population of weak and timid’ dupes; and holding the four winds of the earth.” (Rev. 7, 1,) per-
sturdy, stujid atheists. ~onifiodby men, called Masons, holding, and whisking
But the use Masons now make of it is succinctly ex- bladders filled with wind; with which more diabolical
plained in the expose (p. 476) where the Muter of balderdash; then open your Bibles and read the Revela-
Carqmonies “leads the candidate around the room three tion itself, which wonderful book is a series of tableaux
times ~“ calls his attention to the “representation. of the or plates, in the war against idolatry; down to the final
torments of the damned,” and then tells him: gathering of Gog and Magog to the great battle-day of
“The horrors which you have just seen are but a faint God; and you will clearly discern “the Philosophy of
representation of those you shall suffer if you break these two devils’ degrees which is to degrade the Reve-
through our laws, or infringe the obligation you have lation of Jesus Christ.”
This degree thus cl~rly proves and shows the identity
and oneness of Popery and Masonry; both in their
origin and their~ object. Both are the invention of
priests. Both are false religions. Both farm men’s in-
terest in eternity that tyrants may tax and govern them
in time.
Both this degree and the 17th, preceding, are called
by Masonic Authorities, “entirely philosophical,” (Note
182,) and they are. They lay hold of the Apocalypse
which has been largely a sealed book to Christ’s Church
and they thus use “the Revelation of Jesus Christ” for
the purpose of Devils; who, by entering Judas Iscariot,

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