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Radius, Diameter and Circumference

The Radius is the distance from the center to the edge. The Diameter starts at one side of the circle, goes through the center and ends on the other side. The Circumference is the distance around the edge of the circle. And here is the really cool thing: When you divide the circumference by the diameter you get 3.14159 !54... "hich is the number # $%i&

'o "hen the diameter is 1, the circumference is 3.14159 !54...

We can say: (ircumference ) * +iameter

Example: You walk around a circle which has a diameter of 100m, how far have ou walked!

+istance "al,ed ) (ircumference ) # * 1--m ) "1#m $to the nearest m&

Also note that the +iameter is t"ice the .adius: +iameter ) And so this is also true: (ircumference ) * * .adius * .adius

The length of the "ords may hel/ you remember:

Radius is the shortest "ord Diameter is longer $and is * .adius& Circumference is the longest $and is # * +iameter&

The circle is a /lane sha/e $t"o dimensional&: And the definition of a circle is: The set of all /oints on a /lane that are a fi0ed distance from a center.

Terminology Arc: any connected /art of the circle. (entre: the /oint e1uidistant from the /oints on the circle. (hord: a line segment "hose end/oints lie on the circle. (ircular sector: a region bounded by t"o radii and an arc lying bet"een the radii. (ircular segment: a region, not containing the centre, bounded by a chord and an arc lying bet"een the chord2s end/oints. (ircumference: the length of one circuit along the circle. +iameter: a line segment "hose end/oints lie on the circle and "hich /asses through the centre3 or the length of such a line segment, "hich is the largest distance bet"een any t"o /oints on the circle. 4t is a s/ecial case of a chord, namely the longest chord, and it is t"ice the radius. %assant: a co/lanar straight line that does not touch the circle. .adius: a line segment 5oining the centre of the circle to any /oint on the circle itself3 or the length of such a segment, "hich is half a diameter. 'ecant: an e0tended chord, a co/lanar straight line cutting the circle at t"o /oints. 'emicircle: a region bounded by a diameter and an arc lying bet"een the diameter2s end/oints. 4t is a s/ecial case of a circular segment, namely the largest one. Tangent: a co/lanar straight line that touches the circle at a single /oint.

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