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My Narrative Story Rubric Could Be Better (Not Yet) Beginning

Boring beginning with no sound, action, dialogue, or thought/question.

Name: ___________________________ OK (Approaching)

I started with a sound, action, dialogue, or thought/question, but its kind of boring.

Good (Meeting)

Amazing! (Exceling)
I started with a sound, action, dialogue, or thought/question, and it is very exciting and works really well. I have 3-4 smaller events with lots of details. It makes sense how things get put together. I have a problem that is solved in an exciting way. It fits great in the story and makes a lot of sense. I used 5 things in my ending. My character goes through an obvious change and the story clearly ended without me telling people. I have no spelling, punctuation, or capital errors. My writing is very neat and clear. I used higher level, interesting words.

Middle (Building Action)

I dont have any smaller events. I have no details. It doesnt make sense.

Main Problem

I dont have a problem or its not solved. I havent used any of the 5 things in my ending. My character doesnt change. Its hard to tell the story is finished. I wrote The End. I have lots of spelling, punctuation, and capital errors. My words are boring.



I started with a sound, action, dialogue, or thought/question, and it is only a little exciting, but works pretty good. I have 2-3 smaller events I have 1 or 2 smaller and good detail. It events, but need better makes sense but there details. A little choppy. are things that could be explained a little better. I have a problem but its I have a problem that is unclear how it is solved solved. It could be more or solved in a boring exciting. It fits pretty way. It might not fit well good in the story but in the story. might be a little choppy. Ive used only 1-3 things I used 3-4 things in my in my ending. My ending. My character character has a small goes through a change. Its still a bit noticeable change and hard to tell when the the story seems to end at story is over. the right time. I have only a couple I have some spelling, spelling, punctuation, or punctuation, and capital capital errors. My errors but they dont writing is very clear. I make it hard to read. I carefully chose my used normal words. words.

My Narrative Story Checklist

Name:____________________________ Story Title: ___________________________________________________ Yes No Unclear Beginning I have a good beginning that uses a sound, action, dialogue or thought/question. My beginning is interesting My beginning is related to the story. I introduce my main character. I give good details so that the reader has a clear picture of what my character is like. Middle (Building Action) I have a first small event that is exciting. I give detail about my first small event. My first small event makes sense. My first event leads into my next event in a way that makes sense. I have a second small event that is exciting. I give detail about my second small event. My second small event makes sense. My second event leads into my next event in a way that makes sense. I have a third small event that is exciting. I give detail about my third small event. My third small event makes sense. My third event leads into my next event in a way that makes sense. Main Problem I have an exciting BIG event (main problem). I give lots of detail about my main problem. My problem is solved in an interesting and exciting way. My character shows change after this event. Ending I have used a memory in my ending I have used a feeling in my ending I have used a decision in my ending I have used a hope or wish in my ending I have used a action in my ending My end is clear. I dont have to write The End. Editing My writing is neat (Well spaced, easy to read, proper letters, no eraser marks). I have corrected all my spelling mistakes I have corrected all my capitals I have corrected all my punctuation I have used interesting words whenever I can. I have re-read my story. I am happy with my story. It is my best piece of work.



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