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,re ,ractic*m 1 4 (esson emplate

Name: _______Daltrey Abney_____________ School: ____Winship Elementary_______ Date: _______10/15/11_________

Grade: _______5th________

Starting and Ending ime: _!:!5___ to _!:50___

"#E$#%EW "& 'E (ESS"N ")erarching Goal: How do you see this lesson fitting into the big picture of the students long-term learning? Student will use comprehension skills to build understanding of setting, characters, and vocabulary !" # $ Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text (e.g., a characters thoughts, words, or actions).

%nstr*ctional "b+ecti)e: %y the end of the lesson, &'( what concept, information, skill, or strategy will the student&s( learn and &)( how will they demonstrate that knowledge? S*%+, use background knowledge along with reading comprehension to fill out a character, setting, and vocabulary worksheet !" # $ Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text
(e.g., a characters thoughts, words, or actions).

!" # ' Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.

(ang*age "b+ecti)e': %y the end of the lesson, &'( what language, relating to the lesson and lesson content, will the student&s( know or learn, and &)( how will they demonstrate that knowledge? S*%+, identify the meaning of he words rife, perished, engulfed, e-ecutioner, and e-ecutor on a matching worksheet


,lease re-er to any read alo*d training materials .elementary/0 academic lang*age training materials .secondary/0 or any other co*rse materials -or decisions regarding 1hich tiers o- )ocab*lary to teach yo*r st*dent.s/2 ,lease note that these materials can help yo* to de)elop 1ell3in-ormed planning habits that support the effective teaching of language and lang*age concepts to all st*dents2
!evised .une )/'' +koury01alley


Assessment: *hat specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met the two types of ob2ectives? Assessment of the instructional objective3 4nformal0on-going assessment will occur through stopping to ask student what characters have been introduced so far and to clarify the setting ,he chart they fill out will be an assessment of their ability to use background knowledge and e-amples from the book to describe characters and setting 5haracter descriptions should include both physical and personality attributes given in the te-t ,he also should include inferences made about the character based on their actions Setting descriptions should include time and a complete description of the place, &ie3 a rainy day in '677 in an old mansion with big windows, scary statues etc8( Assessment of the language objective3 4nformal assessment will occur throughout the story as vocabulary words present themselves in the te-t ,he teacher should ask the student again what the word means and what the sentence means ,he student will also match the words and their definitions on a worksheet at the conclusion of the lesson

5ontent: *hat are the specific details of the lessons content knowledge? ,he student will be reading The Bad Beginning, the first book in The Series of Unfortunate Events. ,o understand the basic concept of the book, students should be aware of what an unfortunate event is, and what it means to be an orphan

,$"5ED6$ES &"$ 'E (ESS"N 4n this section, provide specific directions, e-planations, rationales, 9uestions, potential vignettes0scenarios, strategies0methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow someone else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson ob2ectives "pening &:#-;: minutes 2(: How will you introduce the instructional ob2ective to the student&s(, pre-teach0 preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage with the lesson content? +sk what the student thinks the story will be about, or if s0he has seen the movie, ask what they remember +sk the student for an e-ample of an unfortunate event Show student the vocabulary cards <-plain the worksheet that they will be filling out during and after the story

Planning Tip: o -acilitate the pacing o- yo*r lesson0 try to estimate .and then 1rite do1n/ the n*mber omin*tes -or each section
!evised .une )/'' +koury01alley

D*ring (esson &:'#: minutes(: How will you direct, guide, and0or facilitate the learning process to support the student&s( in working toward meeting the instructional ob2ectives? =age ' Stop after each character so that the student can record their names Stop at the following words to make sure the student knows them3 charming, resourceful, misfortune, misery, despair Highlight the vocabulary word rife =age ) !ead through the description of >iolet slowly so that the student fill out the worksheet =age $ !ead through the description of ?laus slowly so that the student fill out the worksheet =age 7 =age # Stop at the following words to make sure the student knows them3 Striding =age @ Highlight the vocabulary word perished =age 6 Highlight the vocabulary words engulfed, e-ecutioner, and e-ecutor !ead through the description of Sunny slowly so that the student fill out the worksheet Stop at the following words to make sure the student knows them3 unintelligible

5losing &:'/: minutes(: How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review and determine what students have learned? Have the student complete the worksheet and ask for predictions of what will happen ne-t

&%NA( DE A%(S "& 'E (ESS"N

!evised .une )/'' +koury01alley

5lassroom 7anagement: 4f teaching a small group, how will you use classroom routines, support appropriate behavior, and0or handle behavioral issues? Aive one e-ample

7aterials: *hat are the materials that you will need to organiBe, prepare, and0or try-out before teaching the lesson? The Bad Beginning by "emony Snicket 5haracter, setting, and vocabulary worksheet

&ollo13*p: How will you and0or your 5, reinforce the learning at a later time so that the student&s( continue to work toward the lessons overarching goal? 5ontinue reading the story to develop the characters and encourage the use of new vocabularies

!evised .une )/'' +koury01alley

$E&(E5 %NG "N 'E (ESS"N These questions and prompts are to be used to guide the post-lesson evaluation and critique of yourself. Remember to look at the syllabus prompt as !ell "i.e. regarding the #PA$%. 12 What did the st*dents learn8 What e)idence do % ha)e to s*pport this claim8 Did the st*dents9 learning di--er someho1 -rom 1hat % 1as e:pecting8 E:plain2 !2 'o1 do % ;no1 that all o- the st*dents 1ere acti)ely engaged in the lesson8 What might % do to impro)e le)els o- engagement in the -*t*re8 <2 What 1ere some o- the 1ays % modi-ied the lesson to address the needs o- )ario*s st*dents in the class8 ,ro)ide speci-ic e:amples2 =2 Did % ha)e to modi-y my original lesson plan by ma;ing adaptations 1hile teaching8 %so0 e:plain2 52 What do % thin; 1ere the most and least e--ecti)e parts o- the lesson8 &or e:ample0 ho1 did the lesson materials and/or instr*ctional aids s*pport the lesson8 >2 What do % see as my teaching strengths in the lesson8 What areas o- my teaching need impro)ement or modi-ication8 ?2 Which parts o- the classroom management 1ere the most and/or least e--ecti)e8 Why8 'o1 might this lesson in-orm -*rther e:plorations o- classroom management8 @2 What is my goal -or the ne:t lesson8 What is one 1ay that my 5 or s*per)isor can s*pport me in attaining the goal8

!evised .une )/'' +koury01alley

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