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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Essential Elements Title: Plate Tectonics Subject: Earth Science

Grade Level: 6th Time Allotted: 55min

Materials Required: Jigsaw puzzle of earth plates, worksheet, Main Idea/detail note sheet, computer, internet, map of earths plates, and overhead. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Michigan Curriculum Framework: E.SE.06.51 Explain plate tectonic movement and how the lithospheric plates move centimeters each year.

Objective(s): Students will be able to define plate tectonics, convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Students will be able to explain initial ideas of plate tectonics. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Instructional Procedure: What information do students need to accomplish the objective(s)? Time Allotte d 5min Essential Element

1. Anticipatory Set: Warm up: Ask students to draw layers of the earth and name each one and give one property of each layer.

Going from outside to inside: Crust- Solid Rock Mantle-Partly Melted Rock Outer Core- Liquid Iron Inner Core-Solid Iron



Verbally ask the students how do the plates move? Do different examples using hands. Students will then put away their warm-up in a folder. 2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson: a. Students will be able to define plate tectonics, convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Students will be able to establish initial ideas of plate tectonics. b. Plates moving can cause a natural disaster. 3. Plan for Instruction: Modeling i. Show them what earths plates look like from a Google image. (This goes with step one in guided practice).


Give a compter animation of each boundary for visual aid. Go to 04/es0804page01.cfm for animations. (This will go with step nine in guided practice).
Guided practice: i. I will define tectonic plates.


I will then divide the students into groups to work on a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces will already be cut out and laminated.

Student will work together and put a jigsaw puzzle together. After completed the puzzle, they will answer 3 questions on a worksheet. iv. What would happen if two plates started pushing against each other? v. What would happen if two plates tried to pull away from each other? vi. What would happen if two plates rubbed back and forth against each other? vii. I will walk around and check to see how students are doing. Students giving me the a correct answer will indicate to me the students are getting the concept. viii. Come back together as a class and discuss answers. ix. 4 corner graphic organizer. x. The key word will be plate tectonics. xi. I will write the correct definition and my own definition in the first box. Students will write the correct definition and then write their own definition using their own words. xii. We will then give characteristics of the plate tectonic, which are types of boundaries. Give a definition of each boundary. xiii. Then give an example and non example of each boundary. For example, an example of divergent would be a rift valley. xiv. What students just learned was types of movement boundaries. xv. Define convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. xvi. Student will right them on their note sheet. Independent practice: i. Hand out a map of earth plates with arrows that points the direction the plates are moving. Have students label what type of boundary it is next to the arrows.


4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):

a. Students who have an IEP will get modified notes. b. Students who finish early, I will have them draw me a picture of the earths surface when a transforming boundary is occurring. Another option is to start reading for tomorrow. 8min 5. Assessment: Ticket out the door. Define tectonic plates and show me how each type of boundary moves and tell me the type of boundary with the movement. 6. Closure: I will go back to objectives and have students re-state them for me. I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up, thumbs downs, or in-between for confidence level.

Explanation of Identified Instructional Strategy: 4 corner graphic organizer- Cue, Question, and Advance Organizer Why: It is a great way to break up a word or idea so students can understand it better. Benefits: Gives examples. Students are able to elaborate from one word. Can use as a study tool. Possible cons and barriers: Students get off track.

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