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ADMIRATION 1. Andri : Here is the harbour that I told you. Dini : Look! The ferry is do kin!.

Tina : "o#$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Andri : &ou kno# it an arry 1''' (assen!ers) Dini : Really) a. Ho# bi! is the ferry) b. Is it really bi!) . "hat is a bi! ferry) d. "hat a bi! ferry it is!

*. An!eli a: "here is your ba!!a!e) +ather : There it is. "e are brin!in! three suit ases and t#o lar!e bo,es. An!eli a: "o#$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Mother : &es$ #e had to (ay for the e,tra #ei!ht. a. "hat an e, itin! tri(! b. "hat hea.y ba!!a!e you ha.e! . That-s a !ood idea. d. Ho# hea.y is the ba!!a!e)

/. 0iki has read a 1a!a2ine. Lani : "hat-s that) 0iki : &ou an read it$ if you #ant. There are so1e interestin! arti les in it. &ou an also see the (i ture of 3alinese dan es. Lani : Oh$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . I like the dan e .ery 1u h. 0iki : Oh you do) a. "hat a beautiful (i ture it is! b. Ho# beautiful 3ali is! . "hat a beautiful 1a!a2ine is it! d. Ho# beautiful the 1a!a2ine is!

4. : Dif$ the bus hasn-t o1e yet. I a1 !ettin! bore #aitin! for it. Diffi : 3e (atient$ (lease. : I ho(e it #on-t be too lon!. Diffi : I ho(e so. 3ut$ look! The bus is o1in!. : "o#$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! It 1ust be a o1fortable one. Diffi : And #e-ll ha.e a ni e 5ourney. a. b. . d. Ho# ni e is the bus Ho# bi! the bus is "hat a lu,urious bus it is "hat kind of bus is it

6. 7: Look at this! &: "o#$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7: &eah. It-s a ferry !oin! to 3idadari Island. a. b. . d. Ho# 1ar.elous is the (i ture) "hat a beautiful (i ture! Ho# ni e (i ture is! "hat (retty the (i ture is!

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