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In the next few days the US Pentagon will be sending a dozen F-22 Raptors to Japan to help start WW3

as !i"#ly as possible$ %his is be"a!se the US has not been able to generate eno!gh &obs for its "itizens espe"ially its yo!ths despite so 'ery (assi'e and prolonged (anip!lation of the sto"# (ar#ets) the global "o((odities (ar#ets) bonds) "!rren"ies and also gold$ %he only way o!t of this extre(ely sti"#y sit!ation is war$ War s!itably prose"!ted by the (ighty US war (a"hine in other people*s ba"#yards$ %he Raptors assigned to Japan will be based at +adena air base on ,#inawa Island whi"h already hosts h!ndreds of other US air"raft$ -i'ilians on ,#inawa are already in"ensed at the h!ge US (ilitary presen"e on their t!rf and s!rely will not wel"o(e the extra Raptors$ .!t the US Pentagon has always gi'en short shrift to the ,#inawans as igniting a new "onfli"t in the Pa"ifi" is always far (ore i(portant$ F-22 Raptors ha'e been sent to Japan /and So!th +orea0 before) b!t this latest (o'e by the US Pentagon "o(es after the &apanese fas"ist go'ern(ent anno!n"ed its plan to register all lands seized d!ring warti(e aggression as per(anent national possessions$

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