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Unit 2 Preview Sheet 2009-2010

Unit 2 Preview Sheet 2009-2010 DUE: Tuesday, 9/22/2009

Identify: tell what, how, and why important

1. French and Indian War

2. Pontiac’s Rebellion
3. Proclamation of 1763
4. Sugar Act – 1764
5. Quartering Act – 1765
6. Stamp Act – 1765
7. Stamp Act Congress
8. Non-importation agreements
9. Declaratory Act – 1766
10. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
11. Townshend Acts – 1767
12. writs of assistance
13. Boston Massacre – 1770
14. Committees of Correspondence
15. Gaspee
16. Tea Act – 1773
17. Boston Tea Party – 1773
18. Coercive Acts – 1774
19. Quebec Act – 1774
20. 1st Continental Congress

Unit 2 Preview Sheet 2009-2010

Unit 2 Preview Sheet 2009-2010 DUE: Tuesday, 9/22/2009
Identify: tell what, how, and why important

1. French and Indian War

2. Pontiac’s Rebellion
3. Proclamation of 1763
4. Sugar Act – 1764
5. Quartering Act – 1765
6. Stamp Act – 1765
7. Stamp Act Congress
8. Non-importation agreements
9. Declaratory Act – 1766
10. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
11. Townshend Acts – 1767
12. writs of assistance
13. Boston Massacre – 1770
14. Committees of Correspondence
15. Gaspee
16. Tea Act – 1773
17. Boston Tea Party – 1773
18. Coercive Acts – 1774
19. Quebec Act – 1774
20. 1st Continental Congress

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