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Constructing Shape Shelters

Name: Meghan Anderson Time Allotted: 105 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Math Materials Required: Gumdrops Toothpicks Clay Balls Sticks Popsicle sticks Pipe Cleaners Cardboard Cardstock Sugar cubes Tape Wooden Blocks Square Peg Toys Color By Shape Art Page Four Square - Four Shape work page
Coloring Page: Find the Shape Coloring Page (2013, April 21). In Printable Coloring. Retrieved December 14, 2013, from Toy Picture: Graham, D. (2013, January 3). Square Pegs. In Tilt Scale. Retrieved December 14, 2013, from Song and Pocket Chart Picture: Osterman, M. (2011, September 20). Shape & Color Centers. In Kindergarten Rocks Blog Spot. Retrieved December 14, 2013. Ticket Out the Door Template (2013, July 4). In Confessions of a Crafty Middle School Teacher. Retrieved November.

Michigan Content Expectations: K.G. 5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. Objective: The student will be able to accurately draw the basic shapes (e.g.: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a heart, and a star) and will draw a sample of each shape on a ticket out the door and must draw at least 3 out of the 4 shapes correctly to demonstrate proficiency. (Application) The student will model shapes from art supplies (e.g. sticks and clay balls) and will use these 3-D shapes to build their own shelter, and will score at least a on the rubric. (Synthesis) Assessment: Formative Assessment: During the instruction portion of the lesson, during the centers the Color By Shape activity will be tangible evidence shape recognition (Objective #1), also the student will demonstrate they are

learning how to draw shapes during the Four Square Four Shape center (Objective #1), and finally, they will be demonstrating scaffolded learning of objective #2 through building with blocks at center #2. Summative Assessment: Objective#1: Students will draw a circle, a square, a triangle, an oval, a rectangle, and a star on a ticket out the door. Objective #2: The students will construct a model shape shelter during the instruction portion of the lesson. Their projects will be displayed around the room when they are completed and will be scored on a the rubric below.

Constructing Shape Shelters Rubric Student Name: Modeled Shapes (Content) 1- Did not model any shapes in the construction of their building. Completion and Creativity 1- Student did not complete the project and the project was not creative.

Score: 2- Did model shapes in the world by building shapes from components. 2- Student did complete the project and the project was done creatively.

Instructional Procedure: 1. Anticipatory Set: (1 minute) a. Yesterday we learned about different buildings in our community and how those buildings met different needs. Today, we are going to have a math lesson where we will get to create our own buildings. Lets review the definition of shelter and building on our Word Wall. b. In order to build these houses, we need to know the shapes that make up the houses! Today we are also going to learn our shapes!

2. State Purpose and Objective of Lesson: (3 minutes) a. Chorally read objectives. b. Today, we are going to do centers to learn about shapes! While at the centers, we will need to keep 6 inch voices and SOT. Lets practice quick transitions. When I blow this train whistle, I want all eyes on me. (practice this). I will tell you which center you are going to rotate to next, then I will play a song on the train whistle while all of you pretend to be a choo choo train and move on to your next station. [Practice this] 3. Instruction: a. Direct Interactive Instruction: (4 minutes) i. Sing Dr. Jeans Shapes! song to introduce/refresh students on their shapes. 1. ii. In a pocket chart, have the words and shapes displayed.

b. Modeling: (7 minutes) i. Model how to draw and name each of these shapes on the board: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, diamond, and heart. ii. Model each of the centers. iii. Model how to make the shape shelters. c. Guided Practice: (50 minutes 15 minutes per center with just under 2 minutes to transition between centers). i. Shape Centers 1. At the first center a four-square court will be set up in tape on the floor. In each of the squares, one of four shapes will be taped to the ground: square, triangle, circle, and heart. The students will play four square with a foam ball (so it has a very small bounce). When the ball goes out of the court, the students will draw on their graphing paper the shape of the square that the ball was in last.

Four-Square Four Shape Draw the shape in the box after the ball goes out of bounds from that square.


2. Center #2 a. At the second center, students will build houses with wooden blocks. b. They will also play with the shape manipulatives such as the ones pictured below:

3. Center #3 a. The students will find and color the shapes in the pictures according to the directions. (Essentially it is a color by shape activity to help them recognize that shapes are present in every day items. This will scaffold them for constructing shape shelters in the independent practice).

d. Independent Practice: (30 minutes) i. The students will construct a shape shelter. They will be little houses, apartment buildings, igloos, a-frames, etc. made from the craft supplies. ii. The students will use these to model shapes. iii. Materials needed: 1. Gumdrops 2. Toothpicks 3. Clay Balls 4. Sticks 5. Popsicle sticks 6. Pipe Cleaners

7. Cardboard 8. Cardstock 9. Sugar cubes 4. Differentiated Consideration: (0 minutes) a. During centers, the teacher will be at the Shape Four-Square game for behavior management purposes. b. Students who do not finish their building or their coloring page will take them home or finish them during recess. c. Students who do finish their shape shelter early can help the other students with theirs. d. As students take the ticket out the door, the teacher will say the names of the shapes in each column out loud for the students who do not know how to read yet.

5. Closure: (10 minutes) a. The students will turn in their projects, which will be displayed around the room. b. The students will complete the ticket out the door. c. Revisit the objectives. d. Clean up.





6. References:
Graham, D. (2013, January 3). Square Pegs. In Tilt Scale. Retrieved December 14, 2013, from Osterman, M. (2011, September 20). Shape & Color Centers. In Kindergarten Rocks Blog Spot. Retrieved December 14, 2013. Ticket Out the Door Template (2013, July 4). In Confessions of a Crafty Middle School Teacher. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from

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