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Camille Danielle Copeland Dr. Mirrer Media Journalism 12-23-13 Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth INT.

(Inside Kean University's TV Studio) FEMALE ANCHOR Former Heavyweight champion.... TAKE #1 (PICTURE OF MIKE TYSON CLOSE UP SHOT) (FEMALE ANCHOR CONT'D) Mike Tyson has been through it all. TAKE # 2 (CUT TO PICTURES OF YOUNG MIKE TYSON, ROBIN GIVENS, TYSON VS. HOLYFIELD FIGHT, MIKE TYSON & DON KING, MIKE TYSON & 4-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER) (FEMALE ANCHOR CONT'D) From becoming the youngest heavyweight boxer ever at age 18, to financia l disputes, a dysfunctional marriage, being accused of rape, and losing a child? ( CUTS BACK TO FEMALE ANCHOR) Tyson's story which is told, in his one man show which succesfully sold out all across the country, will now air on HBO November 16th at 9:00 p.m. The s how was directed by legendary filmmaker... TAKE #3 (PICTURE OF SPIKE LEE CLOSE UP) (FEMALE ANCHOR CONT'D) Spike Lee. Critics are calling it a "Must see", as it reveals the funny side of the champ. (SOVOT) SOUNDBITE #1: "I've come along way..." SOUNDBITE #2: " "You've got to face your demons..." SOUNDBITE #3: "When you see this movie...." (CUT BACK TO FEMALE ANCHOR) Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth, premieres on HBO November 16th at 9:00 p.m. So make sure you catch it, if you didn't see the show live, Mike Tyson is quite a funny man, with a newfound respect after you see this movie! And I'm Camille Danielle reporting live from WKNJ Cougar Celeb Talk. ( FADE OUT )

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