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James Harbaugh


A. Stronglyocentrotus Purpuratus B. Class- Echinoidea Ph lum- Echinoderma!a "ingdom- Animalia C. Si#e$%id!h- &-'(cm Heigh!- ).)cm *. A++earance- Small, dee+ +ur+le in color. -ade u+ o. charac!eris!ic shar+ s+i/es !ha! ser0e !o aid !he animal in +ro!ec!ion and mo0emen!. E. 1he Pur+le Sea Urchin li0es in !he Li!!oral #one. 2. 1he are 3ell ada+!ed !o !his #one since !he are able !o be submerged .or mos! o. !he !ime. 4. 1he +ur+le sea urchin has a mou!h 3i!h .i0e !ee!h undernea!h i!s bod so i! can gra#e on /el+ 5ui!e easil . 6Herbi0ore7 H. Sea o!!ers8 sea s!ars8 3ol. eels8 !rigger.ish8 and o!her +reda!ors .eed on sea urchins. I. 1he urchins are mobile as adul!s. i. 1he mo0e !o #ones in 3hich !he can .ind .ood li/e algae and /el+. h!!+9$$$science$B$+eo+le$/amaral$SeaUrchins.h!ml h!!+9$$!$!reehouses$:!reehouse;id<)=='

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