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ueslgn, comforL, hlgh quallLy and envlronmenL frlendly maLerlals, deLalls Lo achleve your

securlLy and a dlsuncuve llfesLyle. MALS18C seems Lo be a bouuque houslng hoLel.

Spaclous lnLerlor areas, lndoor servlces, such as swlmmlng pools & solar deck, klds club,
Lelevlslon room.
Marble and deslgn memorable pleces of arL Lo challenge your senses.
luncuonallLy and hlgh quallLy equlpmenLs aL Lhe klLchen.
1he masLer sulLe ls an auLenuc 3 sLar hoLel room.
1he masLer sulLe ls an auLenuc 3 sLar hoLel room.
1he swlmmlng pools aL Lhe Lop of MALS18C.
1o en[oy all your lamlly and frlends.
Solar deck wlLh vlews for Lhe hllls and a blg publlc garden.
8lg lobby & lounge Lo welcome your lamlly & frlends.
A dlsuncuve llfesLyle sLarLs rlghL here.
MALS18C 8CllLL :
1 - 26 aparLmenLs - 7 one bed + 3 Lwo bed + 12 Lhree bed + 4 four bed.
2 - Average lnLerlor areas & prlces per Lypologle - one bed/74sqm/372 000t + Lwo bed/
114sqm/322 000t + Lhree bed/173sqm/826 000t + four bed/224sqm/1 062 000t.
3 - LxLerlor areas - mosL parL of Lhe aparLmenLs have blg verandas, balconles or garden.

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