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SpaceSniffer User Manual

printed on 11/01/2012

"Find lost space on your disks the easy way."
Copyright 2007-2012 Uderzo U !erto "

1. Welcome
1.1 - What's that?

It may happen that a day you discover your compter disk is nearly full. #nd you ha$e no clue "why". The main purpose of SpaceSniffer is to help you to dig into the content of your computer storage media the easy way. The approach is to hilight !ig files. This is done !y dra"ing each file and folder "ith a shape si#ed proportionally to its occupation. The !igger on screen the !igger on disk. This helps in finding "hat$s eating your storage. To !etter help in your %uest a versatile filtering system is availa!le. &ou can search !y file and folder name e'tension si#e dates attri!utes and even more. In fe" "ords( )asy find "here !ig files reside on your storage even net"ork paths. *ast and simple to use simple interface easy to understand. +ets you easily search "ith file masks ,*.jpg,*.txt-. !y file si#e ,>1mb-. file age ,<3months-. attri!utes ,archive, hidden-. folder names ,\temp, \*internet*. com!inations negations and more. *ile and folder tagging lets you !ookmark elements for later processing. /irect access to the 0indo"s )'plorer files/folders popup menu "ith mouse right click. 1eacts to e'ternal storage modifications keeps al"ays in sync "arns you a!out e'ternal modifications !y elements !linking. /iscover created/modified files in real time2 Intuitive navigation "ith animated #ooming effects even during the scan process. Multithreaded scanning engine "ith smart caching system to minimi#e disk access. +ets you focus and complete the scan on a #oomed portion of your disk even if the master scan is in progress ,i% you are in hurry..
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SpaceSniffer User Manual

printed on 11/01/2012

Scans 3T*S 4lternate /ata Streams if needed. 5ustomi#a!le interface( geometry colors !ehaviors effects look styles. It doesn$t clutter your registry only a plain 6M+ configuration file. It$s porta!le no installation re%uired 7ust put the e'ecuta!le some"here and let$s go. &ou can keep it in your flash key ready to use. It$s *ree0are. 8etter it$s /onation0are.

8y using SpaceSniffer you may say( Hei! Look there! A lot of old 10+Mb JPEGs! Oh! That old 2Gb database ba k!"! #etter $o%i&' it o!t of the (a)! *Look here! The a""li atio& +,- $odifies all those files!* .hat is this biiii' folder/ Oh0 that1s the O232 folder2 #etter lea%i&' it i& "la e0 eheh

2. Quick Start Page

9lease have a look at the &uick 'tart page. &ou "ill find information a!out the tool !ar that is not covered here. &ou should find the &uick 'tart page into the same package "here you found this document.

3. Start The Application

The main "indo" of the application appears and a smaller dialog ,the start dialog. "ill ask "hat you "ant to scan. &ou can choose one of your disks or type one or more paths ,separated !y :;: char.. 9aths can !e local or net"ork paths. It "orks "ell also "ith Sam!a shares. &ou can navigate your media structure !y pressing the Path !utton or drag$n drop one or more folders on the start dialog to avoid typing. Then press the Enter key or click the Start !utton. If you typed a path and that path does not e'ist an error message "ill appear. If everything is ok the scan process !egins the start dialog "ill close ,you can reopen it later. and one or more scan vie"s "ill appear. &ou can also drag one or more folders directly on the main "indo" avoiding the start dialog.

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*or your convenience the start dialog is easily usa!le also "ith key!oard. If you "ant the dialog to close then press )S5 key. 0hen you are in the main "indo" the !"#$% shortcut "ill reopen it.

4. The Scan Process

The scan progress "ill !e displayed on the main "indo". This is a real time display of the scan operation. +ots of rectangles appear on the screen. )ach rectangle represents a folder or a file ,generically an ele ent.. *older elements sho" other elements into them recursively. 4 limit has !een set to the display recursion to avoid graphic cluttering. &ou can change this limit as you "ish "ith !"# $ and !"# & shortcuts or "ith dedicated tool!ar !uttons. )lements change in si#e proportionally to the real si#e of the file or folder. Note: (his type o% graphical representation is called (ree ap and was in$ented !y Prof. Ben Shneiderman) *ro%essor in the Uni$ersity o% +aryland. (he !igger the ele ent on screen) the !igger the %older or %ile on disk. 'i ple.
4.1 - Seeing stu in !etail

If you "ant to e'amine an element in deep 7ust le%t ouse click once on it and you "ill start digging. &ou can dig into folders until you reach a file element ,displayed in a different color.. 0hen you click on a folder or file it "ill !e hilighted and it "ill drop a shado" to make it easy to track during a scan operation ,!ecause SpaceSniffer is continuosly rearraging and moving all elements to !est fit them in your screen.. If you "ish you can #oom into a folder element !y dou!le clicking on it. This "ill e'pand the folder to the entire vie" sho"ing more smaller elements previously hidden !ecause of their small si#e. 0hen you start #ooming in and out you "ill notice that the navigation keys ,bac' and (or)ard like a "e! !ro"ser. "ill activate. &ou can go !ack and forth !y pressing them or !y *+ ,SP+ E and S-./!$*+ ,SP+ E shortcuts. Note: (he na$igation key!oard shortcuts are acti$e only when the %ilter %ield is not %ocused
4.2 - What !oes SpaceSniffer !ispla"?

/ue to the intrinsic nature of the Treemap concept SpaceSniffer "ill not sho" files "ith #ero !yte si#e. 8ecause the display area is proportional to the file si#e a #ero si#e file
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"ould occupy #ero pi'els hence they are not displayed. Note: (here are particular cases when a zero !yte length %ile is displayed. (his happens only when you ha$e zoo ed into a %older that contains a zero length %ile. ,ut also this condition is transient. #nyway) the ission o% 'paceSniffer is to %ind !ig guys) so this should not !e a real issue. Note: -ue to the li ited a$aila!le screen area) also s aller ele ents are not displayed. .ou can con%igure the ini u size o% an ele ent to !e shown into the $iew) anyway there are cases with lots o% ele ents that cannot !e %ully displayed. (his doesn/t ean that 'paceSniffer ignores such ele ents. 0t always takes the into consideration !ut it 1ust doesn/t display the . 0% you cannot disco$er the !y zoo ing into) you can %ind the !y the e2port %unction 3see ne2t chapters4. 5nce again) 'paceSniffer is to %ind !ig guys so) you are warned...

#. $a%igation
&ou can navigate the disk structure !y the tool !ar !uttons. 9lease refer to the &uick 'tart for a visual representation of the user interface. The follo"ing commands are availa!le in order(
#.1 - $e& %ie& 'CTRL+N(

<pens the Start /ialog letting you start "ith a ne" scan vie". SpaceSniffer lets you open more "indo"s and "atch different parts of your disks. If you open more than once the same path ,or part of it. the disk "ill !e scanned only once. Space Sniffer features a smart caching system that links also to the disk e$ent syste of the <.S. So if something changes outside the application SpaceSniffer "ill !e a"are of it and "ill reflect the change into the vie". Hint: .ou can open twice the sa e path on two di%%erent $iews and e2a ine it with di%%erent %iltering criteria.
#.2 - )o *ack 'BACKSPACE( + )o or&ar! 'SHIFT+BACKSPACE(

0hen you navigate the disk structure !y #ooming in and out all locations you traverse are kept in memory ,like an internet !ro"ser.. So you can go !ack and forth as you "ish.
#.3 - )o upper le%el 'CTRL+UP(

0ill #oom out !y one folder level until you reach the vie" root. The vie" root is the starting point of the scan operation ,the disk drive or the specified initial path..
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#.4 - )o to home 'CTRL+HOME(

0ill #oom out at the root point of the vie" ,the disk drive or the specified initial path..
#.# - Per orm a ne& master scan

0hile scanning the !utton lets you to stop the process. 0hile not scanning the !utton lets you start another scan process. Hint: 0% you need to track only %ile change operations and you are not interested in the %ull edia content) a %ull edia scan is not needed. 6ust start a new scan then stop it with this !utton. 7$en i% not scanning) 'paceSniffer will keep track o% created8deleted8 odi%ied %iles and you will see the popping into your $iew. (his %eature is a$aila!le only where the 5.'. disk e$ent syste can detect %ile changes) so it likely won/t work on network dri$es) %or e2a ple.
#., - Per orms a ne& scan o the -oome! %ie& 'su* scan(

0hen you are on the vie" root the !utton is disa!led. 0hen you are in a #oomed folder you can start a secondary scan process to force the scanning of the selected folder. The purpose is to avoid "aiting for the termination of the master scan to !e sure the #oomed vie" is complete. <nly one active #oomed scan process is permitted for each vie". If you "ant to focus on another part of the structure and the secondary scan is in progress you must stop and restart it. Hint: ,oth aster scan and su! scan are not really needed to keep the $iew in sync with edia content i% the 5.'. gi$es odi%ication %eed!acks. (his usually happens with local edie storage) as said pre$iously. 0%) on the other hand) you are dealing with a network path %or e2a ple) you should rescan totally or partially to keep in sync.
#.. - /ess !etail 'CTRL -( + 0ore !etail 'CTRL +(

0ill dig less/more into the display structure. 3ote that the currently selected folder/file element "ill al"ays !e sho"n to avoid you a lot of annoying #oom in/out operations.
#.1 - 2se 3ile 4lasses st"le 'CTRL+T(

0ill s"itch !et"een /0at o0ors style and /i0e 0asses style. 0hen you feel overhelmed !y too much information you can :go !ack %lat: and take a !reath.
#.5 - Sho& ree space 'CTRL+F(

0ill sho" an element that represents the free space of the selected drive. This option "ill "ork only if you select a drive ,or type a drive path. and not "ith typed paths that are not drives. Note: (he %ree space ele ent is $isi!le only in the root ele ent) i% you zoo into a
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%older the %ree space goes out o% sight. 0t/s not possi!le to keep in sight the %ree space ele ent also in zoo ed $iews !ecause o% the nature o% the (ree ap. # %ree space ele ent into a zoo ed %older would show a distorted in%or ation !ecause o% shape proportions. Hint: .ou can keep two $iews o% the sa e edia and use one to dig into and one to keep $isi!le the root with %ree space ele ent acti$e.
#.16 - Sho& unkno&n 'not "et scanne!( space 'CTRL+U(

Similarly to the preceding option !ut this "ill sho" unkno"n space. Unkno"n space is space that SpaceSniffer is a"are of !ut has not e'amined yet. 0hile the scanning process goes on the unkno"n space "ill !ecome smaller and smaller giving space to e'amined elements. Similar to free space unkno"n space "ill not !e displayed if the root path is not a drive and it "ill !e displayed ony in the root element. Hint: 'o eti es a%ter the scan co pletes) so e unknown space is still $isi!le. (his is due to the ina!ility to scan so e protected %olders. (ry running 'pace Sniffer with #d inistrator pri$ileges i% you want to co pletely e2a ine the edia.
#.11 - 7onate

<pens a "e! connection to the donation page. 9lease support this soft"are let me kno" that you like it !y donating something. Thank you in advance.
#.12 - The %ie&a*le percent *ar

0hen #ooming in and out you may notice a small vertical !ar on the left side of the vie". This small !ar "ill sho" you how uch o% the entire edia is currently sho"ing. If you go to the vie" root the !ar "ill fill the vertical space entirely. If you #oom in the !ar "ill lo"er its height !ecause you are displaying less and less disk space as you keep #ooming in. This is useful to understand for e'ample that all the files displayed in the current #oomed vie" use a really small portion of the disk and you should focus your attention else"here to recover !ig space.
#.13 - The progress *ar

4nother item you can notice is the progress !ar in the upper right side of the vie". This "ill sho" you the scanning or the filtering progress. Since the total si#e to !e scanned is kno"n only if you select a drive the progress !ar is sho"n only if you select a drive path. In all other cases a simple message "ill !e displayed. <n the other hand if a filtering operation is in progress it "ill take precedence over the scan percentage progress. 4t the end of the filtering operation the scan progress "ill !ecome visi!le again. Hint: (he scan process and the %iltering process are ulti threaded) so you can keep changing %ilters to search what you are looking %or and don/t ind the scan process) that will go on in the !ackground. 'i ply e2plore your edia) you don/t need to wait %or
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'paceSniffer to ter inate the scan9

,. The 3iltering S"stem

The filtering system is the most po"erful tool that SpaceSniffer offers to find "hat you are looking for. 8y filtering you can virtually :slice : dice: your media molding the vie" content to suit your search needs. @ust type the filter in the filter entry field then press the Enter key or click the /i0ter !utton.
,.1 - 3iltering *" ile name mask

It is possi!le to filter the vie" !y file mask. Masks are defined "ith special characters A1B and A*B. @ust like the <.S. command line. The %uestion mark character means A a single characterB "hile the asterisk character means Azero or ore charactersB. It$s possi!le to type also a complete file name if you kno" "hat are you looking for. 8y placing a pipe character A2B in front of file mask you "ill negate it and this !ecomes an e'clusion filter. Example: !y typing *.jpg and pressing the Enter key) only 6*7;s %iles will !e displayed. Example: !y typing |*.jpg and pressing Enter key) e$erything !ut 6*7;s will !e displayed.
,.2 - 3iltering *" ol!er name mask

The filter !y file name mask applies only to files. Sometimes you may "ant to search only under certain folders say temp folders. &ou don$t kno" "here they are and at "hich nesting level on your media device !ut you know they are there and possi!ly more than one. In this case you can use a folder name mask filter. *older name mask filters are the same as file name mask filters e'cept they apply to folders ,ok) it/s o!$ious.. To identify a pattern as a folder mask pattern simply prepend it !y the $ \$ ,!ackslash. char. The !ackslash char doesn$t have the meaning of :root %older: it is simply a s"itch. It has !een chosen as :s"itch: char !ecause it is for!idden in file and folder names ,it is a path separator. hence it cannot e'ist in an element name ,"ith e'ception if you start sniffing from a folder instead of a drive !ut this affects only the root element.. 0hen you apply a folder name mask filter only files "hose path contains a matching folder are included. Moreover folders "hose names match the mask are hilighted "ith the 89/7 style in their name. This makes easy to understand "hy stuff has !een included !y the filter. If on the other hand you are using an e'clusion filter ,!y prepending the "hole pattern string !y the negation pipe 323 char. e'cluded folders are not hilighted 7ust
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!ecause they are not displayed. Example: !y typing \temp e$ery %ile under a temp %older 3at any nesting le$el4 is included. For e2a ple) C:\Windows\temp\data\abc.txt would !e included. Example: on the contrary) !y typing |\temp e$ery %ile under a temp %older 3at any nesting le$el4 is e2cluded. Hint: .ou can consider %older and %ile asks as a two di ensional %ilter. (he %irst a2is is the %older ask) the second a2is is the %ile ask. ,oth a2is work independently. <hen you apply a %older=%ile ask you are de%ining so e kind o% "coordinate" in a 2- space. .ou %irst "cut" the directory tree structure and isolate the searched %olders) then e2a ine the wanted %ile na es !y the other ask.
,.3 - 3iltering *" ile si-e

&ou can look for files !igger/smaller than a given file si#e. The synta' of the search string is A>B ,or A<B. character follo"ed !y the si#e and the measure unit.

4vaila!le measure units are b ,!yte. 'b ,kilo !yte( 102= !. mb ,mega !yte( 102= k!. gb ,giga !yte( 102= m!. tb ,tera !yte( 102= g!. Example: !y typing >100kb 'paceSniffer will show only %iles !igger than 100k!. &ou can prepend the si#e condition !y the key"ords dis'si4e c05stersi4e ,synonims for disk space occupation. or (i0esi4e 0ogica0si4e si4e ,synonims for logical file si#e.. The default is dis'si4e. Hint: 'paceSniffer uses a %uzzy atch algorith to understand what you are %iltering %or. 'o) you can type disksize) disk) dsk) dsksz and so on. 4 %uick "ord a!out disk occupation and logical occupation. 5urrently storage devices that you can normally find attached to your computer organi#e the space into clusters. 4 cluster is the smallest storage area you "ill affect !y "riting something on the device. Say for e'ample that your disk has a =G! cluster si#e. This means that any file you "ill "rite on that disk "ill !e sliced into =G! :pieces:. Example: # 20 !ytes %ile 3logical size4 will occupy 3partially4 one cluster) in this case >?! 3disk size4. # @?! %ile will occupy two clusters) the %irst will !e %illed entirely) the second partially 3the 1?! le%t !y the %irst cluster4. #nd so on. (his eans that the disk space
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occupation is nor ally greater than the logical %ile size. SpaceSniffer de%aults to disk size !ecause you are looking to reco$er space on disk) !ut i% you wish you can switch to logical size with the appropriate %ilter switch.
,.4 - 3iltering *" ile age

It is possi!le to search files !y their age ,normally modification date.. The synta' of the search string is similar to the previous one !ut the measure unit is different.

4vaila!le measure units are seconds/secs/sec/s min5tes/mins/min/m ho5rs/ho5r/h da6s/da6/d )ee's/)ee'/) months/month 6ears/6ear/6. Example: !y typing >1year 'paceSniffer will show %iles not odi%ied in the last year.

8y default the filter applies to the modi(6 date !ut you can prepend creation modi(ication access ,and variations !ecause of the fu##y match algorithm. to specify "hich file date you "ant to filter for. Example: !y typing a>1year 'paceSniffer will show %iles ne$er accessed in last year.
,.# - 3iltering *" tag

If you "ant to find tagged files ,see ne2t chapter a!out tags. you can use the 71..8 synta' ,the colon is part of the synta'.. Instead of 1..8 for your convenience you can use :red :6e00o) :green :b05e :a00 or 7r 76 7g 7b 7a. 8y placing a pipe character A2B in front of tag filter you "ill negate it and this !ecomes an e'clusion filter.

Example: !y typing :1 or :red you %ilter red tagged %iles. Example: !y typing :a Example: !y typing |:a or :a you %ilter all tagged %iles. or |:a %ilter all !ut tagged %iles. Example: !y typing |:! or |:green you e2clude green tagged %iles.

Note: 'ince release to acco plish the need o% any additional %ilters) a new synta2 has !een added %or the tag %ilter. (he new synta2 needs that the %ilter starts with the :tag: or :tags: %ilter speci%ier) then you can speci%y one or ore colors %or %iltering. For tag %iltering) the old synta2 is presented %or !ackward co pati!ility.
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Example: :tag:1 or :tag:r or :tag:red %ilters red tagged %iles. Example: :tag:" or :tag:y or :tag:ye ow %ilters yellow tagged %iles. Example: :tag:! or :tag:b or :tag:b # or :tag:b #e %ilters !lue tagged %iles. Example: :tag:$ or :tag:g or :tag:green %ilters green tagged %iles. Example: :tag:a or :tag:a %ilters all tagged %iles. Example: :tag:red%green&b %ilters red) yellow !ut not !lue tagged %iles. Example: |:tag:1'!'&red starting pipe always negate the %ollowing %ilter.
,., - 3iltering *" ile attri*utes

The file attri!utes filter specifier is 7attr7 or 7attrs7 then you can type your attri!ute filter. The follo"ing attri!utes are availa!le for filtering( archive/archi/arch/arc/ar/a( archive files s6stem/s6s/s( system files readon06/rdon06/ron06/rdo/ro/r( readonly files hidden/hidn/hid/h( hidden files compressed/comprsd/compr/cpr/c( compressed ,!y os. files encr6pted/encrptd/encptd/enc/e/cr6pted/cr6pt/cptd( encrypted ,!y os. files o((0ine/o((/o0/o( offline files temporar6/temp/tmp/t( temporary ,os. files notindexed/notindx/notidx/noidx/nidx/ni( not inde'ed ,!y os. files sparse/sp( sparse files a0ternatedatastream/a0ternate/a0tern/a0t/ads( alternate data streams this filters "orks only if the Ascan alternate data streamB option is active in configuration.

Note: *ossi!le co !inations are si ilar to the :tag:(%ilter. Example: :attr:arc)i*e%)idden Example:(:attr:%a&ro') Example: |:attr:temp

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,.. - 3iltering *" ile class

&ou can filter !y file class as defined in the Con%iguration -ialog ,see later.. This "ill let you type a shorter filter string instead of "rite all file e'tensions defined !y the file class. Example: :c ass:+#dio,-#sic is eAui$alent to %ilter %or %ile e2tensions".*.mp!.*.wa*.*.ogg.*.ai/.*.a p.*.a#.*.!gp.*.ac!.*.amr.*.aac.*. m$a.*.wma.*.ai//.*./ ac.*.m$a.*.*oc 3pro$iding that you ha$e not altered the original con%iguration) otherways !eha$ior will change4. In the a!ove e'ample +5dio:;5sic is the name of the file class as defined in the Con%iguration -ialog under 'tyles8File Classes ta!. The configuration name is case insensitive. If the configuration name contains spaces you can type them as"ell !ecause the parsing engine "ill split commands on :;: character ,see *ilter com!inations.. If you type a non e'istent file class name an error message "ill occur. Example: C:c ass:+#dio,-#sic will negate the result o% the pre$ious e2a ple.
,.1 - 3ilter com*inations

If you need to specify more than one condition it is possi!le !y separating each condition !y the A;B character. 1ules are( *ile mask and tag conditions ,including class file conditions. are orKed together e'cluding masks are andKed together. 4ll other conditions are an!Ked together

Example: *.jpg.*.gi/.>100kb.01mont)s will show all 6*7;s and ;0Fs !igger than 100k! and younger than D onths. Hint: .ou can change the %ilter string also during the scan process. (he display will react to the new %ilter) !ut the process will always scan all ele ents. (his is !ecause you can change your ind and alter the %ilter whene$er you want. 0% you do that) a new scan is not reAuired !ecause the %iltering is applied to the $iew and not to the s art cached data. WARNING: Eote that i% you delete a %older 3!y <indows 72plorer popup enu4 that is currently showing part o% all the container %iles8%olders due to a %ilter rule) you are deleting #FF (G7 C5E(7E() not only the $isi!le content9 (his is !ecause you are deleting the %older) and <indows 72plorer knows nothing a!out the %ilter applied into 'paceSniffer.

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. . T h e Ta g g i n g S " s t e m
If you "ant to track files or folders for !etter handling you can tag them. There are four different tags( red 6e00o) green b05e. Simply hover the mouse on a file and press !"#$1 for red tag !"#$< for 6e00o) !"#$3 for green and !"#$8 for b05e. 8y pressing the same key again you clear the tag ,it$s an on/off s"itch.. The !"#$digit( com!inations "orks al"ays also if the filter !o' has the focus. If you are sure that the filter !o' is not focused you can also use the simpler 1 < 3 8 = key. 0ith !"#$= you clear the tag on all elements in the #oomed vie" ,even elements hidden !y a filter rule. . This means that the reset is applied on elements starting from the #oomed area ,files and folders outside the #oomed area are left untouched.. 8y tagging an element you put a temporary A!ookmarkB on it. This lets you continue navigating the disk structure and !e sure to find each tagged file !y filter for e'ample. The tag is temporary( This means that "hen you close all the vie"s containing them they are lost. 3othing is stored on disk everything is kept in memory. So 7ust play "ith tags2 Hint: .ou can tag each ele ent only once) !ut ele ents will inherit the tag also %ro parents. (his gi$es lots o% %iltering %le2i!ility. ,ut) to a$oid $iew cluttering) only the ele ent/s own tag is shown. Example: .ou want to e2clude so e !ig %olders %ro your $iew. -e%ine) say) a tag e2clusion %ilter) as e2plained in the %ilter chapter. 'uppose you want to e2clude red tagged ele ents. (ype "|:r" and press E23E4 key. (hen select the annoying %ile8ele ent and tag it red. 0t will disappear %ro the $iew 3it has not !een deleted) only hidden4. (o restore the ele ent into the $iew) clear the %ilter or clear the tag with C345%0. Example: .ou want a "shopping cart". 5pen two $iews o% the sa e edia de$ice. 5n the %irst $iew set an e2clusion %ilter "|:g". 5n the second $iew set an inclusion %ilter " :g". Eow) i% you tag ele ents to green in the %irst $iew) they will disappear %ro the %irst $iew and appear into the second $iew. <hen you %inished "shopping") you can e2port your cart with the e2port %unction 3see later4.

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1. 4on iguration
SpaceSniffer can !e configured in !ehavior and aspect. The configuration is stored in a 6M+ file stored in the same folder of the application e'ecuta!le. 3o registry messing. @ust one single 6M+ file.
1.1 - )eometr" ta*
:lement ont si-e

+ets you to set the graphical panel font si#e to accommodate your monitor resolution.
0inimum element si-e 'pi;el(

The minimum si#e in pi'el an element must have to appear into vie" ,notice that only relevant items appear into vie" not everything. This avoids display cluttering..
:lement proportions

If you like a more hori#ontal or vertical layout for elements play "ith this setting. SpaceSniffer features a layout algorithm that tries to keep elements to the specified proportion. 4ny"ay it$s not al"ays possi!le due to vie" space constraints.
<nitial !etail le%el

This is the initial detail level used !y ne" vie"s "hen they$re created. 4fter creation each vie" can !e configured independently "ith its o"n detail level as preferred.
Sho& ree space

If set auto activates the ASho) (ree spaceB option on ne" vie"s.
Sho& unkno&n space

If set auto activates ASho) 5n'no)n spaceB option on ne" vie"s.

Sort items

If set items are graphically sorted !y si#e so you can easy see "hat$s !ig. 8igger element "ill !e placed near the top left edge letting smaller elements to the !ottom right edge.

1.2 - Animation ta*

=oom animation !uration

5ontrols ho" long the #oom effect takes. The #oom effect is useful to make it clear "here
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you are heading "hen digging into folders.


/ynamic #oom animates elements layout as long as the #oom animation goes on. It needs more 59U po"er !ut looks !etter ,IML<.. Standard #oom effect simply "orks "ith a precomputed screen shot that may also look nice and needs less 59U. It$s a matter of taste.
Animation smoothness

5ontrols the frame rate of the scan animation. Ligher the fre%uency the !etter and smoother the look !ut slo"er the scan. /efault is midK"ay. 4ny"ay consider that no screen update is done if no ne" information is gathered.

/ynamic smooth changes the frame rate accordingly to user interaction. If the user "orks "ith the mouse over the vie" the animation is kept at high frame rates ,the value is set !y the 4nimation smoothness parameter.. 0hen the user stops "orking on the vie" the frame rate decreases smoothly to the lo"est frame rate letting the scan progress s%uee#e more 59U po"er. /ynaSmooth lets you set the 4nimation smoothness to smoother levels "hile keeping really good scan performances. ?eep it acti$e to get a2i u per%or ance.
1.3 - 8eha%ior ta*
Scan Alternate 7ata Streams

)na!le 3T*S 4/S scanning. 4/S are :secondary hidden files: attached to normal files. This is a 3T*S feature that can !e used !y some applications to store au'iliary data related to the main file. Lo"ever 4/S can !e used also !y viruses !ecause not all virus scanner are a!le to e'amine them. 0hen you turn on this option the scan goes slo"er so use it only if needed.
3lash &in!o& a ter scan i hi!!en

If you start a scan and minimi#e the "indo" at scan end then the "indo" "ill flash in the task !ar to "arn you.
>eep element tooltip open on change

0hen active and tooltip is visi!le if the mouse moves to another element the tooltip keeps visi!le and its content changes. 0hen inactive and the tooltip is visi!le a mouse movement to another element hides the tooltip. Then you need to "ait a moment for it to !e visi!le again.
Sho& ile !ate an! time

4ctivates creation/modi(6/access dates ,:dd/mm/yyyy: or "hatever your <.S. date format is used. visuali#ation in the tooltip ,only for files..

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Sho& ile age

4ctivates creation/modi(6/access ages ,:1 year ; months:. visuali#ation in the tooltip ,only for files..
Popup log console on e%ent

If a relevant event happens the log console "ill popup. &ou can also open the log console from the main "indo" drop do"n menu.
/og scan &arnings

8y ena!ling this option you tell Space Sniffer to log events "hen it cannot scan a folder or a file due to any reason.
1.4 - /ook ta*
/e%el contrast

This setting lets you choose from a completely :flat: color scheme to a :deep vie": color scheme. +ight levels are controlled !y the nesting.
8or!er contrast

Makes elements !orders more or less noticea!le. This lets you to vary from a :gummy: look to a :hard edge: look.
?ighlight halo le%els

0hen the mouse hovers on an element this is highlighted. 4s the the halo levels setting increase more parent elements are affected !y the highlighting. If you e'aggerate the effect can !e pretty psychedelic.
0ouse ho%er

Lighlights the element under the mouse pointer.

7rop sha!o&

Selected element "ill drop a shado" to make it easy to visually track e'pecially during the scan process.
0ouse trail

+eaves an highlight trail on elements "hen mouse moves. This can !e annoying to some users. In case deactivate.
1.# - St"les ta*

This ta! contains more ta!s one for each availa!le visuali#ation style. &ou can define the default style to !e used at each ne" vie". 0hen a vie" is opened you can control the style from the tool!ar.
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3lat 4olors ta*

Lere you can specify your preferred color for the drive (o0der (i0e (ree space and 5n'no)n space entities. Those are the !ase colors !ut they "ill !e darkened to sho" nesting accordingly to the +evel 5ontrast parameter.
3ile 4lasses ta*

Lere you can define as many file classes as you "ish. )ach file class has a description and a list of file e'tensions ,separated !y the :;: char.. *inally there is a co0or. 0hen you use the *ile 5lasses style matching files are displayed "ith the !elonging class color. If the same file e'tension e'ists in more than one class the choosed color is the color of the first matching class. This style can help to understand the file type distri!ution on the analy#ed media !ut it can also clutter the vie" "ith too many colors. Lence it can !e easily turned on/off directly from the tool!ar.

5. The :;port 0o!ule

The e'port module is useful "hen you need to produce a file report of the current filtered #oomed vie". This means that only files starting at the current #oom level and sho"n !y the filter rules are considered for the output. The report is outputted on file and its layout can !e configured. &ou can range from a simple te't file to a more comple' LTM+ file for e'ample. The e'port procedure is as follo"s( *irst of all you isolate the files that you "ant to report !y navigating and filtering the media structure. Then you activate the e'port module !y /i0e/Export menu command. The e'port "indo" displays. Then you can choose an e'port configuration from the drop do"n list. Some !uiltKin configurations are provided for your convenience. 4fter choosing the e'port configuration the previe" panel "ill display a short previe" of the output. 3otice that only the first files are considered for the previe" production so the previe" "ill likely sho" a partial result. 8y pressing the e'port !utton on the tool !ar you start the e'port procedure. odule is con%igura!le. .ou can custo ize it !y adding ore

Hint: (he e2port

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con%igurations and !y custo izing the with the !uilt-in e2port language. *lease e2peri ent) it ay !e ore %unny than you can think9

16. :;port 4ustomi-ation

The SpaceSniffer e'port module is capa!le of producing te'tual reports. The e'port engine is customi#a!le and lets you store many e'port configurations one for each specific need. 0hen the e'port module is first sho"n in a SpaceSniffer "ork session it is in Ar5n timeB mode. This means that it$s hiding all its comple'ity and tries to appear as simple as possi!le to the user. This is the default !ehavior and all users e'cept "ho "ants to customi#e the e'port configuration should use this mode. To enter customi#ation mode you need to click the small "rench icon ne't the configuration drop do"n list. Then the A design timeB mode is engaged. If you press again the "rench icon you s"itch !ack to r5n time mode. The design time mode sho"s more icons on the upper tool !ar and a ne" design section in the middle of the "indo". This section is splitted in many parts each one reacha!le !y its o"n ta!. This is "here you customi#e your configuration. The first ta! contains glo!al informations a!out the e'port configuration. The follo"ing ta!s contain the e'port configuration itself. There is a ta! for the header a ta! for the detai0 and a ta! for the (ooter.
16.1 - The glo*al in ormation panel

This panel contains glo!al information a!out the current configuration. &ou can specify the preferred (i0e name and extension ,there is a synta' to correctly define the file e'tension please have a look directly at the e'ample in the panel.. &ou can also specify the primary and secondary sorting(
8lock sorting

It$s the primary sorting "here you specify if for each folder you "ant listed first all su! folders first all contained files or if you don$t care.

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3ine sorting

It$s the secondary sorting "here you specify ho" to sort folders and files. If you don$t care you can specify here. The descending check !o' is used to invert the sorting.
The hea!er@ !etail@ ooter panels

4ll these three panels "ork the same. The header is used to define a report header the footer to define a report footer and the detail is used for each folder or file to !e e'ported. The only difference !et"een the three panels is that for header and footer panels only the information of the root container is availa!le ,consider the root as the currently #oomed element in the active vie".. +et$s no" consider the detail panel. There is a small te't editor "here you can type the te't that "ill !e e'ported to file. If you type simple te't this "ill !e e'ported asKis "ithout modifications. )ven ta!s and ne"lines are considered for the e'port. 0hen you type something the previe" panel reflects your changes. Typing simple te't is !oring. 0hat "e "ant is to e'port file and folder data. Lere "e introduce the t"o main elements of the scripting engine( !ags( a tag is a key"ord surrounded !y <> and >>. *or e'ample <>path>>. 0hen you type a tag into a script it is e'panded "ith the corresponding value of the folder or file. There are lots of tags 7ust e'plore all of them !y right clicking the mouse over the script editor. 4 popup menu "ill appear listing all tags !y category. ommands( "hile tags contain te'tual information a!out the e'ported element command are used to adapt the output to your needs. 5ommands are al"ays enclosed in ?-@ chars. There are commands for formatting for testing and so on. &ou can find all availa!le commands !y right clicking the mouse on the script editor.

Hint: .ou ay notice that e$erything you type is e2ported. 'o you cannot indent your code !ecause the indentation will !e e2ported. (his ode is suited %or $ery si ple scripts !ut when you need to indent your code you need to switch to the HscriptI ode) !y inserting the 6script7 co and at the start o% the script. (his co and will disa!le the e2porting o% ta!s and newlines. #t this point) i% you really need to e2port a ta! or a newline) you ust use the 68tab7 and 68br7 co ands. (hese co ands work also in si ple ode) they 1ust i2 with nor al ta!s and newlines. Hint: Co ands can !e nested to get the desired result.

This is a really short introduction to the scripting engine. Lope this is useful to introduce you to the e'port customi#ation. 3o" let$s e'periment ha$e %un2

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11. 4omman! Prompt

&ou can start SpaceSniffer also through the command prompt. SpaceSniffer can understand some parameters commands. To vie" all the possi!ilities you can type in a command prompt( SpaceSni((er.exe he0p <r you can choose the A ommand 0ine he0pB in the A+bo5tB menu of the main "indo".
11.1 - Scan an! ilter comman!s

+et$s e'plain ho" to drive SpaceSniffer through parameters( SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\ "ill start a single scan on drive c(M SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\;d7\ "ill start t"o scan vie"s on respective paths. SpaceSni((er.exe scan Ac7\Program /i0es;c7\Bindo)sC you can type also a complete path 7ust consider that if the path contains spaces all the compound paths parameter must !e surrounded "ith AC chars. SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\ (i0ter *.jpg;*.gi( the filter command "ill apply to the previous scan command. So this "ill scan the c(M drive for @9)Ns and NI*s.
SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\ (i0ter *.jpg scan d7\;e7\ (i0ter *.gi(;>1=='b

got the ideaO

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11.2 - :;port comman!

It is possi!le to automatically e'port scan result at the end of the scan operation.
SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\ (i0ter *.jpg export 3Dro5ped b6 (o0der3 c7\export.txt

&ou can automatically e'port a vie" !y using the export command. The export command needs t"o parameters( an e'port configuration name and a destination file name. Note: (he e2port con%iguration na e is si ply the na e you gi$e to an e2port con%iguration as seen in the e2port dialog. 0% e2port na e or the %ile path contain spaces) you need to enclose the with dou!le Auotes) respecti$ely. Hint: .ou can speci%y zero or ore export co eans that you can start two scans and e2port the (he !eha$ior is si ilar to /i ter co and. ands %or each scan co and. (his with two di%%erent e2port co ands.

Hint: 0% you want to e2port the sa e scan with two di%%erent export co ands) please speci%y the scan co and twice on the sa e path. (he s art cache engine will scan the path once 3!ut produce two scan $iews) each with a di%%erent export co and attached to the 4. Note: the e2port phase will auto atically !egin at the end o% all scan operations. #ll e2port operations are serialized to a$oid disk trashing. 0% the user cancels a scan operation or an e2port operation) all re aining e2ports will !e a!orted.
SpaceSni((er.exe scan c7\ export 3Dro5ped b6 (o0der3 c7\export.txt a5toc0ose

8y specifying the a5toc0ose command SpaceSniffer "ill terminate itself after all e'port operations are finished. Note: 0% there is no e2port co and or the user cancels a scan or an e2port operation) the autoclose co and will !e ignored.

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12. 3inal $otes

12.1 - 3ile han!ling

SpaceSniffer algorithms "orks in read only mode. It is possi!le to access the 0indo"s )'plorer popup menu for a folder or a file !y right mouse clicking on a vie" element. So if you delete a file it$s !ecause you deleted it through 0indo"s )'plorer functions not SpaceSniffer$s. The only e'ception is "hen SpaceSniffer saves the configuration into his configuration 6M+ file. If it$s possi!le to save then it "ill !e done. <n the contrary no saving is performed and the program %uietly accepts the fact ,you "ill not !e a!le to persist your customi#ations..
12.2 - Pri%ilege reAuest

0henever possi!le SpaceSniffer tries to get the 8ackup <perator privilege that gives the possi!ility to e'amine protected folders. If the application can o!tain this right or not depends on your privileges in the <.S. If it$s not possi!le to get this privilege the application still "orks !ut you$ll pro!a!ly notice that some unkno"n space "ill stay in the "ay also after the end of the scan process.
12.3 - 3ile s"stem e%ents

SpaceSniffer listens to file system events so it can reflect changes made outside of the application. This feature may not !e supported depending on the <.S. and media type.
12.4 - <nternet connection

SpaceSniffer plays polite. It "ill never attempt to connect to the internet !y itself. The only e'ceptions are the : hec' (or 5pdate: option that "ill open the do"nload page letting you check if a ne" version has !een released the AS5pport this projectEB option that "ill open the donation page in your default !ro"ser and the A+bo5t *oxB that contains a link to A))).5der4o.itB. So if SpaceSniffer connects to the internet it$s !ecause you told it to do so.
12.# - 4ompati*ilit"

SpaceSniffer has !een tested on 0indo"s 2000 S9=/69/Pista/C ,;2/?=!it. systems. 5urrently SpaceSniffer code is ;2 !it !ut "hen runned under a ?= !it environment it asks to the <.S. the permission to e'amine also the ?= !it <.S. folders so the result is correct even under ?= !it systems.
12., - 4ontact in os

If you "ant to contact me for information or to su!mit hints or !ug reports please "rite to in( and specify the key"ord spacesni((er in the mail su!7ect. 1emem!er to specify the key"ord or your mail could !e !locked !y the antispam filter.
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SpaceSniffer User Manual

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12.. - Please supportB

If you feel this soft"are comes handy to you please consider donating to the pro7ect. 8y donating you sho" me your appreciation and encourage further product development. &ou can do so on the donation internet page !y choosing the donation tool !ar !utton or the AS5pport this projectEB option in the help menu. Thank you for your support.
Copyright 2007-2012 Uderzo U !erto) please read the -isclai er

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