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Teaching Philosophy I am a teacher, but that is not all I am. I could sit here and tell you my story.

How, when I was little, I used to line my dolls up and teach them their ABCs and 1 !s. How I ha"e always #nown I wanted to be a teacher because o$ my undying passion and lo"e $or writing and literature. I$ I did that, I would sound li#e a bro#en record. I would sound li#e the rest o$ the people in the %nglish %ducation $ield. The $act is, despite what anyone thin#s, I am di$$erent. There$ore, I wont tell you my story. Instead, I will tell you what I"e learned. In my last year at Bloomsburg &ni"ersity, I had the ama'ing opportunity to co(teach at Berwic# Area High )chool. &p to that point, I had no idea what it was li#e to actually teach a group o$ students. It was through my e*perience that I was able to learn more about mysel$ as a $uture educator than e"er be$ore, as well as what being a teacher is truly all about. I am a teacher, but that is not all I am. I am not +ust a teacher. ,o. In $act, I am much more than that. I am a cheerleader who brings hope and spirit to the di"erse number o$ players in my classroom. I am a coach. ,ot a coach who stands on the sidelines, but a coach who goes right out on the $ield to encourage and stand by the players whene"er they need an e*tra boost. I am a role model. -i#e e"ery good role model, I gi"e moral and li$e lessons in hopes that those who loo# up to me will ma#e good choices and reali'e the conse.uences o$ e"ery one o$ their actions. I am a boss. Though I ha"e authority, it is also my +ob to be understanding and create a trusting, honest, respect$ul, and sa$e en"ironment. I ha"e to meet the needs o$ all o$ my wor#ers, and I ha"e to ha"e patience in order to ma#e my business success$ul. I am a $ire$ighter who runs into burning buildings to sa"e the li"es o$ those who $eel trapped. It is my duty to pic# them up and show them the path out. I am my students strength. I am their com$ort. I am sometimes their nightmare, but $ore"er the light at the end their long, dar# tunnels. I am their security blan#et. I am their support, and I will ne"er let them $all. I will ta#e them all as $ar as I can possibly go, despite their le"els, their learning styles, or their abilities. ,ot because I ha"e to, but because I want to/ because ha"ing the best interest o$ my students in mind is part o$ what being a teacher is all about. 0es. I am a teacher. Howe"er, I"e learned that I am so many other things that being a teacher has become +ust a small part o$ my description. I am a teacher, but that is not all I am. And that is not all I will be.

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