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#his form is a tool that can $e used to assist %ou in &lanning %our o'erall guidance curriculum! ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT DOMAIN
S &!'&$' A: Students will ac0uire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contri$ute to effecti'e learning in school and across the life s&an! Compe e!"# A1 Imp$o%e A"&'em(" Se)*-"o!"ep A:A"!" articulate feelings of com&etence and confidence as learners A:A"!2 dis&la% a &ositi'e interest in learning A:A"!3 take &ride in work and achie'ement A:A"!) acce&t mistakes as essential to the learning &rocess A:A"!* identif% attitudes and $eha'iors which lead to successful learning Compe e!"# A2 A"+,($e S-()). *o$ Imp$o%(!/ Le&$!(!/ A:A2!" a&&l% time management and task management skills A:A2!2 demonstrate how effort and &ersistence &ositi'el% affect learning A:A2!3 use communications skills to know when and how to ask for hel& when needed A:A2!) a&&l% knowledge and learning st%les to &ositi'el% influence school &erformance Compe e!"# A3 A"0(e%e S"0oo) S,""e.. A:A3!" take res&onsi$ilit% for their actions A:A3!2 demonstrate the a$ilit% to work inde&endentl%, as well as the a$ilit% to work coo&erati'el% with other students A:A3!3 de'elo& a $road range of interest and a$ilities A:A3!) demonstrate de&enda$ilit%, &roducti'it%, and initiati'e A:A3!* share knowledge S &!'&$' 1: Students will com&lete school with the academic &re&aration essential to choose from a wide range of su$stantial &ostsecondar% o&tions, including college! Compe e!"# 11 Imp$o%e Le&$!(!/ A:+"!" demonstrate the moti'ation to achie'e indi'idual &otential A:+"!2 learn and a&&l% critical thinking skills A:+"!3 a&&l% the stud% skills necessar% for academic success at each le'el A:+"!) seek information and su&&ort from facult%, staff, famil% and &eers A:+"!* organi,e and a&&l% academic information from a 'ariet% of sources A:+"!- use knowledge of learning st%les to &ositi'el% influence school &erformance A:+"!. $ecome a self/directed and inde&endent learner


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2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association


ASCA S ,'e! S &!'&$'.: P$o/$&m P)&!!(!/ Too)

Compe e!"# 12 P)&! o A"0(e%e Go&). A:+2!" esta$lish challenging academic goals in elementar%, middle12unior high, and high school A:+2!2 use assessment results in educational &lanning A:+2!3 de'elo& and im&lement an annual &lan of stud% to ma(imi,e academic a$ilit% and achie'ement A:+2!) a&&l% knowledge of a&titudes and interests to goal setting A:+2!* use &ro$lem/sol'ing and decision/making skills to assess &rogress toward educational goals A:+2!- understand the relationshi& $etween classroom &erformance and success in school A:+2!. identif% &ost/secondar% o&tions consistent with interests, achie'ement, a&titude, and a$ilities STANDARD C: Students will understand the relationshi& of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the communit%! Compe e!"# C1 Re)& e S"0oo) o L(*e Expe$(e!"e A:C"!" demonstrate the a$ilit% to $alance school, studies, e(tracurricular acti'ities, leisure time, and famil% life A:C"!2 seek co/curricular and communit% e(&eriences to enhance the school e(&erience A:C"!3 understand the relationshi& $etween learning and work A:C"!) demonstrate an understanding of the 'alue of lifelong learning as essential to seeking, o$taining, and maintaining life goals A:C"!* understand that school success is the &re&aration to make the transition from student to communit% mem$er A:C"!- understand how school success and academic achie'ement enhance future career and 'ocational o&&ortunities



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STANDARD A: Students will ac0uire the skills to in'estigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions! Compe e!"# A:1 De%e)op C&$ee$ A2&$e!e.. C:A"!" de'elo& skills to locate, e'aluate, and inter&ret career information C:A"!2 learn a$out the 'ariet% of traditional and nontraditional occu&ations C:A"!3 de'elo& an awareness of &ersonal a$ilities, skills, interests, and moti'ations C:A"!) learn how to interact and work coo&erati'el% in teams C:A"!* learn to make decisions C:A"!- learn how to set goals C:A"!. understand the im&ortance of &lanning C:A"!3 &ursue and de'elo& com&etenc% in areas of interest C:A"!4 de'elo& ho$$ies and 'ocational interests C:A"!"0 $alance $etween work and leisure time



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2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association

2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association

ASCA S ,'e! S &!'&$'.: P$o/$&m P)&!!(!/ Too)

Compe e!"# A:2 De%e)op Emp)o#me! Re&'(!e.. C:A2!" ac0uire em&lo%a$ilit% skills such as working on a team, &ro$lem/sol'ing and organi,ational skills C:A2!2 a&&l% 2o$ readiness skills to seek em&lo%ment o&&ortunities C:A2!3 demonstrate knowledge a$out the changing work&lace C:A2!) learn a$out the rights and res&onsi$ilities of em&lo%ers and em&lo%ees C:A2!* learn to res&ect indi'idual uni0ueness in the work&lace C:A2!- learn how to write a resume C:A2!. de'elo& a &ositi'e attitude toward work and learning C:A2!3 understand the im&ortance of res&onsi$ilit%, de&enda$ilit%, &unctualit%, integrit%, and effort in the work&lace C:A2!4 utili,e time and task/management skills STANDARD 1: Students will em&lo% strategies to achie'e future career goals with success and satisfaction! Compe e!"# 1:1 A"+,($e C&$ee$ I!*o$m& (o! C:+"!" a&&l% decision making skills to career &lanning, course selection, and career transition C:+"!2 identif% &ersonal skills, interests, and a$ilities and relate them to current career choice C:+"!3 demonstrate knowledge of the career &lanning &rocess C:+"!) know the 'arious wa%s in which occu&ations can $e classified C:+"!* use research and information resources to o$tain career information C:+"!- learn to use the internet to access career &lanning information C:+"!. descri$e traditional and non/traditional occu&ations and how these relate to career choice C:+"!3 understand how changing economic and societal needs influence em&lo%ment trends and future training! Compe e!"# 1:2 I'e! (*# C&$ee$ Go&). C:+2!" demonstrate awareness of the education and training needed to achie'e career goals C:+2!2 assess and modif% their educational &lan to su&&ort career C:+2!3 use em&lo%a$ilit% and 2o$ readiness skills in internshi&, mentoring, shadowing, and1or other work e(&erience! C:+2!) select course work that is related to career interests C:+2!* maintain a career &lanning &ortfolio



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2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association

ASCA S ,'e! S &!'&$'.: P$o/$&m P)&!!(!/ Too)

STANDARD C: Students will understand the relationshi& $etween &ersonal 0ualities, education, training, and the world of work! Compe e!"# C:1 A"+,($e K!o2)e'/e o A"0(e%e C&$ee$ Go&). C:C"!" understand the relationshi& $etween educational achie'ement and career success C:C"!2 e(&lain how work can hel& to achie'e &ersonal success and satisfaction C:C"!3 identif% &ersonal &references and interests which influence career choice and success C:C"!) understand that the changing work&lace re0uires lifelong learning and ac0uiring new skills C:C"!* descri$e the effect of work on lifest%le C:C"!- understand the im&ortance of e0uit% and access in career choice C:C"!. understand that work is an im&ortant and satisf%ing means of &ersonal e(&ression Compe e!"# C2 App)# S-()). o A"0(e%e C&$ee$ Go&). C:C2!" demonstrate how interests, a$ilities and achie'ement relate to achie'ing &ersonal, social, educational, and career goals C:C2!2 learn how to use conflict management skills with &eers and adults C:C2!3 learn to work coo&erati'el% with others as a team mem$er C:C2!) a&&l% academic and em&lo%ment readiness skills in work/$ased learning situations such as internshi&s, shadowing, and1or mentoring e(&eriences



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STANDARD A: Students will ac0uire the knowledge, attitudes, and inter&ersonal skills to hel& them understand and res&ect self and others! Compe e!"# A1 A"+,($e Se)*-K!o2)e'/e S:A"!" de'elo& &ositi'e attitudes toward self as a uni0ue and worth% &erson S:A"!2 identif% 'alues, attitudes and $eliefs S:A"!3 learn the goal/setting &rocess S:A"!) understand change is a &art of growth S:A"!* identif% and e(&ress feelings S:A"!- distinguish $etween a&&ro&riate and ina&&ro&riate $eha'ior S:A"!. recogni,e &ersonal $oundaries, rights, and &ri'ac% needs S:A"!3 understand the need for self/control and how to &ractice it S:A"!4 demonstrate coo&erati'e $eha'ior in grou&s S:A"!"0 identif% &ersonal strengths and assets S:A"!"" identif% and discuss changing &ersonal and social roles S:A"!"2 identif% and recogni,e changing famil% roles



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2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association

ASCA S ,'e! S &!'&$'.: P$o/$&m P)&!!(!/ Too)

Compe e!"# A2 A"+,($e I! e$pe$.o!&) S-()). S:A2!" recogni,e that e'er%one has rights and res&onsi$ilities S:A2!2 res&ect alternati'e &oints of 'iew S:A2!3 recogni,e, acce&t, res&ect and a&&reciate indi'idual differences S:A2!) recogni,e, acce&t and a&&reciate ethnic and cultural di'ersit% S:A2!* recogni,e and res&ect differences in 'arious famil% configurations S:A2!- use effecti'e communications skills S:A2!. know that communication in'ol'es s&eaking, listening, and non'er$al $eha'ior S:A2!3 learn how to make and kee& friends STANDARD 1: Students will make decisions set goals, and take necessar% action to achie'e goals! Compe e!"# 11 Se)*-K!o2)e'/e App)("& (o! S:+"!" use a decision/making and &ro$lem/sol'ing model S:+"!2 understand conse0uences of decisions and choices S:+"!3 identif% alternati'e solutions to a &ro$lem S:+"!) de'elo& effecti'e co&ing skills for dealing with &ro$lems S:+"!* demonstate when, where and how to seek hel& for sol'ing &ro$lems and making decisions S:+"!- know how to a&&l% conflict resolution skills S:+"!. demonstrate a res&ect and a&&reciation for indi'idual and cultural differences S:+"!3 know when &eer &ressure is influencing a decision S:+"!4 identif% long/ and short/term goals S:+"!"0 identif% alternati'e wa%s of achie'ing goals S:+"!"" use &ersistence and &erse'erance in ac0uiring knowledge and skills S:+"!"2 de'elo& an action &lan to set and achie'e realistic goals STANDARD C: Students will understand safet% and sur'i'al skills! Compe e!"# C1 A"+,($e Pe$.o!&) S&*e # S-()). S:C"!" demonstrate knowledge of &ersonal information 5i!e! tele&hone num$er, home address, emergenc% contact6 S:C"!2 learn a$out the relationshi& $etween rules, laws, safet%, and the &rotection of rights of the indi'idual S:C"!3 learn a$out the differences $etween a&&ro&riate and ina&&ro&riate &h%sical contact S:C"!) demonstrate the a$ilit% to set $oundaries, rights and &ersonal &ri'ac% S:C"!* differentiate $etween situations re0uiring &eer su&&ort and situations re0uiring adult &rofessional hel& S:C"!- identif% resource &eo&le in the school and communit%, and know how to seek their hel& S:C"!. a&&l% effecti'e &ro$lem/sol'ing and decision/making skills to make safe and health% choices S:C"!3 learn a$out the emotional and &h%sical dangers of su$stance use and a$use S:C"!4 learn how to co&e with &eer &ressure S:C"!"0 learn techni0ues for managing stress and conflict S:C"!"" learn co&ing skills for managing life e'ents



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2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling rograms! American School Counselor Association

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