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Name: ______Camille Copeland__________ Self-Evaluation Form Place an X where appropriate along with a rief comment to clarif! !

our choice" # $ective%Criteria *rticulation: Ever! word i& clear and di&tinct .ate Need& 'mprovement (eet& E)pectation& E)ceptional X-' wa& clear a out the +ue&tion& ' had a&,ed -ai&! X-' wa& rief and &traightforward" ' avoided eing too word! X- ' wa& in a ver! happ! mood/ and wanted to e informed X- &traightforward ut ' al&o ela orated on what the audience wanted to ,now X- ' empha&i0ed on her eing a 0um a in&tructor and her giving health tip& X- our interview flowed li,e a conver&ation rather than an actual interview X- we literall! rehear&ed once ut we mainl! improvi&ed and it all came together

Energ! i& appropriate for me&&age%mood Phra&ing: Complete thought& ma,e &en&e

Empha&i&: 'mportant word& or idea& are &tre&&ed Sen&e of Communication: -irect to 1i&tener a& oppo&ed to read Evidence that the cop! ha& een practiced and perfected

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